Luna's Pokémon Journey

by Norwegian boy

Victory Tournament: Luna vs Audaz

Ace walk out of the stadium with hands in his pockets and his head hung low, he couldn’t believe he lost. After he managed to defeat three of Sunset’s Pokémon he thought he had chance to win but then she just ran over him, his goal in the tournament was to be in the top 16, that’s not going to happened now.

Then someone spoke. “What’s with the long face?”

Ace saw James and the others walking towards him. “I was… I was hoping to beat her but that didn’t happen.” He look down on the ground again. “I guess I’m a weak trainer.

Ace then felt a hand on his shoulder, it was James and had he a serious face. “Let me tell you something, you are not weak. You managed to go one on one with Sunset at the end and that’s no small tasks, that you had to face Sunset in the first round was just an unfair draw. In my option, you are a way better trainer than her and the reason I because you care about your Pokémon and she doesn’t. In my book that makes you a better trainer than her.”

Ace felt a lot better now, James words made sense. Sunset had never cared about her Pokémon and he did. There was more but they were interrupted by the woman they were talking about.

Then Sunset spoke up. "It's hilarious that a loser would comfort a loser.” Every one look over to Sunset who had a smug look on her face. “Do you tell yourself that crap before you go to bed? If you do, that’s pathetic.”

James was about to speak but Luna beat hm to it. “Would you shut the hell up, Ace managed to beat five of your Pokémon and I could see that you weren’t happy by that.” She snap at Sunset.

Sunset pointed a finger at Luna. “That he managed to beat five of my Pokémon was a fluke, nothing more. The next time we battle he won’t be so lucky.” She then look at Shadow and the back at Luna. “I don’t care which of you two I meet in the third round, I will crush either of you.” She then walk away.

Luna couldn’t help but crossed her arms and frown. “What a bitch.” Luna then look at Twilight who was in shock. “Do you still believe she can be saved by the power of friends?” Twilight didn’t have anything to say, she was speechless.

After the next battle was done, Luna was up next. Everyone had gathered in the stadium for a second time, the trainer and Sara was sitting closest to the arena while Celestia and the girls was sitting behind them. The entire stadium erupted in cheer when the two trainers entered the stadium.

As Luna took her place by the battle arena, she had to admit that she was very nervous, even more nervous than last four battles. Then her opponent was ready, he was a man by the name Audaz. He has black hair and he had a red bandana, he was wearing a red fighting suit and he was barefoot? Once the trainers was ready, the battlefield raised up the ground and first up was a rock arena, there was rocks spread around the arena.

Then it was time to begin, Audaz was first up. “Let’s fight Pangoro.” Out came a Pokémon that Luna hadn’t seen before. It was standing on two legs, most of the fur was grey, it was white around it stomach and on its head, it had a leaf in its mouth. Luna had to see the data.

Pangoro the daunting Pokémon. Although it possesses a violent temperament, it won’t put up with bullying. It uses the leaf in its mouth to sense the movements in the air.

Back on the stand, Celestia decided to ask James a question. “Which Pokémon do you think my sister will use first?”

“It would be Skarmory, Azumarill or Braviary. Using Espeon would be pointless considering Pangoro is also a dark type, we just have to wait and see.” James told her.

Then it was Luna’s turn, she threw her Pokéball. “Come out Skarmory.” Out came the armor bird Pokémon and was ready for battle, Luna had the first move. “Skarmory, use spikes.” Skarmory flew up and then he started to spin and then things landed on the ground around Pangoro.

The ponies was just confused. “What kind of attack is that?” Dash asked the trainers.

“Spikes is an attack that lays, well, spikes around the opponent feet. When Audaz switches Pokémon, his new Pokémon will take damage when they land on the ground, it’s a smart move by Luna.”

