//------------------------------// // Cleaning the house Final part // Story: Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria // by zakan //------------------------------// Inside the CDN building, the room was in absolute silence, the reason was the sudden heavy atmosphere emitted by the Sorcerer King, his subordinates looked at their master with intrigue, they were not sure what could have caused such a reaction in him. What has happened? A moment ago it seemed to me that he was receiving a 'Message', does that mean that he received unexpected news?... NO!, what nonsense am I thinking! Is impossible that my beloved can overlook something! Nothing and no one can escape his plans! -Albedo's thoughts were frantic as she couldn't understand her master's reaction- *Glup* How the hell I solve this, I can't just tell Demiurge that he misunderstood my words, that would depress him too much, maybe he would even try to commit suicide! if I tell him that I have changed of opinion I will not only be seen as an inept boss but also capricious, AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHH, *Shig*, there is no other way, I will have to go ahead and minimize the losses as much as I can. FLASHBACK -A few moments before- AAAAaaahhhaaa, *shig* alright, we're finally done with the talk about politics, it's a shame so many have ignored the offers, but that's not my problem, it's time to usher in the reporters. *Pirirp pirip pirip pirip* 'Ainz-sama' "Mhn? Has something unexpected happened Demiurge?" 'On the contrary, your plans have developed just as you predicted, the enemy navy and army have been destroyed.' They have done WHAT?!... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE? How the heck did he come to that conclusion?!, (ES) no, wait, more importantly! how the heck did he wipe out all the military power of the nation without causing trouble?! (ES) After the 'ES' was activated several times in a row, the Overlord finally regained enough composure to try to fix things. "Umu, give me a summary report of the events." 'Yes, as requested, we kept abreast of all the movements in the country, repeating the operation used by Shizu and Yuri, we replaced the right hand of the central intelligence figure, as well as additional agents, replaced other figures close to the senior managers for the next step of your plans, as planned, we revealed the location of our 'embassy' at the same time that Equestria took possession of theirs, as you had already foreseen when selecting and/or requesting the type of location, we were the easiest option to attack, the enemy launched an amphibious attack that was neutralized with low-cost disposable units on land and the use of a 'Gosht Ship Fleet' at sea, the attackers who surrendered or survived were treated according to your orders.' Wait!, at what point did I give orders for a battle I didn't know would happen?! -thought the skeleton nervously- "U-umu, good job Demiurge, I'm pleased with your results." 'No way, I am not worthy of such praise, on the contrary, I apologize for taking so long to understand that I would apply the carrot and stick strategy, it would never have occurred to me that it could be used at the level of nations! Now that the excuse has already been generated, the only thing missing is to officially announce the punishment, as soon as you order it, it will be executed!' END OF FLASHBACK At least he didn't make all the military bases disappear from the face of the earth, *Shigh*, that would truly be Ulbert's way of acting hehehe. "Albedo, it's time for the reporters to come in, they need to be here for what's next." Her master's words finally pulled the succubus out of the worry spiral, her master wasn't worried or upset, he was simply taking the next step in his plans. Wonderful! His voice is commanding, as always, which means that everything is going according to his designs fufufufu -thought Albedo before speaking- "Right away Ainz-sama, unlock the doors! the political debate is over, let the reporters come in!" -she indicate to the moderator with an authentic smile on her face and joy in her voice- When the doors were opened and the correspondents of all the chains began to enter, in the first instance all stopped for a second, fighting the urge to flee, a few did not make it and ran away, while some seemed to simply feel calm, After a couple of minutes, all the reporters who dared to stay were ready and broadcasting, it was then, when Ainz realized that his aura of despair due to stress had been activated and deactivated it again. Mhn, why are you shaking like that?... oops, sorry I didn't notice! "Very well, the time has come to deal with the main issue, all the policy issues have already been solved, now it only remains to sign the treaties." As soon as the skeleton began to speak, the terrifying aura dissipated, allowing those present to organize their thoughts correctly, it was at this moment that Sunset was able to breathe normally and whisper into Twilight's ear. "What the hay was that?! I almost pissed myself out of fear!" -she asked as she wiped the sweat from her face with a handkerchief that Celestia offered her- "I'm not entirely sure, but it seems that something slightly bothered him, I thought I saw that he received a 'Message' just now." "Was that a slight annoyance?!" -Asked the former director, barely managing to control her voice, losing control of her body that began to tremble- "That's right, and believe me when I tell you that none of us would want to be within a mile of him when he gets really mad, I've already seen what his irritation can do and I won't be able to forget it for the rest of my life." A unicorn in armor and a Death Cavalier left their guard post behind their respective positions to fulfill the function of order, taking a position next to the representative of their respective nation when the