
by Nido_King

Frost Wing

It was nighttime in Canterlot, and the city was at peace. Most of its residents were already asleep in their homes at this hour, meaning that the only ponies still awake were the Night Guards, diligently patrolling the city for any trouble that may arise.

Which meant it was odd then that three Day Guards were currently attempting to sneak their way back into the castle at this late hour.

“Shhhh!” One of the ponies, a white pegasus with a two-toned purple mane named Star Whistle, shushed one of his buddies as he glanced around a corner for any patrolling Night Guards. Once he was sure they were in the clear, he gestured to his friends and the three continued on their way towards the barracks. This was not the first time the three friends had needed to sneak back into the castle undetected, so they were pretty confident they could do it again.

“This was a great idea, Star.” The second guard, a yellow Earth Pony with an orange mane named Gold Metal, whispered as the trio rounded another corner. “I’m always up for some partying, especially if it means getting to skip work for a few hours.”

“I know we’ve done this before…” The third pony, an orange Earth Pony with a red mane named Scarlet Spice, muttered, “… but are you sure we can sneak back in as easily as before? I’ve heard that Princess Celestia has been increasing the security measures around the castle lately…”

“Ah, don’t be a such worry wort, Spice!” Gold replied with a wave of his hoof. “We’ll be fine. Even if somepony catches up, we’ll just say we were coming off of a late shift. We’ll be fine!”

“I hope so… cause I kinda don’t wanna be demoted…”

“Shhhh!” Star shushed his buddies again. “We’ll be fine as long as you two keep–‘

For an instant, a bright flash of golden light enveloped the three stallions before vanishing as quick as it had appeared.

“… quiet…”

Where three stallions had once stood now stood three mares, their armour replaced with standard maid uniform for the castle staff. All of them glanced down at themselves in silent disbelief, with Scarlet Spice noticing that her newly grown out mane had been somehow delicately braided Double Dutch style, complete with little bows at the ends.

With a sigh of defeat, Star Whistle grumbled to herself as she strolled past the other two. “Just so you know, I blame both of you for this…”

“Look on the bright side, though…” Gold Metal said with a shaky smile on her face as she tried to reassure her friend. “At least we don’t have to be sneaky any more… right?”

Star just grumbled more as she marched ahead, the other two newly transformed mares following in step behind her.

As she followed behind them, Scarlet Spice looked around frantically, trying to catch sight of where Princess Celestia was likely watching them from. “How… How did she catch us?”

From a nearby tower, Princess Celestia observed the three mares through a pair of binoculars, chuckling to herself. “Three new maid for Marble to deal with, just as planned.” Lowering her binoculars, she turned to speak to the pony standing behind her. “An excellent job in finally catching those three in the act, Frost Wing.”

The dark blue pegasus stallion bowed his head in response. “Thank you, your Highness. I’m glad I could be of service to you.”

“That you did. Judging by the reaction I saw, I’d say none of them even suspected that they were being tailed during their trip. Luna is lucky to have you as one of her guards.”

Frost Wing couldn’t help it as a smile appeared at the edge of his lips. “You flatter me, your Highness. I was simply performing my duty as expected of a Royal Guard by catching those three troublemakers red hoofed.”

“And I am very thankful for your help tonight. Now it’s time for me to fulfil my part of our little bargain. Hold still for me…”

Frost Wing’s previously stoic demeanour broke for a moment as an aura of golden magic surrounded him, his body tingling as the changes began to overtake him. His sharpened features began to soften, as his mane and tail grew out slightly to better match his changing form. This is it… he thought. It’s really happening!

In but a moment, it was all over. Where a pegasus stallion had once stood now stood a pegasus mare her armour having even slimmed down to fit her new frame. Unlike the three guards from before, however, Frost Wing was practically beaming with unbridled joy, her guard training the only thing keeping her from breaking out into tears of joy before the princess.

“I… It’s really… I’m a… a mare…” Frost Wing had dreamed of this day many times, but found that those dreams paled in comparison to having this moment finally fulfilled. Frost Wing bowed her head once more, basking in the kindness of the one who had finally made her long held dream a reality. “I am eternally indebted to you, your Highness. I am yours to command until the end of my days for this gift you have given me.”

“Promise me then that you will do all that you can to fulfil your duty as a Royal Guard and protect my sister from harm. Do that for me, and I will consider your debt repaid to me in full.”

“I do swear to protect Princess Luna with my life if I must, your Highness.”

Smiling, Celestia walked up to Frost Wing and placed her hoof on the mare’s shoulder. “Now rise, Frost Wing. For your services to me tonight, you are relieved from duty until your next shift. Dismissed.”

Raising her head, Frost Wing saluted before turning and making her way into the tower. Though she tried her best to hide it, Celestia could still see the happy wag in the newly transformed mare’s tail and the slight twitch in her wings as she departed. No doubt Frost Wing would be literally jumping for joy once she was out of sight, the knowledge of which filled Celestia’s heart with joy.

Yawning, Celestia spread her wings and took off for her bedchambers. Transforming so many ponies had tired her out more than she had anticipated, so it was little surprise that her head had barely touched down onto her pillow before she was out like a light. Before she drifted off, though, one thought made her chuckle a little.

Luna will be in for a surprise, that's for sure…