//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 Dresses // Story: Warrior Ponies // by My name is R //------------------------------// Rarity walked into her horsenest with Squirrelflight leading Brambleclaw and Leafpool after her. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.” This is a waste of time, thought Brambleclaw. “If you’re looking to keep warm in the cold weather we’ve been having, this should do the trick nicely.” Rarity held up a bright green strip of a flexible material. “It's pretty,” pandered Leafpool. “Thank you!” said Squirrelflight. “Think nothing of it, I simply couldn’t let you freeze in this cold! Would either of you like something as well?” Rarity asked, turning to Brambleclaw and Leafpool. “That’s really pretty,” said Leafpool, pointing at a green fluffy thing. Rarity grabbed it with her strange blue power and held it over to Leafpool. “Thank you,” said Leafpool, grabbing the green thing in her teeth. “Is there something wrong with your horn dear?” asked Rarity. “Nooo?” said Leafpool. Rarity blinked at them. “Why do you ask?” said Squirrelflight. “Well, it’s just that most unicorns prefer to use their magic for fine manipulation.” “She’s... not very good with magic,” replied Squirrelflight. “Ah… I see. Will you be staying in town for long? I could help you find a place to stay.” “That sounds wonderful,” said Squirrelflight. She paused and looked thoughtful for a few heartbeats. Idiot! Don’t tell them about our camp! thought Brambleclaw. “We have some friends who we’re going to be meeting with soon, it would be nice to have a place for all of us to stay.” Well at least you didn’t tell them where our camp is. “I’ll look and see where you can stay, I should have an answer by this evening.” “Thank you,” said Squirrelflight. “It’s no problem darlings. It wouldn’t do to let you suffer out in the cold when there’s plenty of room in town. Think nothing of it.” “Hey Rarity, I have a question.” “Yes dear?” “Someone said we don’t have cutie marks, and I get the impression that might cause issues. Do you have something that would cover our flanks?” “Let’s see what I have at the moment.” She walked over to a soft billowing wall and stepped though. “No, no, no, aha! Here we go!” Two… things flew in Rarity’s magic out unto two horse shaped lumps. Rarity walked back into view and picked back up one of the things. “This one would go lovely with your complexion,” she said as the green and off-white thing floated onto Squirrelflight. This is stupid, you would never be able to hunt in that. “There! That looks marvelous on you!” “Thank you. I’m also going to need something for a few friends, since they also don’t have cutie marks.” “How many grown mares?” “...two?” “Oh, not counting present company darling.” “Yes, two.” “Could you tell me the color of each of them?” “Firestar is flame colored and Sandstorm is brown. “Ok,” Rarity pulled a brown and yellow square and a feather and started drawing something. “And can you tell me who has wings?” “None of them.” “Alright, I’ll have their dresses ready to pick up when you come by this evening. Now for you.” She lifted the green and black thing and put it on Leafpool. “There, now you match. I’m sorry but your outfit I’ll have to make later good sir,” she said to Brambleclaw. “That’s ok,” he answered. I never wanted it in the first place. “Well, it looks like it’s time for us to go. Thank you.” “You’re most welcome.” Squirrelflight turned to leave and Leafpool followed, while Brambleclaw was still by the door. After they had all left the nest Squirrelflight turned back to the others and said, “Well that went well. Don’t you think Brambleclaw?” “No. You won’t be able to hunt in that thing.” “It’s not like we were catching anything anyway.” It was nearly sunhigh by the time they returned to camp. “Welcome back, I trust your patrol was successful?” asked Firestar. “Yes, it was,” answered Squirrelflight. From the faint fear scent coming off of her Brambleclaw could tell Squirrelflight was nervous about her report. “What are you wearing, twoleg pelts?” asked Breezepaw. “Don’t interrupt,” called Crowfeather. “Yes father,” Breezepaw sighed. Then he wandered away from the returning patrol. “These are horsepelts, wait no, they’re like twoleg pelts. Pelts made for horses. All of the horses had marks on their flanks except for us, so we got them to cover our flanks.” You should tell him how you got them. Brambleclaw seethed. “Um, Squirrelflight, why are you giving the report instead of Brambleclaw?” “It’s a long story, nothing you need to be concerned about. Anyway, a horse named Rarity made them for us, and she’s making more for you, Brambleclaw, and Sandstorm.” “Alright. What did you learn about these horses?” “They’re very friendly, and have something called bits that you need to get food. And a green one and her friend Bon Bon are suspicious of us.” “And why are they suspicious of you?” “Because Brambleclaw told us to sneak in and they saw us sneaking around.” “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for your report.” “Your welcome,” said Squirrelflight, before walking over to the grass-pile. She grabbed a mouthful of grass and began to walk back towards Brambleclaw. “Here, I brought you some grass,” she told him. “Thank you Squirrelflight. I’m sorry for saying the patrol would fail if you led it. You’re a great leader.” “Thank you.” Brambleclaw began to eat the grass as Squirrelflight left. As sunhigh was passing