Audaz didn’t think it was a smart move, now his Pokémon would take damage every time he switched them. He could worry about that later, he had a battle to win and considering Skarmory was up in the air, it wouldn’t be easy. “Pangoro, return.” That he called back his Pokémon before he had attack, that surprised everyone in the stadium. “Let’s fight Infernape.” Out came a Pokémon that look like a monkey but its hair was in fire but as soon he touched the ground, Infernape was hurt by small explosions on the ground.

James didn’t like Audaz choice. “That’s not good.”

Celestia used the dex she had borrowed from James.

Infernape the flame Pokémon. Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature. It is beaten by none in terms of quickness.

She didn’t like what she saw. “I can see what you mean, Infernape is also a fire type.” Twilight and the girls had learned enough about Pokémon that steel Pokémon is vulnerable against fire.

When it came to the battle, Audaz was ready to make a move. “Use flamethrower.” Flames came out from Infernape’s mouth.

“Doge it.” Skarmory managed to avoid the first attack but Infernape kept on attacking, she had to attack. “Use air cutter.” Skarmory managed to get a change to attack, he flap his wings sending razor like wind towards his opponent.

“Doge the attack and keep using flamethrower.”

Infernape managed to jump away, avoiding the Skarmory’s attack. Then the flame Pokémon attack again and this time Skarmory didn’t have time move and was hit, the armor bird Pokémon landed on the ground hard and he was hurt.

Luna quickly returned Skarmory to his Pokéball, lucky for Luna she knew which Pokémon she was going to use. “You’re up Azumarill.” Out came the aqua rabbit Pokémon ready for battle. “Use water gun.” Azumarill attack with water.

“Block it.” Infernape crossed its arms and took the attack head on, the flame Pokémon slide back a little and was hurt in the prosses. “Use mach punch.” Infernape disappeared and reappeared in front of Azumarill, punching the aqua rabbit.

Azumarill was send flying. “Don’t give up, use ice beam.” Azumarill managed to straighten herself and fire abeam of ice, in the air. The ice beam hit Infernape straight in the face, his face was then covert in ice giving Luna the change to attack again. “Use bubble beam.” This time bubbles came off from her mouth and thanks to the ice block in Infernape face, the attack hit and the flame Pokémon fell to the ground unconscious.

“Infernape is unable to battle, Azumarill is the winner.” Said the judge.

Luna was relieved that she managed to knock out one of his Pokémon first but Audaz wasn’t happy. He called back Infernape and got ready his next Pokémon. “Let’s fight Hitmonchan.” Out came a Pokémon with boxing gloves. Just as Infernape, Hitmonchan was hurt by spikes.

Luna had never seen that Pokémon before so she took out her dex.

Hitmonchan the punching Pokémon. Hitmonchan is said to possess the spirit of a boxer who had been working towards a world championship. This Pokémon has an indomitable spirit and will never give up in the face of adversity.

She could see that Hitmonchan was a fighting type and nothing more, she decided to stick with Azumarill. “Use ice beam.” The aqua rabbit fired another beam of ice.

“Use thunder punch.” Hitmonchan started run towards Azumarill while his right fist was covert in electricity, the punching Pokémon also managed to avoid the attack while running. Then Azumarill was hit so hard that she was send flying backwards, Azumarill was hit so hard that she flew past Luna and hit the wall behind her, the aqua rabbit Pokémon was out.

“Azumarill is unable to battle, Hitmonchan is the winner.” Said the judge.

Luna couldn’t believe it how powerful Hitmonchan was, one punch was enough to take out Azumarill, even Celestia and the girls was in shock when they saw just how powerful the Pokémon was.

Luna called back Azumarill and got ready her next Pokémon. “Come out Skarmory.” The armor Pokémon was ready for another round.

Audaz made the first move. “Use fire punch.” This time flames surrounded its first as he started to tun towards its opponent.

“Fly up and use air cutter.” Skarmory send away razor like wind towards Hitmonchan.

