My little pony Adventures Pilot

by Kayceejr91

my little pony adventures chapter 5

The main six and Spike are now traveling in a forest, and they are getting tired.

Then Spike asked, "How much longer till we get there?"

Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance and said while looking at the map, "We'll get there when we get there."

The Pinkie Pie said, "Where are we going again?"

Then AJ said to her, "Like I keep telling you Pinkie, we're going to the Breezie Kingdom."

Twilight is getting a bit more annoyed.

Then Fluttershy trilling said "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm actually about to meet the legendary Breezies! Who watch out for all the animal an nature!"

Twilight is becoming more annoyed.

Then Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah well, I just hope that this element will be easier to find than the last one."

Twilight is becoming more annoyed.

Then Fluttershy said, "I hear that every type of animal in existence lives in the Breezie kingdom! The flowers are so beautiful there that..."

Then Twilight's face turned red, and she turned to the rest of the ponies and screamed, "Would you all be quiet!"

But while she was saying that the grass around them began to grow. But while that is going on Twilight was still talking to the others. "We have one shot at getting this element and I'd appreciate it if you all..."

But she was then interrupted by Rarity, who said, "Twilight dear, I'm sorry to interrupt, but does the grass seem to be growing at an exceptional rate!"

She then looked at the grass and saw that the grass was growing and then vines popped out and tangled the mane six and spike. Then they screamed in terror.

Then a scary voice echo out "Pooonies! You are intruding on the sacred frost! Leave this place, or be trapped here forever!"

Then Rainbow Dash said "Hellooo! How are we supposed to leave when we're trapped in these vines?!"

Then the voice said, "Well... I... Obviously, I'm going to let you go before you leave this place!"

Then Pinkie Pie said, "But if you let us go, how are you going to trap us here forever!"

Then the voice said, "Well...I...Um...Look I am a disembodied scary voice!" But as she counted Twilight noticed something in the distance and while she was doing so the voice said, "And when a disembodied scary voice gives you an order you'd best listen or else!"

Then Twilight levitates something to her, and the thing screamed "Yieeeee!"

She then saw that it is a tiny creature it looked like a cross between a pony and a bug it was none other then a breezie. It had a blue skin and wears black, his mane and tail were pink and he speaks in a Irish accent. Then it said "Let me go ya' yopty dopty flopty dodger!"

Then more Breezies started to appearing from with in the grass as they untangle the ponies and spike.

Then Fluttershy said in joy "Look! The grass and the vines are filled with Breezies!"

Then Twilight released the led breeze and then said "You can talk?"

Then the led Breezie said "I can." Then he pointed at the rest of the breezies "Clearly they are not the brightest bunch."

Then Rainbow Dash step forward to the led Breezie and said "Why the heck did you twerps scare us like that!?"

Then the Breezie went up to Dash's face and said, "Because you are agents of King Sombra! Here to find and take over our Kingdom!"

Then a new voice that also speaks in an Irish accent, but it was much more sweet. "Now Sea breeze darlin', that's enough now."

Then a giant flower appears before the ponies it then begins to bloom and out from it was the Alicorn of the nature Epona. She has a light green coat and dark green mane she also had flower pellets in her flowing mane and tail and wears a grass green crown. Her cutie mark is a bouquet of roses.

Then Twilight facing Epona begins to bow and said "You're Epona! The alicorn of nature!" She was then followed by the rest of the ponies and Spike.

Epona touched Twilight's face and said, "Now, now darlin', no need for any of that now."

She then turned to Sea Breeze and said, "Sea Breeze, these ponies are sent by my niece Celestia. We should welcome them with open hooves."

Then Sea breeze the shook his head yes and flew off with the other breezies and Epona then begins to lead the ponies through the forest. The tree begins to part around them by Epona's magic she then said "Ya must forgiv' the wee ones for the cold welcome." she then looks up at the trees. Dark eyes look down on them. She then said in a scared voice "We've all been a bit on edge since Sombra's forces been on the march agin'."

Twilight then said, "You mean Sombra's power reaches even here?"

Epona looked down and said, "Oh yes, darlin', it most certainly does indeed." They then made it to the Breezie Kingdom and said in a much happier voice, "But enough of that now. Welcome to the Breezie Kingdom!"

They then saw the Breezie Kingdome and it is beautiful. It much bigger then the mane six thought and they see the Breezies and some animals and rare ones too.

Fluttershy was really giddy at the sight and began to fly around, saying while cuddling some animals, "Oh my goodness! Look at that! Look at that!"

Back with ponies and Epona who is leading them through the Kingdome and said "Yur' friend certainly seems to be enjoyin' herself doesn't she?"

Then Rainbow Dash said to the nature alicorn, "Yeah, she's always had a thing for animals."

Twilight then said "Excuse me your majesty I don't mean to be rude. But it's extremely important that we find the element right away."

Epona nervously said "Well I'd love to give it to you unfortunately..."

Then Twilight is a little upset hearing that last part she then said "Unfortunately what?"

Epona then counted as she pointed at a temple nearby, "Unfortunately, my brother Sleipnir placed the element in a temple, guarded by a ferocious beast."

Rainbow Dash then said, "Okay seriously!? Why are these elements guarded by ferocious monsters!"

Applejack then said, "Maybe so that not just anypony can come up and steal them."

Then the rainbow-mane pegasus crossed her hooves and said, "Well... Yeah. But still."

Applejack just gave her a sly smile.

Then Twilight asked Epona, "Do you have any idea what kind of beast guards the element?"

