//------------------------------// // Trapped // Story: Trapped // by Fabulosity Personified //------------------------------// The knock on the door echoed through the boutique. Hoof on wood. No answer. The pony at the door raised a hoof to his head, lifting his hat to scratch at his mane. Damn dandruff, he thought, scowling, watching the flakes fall to the ground. It was strange that there was no answer. His enquires had informed him that the proprietor of the fashion boutique lived above the shop floor and he had assumed that so close to sunset she would have been in. Sighing, he knocked again, more loudly. Still no reply. Hearing the clop of hooves behind him he turned and addressed a yellow earth pony with a blueberry coloured mane. “Hey you! Is the lady who lives here at home? Do you know?” His voice was gruff, scratched by cigarettes and too much scotch. Things unheard of in Ponyville. Startled, the pony regarded him wide-eyed for a moment before replying, noting his frame, rather stocky for a pegasus, as well as his dirty, ruffled mane. “Yes, she should be in, Mr…?” “Fletch.” He would have added that really it was nopony’s business, but he didn’t suppose it mattered. Sizing up the pony before him, he added, “You’re certain?” “Yeah. I work across the street, and she’s been out once today, briefly. Haven’t seen her leave since.” So she was ignoring him. It wasn’t that surprising really. People often did once they knew what he wanted and the lengths he’d go to get it. Scowling again (it was his most common and useful expression), he drew himself up to full height and spoke loudly. She was probably eavesdropping, after all. “Well you just tell that pony that I was looking for her. Tell her that if she ever wants the name Rarity to be over a store in Canterlot, she’d better talk to me real soon. Otherwise she’s going to find that she’ll be a lot less successful in the future and that really would be a shame.” With a flap of his wings he took off, robbing the earth pony of any chance to reply or query his message. With a shrug, she turned and carried on towards her house. High in the boutique, a curtain twitched, almost as if somepony had been peeking through it, frightened of what she might see. *** “Morning, Twilight!” “Good morning, Pinkie. Are you busy?” “I have a few orders to get through, but nothing I can’t handle.” The kitchen of Sugarcube Corner was, predictably, a disaster area. Bags were torn open as though they’d participated in some bloody battle, spilling their entrails of flour across work surfaces. Bowls lay scattered around, filled with delicious mixtures, and the walls were covered with those same delicious mixtures. Despite the carnage, however, Pinkie did seem to have it all under control, and the kitchen was filled with the aroma of cakes and pastry. She really was a natural baker. Twilight briefly considered asking Pinkie how she had stumbled onto this profession; it had never come up in regular conversation. She decided against it. Knowing Pinkie such a discussion would be long and complicated, requiring brain cells that weren’t yet functional in Twilight’s head at this early hour. Instead she stuck with her original purpose. “I was just wondering if the ‘celebrate-a-week-in-Ponyville-without-a-disaster-happening’ party was still on for tonight.” Pinkie literally dropped everything, a wooden spoon falling with a hard clunk to the floor. She bounced over to where Twilight was standing and kept hopping up and down, completely distracted by any mention of a party. “Of course it is, Twilight, it’ll be the bestest party ever! I’ve got all the balloons and cake and streamers and balloons and did I already say balloons? I think I did, but balloons and I found a really cute sailor outfit for Gummy so he looks smart and…” Suddenly the bouncing ceased. “Twilight? Why are you asking?” Twilight gulped. “It’s just that… well, I have a report to write for Celestia on the variations to traditional quantum mechanics that friendship magic could perhaps reveal.” “So?” “And… It’s due tomorrow and…” “Twilight…” Pinkie’s voice was a low growl, completely juxtaposing her previously happy countenance. “I’ll need most of this evening to finish it.” Twilight finished meekly. “No! You can’t put work before friends. How are we supposed to party without you?” “Pinkie,” Twilight’s expression was soft, matching her tone, “That’s just