//------------------------------// // This Day Aria // Story: This Day Aria // by SunTwi06 //------------------------------// Stepping toward the stand, before the mass of ponies in all of Canterlot, is none other than Princess Mi Amore Cadenza a.k.a. Princess Cadence. The alicorn princess stands beside Captain Shining Armor, head of Canterlot’s Royal Guard, and on this blessed day he bears the crest which belongs to his uncle. Princess Cadence smiles over the thought of the many times he bears the crest, yet never shuns him for doing so. Cadence always believes it to be sweet for Shining Armor to wear it as a means of paying tribute and remembering his uncle for all times. With her magic, she levitates the scissors Princess Celestia holds and cuts the ribbon to the newest shop. A shop put together just for Cadence and Shining’s big day. True, it is a small building, but inside is a smooth ground floor filled with many tables made for two. To put it bluntly, it is more than a ship but rather a diner welcoming all couples. Its menu features many of Shining and Cadence’s favorite foods, with even more delicacies previously unknown to either one. Soon as the ribbon is cut, a wave of cheering washes over as Shining and Cadence lock eyes with one another and come together for a great, big hug. <> After the ceremony ends, as every pony take their leave, Princess Cadence, along with Shining Armor, stand before the front of the shop itself. Both of them cheerfully look upon the new shop, now closed for the public eye. They gaze upon the very structure of the building as if they are taking a lengthy glimpse upon a future that is just waiting for them. A lifetime where the lovely couple will spend an eternity together with memories to cherish long until they are both old and gray. After a moment or two, the two ponies finally gallop away. One pony though stands in the shadows, watching the happy pair very closely. Eventually she emerges from the darkness, her hooves shifting into a pink fur coat with golden shoes. The moment she emerges from the dark, she bears a striking resemblance to Princess Cadence herself. “She’s the one…” She muttered to herself. <> Laughter and shouts ring through the entire room greater than the bells set to go off for the big day. Princess Cadence along with her aunt, Princess Celestia, draw together along a stack of paper. After a while and a few sketched pictures later, Princess Celestia turns toward Cadence. “How’s this?” Princess Celestia asked. Princess Cadence glances toward the drawing Princess Celestia holds up through her magic. It is a drawing of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, standing atop the highest landmark in all Equestria looming over all the ponies adoring them with admiration. In the very center of the sketch itself, bold letters written as such: “Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor” After a moment or two of careful observation, Princess Cadence turns toward her aunt and smiles with approval. “This is perfect! I can’t wait to send out the invitations!” “As do I,” Princess Celestia nodded. “I still can hardly believe it. After Faust knows how long, you my dear are finally getting married!” Princess Celestia proceeds to give the paper to one of the nearby guard-ponies. Without another word, the guard races off upon receiving the paper to make haste for an important delivery. It is not long before Shining Armor himself walks in, a cheerful smile covering his face. “There you are Cadence! Nice to see you too, Princess Celestia.” Shining Armor politely gives a tiny bow to the princess herself, who smiles with a gentle nod. The young captain soon walks over toward his future bride Cadence. “How’re the invitations coming along?” “It’s going great!” Cadence positively replied. “We just sent out the copy now.” “That’s wonderful!” Shining Armor exclaimed. “Now… who are we going to send the—” “Captain Armor!” Shining Armor turns around and finds one of the guards approaching him, panting heavily. “What’s the trouble?” Shining Armor asked, concerned. “Sir, bad news!” The guard reported. “It’s the Changelings… they’re coming! Your presence is requested immediately!” Shining Armor’s ears droop the moment he hears the news. “Oh no… not now!” Shining Armor thought, dreadfully. He quickly turns toward Cadence, who looks upon him with slight concern. “I’m terribly sorry about this dearest. But I must take care of this before our big day.” But Cadence merely provides Shining Armor a smile of acknowledgement. “Oh Shining Armor, we both know protecting this land comes first,” Cadence reassured. “I just know we’re in good hooves with you in charge. Good luck, Shining Armor.” Shining Armor gazes deeply into Princess Cadence’s eyes before they lean in and plant their lips together into a passionate kiss. They remain locked together for a moment or two before they eventually break apart. “Our wedding is going to be very special, Cadence,” Shining Armor spoke quietly. “I promise to make you the happiest mare in all of Equestria.” “You already have Shining Armor,” Cadence spoke. “Always…” And just like that, Shining Armor takes off to join his colleague to meet with the other guards. Until at last, only the two princesses of Equestria remain alone together. Princess Celestia slowly