Then the green alicorn shook her head no and said "Sadly no. No pony has been to the temple of fear in over a thousand years."

Then Rarity said while Fluttershy hides behind her after hearing the fear part "Temple of fear? Well now...Isn't that wonderful."

Later the mane six and Spike made it to the terrifying temple then the baby dragon said cowering behind applejack "Why did it have to be the temple of fear? Why couldn't it be the temple of fluffy bunnies or gemstones?"

Then Twilight said "Fluttershy you're an animal expert what kind of beast do you think guards the temple?" She then turn to the timed mare and said "Fluttershy?"

We see that Rainbow Dash was dragging Fluttershy by the tail. While that was happening, the yellow pegasus said "No! I don't want to go! Nopony allowed in the temple of fear!"

Then Rainbow Dash said to her, "Come on Fluttershy! The fate of Equestria depends on this quest! Do you really want to let down all of Equestria?!"

Then Fluttershy said, "Well when you put it that way...YES!"

Then Pinkie Pie looked down at her with a smile and said, "Fluttershy, if King Sombra takes over Equestria, he'll take over the animals too!"

After hearing Fluttershy gets up and said "Fine let's go into the temple."

Then Rainbow Dash slaps herself while Pinkie Pie smiles. The ponies are seen within the temple it was dark and spooky but the ponies shuck together though it.

Then Rarity started to giggle and then said "Pftt..Hehe.. Pinkie Pie stop tickling me it's very inappropriate to do so."

Then the pink pony said, "Um...Rarity, I'm over here."

Then when hearing Twilight lights up her horn. Then it is reveled that they are surrounded and covered by spiders.

Then they started to freak out (except Fluttershy).

But with the yellow pegasus just said "Aww...They are so cute."

Then Rainbow Dash shouted, "You think she's cute?"

Then she spotted a giant spider coming down to them and shouted "You might think that one must be really adorable!"

Then Rarity faints and Spike catches her as the giant spider hisses.

Then Twilight said "Okay everypony it's time for action!"

The Ponies begin to surround the giant spider who begins to attack and said "Poniesssss!"

Then Applejack kicks the spider's leg while Twilight zaps it with her horn, also Rainbow Dash attacks from above! lastly Pinkie fires her party cannon. But while that was happening Fluttershy was trying to get her friends attention first she tries Twilight "Um excuse me..." But she didn't hear her. The she tries Applejack "Excuse me everypony." But AJ also didn't hear her. Then she try to speaks to Rainbow Dash "If you could just listen to me for a moment." But she also didn't listen. Then the yellow pegasus had all she can stand but can't stand anymore she then shouted at the top of her lungs. "STOOOP!" The everypony freeze at soon as she said that.

Fluttershy then flies up to the giant spider and pets it on the head, saying "There, there everything's alright now." She looks down at the others with a glare and says "Shame on you everypony, how could you attack this defenseless spider."

Then Rainbow Dash said, "Attack it?! It was attacking us!"

Fluttershy then flies down and points to to the smaller spiders and said "She" was just trying to protect her babies because she thought you all were going to crush them."

Spike next to Rarity, who woke up from being unconscious. "That thing's a she!?"

Then Fluttershy points to the giant spider and said, "Yes, and she is very upset that you've intruded upon her home."

Then Twilight said "Fluttershy, need I remind you we're only "Intruding" is to find the element of kindness!"

The after hearing that the giant spider said "Elemennnnt?"

Then the next thing the ponies and spike knew the giant spider pulled them all in a hug and spoke in a voice that sounds like a house mom "Well why didn't you just say so?" She then introduces herself to them while they expected for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. "I am Charlette, guardian of the element of kindness." She then reach up and removes from a stone pillar, the element. Then she said "You know if you wanted the element, you could have just asked! That's what the element of kindness all about!"

Then RD mumbles, "Well how were we supposed to know that?"

Then Charlotte said, after giving the element to the ponies, "Now, would any pony like some tea and cookies!?"

The ponies and Spike (except Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie) look nervous in the spider's arms. Then Twilight gets the element in hoof and said "Um...Thank you for the offer but we really need to get going."

Then Charlotte let them down and then said, "Well, okay, maybe next time. Good luck on saving Equestria!"

The ponies and Spike are now leaving the temple, and RD said "Well that was...crazy."

Then Pinkie Pie sadly said, "Aww...I wanted to stay for tea and cookies!"

Twilight turned to Fluttershy and asked, "How did you know that the spider was harmless?"

Then the yellow pegasus said "Simple everypony knows that arachnis gigantus is a vegetarian."

Twilight then walked forwarded of the group and said "Well everypony, that's two elements down and four too.."

But before she can finish Twilight and her friends were trapped in a orange and blue sphere of energy. Then two figures appeared from the bushes on is a red and yellow mane and tail unicorn mare, her coat was also yellow and her eyes are green and her cutie mark is a red and yellow sun. Then another figure appeared she was also and unicorn but she has a dark purple mane and tail with blue strikes, her eyes are purple and her coat is light purple and her cutie mark a purple and white star with two two-toned blue glimmering streams.

Then the yellow unicorn said while bowing, "Greetings princess Twilight. Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Sunset Shimmer."

Then the other unicorn spoke, "And I am Starlight Glimmer. And we are the daughters of King Sombra!"

Then Rainbow shouted, "Seriously! How many kids does this guy have?"

Then Sunset said as they beings to carry them off deeper in to the woods "Don't worry You'll find out soon enough."

to be continued

Hope you enjoy it and please tell me of the character of the Alicorn of nature Epona. I base her of Demeter the Greek gods of harvest.