Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus

by GMSeskii

[Chapter 5] The Heroes' Journey

It was a port city that, although it saw a large amount of traffic from the various nations of the world, nobody had a particularly fond opinion of. For while it was in an important and strategic location on the world stage, no larger power ever sought to own it. Likely because anyone who tried would find themselves out on the streets in nothing but their underwear with a massive headache and no money to speak of. If they were lucky.

Visitors to the city would find that it was a strange mish-mash of well-tended buildings and graffiti-covered alleys that tried their best to ignore each other’s existence. The various gangs of the city did much the same, except when they didn’t, and that always ended up… unfortunate for everyone involved.

In the center of town was the primary landmark that all who visited would remember and all who lived there paid respect: the gallows. Even though it wasn’t used as often as one might think, it always had a noose tied up and hanging, reminding everyone exactly what kind of place this was.

This city was not your friend.

And the light blue doors appeared in the alleyway just behind the gallows.