the way it is. Sometimes there are things that can’t be put off.” Pinkie visibly deflated and all the anger went out of her when faced with Twilight’s serious-but-kind voice. “Oh. I see. It’s ok.” Twilight rubbed her eyes with a hoof and sighed. “I might, might, be able to pop round later in the evening though. If you think you can keep the party going until then of course,” she added slyly. Pinkie looked up, a grin beginning to spread over her face. “You promise? Pinkie Promise?” “I’ll try.” “Good enough.” Pinkie chucked herself at Twilight and hugged her tight. *** Twilight left the bakery, relieved that she’d somehow avoided Pinkie going thermo-nuclear. She hadn’t got far when a voice called her name. Spinning, she faced the yellow earth pony with the blueberry coloured mane who was addressing her. “Oh hi, River Beam. What can I do for you?” The pony was slightly out of breath, as if she’d been running to catch up to Twilight. “It’s Rarity. A pony came by looking for her yesterday and gave me a message for, but she won’t open the door. I’m certain she’s in there though.” Twilight frowned. That was certainly odd. Although that being said it was no reason to be as frantic as River Beam seemed to be. She was about to say so, when River continued. “I wouldn’t bother you, Twilight, really I wouldn’t, but I have to go out of town and the message sounded urgent. My mother is sick and the train to Fillydelphia leaves in fifteen minutes.” “Oh, I’m sorry. Yes I’ll pass on the message.” River smiled, clearly happy she wouldn’t have to try and find another of Rarity’s friends before she left. “Ok. It was a bit weird really. He was a big pegasus called Mr Fletch and he said to tell her that if she ever wanted the name Rarity to be over a store in Canterlot, she’d better talk to him. Otherwise she’d find that she’d be less successful in the future.” The two ponies exchanged goodbyes and Twilight wished River’s mother a speedy recovery, then the two parted. The unicorn’s face was a mask of concern. Who was that pegasus? River had called him “big”. Some sort of hired muscle? The message certainly sounded like a threat and she trusted River to have been accurate. What exactly had Rarity become involved in? *** Twilight knocked on the door of the boutique. There was no reply. Twilight wasn’t so easily deterred, however. After hearing River’s theory that Rarity had ignored her, Twilight knew that there was a possibility that the same was happening to her. “Rarity?” she called out. No answer. She studied the windows of the boutique. Curtains drawn, even though it was now almost noon and maybe… was that the shadow of a pony behind one? Sweetie was out; Twilight had seen her with the other Crusaders, dressed up like various classic detectives from literature. Well, there was certainly a mystery to be solved here. “Oh for the love of Celestia! Rarity! Come out here now or I will break your door down!” It was a bluff, of course, but Twilight had read about situations akin to this before and felt this was the right thing to do to illicit a response. Of course, she could have simply teleported inside, but somehow that felt more invasive than smashing a door. Twilight waited. The sunshine warmed her back, and birdsong filled the air, undisturbed by any breeze. Still she waited. Then, slowly, reluctantly, the door swung open. “Rarity? I-” Twilight was cut short as she was yanked inside by a purple blanket of levitation magic. The door slammed shut behind her. Twilight faced her fellow unicorn and friend Rarity. Usually so prim and pristinely groomed, Rarity’s mane was frazzled and unkempt. Stress pulled at her eyes, the skin around them taut and strained. Twilight got a distinct feeling of déjà vu as she was reminded of the kitchen at Sugarcube Corner; mess and chaos personified. There was none of the organisation here though. “Rarity, what’s wrong? What’s been going on? I’ve heard some things from River Beam about-” Rarity raised a tired hoof. “It’s a long story, dear. It might be best if I explained over tea.” *** “It all started a few weeks ago. It was in the aftermath of the wedding and everyone was so happy. Remember Princess Cadence’s dress? So pretty; the stitching-” “Focus please, Rarity.” Twilight scolded, but smiled despite herself, pleased that even bothered and stressed Rarity still had hold of her love of fashion. “I’m sorry, Twilight. Where