moderator took the floor again. "Ahem, well, *huuff* the representatives are kindly requested to come to the front one by one if you wish to sign the agreement with either Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria or Prime Minister Albedo of the Sorcerous Kingdom, please just come the ones that are going to sign, those who do not wish to accept the treaty are asked to indicate it through their assigned microphone when their turn arrives." Starting from the bottom after receiving the order indications through their headphones, the representatives began to follow the process, to the surprise of no one, the first to receive a delegate was Equestria, but what weighed the most in the heart of the alicorn was the large number of nations that were refraining from participating, she was tempted to beg them to reconsider, but Celestia who was sitting on her right, stopped her, placing one of her hands on her shoulder and when she had the attention of the alicorn shook her head and spoke softly. "They have already made their decision, there is nothing that can convince them." The biggest surprise for many was the fact that some countries did not in fact ask for asylum, instead they requested to be adhered as vassals, this case was repeated more for the sorcerer kingdom, of which the first to request the status was the Mexican representative, Twili noted with curiosity that the countries that became vassals of the sorcerer kingdom were those that had the most deeply rooted the death in their cultures, Mexico, Ghana (Africa), Madagascar, Indonesia, Japan, as well as a couple of small nations of who cannot remember their names, these representatives received an additional document that gave them the instructions to follow for the transfer, as well as the guidelines and laws of the sorcerer kingdom, in the case of Equestria, only two countries decided to place themselves under their command, Mongolia and Egypt, curiously, It was easy for her to understand the first one since Mongolian culture has always been closely related to horses, but from Egypt she did not understand why, until the representative commented that their rulers wanted to request an audience with RA's daughter if possible. At the end of all the signatures, barely a fifth of the nations that made up the summit applied for asylum, Twilight was heartbroken, she wanted to do something for those who had decided to stay, be it somehow convince them or improve their abilities to survive, but The Overlord's next words cut off her train of thought. "With this, everything is finalized, the nations that decided to request asylum will receive instructions in this regard during the next few weeks, after being informed of their turn they will be given no more than two weeks to coordinate since unfortunately time is scarce; I regret that must retain you a little longer, it is assumed that the session would end here and everyone could withdraw, however, just before allowing journalists to enter, I received unfortunate news, I had assumed that my friendly offer would be enough, but it seems the greed was more powerful than the desire for survival for some reckless." The words of the Sorcerer King caused a stir, no one understood what it was about or what point the skeleton wanted to make. "A few days ago, I decided that it was time to announce the location of the temporary embassy of the Sorcerer Kingdom, to receive those who accepted to be refugees of my nation, the news I am talking about is that a few hours ago, the government of this nation, launched an amphibious attack on my embassy." *GHASPH* This information fell like a bomb in the room, the whispers and exchanges among those present were quite notorious, while the cameramen announced the shocking event, lengthening its live broadcast. "Although it had already been announced to them through an official statement that was delivered together with the proposal of my kingdom, in this I was notified of all the technical details of the place except for the location, as well as the compensation they would receive for the inconvenience caused during this contingency," The Overlord activated his [Aura of Despair level 1] again and a kind of dark smoke began to emanate from him. "However, as I announced during my first visit, I will not tolerate idiots, there will be adequate punishment for this insolence." The sounds of surprise were heard everywhere, the terror was beginning to be present, many of those who had not signed were trying to request that he not do anything abrupt and were trying to convince him to negotiate the matter, the most affected was the new representative of North America, but everything was cut off by the voice of the Sorcerer King. "How scandalous, Silence!" At the commanding voice and the gesture that exuded the skeleton's royal authority, the entire room fell silent immediately. UOOOOHHH, great! It's good that I practiced that line, I didn't think it would help me so soon. -Ainz thought when he saw that the room was not only silent, it had also frozen- "There is no need to be alarmed, the innocent do not have to pay for the guilty when the punishments are issued out under my command, the blame of the government will not fall on the citizens." The Overlord cast his gaze on several random cameras as he spoke, but in the end, he stopped on one, in particular, the cameraman's shirt caught his attention for a second because of its inappropriateness. Eeeehh is not that something inappropriate for this event, who goes with a printed shirt to an event like this, and those are... runes? and it seems to have a swordsman in front... wait what am I doing, I must not be distracted at this time! - He thought, and without moving his gaze so as not to give a bad impression, he continued- "As I announced during the first visit, I will not tolerate the idiots, all those high officials