//------------------------------// // A different Canterlot // Story: The Chef's Life // by vincent789 //------------------------------// After the speech and Celestia's hard work in attempting to slow down the amount of paperwork. Canterlot was experiencing a great boom in advancements. This was mostly in health and safety, but also in food and drinks. When the people of Canterlot heard about the truth of the disaster and about the duo that caused all of it, they chose to accept the past. And in order for a second disaster from happening, the people worked hard at improving the lives of those that have lost ponies. But also at improving hospitals and the like from getting overwhelmed too fast. After the speech, many desired to join a rescue organization. The explosive desire caused schools that taught ponies in the art of rescue to get overwhelmed in a matter of minutes. But rescue organizations also got overwhelmed at the sudden spike in help from many places. From food to medication, it was as if the world wanted to thank them for their services so far. And then came the diplomats. They seeked the assistance of Celestia more than anyone else. They desired a full overview of the disaster, in order for their respective countries from such a disaster. Celestia obviously complied with their request, in order to build an even stronger relationship with the respective countries. That was until an unexpected visitor requested Twilight instead. "With all due respect, your highness. We wish to ask Twilight Sparkle for help instead. During the disaster many of my kin got injured or even died, however we wish to ask for her help instead." The darker colored pony requested. "Under whose name?" Celestia asked suspicious. "Chrysalis." The pony stated. "Hm? Who is that, if I may ask?" Celestia asked uncertain. "A queen that rules her ponies in the badlands." The pony replied. It was at that moment that Twilight intervened, "Of course, I will assist. What is the specific request?" Twilight asked. Celestia jumped as Twilight stated that out of nowhere. "Art thou more skilled?" The pony asked in a difference voice. Twilight smiled and nodded, "I am ready. Is there a specific recipe you would like me to make?" she asked. The pony gave her toothy grin, although Twilight could tell that the pony was sad, despite it. "Love pancakes. We love those, the sweetness and softness is great with our teeth. Make them thick though, otherwise it won't fill us." the pony said. "How many?" Twilight asked cryptic. The pony's eyes widen, as her smile disappears. "Are you sure you can take that weight?" The pony asked. "It will depend. That way I can decide on how many love pancakes I make." Twilight requested. "5 million." The pony said in a lot of pain. Twilight eyes widen, but she said nothing. "I understand. I will make as many as I am able to produce. I will personally deliver it to you." Twilight said as her voice betrays her sheer amount of sadness. Celestia looks confused at the exchange. She couldn't understand what they were talking about. So she intervened. "Twilight who is this?" Celestia asked worried. She draped her wing over Twilight to suppress her sadness. "A changeling. Queen Chrysalis is a changeling queen. That number is the amount that died due to the disaster." Twilight said, her eyes dark and her smile was dark. "No." Celestia said in disbelieve. That was an amount she couldn't understand, it was simply too many. "I will have to make millions of pancakes. Will you assist me?" Twilight looks hopeful at Celestia. "Infused in love I presume?" Celestia said with a small smile. "Exactly." Twilight said somewhat smiling. "Wait! We don't have enough storage for that many?!" The pony said shocked. "Then let's make a lot as an apology." Celestia said as she ignored the desperate cries of the changeling. "Yes!" Twilight said while agreeing. "Are you deaf?! We don't have enough space for that many pancakes!" The pony shouted annoyed. "Oh. Who said we were just talking about pancakes." Celestia said with a big grin. The grin was creeping the changeling out. "Yeah. I recently found a way to infuse crystals with love. We will need Cadence's help, but surely she will assist." Twilight admitted, the changeling's shock disappears and gets replaced with worry. "Wait how are you going to transport all of that?" The pony asked worried. "Don't underestimate us." Luna said as she jumps in, "I know the location of your hive, I can teleport it all straight to your hive." "Oh Chrysalis, please have mercy!" The pony said dramatic. Celestia, Luna and Twilight laughed at the responds. "I heard my name?" Cadence said as she walked in on an odd scene. Twilight and the princesses were