was I?” She levitated the pot of tea and poured it into the delicate china cups that she favoured. Steam rose and Rarity breathed in the aroma deeply. The smell seemed to calm her. “So yes. After the wedding everypony stayed in Canterlot for a few days, as you’ll remember, and we celebrated. Princess Celestia had kept the next few days designated as public holidays and there were street parties, which were oddly informal considering the nature of those attending. “Anyway, you’d gone to the castle to see the Princess and the rest of the gang had gone off somewhere while I was mingling. One has to put oneself about when presented the opportunity. “Fancy Pants introduced me to this pegasus fellow. I don’t think he really knew him. Certainly he wasn’t connected to him. He called himself Fletch. He was a bit of a brute to be honest, but he seemed reasonably polite. Fancy Pants had moved on and left us talking and I found out that Fletch was interested in the fashion business.” Twilight was surprised. “I was expecting something shadier.” Rarity snorted with derision. “Oh, it was shady as it turned out. He was a supplier to the star designers of Canterlot fashion boutiques. Delightfully well connected. He provided them with rare materials that nobody else could. I was naïve and, quite frankly, I was stupid. He said he’d seen a show of mine and knew talent when he saw it and that he could take me to the next level. He…” Rarity faltered. “He told me that he could get me dragon scales.” Twilight inhaled sharply, but remained silent. “They’re frightfully rare, but they can be breathtakingly beautiful. A few dresses with dragon scales on and I’d be made. A boutique in Canterlot perhaps, all my dreams realised. I asked him if he could get them legally. ‘Oh, they certainly can be gotten legally. Definitely. It’s a possibility. Perhaps.’” Rarity laughed wistfully. “Well, I wasn’t stupid. I’ve tried to get scales before and they’re far too rare and expensive. Dragons have to voluntarily give them up and you’ve seen first-hand how unlikely that is. The trade is heavily regulated too, so I’d have needed documentation to put them on dresses. He said his contacts could sort that out, but it was obvious that he was most definitely not getting them legally.” “And you still took him up on his offer.” The white unicorn hesitated and lowered her gaze, taking a sip of her tea as she did so. “I did. I’m not proud, but I did. I planned the dresses, even organised a fashion show in preparation and then…” “You got cold feet.” Rarity looked up sharply. The disapproval and disappointment was plain in Twilight’s voice. Twilight shook her head and continued. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Why else would this Fletch be putting pressure on you?” Rarity swallowed and then continued. “I knew it wasn’t legal. The only way he could be getting them and selling them so cheaply meant that he was getting them in large quantities which meant he was getting them by…” She paused and swallowed. “…Killing the dragons and taking them. I went to bed that night and I knew I couldn’t do it. It was wrong and it was illegal. I had Sweetie to think about. I’d made an order and arranged to meet him. Fletch came round to sort it out and I told him I didn’t want them any more. “Then he… he blackmailed me. He had my name and signature on the order, said he could hand it into the guards and it wouldn’t be traced back to him. I had to keep buying the goods and keep making the dresses. Even if I wriggled out of any charges about the scales, he was well connected enough to keep me out of Canterlot forever. I assume he’s got a similar racket and system of blackmail going with several boutiques and people in high places. “I refused. I didn’t think he’d hand me over to the authorities as long as I could make him money, but I think he’s losing patience.” She looked up and met Twilight’s eyes, her own swimming with tears. “Are you terribly angry at me, Twilight?” Twilight sighed and drained her cup. “You were foalish. Really, Rarity what you did was terribly...” She refrained from saying ‘stupid’. “Regardless, we’re your friends. You should have told us so we could help.” “Oh, Twilight. I don’t think there’s anything you can do.” Rarity’s voice cracked and the tears began to fall. Twilight stood and nuzzled her. “Shh, Rarity. It’ll be all right. Trust me. Trust your