The Mystifying Adventures of Occult Readings and Gallant Knight

by Giftmak3r

Safe at Last

Occult couldn't help but groan as his consciousness returned to him. His entire body felt stiff and he couldn't remember what he was doing before he passed out. Yawning he stretched trying to shake the groggyness out of his body as he recalled what had happened.

As he opened his eyes he saw a young thestral laying in front of him.

"GABE!" he shouted in terror. The memories of what had happened hit him like a manticore. He had tried to protect Gabe from the cockatrace, obviously he had failed. Tears began to form in Occults eyes as he watched the unmoving colt. This was all his fault.

Stop moping you stupid pony, the kid is fine, just out of it. a voice proclaimed in Occult's head as the shadows beneath him began to distort.

"Ilatzi! You came! Gabe's alive! This is wonderful!" Occult exclaimed, he couldn't physically hug his old friend so instead he projected feelings of comfort and happiness to the demon, only for his shadow to begin distorting erratically.

STOP! CEASE THIS INSTANCE YOU ANNOYING PONY! the demon frantically screamed.

After the demon's outburst Occult stopped projecting such positive feelings to his old companion. Looking down at the young colt he couldn't help but wonder. "What happened while I was out Ilatzi?"

No no no no. I feel like I have the right to ask my questions first. What in the name of Celestia is a human doing here. It shouldn't be possible for those creatures to arrive here, much less be capable of surviving. Just what sort of trouble did you stir up this time Occult?

Deeply exhaling Occult used lis magic to raise the sleeping colt onto his back. "I don't know Ilatzi-" he began before being interrupted by a demonic cackle.

Bwahaha the great demon hunter Occult Readings doesn't know somethin? Ilatzi giggled maniacally, That must be a first

Ignoring his colleagues taunts Occult trotted towards Zecora's. "You know Ilatzi, you'd make much more friends acting kindly than toss about all those insults." Occult lectured.

As he made his way through the forest, Gabe on his back and Ilatzi in tow Occult took solace in the noises of the forest. But as calming as the chirps of the birds or the whistle of the leaves were it didn't help take his mind off of how he failed once more. First the Yrvarni, then the dogs and now the cockatrace. Not only had he failed to protect a single colt from a physical threat, but he had no way of knowing what spiritual force has altered his soul.

"On a more serious manner, are you sure you know no other demon capable of such feats?"

Occult, if there was a demon out there strong enough to drag a soul from a whole nother' world I wouldn't be working for you, no offense.

"None taken. I had just hoped you'd be able to help. Gabe's situation had thrown for quite a loop. The only thing I can think of is the Yrvarni but such a demon shouldn't be capable of such a feat."

I see where you're coming from. I won't say it's impossible but... there's no way.

As the two conversed a hallowed tree home came into view. With a upset looking Zebra standing outside seemingly waiting for a foolish stallion as a Mother would angrily wait for a foal who stayed out too long.

Oh by the way, the kid came up with a name while you were out. Gallant Knight. Ilatzi communicated before melding perfectly into Occult shadow.

"Thank you for the forewarning, though you should really introduce yourself to Zecora." Occult said softly, wanting his friend to befriend more ponies.

I appreciatewhat you're tryin to do, but befriendin more ponies wasn't part of the contract. the demon whispered before his essence faded away. He was still there but he put himself into what could best be described as a hibernation. Occult sighed. He knew Ilatzi could be more friendly but he was far to stubborn to open up. And now he had to deal with an angry zebra on his own.

"Readings my old friend it is good to see, though what you are doing is a mystery." She scowled.

"Listen I can expl-"

"I taught you how to fair the Everfree, how you fall to a cockatrace explain to me!" Zecora shouted. She was furious. Not only had he lost to a cockatrace due to his recklessness, but his failure endangered young Gab- no, Gallant. A colt who didn't know anything of this world. A colt that shouldn't have been able to face a foe like that.

"We had noticed a threatening presence out of sight. I made the false assumption that I would have been able to counter the threat with a simple magic absorption rune. I apologize Zecora." Occult explained to his old friend. The zebra's hard expression softened but Occult was under no illusion he was in the clear yet.

Zecora then walked to her counter and began to mix several ingredients into a mortar. "Put young Gallant to bed, so he may rest his weary head." she ordered. As Occult placed him on the bed he felt exhausted.

He wasn't used to this. Normally everything tended to work out in his favor. Normally he didn't have such problems with demons. Normally he didn't have such a responsibility placed on him. It was unusual for demons to directly harm ponies due to Celestia's protection. For some otherworldly force to not only steal the soul of a pony, but to replace it with a creature that was worlds apart from his own was bewildering.

"Trouble stains your visage old friend, sit down, let us speak until this night ends." Zecora said in that comforting voice she always uses. Occult couldn't help but smile.

"I've been thrown for quite a loop Zecora. Ga-Gallant isn't exactly normal, he's been affected by.... something. I have no clue as to what it is or how it even happened yet he's relying on me to fix it." His explanation only made him feel worse. Such uncertainty wasn't befitting of his legendary stature. "To make it worse, he'd be correct in thinking that. The only other pony that could fix this would be the princess."

"A difficult task you must face, you are pressured not to be a disgrace. Readings my friend you must be shown, the colt won't judge if you can't have known." Zecora told him. She was probably right, Gab-Gallant didn't seem like the type of pony to hold a grudge for something outside of another ponies control.

"Even still, I am the world's leader on demonology and all things occult, for me not to know what's going on is simply unacceptable!" Occult shouted with a renewed vigor. Determination sparked in the mad ponies eyes as he resolved to get to the bottom of this mystery. Troubling cases have never stopped him before, why should one stop him now? "Which is why I shall be the one to uncover this mystery!"

His old colleague gave him a reassuring smile as he proclaimed his greatness.

"So you will see this to the end, just as I'd expect of you old friend" she reassured, "Now it is time to catch up, we've not spoken since you destroyed my hut."

Occult couldn't help but recoil at the memory. "That's not fair Zecora, you know I wasn't the one who drew the undead bear lord to your village!"

This brought a giddy laughter to Zecora. The two of them talked long into the night as Gallant rested and Ilatzi sulked.