laughing at a pony that was clearly in distress. Although at closer look, the pony was being overly dramatic. "Cadence. Do you still have those crystal hearts? I need like 5 million of them." Twilight asked Cadence. "What is it for?" Cadence asked suspicious. "Oh love crystals." Twilight simply answers. "Ah. For changelings? Sure, I can give you that many. Want me to help you fill them?" Cadence asked. "Sure. I just hope that our changeling buddy will have enough space, besides 500 tons of love pancakes that is." Twilight said obliviously. "You were serious?!" Celestia, Luna and the pony shouted at Twilight, shocked. "It's the least I can do, after killing 5 million changelings by accident." Twilight admitted, much to the shock of Luna and Cadence. "Are you sure we shouldn't double it then?" Luna asked suddenly. Much to the horror of the pony. "Hm." Twilight thought. "Enough! We don't want your help." The pony shouted as he stormed away. "Too late." Twilight said while smiling. "Shit." The pony said, "You will never get me alive!" The pony shouted as he ran off. "So, can you teleport the end product to her?" Twilight asked Luna. "Gladly." Luna said agreeing. "Okay. Let's use Celestia's kitchen then. She has everything that will allow us to make 500 tons of love pancakes." Twilight said as she walked towards her kitchen. "Let me help you with that." Cadence said as she quickens her pace to follow Twilight. Celestia shook her head in disbelieve while following Twilight. Luna simply smiled in worry at Twilight's serious statement, but said nothing of it. After the conversation with disguised changeling, Twilight and the princesses made their way to Celestia's private kitchen to make an tremendous amount of pancakes that were going to infused with Twilight's love of cooking. Thus appropriately named "Love pancakes". Luna however was going to be in charge of sending a tremendous amount of pancakes and love crystals towards a single spot in the badlands. This was going to take a massive amount of magic, so she decided to make a circle magic spell instead. Circle magic isn't as easy to cast compared to ordinary magic. However they were perfect for spells that were going to be used many times. Like in this case 'Single-point Hyper coordinated super teleport' was the name of the spell. If Luna was going to cast this without the circle spell, it would take millions of magic points. But the circle spell would lessen the pressure on the caster by a lot. 75% decrease of magic point spending per spell.* After several minutes of casting the circle on the ground, Luna finished the spell. And just in the nick of time. Celestia, Cadence and Twilight finished their first batch of love pancake. 50 tons to be precise. This was going to go fast, due to Celestia using her military grade** mixers to make the pancakes. And Twilight was making five pancakes per session of baking the pancakes. Cadence was in charge of packaging them for transportation and to grant some mercy to the changeling queen by lowering the amount of storage that was going to be required to store them. "Okay. Sending the first batch." Luna said as she placed the pancakes on the circle and sending them over. Meanwhile in the underground city that is being ruled by Chrysalis. The queen herself has been worried ever since the surprisingly eagerness from Twilight and the rulers of Equestria. The disguised changeling has also return and he too is worried, until a magic circle appears out of nowhere and a pallet with boxes on it appears out of thin air. The changeling carefully approaches it to inspect it. But as soon as he got close, he smelled the pancakes. "My queen. The pancakes have arrived." The changeling said. "How many?" Chrysalis asked. "50 tons." the changeling replied. "Oh thank god. They had some sense." Chrysalis said relieved. "Uh. I don't think this is the entire delivery." the changeling said worried. "What makes you think that?" Chrysalis asked worried. "They are still warm. If they are making them and immediately teleports them. Then-" The changeling deduced, only for his deduction to immediately answered. He was correct. Much to his queens horror. In the following minutes, ten more pallets appeared for a total of 500 tons of pancakes. But the pallets with boxes made the storage for them much easier. Instead of a mountain like Chrysalis expected, it fitted in a small section of the storage unit. "And that was the pancakes. Now we will get those love crystals." The changeling said. "I hope they package it like these pallets. It will make storing much easier." Chrysalis said hopeful. "I doubt that they will change their version of storing the crystals to the pancakes. But there is