//------------------------------// // Waters of Doom // Story: Total Chaos Island // by Starlight Fan //------------------------------// Discord: Last time on Total Chaos Island, the contestants had to stay awake the longest for their team, many alliances were formed, in the end Fluttershy was eliminated due to a blindside by Suri and Lightning Dust. Will any more Elements of Harmony be eliminated, will Tempest redeem herself for her actions, and will Spike ever stop kissing up to Rarity, find out here on Total Chaos Island. We then see Trixie, Starlight, and Spike at the campfire talking about their alliance. "Hey Spike, you wanted to see us." Starlight said. "Hey girls, I just wanted to know if Twilight and Rarity could join the alliance if she makes it to the merge?" Spike asked. Before Starlight could respond Trixie covered her mouth "Absolutely not, if we bring those two into our alliance they’ll drag the rest of their friends into it and then all of them will vote us out when we're the only ones left." Trixie objects. "Twilight wouldn't do that to us." Spike protested. "Oh really, those four friends of hers are always going to be her first priority, besides why would she keep two reformed villains and a mere assistant over her besties?" Trixie argues "And besides even if Twilight wouldn't want us gone can you really say the same for her friends." Starlight begins putting a hoof to her chin in thought. Confessional: Starlight: Twilight and the others wouldn't do that to us, would they? Trixie: I meant what I said, Twilight would choose her besties over us and it's time Starlight and Spike see that. Spike: Twilight and Rarity would never sell me out, I have been through a lot with those two, I doubt they would want to vote me out. Confessional Ends Soon all the campers were on the dock where Discord was waiting for them. “In this challenge you will all be swimming in the water and get me a golden necklace I have hidden underwater, whoever brings the golden necklace back to me first, wins.” Discord said. “Child’s play.” Tempest rolled her eyes. “But the catch is there will be an area with electric eels which will deliver painful shocks if you encounter them.” Discord said. “You’re insane.” Lyra said in shock. “Oh, am I, if you have a problem with this challenge I’m sure you will enjoy being eliminated.” Discord sneered. “Ugh fine, I’ll play.” Lyra rolls her eyes. “So on the count of three you will be swimming for the treasure, one, two, three.” Discord counts before every creature began diving in the water and began searching for the golden necklace. Twilight and Rarity began discussing as they were swimming. “I can’t believe Fluttershy got eliminated last night. She did nothing wrong.” Rarity said incredulously. “Me too, and now it looks like it could be one of us next, if we lose, that cannot happen.” Twilight said. Meanwhile Snips and Snails were searching underwater for the gold necklace but they needed air eventually so they rose up. “Did you find anything boys?” Suri asked. “Unfortunately no.” Snips said downtrodden. “Well you better not give up or one of us could go home.” Suri yelled. “Gah, yes Suri.” Snails said in fear before going back underwater. Confessional: Snails: Suri kinda scares me. Confessional Ends Sunburst was looking underwater for some gold when she accidentally bumped into something, he went back up to see that it was Spike. “Oh hey Spike, how’s it going?” Sunburst asked “You look down.” “Well I was just wondering if I have a chance with Rarity, I mean I’ve been thinking about telling her how I feel for quite some time but I’m pretty nervous.” Spike explained. “Spike, my advice is that you should just tell her when you feel your ready. Who knows she might actually feel the same way.” Sunburst said happily. Spike began putting a finger up to his chin in thought. Soon Applebloom and Sweetie Belle began swimming through the ocean together until they found the gold necklace. “I found the necklace.” Applebloom yelled with delight to Sweetie Belle catching the attention of almost everyone. Confessional: Applebloom: That may not have been my smartest moment. Confessional Ends “Quickly get the gold.” Suri called out to her team. Lightning Dust soon began swimming for the necklace, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle began swimming away but Lightning Dust was quicker and used her mouth to grab the gold and softly pushed Applebloom away from the gold necklace making Applebloom drop it. Lightning Dust began swimming back to the shore but Gilda tackles her as the two began wrestling for it. Some eels showed up and began shocking both Lightning Dust and Gilda. “Yeeeow.” Lightning Dust squealed making her throw the gold necklace backwards to which Spike caught. Spike began swimming with the gold necklace in tow but he soon found himself surrounded by Suri, Snips, and Snails. “Hand over the gold and no one gets hurt.” Suri threatened. “Never.” Spike glared. “Fine then you leave me no choice.” Suri said before she jumped at Spike grabbing the necklace with her mouth, the two began fighting for the necklace to which both refused to let go. Snips soon bit Spike’s tail making him recoil in pain making him let go of the gold necklace Suri then swam to the shore with the gold necklace, with Rainbow Dash not so far behind she was about to catch up with Suri until Suri made it to the shore. “Well it looks like the Powerful Parasprites win.” Discord announced. “Aw nuts.” Rainbow Dash groaned. Soon Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash began having an alliance meeting. “So who are we gonna vote off?” Applejack asked “I think it should be Grubber, he ain’t the strongest creature on our team plus we gotta save Applebloom somehow.” “We might not be able to convince anyone to vote him off, you might not like this guys but I think we’re gonna have to vote off Spike.” Rainbow Dash said with hesitance. “What?! But why Spike?!” Pinkie Pie asked incredulously “He’s our friend.” “I know it’s just he also screwed up, and he’s not really that strong, I mean he totally kinda cost our team the challenge and it might be easier to convince some creatures to vote him off.” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh. “I guess you’re right.” Applejack sighed. “What? But guys-“ Pinkie Pie began before Applejack interrupted her. “I know sugarcube but Spike did screw up and while he may be our friend he has to go.” Applejack said. Pinkie Pie sighed knowing she wasn’t gonna be able to save Spike. “Then it’s settled I’ll go see if I can get anypony to vote him off.” Rainbow Dash said. “I’ll go talk to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.” Applejack said. Confessional: Rainbow Dash: Do I feel bad, kinda, but Spike has been dragging us down plus Applebloom probably was gonna get caught with the gold anyway and besides it is to help Applejack keep her sister in the game so it is a sacrifice we have to make. Confessional Ends Rainbow Dash began flying over to Gilda. “Hey Gilda.” Rainbow Dash said happily. “Hey Dash, what’s up?” Gilda returned the greeting. “Nothing much, listen, I think we should vote off Spike today, I mean he kinda cost the challenge by letting go of the gold.” Rainbow Dash explained “Plus Applebloom probably would’ve gotten caught with the gold anyway but Spike has no excuse.” “Hmm I’ll think about it.” Gilda said. “Thanks G.” Rainbow Dash said before flying off. Confessional: Rainbow Dash: That went well, but knowing Pinkie she might not vote with us so it’s always good to have some extra votes. Confessional Ends Rainbow Dash was then seen talking to Lyra. “So yeah what I’m saying is Spike should be the one to go tonight.” Rainbow Dash said. “Interesting, I’ll consider voting off Spike.” Lyra smiled. “Great.” Rainbow Dash said before flying off. Neither knew however Trixie was watching the whole thing, Trixie then began smirking to herself. Confessional: Trixie: Well well looks like I was right about Twilight’s friends. Pity for Spike, but good for me. Confessional Ends Trixie then saw Spike and Starlight at the cabins alone and ran in. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has something urgent to share.” Trixie said breathing in and out. “What is it Trixie?” Starlight asked. “Rainbow Dash has been rallying votes to get Spike out.” Trixie explained. “What?! That can’t be true, you’re lying.” Spike said worried. “Spike, we’re allies, why would I lie to you about your safety, apparently she’s trying to save Applebloom who just so happens to be Applejack’s sister.” Trixie said. “I gotta admit Trixie kinda has a point, she doesn’t really lie much ever since she’s been reformed.” Starlight admits with a sigh “Spike she’s probably right, I mean it is a game after all.” “I guess you might be right, so what do I do?” Spike asked. “Perhaps if somepony were able to rally the votes against Applebloom maybe Spike could be safe.” Trixie said looking at Starlight. “Oh, me I mean, okay.” Starlight said “What do you want me to say?” “Well here’s what I want you to do.” Trixie said before the screen cut to black. Soon all eleven Daring Dragons were seen at the campfire ceremony. “Greetings campers, go on and cast your votes this is sure to be interesting.” Discord smirked. Confessionals: Rainbow Dash:(Sighs) Sorry Spike. Applejack: Spike I hate to do this but it has to be you. Starlight: Sorry about this Applebloom. Spike: Applebloom. Pinkie Pie: I can’t vote for Spike or Applebloom. I vote for Grubber. Confessional Ends “I have ten marshmallows on my plate, but there are eleven of you if I call your name come up and get a marshmallow.” Discord said. “Lyra.” “Gilda.” “Starlight.” “Trixie.” “Applejack.” “Pinkie Pie.” “Rainbow Dash.” “Grubber.” “And... Sweetie Belle.” “Spike, you let go of the gold necklace allowing Suri to win the challenge, Applebloom you made a big mistake of yelling out that you got the necklace, the last marshmallow goes to...” ... ... ... ... “Spike.” Discord announced. “What in tarnation?!” Applejack said in shock. “Applebloom the dock of shame awaits.” Discord announced. “I understand, I screwed up. I should’ve never called out that I got the gold necklace, well I’ll see y’all later, I hope Applejack or one of my fellow Crusaders win.” Applebloom said before going to the dock of shame. Confessional: Trixie: Trixie was able to get Starlight to convince Lyra, Grubber, and Gilda to vote out Applebloom, I of course I knew my plan would work due to Applebloom also being a weak link in challenges and costing the challenge. Sorry Dashie next time don’t mess with my allies. Confessional Ends “Ooh sneaky, will Spike be furious at his friends for what they tried to do? Will Applebloom’s elimination affect Applejack’s and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders performance, find out right here on Total Chaos Island!” Discord said closing off the episode.