“Doge the attack.” Hitmonchan started to jump around the arena while trying to avoid the attach but Skarmory keep on attacking and the punching Pokémon was eventually hit, so Audaz called him back, he then took out a new Pokéball and threw it. “Let’s fight Medicham.”

Out came a Pokémon that Luna hadn’t seen before, it was standing on two legs and it look like the Pokémon had purple pants? The body was grey and it had some purple on its head. Medicham was also hurt by spikes.

Pinkie couldn’t help but giggle when she saw the Pokémon . “What a funny Pokémon.”

Pinkie might think it was funny but the trainers wasn’t laughing at all. “Medicham might look funny to you but it’s a very powerful Pokémon.” Said James.

Celestia decided to see what James was talking about by looking at the data.

Medicham the meditate Pokémon. it is said that through meditation, Medicham heightens energy inside its body and sharpens its sixth sense. This Pokémon hides its presence by merging itself with field and mountains.

Celestia was a little worried when she saw the data. “I can see what you mean James, it’s a fighting and psychic.” The girls became a little worried when they heard that, they have heard that psychic types is very strong.

Luna had no idea what Medicham could do so she decided to find out. “Use wing attack.” Skarmory wings started to glow as he flew towards his opponent.

Audaz was ready. “Use confusion.” Medicham’s eyes started to glow and managed to stop Skarmory. “Throw Skarmory against the rocks.” Medicham moved it hand and that made Skarmory to flew into the rocks, again and again. Luna could only watch as it happened. “Slam it against the ground.” Medicham lifted the armor Pokémon in the air and slammed him into the ground knocking him out.

“Skarmory is unable to battle, Medicham is the winner.” Said the judge.

Luna couldn’t believe it, Medicham took out Skarmory so easy. She called back the armor Pokémon and got ready her next. You’re up Mismagius.” Out came the magical Pokémon ready for battle. “Let’s give Medicham taste of its own medicine, psychic.” Mismagius eyes started to glow and before Audaz could react, Medicham was lifted up in the air. “Slam Medicham into the rocks.” Just as Skarmory was hurt by the rocks, so was Medicham. “Send Medicham flying.” Mismagius send meditate Pokémon towards its trainer, he landed on the ground and was hurt.

“Are you okay Medicham?” Audaz asked with worried. Medicham managed to gey up but he was hurt so Aduza called him back, he got ready his next Pokémon. “Let’s fight Pangoro.” Out came the daunting Pokémon for a second time, he was then hurt by spikes. “Use shadow claw.” A shadow claw appeared around Pangoro hands as he started to run towards Mismagius.

Luna had to do something or she could lose her third Pokémon while Aduza had five left. “Use shadow ball.” Mismagius send away a black ball, Pangoro just slash it away with Shadow claw. She hope this work. “Use psychic.” Mismagius manged to stop daunting Pokémon dead in its track.” Now, send Pangoro flying.” Mismagius did just that, she send Pangoro flying and the daunting Pokémon landed on the ground. “Use another shadow ball.” Mismagius attack again with a black ball and this time the attack hit, it create a small explosion which was enough to knock out Pangoro.

“Pangoro is unable to battle, Mismagius is the winner.” Said the judge. Then it was four vs four.

Audaz called back Pangoro and got ready next Pokémon. “Let’s fight Lucario.” Out came a Pokémon Lunas knew all well. Lucario was hurt by the spikes.

When Luna saw Audaz’s Lucario, she couldn’t help but smile, she had done her homework and she knew that he would chose Lucario. She held out a Pokéball and called back Mismagius, she got ready her next Pokémon. “You’re up Pyroar.” Out came the royal Pokémon, ready for battle.

On the stand, Celestia was impressed by her sister while James was a little worried, he told them that Pyroar was a good match against Lucario but the aura Pokémon was also a good match against Pyroar.

Audaz decided to attack first. “Use low sweep.” Lucario ran toward its opponent.