only one way to find out. So let's wait." The changeling said smiling. Going back to Twilight, she and the princess have completed fase one of the task they promised. Cadence is currently missing however as she is currently gathering the love crystals that they are going to use. "So wait. How are we going to gather all that love?" Luna suddenly asked Twilight. Twilight smile turns evil, "I have my ways. However I will need to go to the place alone. Celestia can go rest up for a bit, while I want you to wait on me, for producing the stuff." Twilight said suspicious. "Explain." Celestia practically ordered Twilight. Twilight meanwhile simply pouted, "Ah fine. No need to go anywhere. At the time I originally met the changelings, I ask them on advice about collecting love." Twilight explained. "Which means?" Celestia asked curious. "Ever since my first meeting, I have secretly been collecting love into a separate pocket dimension. That is why I need to go alone. The love can't enter my body, since I own the pocket dimension. But an outsider might get infected by it. So only I can collect the love out of the pocket dimension for the crystals." Twilight explained. "I understand." Luna said while nodding. "So is five million crystals not too much?" Celestia asked. "Nah. It probably contains enough love to fill five trillion magic crystals instead. After all, my cooking produces love, which means I produce a LOT of love. And eventually I actually was forced to increase the size of my pocket dimension. Which in itself was already massive. It is as big as the entirety of Equestria, but it is already about 95% full." Twilight admitted. Luna and Celestia let their mouths drop to the ground in shock. Cadence who walked in on the revelation didn't bat an eye. She was apparently a bit aware of this, thanks to her uncanny relationship with love magic. "Where do you want me to place the crystals?" Cadence asked. "We are going to put them into boxes and pallets again after I fill them. Will you do that for me, Cadence?" Twilight asked. "Sure. Leave it to me." Cadence said happily. "Okay, opening a closed portal right here." Twilight said she points at a random direction with her horn and casted a powerful closed portal into the wall. "I am ready to package them." Cadence said. "Please throw all the crystals through the portal. I will fill them up and throw them back out. I will Celestia to picking them up and giving them to you Cadence." Twilight instructed. "Okay." Celestia and Cadence said at the same time. Twilight then entered the portal. As soon as Twilight got on the other side, she was reminded just how powerful she was. Inside she saw a dark cloud of pink energy over a magical recreation of the entirety of Equestria. She made the recreation with her magic alone and without breaking into a sweat. Something that most ponies are unable to do, in fact most have trouble recreating a building, let alone an entire country. Shaking her head, Twilight grabs a crystal and orders the love magic to fill the crystals up. The love magic acts without delay and enters the crystals one by one. As soon as a crystal is filled, Twilight tosses them through the portal. She did this every five hundred crystals. Meanwhile on the other side, Cadence fills each box with a total of 18 crystals and a pallet can hold 6 boxes for a total of 108 crystals per pallet. They will have to do this for 5 million crystals in total. This was going to take awhile. "A total of 46300 pallets. This is going to take awhile." Luna deduced. "Well it is better than cleaning up the dead bodies of the disaster." Celestia admits. "Way to not read the mood, sis." Luna said annoyed. "Less talking and more filling." Cadence shouts even more annoyed. "Sorry." Luna and Celestia said saddened. As their actions quickened. And for the next several hours, Twilight and the royal sisters filled pallets upon pallets of love crystals and sent them over to Chrysalis over and over. Chrysalis herself saw as thousands upon thousands of pallets filled with crystals appeared in front of her. And despite being annoyed at the large amount, she was that much more grateful for the fact that Twilight kept her promise. Than the given amount, although that was certainly a bonus. However she was still planning an invasion on Canterlot, until the last love crystal got through. It was a love crystal that has a picture and three letters attached. One from Cadence, one from the royal sisters and one from Twilight. The picture had a smiling Twilight, Cadence, Celestia and Luna on it while carrying the last love crystal on it. Although they all looked pretty tired. The first letter Chrysalis read was from her rival, Cadence: 'Dear