friends.” Rarity took a deep breath and composed herself. “I do.” *** Fletch was annoyed. He’d just got a message from Canterlot about an investigation that’d been opened just an hour previously.His contact on the Royal Guard had been getting his metaphorical collar felt by superiors who wondered why certain files had been going missing, and Fletch was certain he’d have to distance himself from the poor colt. Still, he’d been useful for a while, and there was always another sap who needed a favour doing. Even so, it was an inconvenience. He was still in Ponyville, staying in a charming little cottage on the outskirts. It occurred to Fletch that quaint would have been an appropriate description and there was a part of him that loved the simplicity, away from the complex web of shadows that was his life. Sighing, he pulled himself up from the bed, the springs creaking as he did so. He couldn’t just lie around all day; he wasn’t on holiday. He had a pony to muscle. That Rarity had talent. He’d dealt with other ponies in her business, some of whom were far richer and far less gifted. She also seemed to be pretty weak and not terribly bright. All in all it was a perfect combination for him to exploit her, blackmail her and make himself a lot of money. Smiling to himself, Fletch walked to the front door of the cottage, opened it and took flight. *** “So that’s the situation. Rarity is being blackmailed and we’ve got to do something about it. Any questions?” “Well, Twi, ah’m not sure there’s anything your presentation didn’t cover.” Indeed it had been a thorough presentation, with slides, diagrams and even a short puppet show. They were in the library that served as Twilight’s home, and she had explained what Rarity had told her and proposed a few solutions, although these had been sketchy. She insisted, however, that things would soon become better defined. Fluttershy raised a tentative hoof. “Umm, Twilight… if you don’t mind me asking… Rarity won’t be in trouble will she? Legally I mean.” There was a murmur of discussion around the room. Rainbow fidgeted and spoke. “Yeah Twilight, I mean, isn’t that the entire problem? He’s blackmailing her because she made the order and he says that’s illegal even if she didn’t actually buy anything. As awesome as it’d be to think he’s lying…” Twilight considered both the question and Rarity’s expression carefully. “We can all agree that the dragon scale trade is shady and illegal. It was very silly for Rarity to ever entertain any idea of getting involved. “However, I believe that soon we’ll have what we need to help Rarity with any charge leveled against her. All we need…” There was a crash and a scuttle of little clawed feet across the floor above their heads, and then Spike came bounding down the stairs, scroll in hand. “Here, Twilight. It just came through from the castle.” He stopped and saw his friends crowded around Twilight. “Oh, err… what’s everypony doing here?” Twilight answered without hesitation. “We’re just having a little girl time. Discussing dresses, you know. I’ll take that, thank you, Spike.” Twilight tugged the scroll out of his grip, as Spike made a disgusted face. Muttering about dresses, he turned and made his way back upstairs. “Ya haven’t told ‘im?” The purple unicorn looked guilty. “No. I think it’d be best if he didn’t know what Rarity almost did.” Rarity shuffled her feet awkwardly, but flashed Twilight a grateful smile. Twilight unfurled the scroll and read it. She read it carefully and several times. Finally she looked up. “We’ve got him.” *** Fletch banged angrily on the door of the boutique, determined to get an answer. He could only go so long merely threatening her before he had to take action. It was seldom that he had to do so, simply because he picked his targets carefully. He had a nose for those who could be intimidated, and it was a good job too, because if he had to make good on his threats it could get messy. He would be fine, of course; there was no way to link anything back to him. His contacts made sure of that. He frowned, remembering something else he needed to take care of when he was finished in Ponyville. The pegasus had just raised his hoof again, when the door of the Carousel Boutique swung open. Rarity stood in the doorway, totally composed, groomed and manicured. Ready to face anything. “Ah, Fletch. Do come in. Cup of tea?” He scowled, thrown by her