Friendship Knights vs. Jump Force

by Tidal Wave2

Chapter 3: Iron Man


Tony flew through the capital of Equestria. He recently returned to the lab in Animatronica, to realize that Freddy wasn't there. He chose to look for the metal bear, but he wasn't having good luck. Until...

"Sir," An automated voice began. "I'm detecting a strange energy coming from Canterlot Castle."

"Any idea what it is, J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"It seems to be a force unlike anything we've encountered before." J.A.R.V.I.S replied. "I recommend approaching cautiously."

"Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S." Tony followed the signal to Canterlot Castle, and arrived just in time to see two people jump off the balcony. "What the Hell?" Tony then looked up to see Freddy on his knees, and began to land. "Freddy! What happened?
What're you doing at the castle? When I lost contact with you I-"

"BACK OFF!!!" Freddy shouted with an echo, catching Tony by surprise.

"Woah, what's wrong???" At that moment, Freddy looked up at the Iron Avenger. The bear's vision turned red, and Tony's appearance changed in his eyes. Instead of his friend, Freddy saw a familiar pale gray decaying animatronic, in the shape of a bunny.


"Springtrap???" Tony turned, expecting to see the killer rabbit, but saw nothing. Freddy began to stand up.


"What're you talking about?" Tony asked in confusion.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY THIS TIME!!!" Freddy said, approaching his friend. "FIGHT!!!" The bear grabbed Tony by the leg and threw him against the door.


"YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU TRIED TO DO TO SWEETIE BELLE!!!" Tony knew he had to defend himself, so he closed the faceplate of his suit. Iron Man was ready.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, be ready in case I need your help." The iron avenger ordered.

"Sir, might I suggest ending this quickly by using the memory units to snap Freddy out of this trance?"

"Oh, right. Thanks for reminding me." Iron Man flew straight at the animatronic bear and grabbed him by the head.

"NO!!! I WON'T LET YOU SCRAP ME!!!" Freddy yelled.

"I'm trying to help you, you fuzzy idiot!" Iron Man said. "J.A.R.V.I.S, initiate the memory unit restoration. Now. NOW!!!" J.A.R.V.I.S quickly fixed Freddy's head. The bear sputtered a bit, but after 10 seconds, he stopped struggling.

"Wha- Tony?" Freddy asked in surprise. "What the Hell is going on!?"

"Long story short, big guy, you went daffy and tried to kill me." Suddenly, a purple flash appeared 6 feet from where they stood. The Avenger and animatronic turned to see Twilight Sparkle and Chase.

"Enough!" Twilight shouted. "What's going on here!?"

"I-I can explain." Tony stammered. "He somehow thought I was Springtrap and attacked me."

"I don't know what came over me." Freddy said regrettably. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, just as Simba and the others say. 'Hakuna Matata'." Tony assured his friend.

"It's very likely that he was infected with the same force that came over Chase." After Twilight made that claim, the young German Shepherd pup walked up to her side.

"Chase!" Freddy exclaimed. "What happened!? You just disappeared off the map!"

"I was caught by these invaders." The pup replied. "I'm just lucky that Twilight came and rescued me." The said Alicorn pointed at a star next to the moon.

"He was being held captive in that strange area." Twilight said. "They call it the 'Lookout'. The place has an appearance of half a dome, with a temple and trees."

"Y'know Twilight, I came here to find you. But I was attacked by two beings." Freddy informed the princess. "They retreated afterwards. My bet is that they're heading there."

"I have no idea where these invaders came from." Twilight said. "But it looks like our multiverse is facing a new threat.
It's merging with another. I can feel it."

"But Grogar was killed!" Chase reminded his friends. "We stopped him from merging all our universes into one."

"Come to think of it," Tony began. "That demonic Ram may still be alive. And these 'invaders' are his reinforcements!"

"Then we have to think of a plan to stop those damn fools." Freddy said. "Tony, let's get back to the lab. We may just have the perfect tool."