Chrysalis, As you know well, My name is Cadence, and just like you I use love magic in many ways. And although our ways are different. It is the same in one way or another. I heard you lost many children during the disaster and for that I genuinely want to apologize on Twilight's behalf. I am also aware that you consider me a rival. I mean it makes sense, however since the disaster happened I have become more aware of my lack of consideration to your people. My mother always told me that you were heartless, but I don't agree. I have seen and met truly heartless individuals but you aren't one of them. You are a mother, a queen, a ruler. But you truly care for your children and that is something that I respect. We may be rivals, but if you ever need some help. I am willing to assist, even my rival. Yours truly, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.' Chrysalis read this letter in particular, several times. She was surprised that Cadence was willing to grant her such mercy despite their past together. But she was glad that Cadence wasn't like her mother. Cadence's mother was truly heartless compared to herself. The next letter she read was of the royal sisters, each with their own letter. One written on the front, the other on the the back. The one on the front was Luna, so she read hers first. 'Dear Chrysalis, My name is Luna Nightmare. I am Celestia's younger sister. However I am much better versed with your kind. Before my banishment, I remember meeting your mother. I did hear from your own changelings that she died protecting the hive. I am saddened to hear that. We were good friends. And we both loved good food. I hope I can meet you under better circumstances next time. Now onto what I really want to talk about. My spies have noticed that you want to invade us. And honestly I understand. After losing so many children to an accident that could have been avoided. I too would want that. However as a ruler of Equestria I ask a different question. Why not integrate with our citizens? I asked your mother that, she would tell me what she wanted. But sadly she was unable to tell me before my banishment. So I ask you. What do you think? Please think long and hard about it. Yours truly, Princess Luna Nightmare.' Chrysalis was unsure how to answer that, so instead of answering, she looked at Celestia's letter. 'Dear Chrysalis, It seems I am truly blind. Or ignorant. I did not know about your race. I wish I did, that way I might have saved your kind during the disaster, sadly I didn't know.' Chrysalis noticed some black spots on the letter, Celestia was most likely crying when writing this. 'I could have saved more lives. But the sheer chaos of the situation may have costed more lives than I was aware off. I cannot apologize for something I wasn't aware off. And I do not ask for forgiveness. Instead as ruler of Equestria, I will grant you a lot of things. As you are technically a different country that was attacked during the disaster. It is my duty to see to it that I improve relationships with your people. After talking with my people that is in charge of handling outside affairs I have chosen the following things. Of course, you can decide whether to accept or not. And I will allow you to hold a grudge. I am sure I would. If you accept I can grant citizenship to your people if you are interested. Or grant a trading license for free. Or open borders with your people, this can be one-sided. Again there are many grants that I willing to grant as an apology, but I will have to ask you to sent a diplomat to my doorstep if you have made a decision. Again on Twilight and Pride's behalf. We apologize for their actions and can ensure that it will never happen again. Yours truly, Princess Celestia Sun.' Chrysalis was surprised at Celestia's incredible desire to apologize. In fact she can feel the love she has put in her letter. It made her second guess about invading Equestria. But she was going to send a diplomat when she was ready, she knew of that for sure. However she had one last letter to read. It was from Twilight. The murderer of her children, yet also an old friend to her. Just her name spoke sadness in Chrysalis subconsciousness. Yet with a heavy heart, she read Twilight's letter. 