The Cost To Know Everything

by Thunder--Dash

The First Contact

There...right in front of us...was a bipedal pony curled up and looking right at us with the most panicked face one could ever have. She let out an ear splitting scream, jumping into the air and scurrying off somewhere. We immediately took chase.

"Let's go, let's go! We cannot lose her!" Kayla commanded as we shined our flashlights in the direction where the pony went. The pony seemed pretty fast, as she had quite the distance on us. We decided to split up, each of us going in seperate directions. This way, we would corner her in at some point. The pony suddenly spread its wings...and flew up in a tree.

"No freaking way!" Kayla shouted as she shined her light in the tree, right where the pony was. The pony flew off to another branch, away from Kayla. Kayla growled in frustration, pursuing the scared and panicked pegasus pony.

"We've gotta get it in a corner." Kayla called out as she tried to find a way to lead the pony in a place where we could finally corral it...well at least calm it down so we could see if it understood us. However, this was going to be a lot harder than we expected. The pony seemed to stay up in the trees.

"Okay...I guess it's time I put my parkour skills to the test..." I said.

"Just be careful. It's late at night, and we don't want you in the hospital." Lenny warned. I climbed a tree slowly and rested myself on a branch, laying across it, looking around. I then got up and leaped to another branch and heard a noise.

"There!" I called out as I pointed my flashlight in the direction the pony went. The light seemed to have made the pony stop with fear. The pony tried to fly off again, but I kept it in my light. It looked like it was going to cry out of fear.

"Let's get closer guys. It seems like it's slowing up because of my light." I stated as I continued to track the pony in my light. I drew closer, with Kayla not too far behind me. The pony curled up even more, looking really scared.

"Please don't hurt me!" She cried as I took another step closer.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Calm down. Don't be scared..." I said as I looked at the pony, who looked as if she was going to start crying out of fear at any second. Kayla emerged into my light with a big smile on her face. Unfortunately, the pony mistook Kayla's smile for an evil grin, and started to cry. I gently reached out my hand, slowly moving forward.

"Please don't cry...we're really not gonna hurt you." I stated.

"B-but the t-the one b-b-behind you...h-her...her smile..." The pony said crippling with fear, whimpering.

"Hm? What about her smile? She's very excited to see you..." I said looking into the pony's eyes.

"Could you at least tell us your name?" Lenny asked, emerging from somewhere. The pony let out a little scream.

"F-F-Fl-Flu-Fluttershy..." The pony said still quivering with much fear. Kayla took one step close, still with that smile on her face.

"No! Get away!" Fluttershy cried out again. I then turned to see Kayla who was awfully excited.

"Uhm...Kayla...? You may want to calm down. You're scaring Fluttershy..." I said. Kayla sighed.

"But I'm just...way to excited right now. I mean...look at this. We have a pegasus, let alone a yellow one from another world..." Kayla said.

"I understand but look at how scared poor Fluttershy is. She's still trying to process where she is with three humans looking at her." Lenny said. Kayla sighed. However, Fluttershy calmed down and just stared at us, me specifically.

"Things just got a little awkward...would you like to come with us?" I asked.

"A-ar-are you...sure? What would the others like you th-think of me?" Fluttershy asked with a worried tone.

"We will keep you safe. We promise." Kayla said. I beckoned Fluttershy to come towards us. She slowly made her way towards our flashlights. I slowly extended my hand out. Fluttershy looked as if she was going to curl up again, but she slowly extended her hand out, looking at me with tears welling up in her eyes.

"It'll be okay Fluttershy." I said looking at her sweetly. Fluttershy slowly put her hand in mine and I gently wrapped my fingers around her hand, holding it. We slowly climbed down the tree. All that was left to do was to decide who Fluttershy would stay with that night. It took some time. Of course Kayla wanted Fluttershy to stay with her so they could talk. However, it was already very late (in fact, it was almost 12:30am by time we got back to our cars), so I decided that I would take Fluttershy to my place for the night. We left the forest going back to our houses and going to sleep for the rest of the night.