of North America who caused this mishap, I recommend that you resolve all your pending issues because you will not see another sunrise." The last sentence was said in such a dark and threatening tone that several of those present fainted, including Twili, who could no longer bear the pressure and fell head-on against the table, drawing the attention of some around her and a slight laugh of Albedo that she hid behind her delicate hand. "Fufufufu" In the White House, the president, his secretaries, and aides were with the creeps. "T-t-t-this is impossible!" -cried one- "I-i-it has to be some kind of trick! Yes, that has to be!" -scream another- The rest were completely silent, and it was no wonder, after silencing everyone in the room, the skeleton looked towards the news camera they were watching and not wanting to see him directly, they immediately changed the chain they saw, just so that the next instant, the skeleton looked straight at them again, several times they changed the channel, but the same thing always happened and when they stopped changing the channel, the red flames in the skeleton basins no longer moved to the other side and to top it off, the end was straight to the point. "Secretary Strikes, tell me that at least your mission was successful and they collected all the material found at the site." -asked the president- But before the defense secretary could reply that they still had no contact with the dispatched troops, the voice of the Sorcerer King coming from the screen made their blood run cold again. "I regret to inform you, Mr. President, that the mission sent as mere thieves, was a resounding failure, most of the ships sent were sunk, the troops by land annihilated and all the officers, as well as the survivors and those who surrendered, are under arrest due to their crimes against the Sorcerer Kingdom, they will answer for their respective acts and levels of guilt in a trial, that's all, strive to survive." With those words, the Sorcerer King got up and began to retreat, the rest of his entourage, as well as the representatives of Equestria, followed his example, but after just a couple of steps, he stopped and gave one last warning as if it were about something trivial. "Ah, right, I almost forgot, my troops will be withdrawn from all over this country, only the areas that will pass the barrier without suffering catastrophic damage will be protected, I recommend that you deploy your troops to protect your citizens." With business finally over, both groups withdrew in the same manner as they arrived and the soldiers prevented any further interviews from being given. Once on the carriage in which they had arrived and started their way back, Twilight still couldn't get over what happened, so the conversation had been turning to the same topic for the last twenty minutes. "I just don't get it! How can someone be so blind?!, so… so… Aaarrrgghh! *Shigh*" The rest of the natives on this side of the mirror, saw the alicorn with understanding and self-denial, while Sunset saw her with a melancholic expression. "I mean, what else could they need to know not to make him mad?!, for Celestia, he killed a man in front of everyone, for the Tartarus, HE REVIVED someone in front of everyone!" The alicorn held her head between the hooves trying to regain her composure as she breathed deeply, seeing that the princess paused, the former director spoke. *Shigh* "It is certainly something regrettable, however, it is human nature, or should I say semi-human? I think I remember that the Sorcerer King said something about it; Princess Twilight, your concern for our destiny is admirable, unfortunately, we can do nothing against the ambitions of those in high command, you should not blame yourself for the blindness that power caused them." After hearing Celestia's words, the princess turned to seek support from her compatriot, however, to no avail. "I'm sorry Twilight, but that's how things are on this side, it also took me a long time to get used to it when I arrived, this society doesn't work like Equestria's, maybe it's because the Harmony Tree didn't exist here during the same time as on the other side of the mirror." "Well, then I think it will be necessary to send a letter to the diarchy so that they are warned and know what to expect from the refugees." *Shigh* With these words, the princess of friendship finally accepted the fact that humans did not know the magic of friendship yet. At the White House, as soon as the broadcast ended, frantic movement was triggered immediately, evacuation notices to safe houses or bunkers were issued to all high government officials as they identified the level of threat their lives were under, In just a few hours each and every one of the officials was on their way to their designated shelters, with as many security measures as possible, however desperation did not end there, orders had been issued to mobilize as many soldiers as possible within the territory, as well as permits granted to mobilize heavy weapons within the nation, however, its deployment was very slow, as soon as the sorcerer king said in the transmission, all the knights in armor and different creatures scattered throughout the borders of the nation, withdrew to the different points that were designated for them and the effect was immediate, the magical beasts and predators of Equestria, suddenly finding themselves in a totally strange environment, began to destroy everthig, causing explosions, attacking pedestrians who were in the streets and were easily attracted by the lights and sounds of shopping centers, by the time the armed forces appeared in all the cities, the general population It had already been reduced by 30% in practically all of them, and it was even worse in the smallest ones, in rural towns, rarely was a survivor found, but the worst amount of damage was caused