“Intercept Lucario with flamethrower.” Pyroar attack with flames from her mouth.

“Doge the attack.” Lucario managed to jump to the side while running to avoid the attack.

When Lucario was right in front of Pyroar, he sweep his leg near the ground towards the royal Pokémon. “Jump.” Pyroar managed to jump up and avoid the attack. “Fire fang.” Pyroar’s mouth was covert in flames as she bite down on Lucario’s arm, it hurt.

Use brick break.” Lucario raised his right arm as its started to glow, he then hit Pyroar right in the head, that hurt too.

Luna wasn’t about to give up that easily. “Use another flamethrower.” Pyroar attack flames again but this time the attack was at close range, the damaged was big.

Audaz was about to give up either. “Use dragon pulse.” Lucario managed to attack with a blue pulse from its mouth with hit Pyroar right in the face. Both Pokémon was knock out.

“Both Pokémon is unable to battle, it’s a draw.” Said the judge.

The entire stadium was in shock when they saw that both Pokémon was out, that means that the trainers has three Pokémon left when the next round begins. As Luna walk back to the entrance she had emerge from, she couldn’t help but fell her heart, it was beating like crazy. She has never felt this alive before and she liked it.

Far up on the stand, near one of the entrance stood Sunset, she wanted to see if Luna lost. To be honest, Sunset didn’t care which one she would face, she would just destroy them.

When the next round started, the battlefield was a grass arena and Audaz was up first. “Let’s fight Hitmonchan.” Out came the punching Pokémon ready for another round.

Then it was Luna’s turned. “You’re up Braviary.” Out came the valiant Pokémon, ready for battle.

Audaz was a little worried when he saw Braviary, all of his Pokémon had a disadvantage against Braviary so it didn’t matter which Pokémon he chose. “Use thunder punch.” Electricity formed around Hitmonchan’s fist as he started to run towards Braviary.

“Fly up.” Braviary did that and Hitmonchan missed. “Use air slash.” The valiant Pokémon flap its wings and it look like it attack with blades that was made of air, Hitmonchan didn’t have time to doge the attack so he was hit. “Use aerial ace.” Braviary took one loop and then headed towards Hitmonchan who was still dazed from the last attack, Braviary hit the punching Pokémon straight in the chest sending him flying, Hitmonchan landed on the ground unconscious.

“Hitmonchan is unable to battle, Braviary is the winner.” Said the judge.

Audaz called back Hitmonchan and got ready is next Pokémon. “Let’s fight Medicham.” Out came the meditate Pokémon ready for another round, but Medicham was still hurt from his previous battle with Mismagius.

Luna wanted to finish this fast but she wasn’t about to the same mistake she did with Skarmory. “Use air slash again.” Braviary attack with its wings again.

“Use detect.” Medicham’s eyes started to glow and he managed to step aside so Braviary attack missed. “Now, use confusion to bring Braviary to you.” Medicham did that. “Thunder punch.” Electricity form around its fist and hit Braviary right in the stomach when he was in front of the meditate Pokémon. “Use high jump kick.” Then Medicham rammed his knee right into Braviary chin which send him flying, Braviary landed on the ground with stars in his eyes.

“Braviary is unable to battle, Medicham is the winner.” Said the judge.

The entire stadium erupted in cheer when they saw Braviary lose, Luna couldn’t understand why they cheered for that, so did her sister. Luna called back Braviary and got ready her next Pokémon . “Let’s do this Mismagius.” Out came the magical Pokémon, ready for another round. “Use shadow ball.” Mismagius attack with a black ball.

“Doge it and use thunder punch.” Medicham managed to avoid the attack and then he started to run while his fist was covert with electricity.

“Keep using shadow ball.” Mismagius keep on attack but Medicham managed to doge every one of them.

Medicham was then close enough to punch the magical Pokémon, Mismagius scream out in pain. “Keep using thunder punch.” Medicham keep on attacking and eventually Mismagius was out.