'Dear Friend, I have done horrible things to your people. I am a murderer, a monster, a back-stabber. Yet I am also an old friend. I have done some stuff to improve though. It may never be enough for the five million that died however. So instead I will do something that I should have done years ago. This letter contains a spell. A spell that prevents me from damaging you and your people. I do not want to damage you any more than I already have. On top of that, I will find a way to allow your own people to cook and generate your own love. As I have for years. It may take my entire lifetime, but I am willing to take that bet. Now that the sad stuff is out of the way. Let me tell you more about love magic. I know that you know a lot. But I found something interesting. Love magic can't be controlled because of a curse, as it falls under holy magic. So if you ever learn holy magic, you could make a spell that allows changelings to generate their own love. It might take decades, but it is not impossible. And finally I have decided to settle down somewhere soon. If you are ever interested in something else, then you could always visit me. You are always welcome. Yours truly, Twilight.' "Wow. The disaster got her good huh?" A random changeling behind Chrysalis said. "Why are you reading with me?" Chrysalis asked annoyed. "You sent me out to meet her originally. So I know what she is like." The changeling admits. "Is she always a downer?" Chrysalis asked rudely. "Nah. She is an optimist. For her to be this hard on herself just goes to show that she got hit harder by her own action that I though she would." The changeling said, his voice sounded saddened. Even though he had no emotions. Chrysalis looks at him with a raised eyebrow, "Well whatever. She isn't wrong with those first three things." she said. Chrysalis could swear that the changelings behind her glared daggers at her. Again they weren't born with emotions, so that should have been impossible. "Fine. I guess if it wasn't for Twilight. We would have to starve." Chrysalis receded. Although the dagger stare didn't stop. "Still these potential grants are, big to say the least." Chrysalis admits. "Will you send me out, my queen?" One of the more friendly changeling diplomats asked. "Perhaps. I need sometime to think about though." Chrysalis said in serious though. "Of course. But if I may. I am sure some of our changelings that have touched Equestria food might really enjoy citizenship." the diplomat suggested. "Wait what did it do?" Chrysalis asked worried. The diplomat smiled, "It gave them emotions." Meanwhile back in Canterlot, Twilight and the group laid exhausted in Celestia's bedroom. "Are you sure that was a good idea?" Luna asks Celestia, "They are evil." "And I am not?" Twilight asked in Celestia's place. Luna sighs, "They have kidnapped ponies." she tried to reason, Celestia took a sip of her coffee. "So have you." Cadence said knowingly. Much to the shock of Luna. "Besides I noticed something curious." Twilight said as she switched topics. "Which is?" Celestia asked curious. "You said that they don't have emotions, right?" Twilight asked Luna. "That is correct." Luna said nodding. "Let me show you, that they do. Bring in a changeling." Twilight said as she requested one of the guards to do exactly that. The guard brings an annoyed changeling inside. However it shuts its mouth as soon as it spots Luna. "Eat this." Twilight gave the changeling a donut ball. The changeling took it and ate it. Only to end the meal with a large happy smile. But he noticed that Luna stared at him in shock and as soon as he realized what happened. He removes his gleeful smile off his face. "You were saying?" Twilight said as she gave Luna and the changeling a knowing smile. Luna was still in a state of shock, but the changeling gave up. "To tell you the truth. We are born without emotions. But it seems that Equestria's food is so emotional that even our hearts fill with emotion. So yeah. The princess wasn't wrong. But she wasn't right either." The changeling admits. "That is incredible." Cadence said, "Have you had to cry yet?" she suddenly asked. "In sadness? No." The changeling said. "So you have in happiness?" Cadence asked. "I have. Many times." The changeling said. "Well it is possible that the fact that love is an emotional type magic, it could cause that when in contact with happiness magic your body tries to translate that into love magic and thus cause you to reflect the food in emotion." Twilight deduced. "That is very likely." The changeling agreed. "So how many are infected?" Luna asked in an attempt to regain composure. "Almost all of us. Although we have yet to experience every type of emotion." The changeling admits. "Like?" Celestia asked, suddenly very interested. "Well, sadness and well anger." The changeling explained. "Those are actually the easiest to obtain. In fact I can make those two on the spot." Twilight admits. "Really? Hm, I guess I will have to ask her next time." The changeling said cryptically. Twilight however immediately understood, "You have found a favorite food place?" Twilight asked. The changeling gave a warm smile, "I