Tony and Freddy had returned to the lab, ready to search their inventory. They didn't know what they were up against, so they assumed they'd have to get their best items.

"You know Freddy, when I got to Adventure Bay, you already left." Tony pointed out. "Hell, Sonic wasn't there either. You know that you've got to stop running off, Fazbear. We're supposed to be a team!"

"Yeah, sorry."

"You go on ahead and get some gear. I'll get the portal machine running." Tony assured. "We'll take those bastards by surprise."

"Good idea." Freddy complimented. "But be careful. The portal hasn't been very cooperative lately."

"Nothing I can't fix." Freddy walked off as Tony began working on the device, checking for any bugs. "Wow, he wasn't kidding. The machine isn't processing very well. Maybe it's because of the multiverses merging together into one." Tony continued to look through the code of the device. At that moment, J.A.R.V.I.S. picked something up.

"Sir, I'm detecting a strange energy nearby."

"What is it, J.A.R.V.I.S.?" Tony asked with a groan.

"Pretty impressive, for a human." The Avenger turned to see a mysterious creature. It appeared to have a long tail, and white skin with purple bumps on its chest, arms, legs and head.

"What the f-"

"Allow me to introduce myself." The creature interrupted. "Emperor Frieza. Surely you apes have heard of me."

"I'm sorry, I don't recall giving you an invitation." Tony said with a glare. Frieza just continued.

"My minions detected a mysterious power source, coming from this area." He said. "I decided to come down here and see it for myself. I must say, I'm very impressed. This technology? Maybe you and I should form an alliance."

"First of all, I don't even know you." Tony started. "As for the alliance, maybe I should give you a taste of what MY TECHNOLOGY CAN REALLY DO!!!" The Avenger's voice shifted to a deep tone as his eyes began to glow.

"If you insist." Frieza said, folding his arms. Tony closed his faceplate and charged the intruder, but his opponent disappeared. Iron Man quickly looked around the lab, when Frieza reappeared behind him, and grabbed the Avenger by the neck. "It seems you're not quite as smart as I thought." The alien tossed the armored hero into the air and landed a 7 punch-kick combo. "How pathetic."

"HEY!!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A MUTATED POSSUM!!!" Iron Man yelled before launching a trio of missiles at his opponent, who simply stepped aside.

"Ha! You missed!" Frieza taunted.

"DID I?" The alien's grin dropped, and he turned around, just to be met with 3 missiles to the face. Frieza crashed into a wall and fell to one knee. "THAT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE WAS FOOLED BY MY TECH!!!"

"Heh, you could've fooled me." Frieza said before slowing ascending into the air. "So you're actually pretty skilled for a human. But not enough to match me. I'll finish this with my next move." The alien held his hand up and created a spinning, purple energy disc.


"Yes sir." Iron Man's chest began to glow, and Frieza threw his attack towards the Avenger.

"HERE'S THE BIG ONE!!!" Iron Man fired his Particle Beam, which blasted straight through the energy disc.

"WHAT!?" Frieza shouted in disbelief, just before the beam consumed him and sent him into space. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" After that, the energy within Tony faded. Freddy came running in.

"What happened!?" He asked in alarm. "I heard lots of ruckus and screaming! Was somebody here?"

"Yes, he called himself 'Emperor Frieza'." Tony confirmed. "He runs some army. Acts like he gonna take over the world. Definitely original villain stuff."

"Look's like you prevented that." Freddy said with a smirk.

"Only one way to be sure. Let's take down that Lookout." The two allies walked to the portal, reactivated it and entered.


Tony had arrived at the invaders lookout. It looked exactly as Twilight described it.

"Okay Freddy, we're here." The animatronic bear didn't respond. "Freddy?" Tony looked around and saw that Freddy was nowhere to be seen. The Avenger decided to contact him through his speaker. "Freddy, where are you? What the Hell happened?"

"It looks like we've been transported to different parts of the Lookout." Freddy answered. "Maybe the portal still needs some work."