relaxed attitude, but followed her inside. Clearing his throat loudly he addressed her retreating flank. “You’re a tough pony to get a hold of, Miss Rarity. Usually when pony’s lives and profession are on the line they’re much more eager to prevent everything coming crashing down.” They had reached the living area of the boutique. A pot of tea already sat, ready and waiting. Rarity turned, and invited him to sit with a nonchalant wave of a perfectly manicured hoof. If she’d been hoping to fluster him with her refinement and classy surroundings then she’d failed. Fletch had spent a decade working with all types of ponies and had perfected the act of looking at ease in any situation. Clearing his throat again, he spoke firmly. “I hope you’ve reconsidered my offer.” “I have.” “Oh?” he said, his face passive, but a look of hope creeping into his eyes. “I do have a few questions, however.” Fletch’s trademark scowl returned to his face. He hadn’t come to answer questions. Still, he thought, it was best to humour her, and he nodded, tilting his head slightly to indicate that he’d given her permission. Rarity hadn’t touched her tea. Her calm exterior was a façade, and she didn’t feel she could trust her magic to hold the cup steady. “Well, I was just wondering about these scales. Between you and me, how exactly do you procure them?” He grunted dismissively, a most uncouth gesture, Rarity thought. “I’m sure you’ve guessed. Why does it matter?” She pressed harder. “Well, I have my suspicions of course. I have to tell you, Fletch, I don’t care for dragons. It’s no skin off my muzzle if you’re killing them. I was just wondering how painful it was for them.” “Very. Do you know how difficult it is to kill a dragon? You can hardly tickle them to death. All those gems they eat give those scales strength as well as beauty. I leave that up to other people though.” “You trust them? I can’t risk my supply getting disrupted.” Fletch seemed surprised. “You’ve changed your tune since the last time I saw you. Listen, I employ them. I can vouch for them.” Rarity smiled and it was the smile of prey that had just turned predator. “And what’s to stop me going straight to the Guard with that information?” A silence fell in the boutique, heavy and menacing. Then Fletch began to laugh. He kept on laughing for a long while. “Because, my dear Rarity, what proof do you have? It’d be my word against yours. Even if you somehow convinced somepony to start an investigation, I have friends in high places and I’ve made a habit of covering my tracks. Now, be a smart little pony and just accept my offer. Or accept that you’re going to prison. Either one. You’re trying my patience and I don’t really care either way any more.” Rarity was still smiling. It was a dangerous smile. It was the same smile she’d given the Diamond Dogs when they’d thought that they’d had her in a corner. “Oh, Fletch, you’re sadly mistaken. Or should I call you Juniper Berry. Masculine name by the way. I see why you took a nickname, and it was nice to pick one related to the family profession. Fletchers, weren’t they? I looked up their old store. I really never knew archery was such a popular sport in Equestria.” Fletch was looking stunned. In all his years as a supplier to the businesses of Equestria, he had never heard his real name mentioned by anyone other than his sister. Rarity noticed his disquiet and went for the kill. “Born in Baltimare, one sibling, a unicorn, a pegasus father and a unicorn mother, both deceased. Decided early on that the family business wasn’t for you and went into the import/export business. You were reasonably successful, but then you fell off the radar.” The wicked grin still hadn’t left the unicorn’s face. “About this time a pegasus became known to the Canterlot Guard. Nothing ever seemed to stick to him, however, and investigations went down blind alleys. The Guard had to contend with missing files, ponies not talking, witnesses changing stories, until eventually they became less willing to open any investigation at all into Fletch's activities. Your activities.” Fletch finally reacted, feigning confidence. “And what? You think I’m Juniper? Whatever kid, that’s coincidence, you ain’t got nothing. Even if you did, it's irrelevant.” Now it was Rarity’s turn to laugh. “Well, Mr Berry, here’s the thing. I do and it isn't. When Juniper disappeared, he left behind a