have. She is aware I am a changeling as I accidentally revealed myself in front of her. I may have fallen in love at first sight." he said dreamily. Cadence suddenly jumped, her strong senses for love told her that the changeling was generating a very small amount of love. "What is it?" Luna asked Cadence. "Nothing. I think my love sensor is broken." Cadence said worried. "What do you mean?" Luna asked worried. "Nah. It's nothing." Cadence said dismissing the thought. "Anyways. Can I please leave?" The changeling asked. "I don't know. What were you doing?" Celestia asked the changeling and the guard. "He was-" The guard tried only for the changeling to cut him off. "I tried to access the forbidden section of the library." The changeling admits. "Why?" Twilight asked before anyone could say anything. "I, uhm, I wanted to find a book about changelings and destroy it. You know, we are supposed to not exist in the history books." The changeling admits. "Good luck with that. That book has been missing from the forbidden library for decades." Twilight said. "I gave it to Chrysalis's mother thousands of years ago. It might only exist on paper." Luna admits. "You WHAT?!" Celestia suddenly shouted annoyed. "I wanted to avoid a panic if their race existed in the books during our raids on enemy territories. Because I considered them friends. You did not." Luna explains. "Damn right I didn't." Celestia said, "They are bugs and bugs are gross." "With all due respect Celestia. But please SHUT UP." Twilight said as she shouts the last bit. "I am sorry." Celestia said as she deflates. Luna, Cadence and the changeling rose their eyebrow at how easy Twilight was able to stop Celestia. But they said nothing. "Anyways. Can I have mercy?" The changeling pleaded. "No." Luna and Celestia said together. "Oh come on! I want to be with her!" The changeling pleaded. "If you want that changeling. You will have to go through me." Twilight and Cadence said annoyed. Luna, Celestia and the changeling rose their eyebrow at them. "Why?" Luna asked Cadence. "I want that changeling for my sex dungeon." Cadence admits. Luna nearly fell over laughing at the statement, but she held it in. As there is a second pony here to stop them. "Twilight. It's a bug and bugs are ugly." Celestia tried to reason. "Well excuse me!" The changeling said, taking offence to that. "I am considered a friend to their hive. I will not back stab Chrysalis any further than this. You shall not pass." Twilight exclaimed. Luna, Celestia and Cadence were taken aback to this. "I chose to support them. As chef it is my duty to bring happiness to those that eat my food. I consider Chrysalis one of my friends. Even if she doesn't consider me this way. Which I by the way totally understand. If you want that changeling, than you are going to have force me away first." Twilight explained. The changeling felt touched by this. He did not expect someone like Twilight to protect them like this. He only hoped that his queen won't make things bad between each other. "He goes back in jail, you can't stop me." Luna said. "So much for citizenship." Twilight refuted. This caused Luna and Celestia to stop in their tracks. Even Cadence knew that she messed up. "I forgot. Darn!" Celestia swore. Much to the shock of the guard that was still standing in the room. "Ugh. Anyways. What is your name? And no, don't you dare give me a number." Twilight asked the changeling. "Jim." The changeling said. He saw as Cadence rose an eyebrow at his unusually simple name. "Okay Jim. Let me heal your wounds." Twilight said as she used incredibly strong magic that healed him and his internal organs if he lacked any. "One more thing. Who is the lucky pony?" Twilight asked with a warm smile. He blushed, "Marie. Marie Bain." The changeling said. Twilight realized who it was and smiled warm and deeply. "I see. Take good care of her for me, would you? I know her quite well. Oh! And if you hurt her by leaving, I will break your legs." Twilight said, as she casually hoofed over a death threat. The changeling grimaced as he nodded his head ferociously. "I- I will!" he said. "Good." Twilight said as she casually removed his bindings and removed the magic sealer, she then simply warped him away. "Twilight." Luna said annoyed. "Do wish to break the heart of your own citizens?" Twilight responded. "Even still." Luna tried to refute. "Besides, I don't want my head to be filled with regret." Twilight admitted. Luna tried to refute, she really did. But after that statement, she stayed quiet. "Now then. I would love to stick around. But I want to go home. I still have to find a new place to make a difference at." Twilight said. "About that. I finally found a perfect