approaches Cadence, who turns toward her aunt figure. “Well now, while he’s off with work, we have more time to continue planning,” Celestia spoke calmly. Cadence turns one last time toward where Shining Armor takes off. Far across the distance, where her eyes barely see, she catches sight of Shining Armor turning back toward his bride and waves toward her with a smile. Cadence smiles tearfully and returns the wave. Once Shining Armor is at a great distance, Cadence turns back to address Celestia. “I agree,” Cadance answered. “Let’s continue the preparations. So much to do.” <> Walking along the castle halls, Cadence eye’s catch sight of the new force field put together by her future husband, Shining Armor. She must admit to herself that when absolutely necessary Shining Armor can conjure some powerful magic. It is no wonder why he is not only entrusted to be the Captain of the Royal Guard, the best amongst all the guards in his class, but with magic so strong it can prevent any looming threat from penetrating the sanctity that is their kingdom. As Cadence looks on while crossing the hallways, she finds Princess Celestia traveling ahead of her down the pathway. Smiling, she races over to join Celestia… but as soon as Cadence approached, she feels something slightly off. Sensing something wrong, Cadence stops running and skids to a halt. “Celestia… is everything all right?” Cadence asked, concerned. Celestia slowly glances over toward Cadence and begins to walk over toward the young Princess with a grin glowing across her face. Only, it is not a friendly grin nor anything that seems close to a greeting. As a matter of fact, something about that grin seems to nerve Cadence to the point of stepping back. “What do you mean Cadence?” Celestia smiled. “T-T-There’s something wrong with you,” Cadence pointed out. “I-I don’t know what it is, but something’s not right.” Celestia’s eyes briefly turn green, before the sinister grin turns into a scowl. Before Cadence can act, Celestia points her horn toward the Princess and green flames form all around her. She gasps as the fire grows in every direction leaving the princess unable to escape. “What are you doing to me?!” Cadence yelped. A chuckle emerges from Celestia’s lips, only her laughter is not that Cadence’s aunt. But instead, it is a voice stemming from a source of great evil. “Why… I need you out of the way, of course.” Then before Cadence’s very eyes, her aunt transforms into a lookalike of Cadence and the real princess’s eyes grows big like saucers. She attempts to cry out for help, but she sinks so far deep within the ground she barely makes a sound. With a grimace, the fake Cadence walks away, never ceasing her smile. <> In the darkness, Cadence lies upon the ground sobbing tremendously. Not because she is going to miss her wedding day, though perhaps there is a slight tinge of sadness for that. But she cries due to the main thing that troubles Cadence so. The fear of not what will happen to the princess herself, but rather what will become of the key to her heart, Shining Armor. She knows that whomever it is masquerading with her own identity has terrible plans in mind for Shining Armor, but at this point Cadence has not the faintest idea as to what she is going to do now. She needs to find a way to escape this dreadful prison only to find that every which way she turns there is seemingly nowhere to go. No light to lead her way in the dark; not a trace of warmth to keep her close in the cold. All there is around the princess is a cold, solid floor deep in the heart of a dark, freezing cave. She dares not to move, fearing what will happen should she take a step from where she stands. Afraid someone or something is lurking within these dark caves, threatening to attack her if she tries to escape… perhaps even ‘kill’ her should it desire to. But more importantly… she fears for her friends who are all coming to Canterlot, looking forward to what’s sure to be a promising wedding only to find they are about to meet with the wrong Cadence. This is all Cadence has within her right now: Fear. That fear alone is what prevents Cadence from conjuring any magic within her soul. A longing for some pony to be with her, to fill the void of loneliness creeping up all around her. Her sobs echo across the cavern walls, mixed with every cry for help she can utter. Each yell growing louder and louder, only to return to no other pony except for her. After a while, Cadence just sits herself into a haunch upon the cavern floor tearing up tremendously. Many thoughts begin to plague her mind, torturing her to no end. Every sound around her frightens her tremendously, her eyes wandering to find the source of a sound she is unable to see. Until at last, Cadence finds herself falling fast asleep but even in her dreams she finds no comfort. Nightmares of what evil awaits her future husband, the tortures this darkness has in mind leave Cadence shuddering in her sleep. She does not know what’s going to happen to her right now, but she cares very little of her own wellbeing. All she can think about is of her Shining Armor, and the perfect day she dreams about that may not came to pass. Now for the two lovers to truly be together again, all Cadence can do is pray… pray for a miracle in the most unexpected of ways.