“Mismagius is unable to battle, Medicham is the winner.” Said the judge.

Then Luna had only one Pokémon, she called back Mismagius and got ready her last Pokémon. “You’re up Sceptile.” Out came the forest Pokémon and boy was everyone surprised when they saw Luna’s choice especially Audaz, he didn’t think that her last Pokémon would be a grass type. “Use x scissor.” Sceptile crossed his arms and they started to glow, he then started to run. Before Audaz could react Sceptile was already in front of Medicham, the meditate Pokémon was hit hard. “Use leaf blade.” The leads on Sceptile’s arms started to glow and they became blades, then he slashed Medicham so hard that the meditate Pokémon landed on the ground unconscious.

“Medicham is unable to battle, Sceptile is the winner.” Said the judge. Then it was one vs one.

Audaz called back Medicham and got ready his last Pokémon. “Let’s fight Urshifu.” Out came a Pokémon that no one had seen before.

The Pokémon was standing on two legs, it was grey and black, its finger and toes was yellow and it had a white bandana on its head.

When Celestia decided to see the data she got something on the dex, it read no data. “James, there something wrong with your Pokédex.” She told him.

James look at her. “What do you mean?” She showed him the dex. “What the…?” James took the dex from her and started to press the buttons on it. “What’s going on? I upgraded it like six weeks ago.” He then turned to the others trainers. “What about you guys?” They look at their own dex and saw the same as he, no data. “Well, that’s no good. If we doesn’t have any data then Luna dosen’t have either.”

“What does that mean for my sister?” Celestia asked James.

“It means Luna is going in blind, she have to fight a Pokémon that she doesn’t know anything about.”

Luna had the same problem as the others, she didn’t have any data on this Urshifu, she just had to go for it. “Use leaf blade.” Sceptile’s leaf’s on its arms started to glow as he ran towards his opponent.

“Use arial ace.” That took Luna off guard, she didn’t think that Urshifu could use a flying move.

Urshifu spread its arms and ‘flew’ towards Sceptile, striking him so hard he flew backwards. “Don’t give up Sceptile.” The forest Pokémon managed to flip over and launched himself towards Urshifu, strike in the Pokémon twice.

Audaz wasn’t about to give up either. “Use headbutt.” Urshifu just hit his head into Sceptile which made him staggered backwards.

Luna didn’t like that. “Use x scissor.” Sceptile crossed his arms and the started to glow, he then strike Urshifu and it look like it did a loot of damage, it was a dark type. “use x scissor again.” Sceptile attack again.

Audaz had to do something. “Use dynamic punch.” Urshifu made a fist with his right hand and then he hit so hard he could meeting Sceptile’s attack, at first it look like they were equality match but then Urshifu send Sceptile flying.

Sceptile landed right in front of Luna. “Are you okay Sceptile?” Luna asked with concern as the forest Pokémon had trouble standing up, he wasn’t going to let down his trainer. “Use solar beam.” The knots on Sceptile back started to glow.

Audaz had to stop it. “Use arial ace.” Urshifu spread its arms again and ’flew’ towards Sceptile.

The only problem Luna had with solar beam was that it took too long, there was a change that the opponent could attack before the attack was ready. Luna could only watch as the seeds on Sceptile’s back started to glow one by one and Urshifu was getting closer, it was like watching the whole thing in slow motion.

Then they were ready. “Attack.” Sceptile fired away a yellow beam from its mouth at Urshifu who was only a few feet from him, the impact create an explosion that surrounded Urshifu, the entire stadium was quite as the smoke cleared, Urshifu was lying on the ground unconscious.

“Urshifu is unable to battle, Sceptile is the winner, the victory goes to Luna.” Said the judge.

The entire stadium erupted in cheer when they heard that, Sunset on the other hand wasn’t impressed at all as she walk out. Luna just stood there, she couldn’t believe that she had won.