place for you." Celestia said as shifted gears. "Oh?" Twilight said curious. "Have you ever experienced the Asian market? Or their food?" Celestia asked curious. "Not a lot. But sure, I have some experience as foodie. But not as chef." Twilight admits. "Have you ever had sushi?" Celestia asked. "Nope." Twilight said. "There is a place in Appleloosa of all places that recently opened. They have been searching for a female master chef. Are you interested?" Celestia asked. "I am. Sign me up." Twilight said smiling. "Understood. I will send them the message. Oh and by the way..." Celestia said as she looked Twilight in the eye. "What is it?" Twilight asked worried. "It seems your quest to recover the female chef status is nearing completion." Celestia said. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked. "It seems that the discrimination towards female chefs is nearly gone. Just a few more places to make an impact on and you are done." Celestia admits. "Which places?" Twilight asked. "Asian and French." Celestia replied. "I see. It will be done." Twilight said confidently. "What about Ponyville?" Luna intervened. "Don't worry. I am going to work on that soon." Twilight said mysterious. "Okay. Good luck, may the food gods be on your side." Cadence said. "Thanks. I will get going then." Twilight said as she walked out of the room and towards home. While walking through the castle towards home, she saw as many the many maids and waiters were busy cleaning up the castle. But she also noticed a lot of repair crew that was installing magic detectors in the the halls. Twilight decided to approach one of them on the spot. "Hey what is that?" Twilight asked the manager of the repair crew. The manager smiled, "That is a magic detector. It is designed to detect specific magic, but also smoke and certain types of bad gasses that could be poison to those that inhale them." he said. "Thanks." Twilight said as she walked off, content with the answer. The further Twilight walked, the more she noticed the sheer amount of staff walking around. Many were busy cleaning, but this is ridiculous. Even for Celestia and Luna. And they were cleaning with vigor. Twilight decided to approach one of them. The maid noticed Twilight approach her, this caused her to drop what she was doing and looked curious at Twilight. "How may I help you?" The maid asked curiously. "Why is there so many maids walking around, cleaning stuff? Even for you guys, this is way more than normal." Twilight asked confused. The maid nodded in agreement, "There are diplomats from all over the world inbound. They are of course coming for the overview of the disaster that happened to the slums, in an attempt to prevent it from happening in their own respective countries." the maid said. "Ah. Thank you. I hope that they will succeed." Twilight said. "They will! No need to pray for that." The maid said confidently. Twilight simply gave a nervous laugh. It was then that the maid realized who she was. "Ah, Twilight. Seriously no need to worry. That is our job, you just keep clearing the female chef name. That is all we ask of you." The maid attempt to improve the mood once more. "Thanks for the advice. Now if you excuse me." Twilight said, the maid nodded as she too got back to work. 'I see. So many ponies rely on me for that, huh?' Twilight thought as she continued to walk towards home. Once outside, Twilight was met with a lot of differences. For starters, Cloudsdale rescue school was floating above Canterlot for some reason. Then there was an incredible amount of repair crews working on improving the fire safety standard. She also saw that the meat inspection group was busy inspecting a certain meat stall and from the look of it, they were less from impressed. The atmosphere in Canterlot felt a lot less tense and more happy-go-lucky. Canterlot felt different and looked different. And it took a single speech for Canterlot to change this much. It made Twilight smile. While walking down the road back home, Twilight saw many familiar faces on the street. But she said nothing due to exhaustion. That didn't stop her from waving at them a few times. But sometimes they were too busy themselves to do that. As soon as she reached home, she smell mother's cooking coming from the house. Twilight's face contorted into a happy smile as she entered the house. "I am home!" Twilight shouts. She sees as Shining, Night and Velvet stand up from the couch they were seated on and walk over to Twilight into a deep hug. "Welcome back home." Shining said happily. "Welcome back." Night and Velvet also said. "How was your fake vacation?" Twilight said knowingly. "Well..." Shining, Night and Velvet said smiling in glee.