Quills and Sofas Warehouse Sale

by Zontan


Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, stepped into the hospital room. It was large, far larger than its occupant really needed, but space was cheap these days.

“Hello, Applejack,” she murmured as she approached the bed.

The pony lying there was old, her coat faded and her mane gray. She turned, looking up at the alicorn standing above her. Twilight still looked just as regal as she had fifty years ago, when they had all been in their prime. “Hello, Twilight,” she murmured. “It’s good to see you again.”

Twilight looked down, her expression somber, before she scanned the empty room. “Is nopony else here?” she asked quietly.

Applejack chuckled. “Don’t you worry about that, Twilight. I get plenty o’ visitors. Apple Bloom was just here, but she thought you might want to talk to me alone.”

Twilight nodded, silent for a moment. “It’s still not too late, you know,” she said quietly.

Applejack gave her a wry smile. “Is that the only reason you’re here, Twilight?”

“I… I mean, I want to see you, of course, but if you’d just…”

Applejack shook her head. “It ain’t natural, Twilight.”

“Is that what you told Apple Bloom?”

Applejack scowled. “Now, that ain’t fair—”

“Why not?”

Applejack paused. “I mean, I ain’t gonna police her choices, but that don’t mean what she does is right for me.”

Twilight cocked her head, then turned to the empty space on the other side of the bed. “Is that right, Apple Bloom?” she asked.

There was a shimmer, and an image coalesced into being in the formerly empty space. It was only just barely see-through, and it didn’t quite touch the ground. But other than that, it was a perfect three-dimensional image of Apple Bloom, that moved and breathed and spoke just as she did dozens of years ago, when she was young and healthy. “How’d you know I was listening?”

Twilight smiled. “I always know when my ponies are around,” she said softly. “I am the Princess, remember?”

The holographic Apple Bloom nodded, before turning to her older sister. “I don’t want to tell you what to do, sis,” she murmured. “But I hate seeing you like this.” She gestured with one hoof. “I know you think it’s better out there, but things are just as real in Viquestria. I can smell the grass and watch the sunset and visit my friends whenever I want. I have a future here, that I wouldn’t have out there.”

Applejack sighed. “We’ve talked about this, Apple Bloom. I don’t want to be just… numbers in a machine. That ain’t livin’.”

“And dying is?” Apple Bloom shot back, harshly. A moment later, she realized what she’d said, and looked away.

Applejack sighed. “I know you don’t agree with this, but I just… I can’t see a future for me there.”

Twilight sighed as well. “Is there nothing we can say to convince you, then?” she said quietly. “You’d really rather… fade away?”

Applejack nodded. “I know this… thing you built is your baby, and I’m glad y’all can make ponies happy with it. But, well… it ain’t for me.”

Twilight nodded. “Then I suppose this is goodbye, isn’t it?”

“I suppose it is.”

Twilight looked around, and then nodded slightly. All around her, more slightly see-through ponies appeared. Rainbow Dash glowed in neon colors, Rarity was a young and beautiful nineteen, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were both comfortably middle-aged.

The room was soon full. Big Mac and Sugar Belle, Mayor Mare and the Cakes and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and a whole group of Apple family members.

“Hey, y’all,” Applejack said, a smile lingering on her face. “Were y’all listening in too?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and was first to speak. “I mean, duh. What else would we be doing when our oldest friend is dying for no reason?”

“Rainbow,” Fluttershy admonished. “Don’t be mean.”

Rainbow rose up towards the ceiling, her wings beating despite having no use here. “It’s just—ugh! Why do you have to be so stubborn, Applejack?”

Applejack chuckled. “You’re just mad I beat you at something, Rainbow.”

“I—what—that doesn’t even—” Rainbow sputtered.

Rarity stepped in. “Darling, we all know we can’t force you to upload if that’s not what you want. But, I will say that I’ve designed a whole line of dresses for you that won’t fit anypony else. It would be a shame if you never got to wear them.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Virtual dresses, Rarity. They ain’t real. Besides, since when have I been motivated by a dress?”

Rarity smiled softly. “You haven’t. But you have been motivated by a gift.”

Applejack opened her mouth, and then paused. “Damnit, Rarity, that’s low.”

Rarity smiled. “Perhaps. But it is effective, is it not?”

Applejack grunted, and didn’t respond.

Pinkie stepped up next. Though, ‘blinked’ might be more accurate. She had never much cared for the laws of physics even when they applied to her, and now she flaunted them openly. “Applejack… you have so many friends here who love you,” she began. “And it’s hard for us to let go, that’s all. We don’t want to have to lose you, when we don’t have to.” She smiled softly. “But we’ll still love you, no matter what, okay?”

Applejack nodded. “Thanks, Pinkie.” She took a slow breath. “I don’t want to abandon y’all. I don’t. But… well, I also don’t want to abandon everypony who ever passed not having this option available to ‘em. And most importantly, I don’t want to do something that don’t feel true to myself. This feels… well, it feels wrong to me. I ain’t saying it was wrong for you, but it feels like it’d be wrong for me.” She shook her head. “But, well…”

She paused, and then looked to Twilight, who was keeping her face carefully still. “Y’all can delete a pony from Viquestria if they want it, yeah?”

Twilight nodded.

“Well… I ain’t saying I’ve made up my mind or nothin’. But I’ll… I’ll think about it, alright? I’ve… I’ve still got time.”

Twilight allowed herself a smile, and stepped forward to hug Applejack. “That’s all I ask,” she murmured, before stepping back. “You think about it, and we’ll all be back tomorrow, alright?”

Applejack smiled softly. “Alright.”

One by one, the gathered virtual ponies made their farewells and faded out, until finally it was only Applejack and Twilight remaining in the room. Twilight turned to leave, but paused as Applejack spoke.


“Yes, AJ?”

“Thanks. I know you put everypony up to that.”

“You’re welcome.”



Applejack settled into bed, and closed her eyes as the lights went out. Tomorrow… tomorrow she’d decide just what to let go of, and just what to keep.