into sundown Leafpool and Squirrelflight were walking through the horseplace. Brambleclaw had stayed behind so they wouldn’t draw attention since they were the only two with coverings. They had found a grassy area they could walk through instead of the hard packed earth of the horsepaths. As they walked they heard a strange noise and saw the green horse who had first spotted their ill planned stealth attempt using her magic to move a gold thing. They started to walk past and hoped she would not recognize them. “You there. What were you doing sneaking about my porch?” the green horse asked. “I told you, I just tripped,” answered Squirrelflight. “And I don’t believe you. There were three ponies against my house, not just you.” “No there weren’t.” There were three cats. “I’ve got my eye on you,” she muttered before she stalked off away from them. Leafpool and Squirrelflight continued on their way until they reached Carousel Boutique. Squirrelflight stepped up to the wall where Rarity had opened it earlier. She raised a paw and pressed it to the wall, which opened. “Hello darlings. I asked my friend Twilight and she said she would be happy to house you,” said Rarity. “Thank you,” said Squirrelflight. “Here are the dresses for your friends,” said Rarity, bringing over two horsepelts and setting them on Leafpool, with a smaller one on top. “And a kilt for Brambleclaw. Would you like me to show you to Twilight’s castle?” “Yes please.” Rarity led them back out and down the path. “So Leafpool. Would you like me to help you with your magic sometime? Maybe next week?” “That sounds good,” said Leafpool. “If I may be so bold, where is your companion from earlier?” “He’s getting our other friends,” said Squirrelflight. Rarity nodded. “And here we are,” said Rarity, pointing at the largest horsenest they had ever seen, made of shining stones. “Wow, it’s huge,” marveled Squirrelflight. “Yes, and quite lovely, don’t you think.” They nodded and Rarity resumed her approach. Once she got almost to the wall she lit it in her magic and the wall opened towards them. “We got you two rooms, but if you need more space the two across the hall are empty.” “Thank you,” said Squirrelflight. Once they got inside they saw a vast cave with blue sparkling stone and many yellow and green spots that looked like the walls that could open. To the right stood a pinkish-purple horse with a horn. “Hello there! I’m Starlight, and I’ll be your neighbor while you’re living here. I know it can be a bit of a maze, so I’d like to offer you a copy of my map. Trust me, you’ll probably want it later.” “Thank you Starlight,” said Squirrelflight. Starlight magiced over a light brown sheet that was rolled up and held shut with a red strip. “Would you like a quick tour after you put your things in your room?” “Yes please.” One of the open-walls opened and Rarity lifted the pelts and set them inside. “Well I’ll be going then. I hope to see you and your friends around town. Goodbye darlings.” Starlight began walking further in. “Alright then. The map room is through the big doors at the end of this hall. The dining room is the second to last door on the right, and this door here, one to the left of the exact middle, is the closest bathroom to your rooms. The library is found by going through the dining room or the room six to the right. You are welcome to join us for breakfast and dinner, but lunch isn’t regularly scheduled. If you need me my room is in the back wing. I don’t have a good landmark, use the map.” “Thank you for showing us around. When is dinner?” “Dinner is right after sunset during the winter.” Squirrelflight and Leafpool went to their room and Leafpool grabbed the dresses. Then they headed back out of the horseden towards their camp. As they neared the camp they heard arguing and quickened their pace. When they got in sight they saw that it was only the apprentices squabbling, much to their relief. Leafpool went off to talk to Jaypaw while Squirrelflight went to talk to Firestar. When she got to his nest she called out, “Firestar?” “Yes Squirrelflight?” “I’m ready to report.” “Good.” After a moment of hesitation Firestar spoke again. “That means you should begin.” “Oh. We got the horsepelts from Rarity and she found a place for us to sleep in the horseplace. Apparrently they're called dresses and Brambleclaw's is a kilt.” “Good,” said Firestar. “Anything else?” “We now know the green horse intends to keep an eye on us.” After another awkward pause Firestar asked, “Have you finished reporting?” “Yes”, responded Squirrelflight. “Then you should either signify that or leave my den.” “Oh.” Squirrelflight walked off towards Brambleclaw. "Here," she said, thrusting the kilt at him. "Woah, what's with the aggression?" "What. Do you. Think! You've been pushing me around for the past moon and I am done with it." "Well if that's how it's going to be you can go make yourself useful somewhere and get yourself out of my fur," he snapped, snatching the kilt. Squirrelflight stalked off. Who does he think he is, treating me like an apprentice all the time? She tried to push away the guilt gnawing at her mind. She walked to her makeshift nest and laid down, hoping Brambleclaw wouldn't figure out his kilt before they had to leave so she would have the time to herself. She heard Firestar telling the others they would don their horsepelts and leave immediately. He told Crowfeather and Hollypaw that they were to camp here until a new plan arose.