"Obviously." Tony groaned. "Okay, we'll need to regroup. I'll try to-" He stopped when he heard footsteps. "Wait, someone's coming." Tony hid behind a tree and took a peek. He spotted the boy who fought Freddy: Deku. Next to the kid was a woman in a white shirt, with blue hair.

"Luffy, this is Bulma." The woman said. "Deku has taken a serious beating. Are there any senzu beans here?"

"I think so." A voice coming from Bulma's phone replied. "I should probably ask Mr. Piccolo and make sure, though." At that moment, Tony charged the two.

"Good. Is there anything we need to che-" Bulma was interrupted when Iron Man flew in and kicked her into a tree, knocking the woman out. He then proceeded to land punch across Deku's face. The kid quickly turned back to the Avenger with a pissed off look and glowing red eyes.

"Well, this just got interesting." Iron Man said, getting into battle stance. Deku charged the Avenger and their fists collided. They delivered blow after blow, dodging each other's attacks with flips and jumps. Iron Man managed to catch the boy with his Repulser Blast, sending him several feet away. "Sorry kid. Gotta shut you down." Before he could deliver the final blow, a stretched out arm approached and sent Iron Man into a tree. The Avenger looked up to see his attack walking towards him: A teenaged boy with black shaggy hair, round black eyes, a slim muscular build, and a straw hat.

"You're not doing nothing to him!" He yelled, as Deku got up.

"Glad you're here, Luffy." Deku said as he held up his right hand and got it into a flicking position. "Delaware... SMAAAASH!!!" Huge shockwaves were launched towards Iron Man. But before they could reach the Avenger, a giant pizza flew past him and blocked the shockwaves, exploding from the impact. Iron Man turned to see Freddy appear next to him.

"Come on, Freddy! A damn pizza!?" Iron Man complained.

"Oh shut up." Freddy replied as he got into fighting position. "Let's stop these two!" Iron Man joined Freddy in fighting stance. The two teams stared at each other and charged

Freddy tosses his hat at Luffy, who hits it back with a punch that reminded Iron Man of Mr. Fantastic. The iron Avenger then started trading blows with Deku before Freddy came to assist him. Freddy electrocutes Deku, allowing him & Iron Man to perform a team attack on the teen.

"Take this!" Iron Man yelled

As Deku got knocked back, Luffy releases an elastic double-punch which clashes with a shield from Iron Man's arm.
The Avenger takes out an Iron Blade to slash at Luffy before calling his partner.


"Buh-Bye!" Freddy says while delivering an electric kick onto Luffy. Deku tries punching Iron Man who manages to block it with his Energy Shield.

"What's wrong, kid? Can't keep up?" The Avenger taunted. Freddy tries kicking Luffy, but he dodges before Deku rose his fist.

"Detroit... SMAAAAASH!!!" Deku delivered a punch that created a huge wind, knocking both Freddy and Iron Man back. The two quickly recovered and got back on their feet.

"Alright, Tony." Freddy said. "Show them your ultimate weapon!" Iron Man nodded and put his hand in the air, summoning a giant gun.

"Here's the big one!" The Avenger said. "PROTON CANNON!!!!!" The gun fired a huge beam at the shocked teenagers, knocking them out. "Whew, that felt good."

"Thank God you're here!" Freddy & Tony turned to see a familiar white female wolf; Robyn.

"Robyn? What're you doing here?" Tony asked.

"These invaders, they took me as their prisoner." Robyn replied. "They're unlike any warriors we've seen before."

"Any ideas?" Freddy asked.

"I believe that Grogar has returned with a new army." The Wolfwalker suggested. "I need to find someone. A certain doctor who might have the bloody answers."

"Doctor?" Tony asked. "You're not talking about Doom, are you?"

"No, she has a point." Freddy said. "If Grogar is back, Dr. Doom is sure to know something."

"Don't worry, mates." Robyn told her friends. "I'll head back down to Canterlot & get Twilight."