number of warehouses, still in his name. I’m willing to bet all my bits that if somepony were to go and search those warehouses, they’d find a fair few things.” Fletch blanched. He knew that she was telling the truth; he was done for. Rarity leaned closer. “It’s always helpful when a pony in the know decides to squeal. You may have heard about the guard in Canterlot responsible for archiving who was placed under investigation this afternoon. It turned out he'd been making certain files go missing. He sang like a bird once Princess Celestia became personally involved in the questioning. You see, Mr Berry, I have friends in high places too.” Fletch lunged at her, his powerful pegasus bulk knocking her backwards and taking the sofa with it. He pressed a foreleg across Rarity’s throat, and spoke, teeth clenched. “You… you’ve ruined everything. All you had to do was take the scales and we’d have both have been rich and happy. I’ll make you pay, you little-” There was a thud, and Fletch went flying. Rarity’s eyes quickly followed the route from the space where the pegasus had been, down a pair of strong, orange, earth pony legs, to where Applejack stood, fresh from bucking Fletch into next Tuesday. The rest of the gang stood around her, and Fluttershy knelt by Rarity’s side, helping her up. Twilight and a member of the Royal Guard rushed over to where Fletch lay, groaning. Twilight looked him over. “Broken ribs I expect; nothing life threatening. He’s all yours.” The guard bowed his head respectfully to his fellow unicorn and lifted Fletch magically into the air, before trotting outside to where a cart pulled by two pegasi stood waiting. Without another word it took off and began the flight to Canterlot. Rarity had been pulled up and placed on the other sofa. Applejack nuzzled her. “Y’all right, sugarcube?” Rarity breathed deeply, composing herself. “Fine, thank you dear. I’m just a little shaken.” Rainbow Dash was grinning. “You got him though. We all heard his confession. Man, if I could see the look on his face again…” Fluttershy looked even more shocked than Rarity did, but the other ponies expressions ranged from concern to exhilaration. Finally, Rarity lifted her tea to her mouth and drained the cup in a most unladylike manner. Sighing, she addressed Twilight. “I’m not in trouble am I?” Twilight smiled. “Not in the slightest. The Guard agreed that if you testified against him then they’d waive any charge of conspiracy to illegally trade a controlled good. They searched his warehouses and they think they’ve practically eradicated the entire Canterlot smuggling trade in one fell swoop. Juniper Berry is going away for a long time.” Rarity smiled gratefully. “Thank Celestia. Although, Pinkie, I am sorry.” Pinkie started and blinked twice. “Sorry? You silly pony, why are you sorry?” “Well, your party? I think this qualifies as a slight disaster at least.” Pinkie giggled and grinned. “Oh, Rarity, I think we have another reason to celebrate don’t you? Although... Twilight,” the earth pony turned to the purple unicorn, “you have to work, don’t you?” Twilight rolled her eyes, and blew out in mock exasperation. “Pinkie after today, I think that report can wait.” Rainbow punched the air. “Party time?” The girls looked at each other. “Party time.” *** Far away in the dungeons of Canterlot castle, a pegasus pony sat behind bars. He didn’t look up when he heard the clop of hooves approach. “Juni?” It was a mare’s voice and only one pony called him Juni. He looked up, sharply. His sister stood before him, slim and wiry, the opposite of his bulk. He sniffed. “Come to gloat?” The unicorn laughed softly. “No. We're not foals any more. You’re my big brother and I wanted to help. Let me, please. Tell me who did this.” Juniper Berry sighed and scratched at his mane, watching the dandruff fall and remembering the same sight, only a day ago, outside the boutique. “Some upstart unicorn and her pals. They tricked me and they had Celestia wrapped around their hooves. I didn’t even know most of them were involved until the idiot guard told me. Damn upstarts.” “I need names, Juni.” He clopped the ground in frustration. “Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Twilight Sparkle. They live in Ponyville. When you say help, you mean revenge, right? Why would you do that? How?” The unicorn smiled dangerously. “Oh, Juniper, just leave it all to Trixie.”