by a creature with a cute and innocent appearance, Similar to some kind of speck of hair, but reproducing at breakneck speed, the creatures devoured several cities in just a few days, before the most effective way to stop them was found, with fire; A call to the Equestrian embassy and the princess of friendship, was the one that identified them and told them how to reunite them, Parasprites. After leaving the city, the Overlord and his escort used 'Gate' to immediately reach their destination, upon entering the office that was prepared for him in the building, the Archdemon was already waiting for him. "Welcome back Ainz-sama." "Umu, good job, let's get straight to the point, are you advancing the plan without any problem?" "It's just as you say, everything is going exactly as you planned..." Seeing the expression on his subordinate's face, the skeleton mentally sighed, preparing to receive bad news. "What's wrong Demiurge, is there anything else you want to say?" "If I may inquire, why did you decide not to wipe out the entire nation? That would have been a greater show of power, wouldn't it?" FFfffiiiiiuuuu, thank goodness, it's not what I thought, fortunately, I already have the answer to that question. "Indeed, that would be the case in an ordinary situation." This comment from his master piqued the demon's curiosity. Oooh are you going to reveal some detail of your plan to me? Something I haven't seen yet? Or… maybe something that I overlooked in my ignorance?! Tsk. "Actually, my decision is due to several factors, firstly, the effort is not necessary, just by withdrawing the dispersed troops the effect will be noticeable, secondly, doing so can spoil the opportunity to obtain valuable resources or personnel that can be found among the natives, third, what is necessary in itself, is not to show an overwhelming power, at least not for the moment, what we want is to break their spirits so that they do not try something stupid again, that is why it is necessary to scare them into being hidden the best they can... SHIT I FORGOT THE REST! There are several more points, however, for now, those are the most interesting." "Oooohh, now I understand everything! That's why he gave those orders earlier, even though we could easily have kept our watch with Shizu's help, but what a fool I was to believe that the sole purpose was to conduct a field test of the new units! From the beginning, I planned to make only a surgical precision attack eliminating all the important figures to strike fear in the hearts of all governments! Great! Certainly wonderful! I will make sure your message is sent correctly, none of their pathetic security measures will do them any good, the announcement will be clear and precise, 'there is no place in the world that protects you from the wrath of a supreme being', mnhahahaHAHAHAHAAHA." Hmm, I guess if it was something like that I had thought to say before I forgot, hmm, meh. The president of the unified states, was in his office, inside a secret bunker located under Mount Cheyenne, next to him was his assistant, it was time for dinner, all the staff was complying with their rotation to take the lunchtime, so at that time the patrols were light, while he kept trying to think what the Sorcerer King would try, without being able to think something. *SHIGH*, I give up, I can't think of another way the skeleton could fulfill its threat, but this time I'm one step ahead, as long as I'm here it will be impossible to reach me, bombardment and radiation are useless in the face of a large amount of stone what is between the surface and this point, poisoning is impossible, all the base foods are dry rations made by ourselves and we have water and other supplies for a long period of isolation, an infiltrator is just as absurd, there is only personnel trusted in the base that was specially selected and extensively verified at this time, HA! you lost fucking monster. *Knock Knock knock* "Come in." The sound of someone knocking on the door brought out of his thoughts the man who immediately gave it permission to enter, who passed through the door was his assistant, a woman of simple appearance, dressed in a classic lady's suit, of a gray color Of course, with blonde hair that reached down to the middle of her back, which as usual, she kept tied in a ponytail, her figure was not exuberant, but she was undoubtedly attractive and her honey-colored eyes were framed by glasses with black frame for eyestrain, in one of her hands she carried a covered tray. "Mr. President, I have communicated your orders, no one will bother you for several hours, only I will stay with you in case of any eventuality, also, here is your dinner, you must eat something, there are only a couple of hours left by midnight, you must keep up your energy." "I appreciate your concern Miss Smit, but it is not a good time, the sun is still a long way away, I cannot allow myself to relax..." The man interrupted his words when the lights in the room flickered a few times quickly. "What the hell was that?! are we under attack?!" "No, that it's not the case Mr. President, it's just a signal." -said the woman- Leaving the tray on the desk calmly, she proceeded to remove her glasses and place them over it. "A signal of what?, and why wasn't I informed about it?!" -said the man raising his voice and standing up- "Because the signal was not for you, but rather for me." -said the girl opening her jacket and taking from it two scrolls that she activated immediately- The skin parchments, being thrown slightly in the air, spread and were abruptly consumed in flames of a different color from each other, some were bright yellow, while the other flames were blue, the president immediately understood that they were was trying, a betrayal, in fury he was about to take the gun in his desk drawer to kill his assistant before she could complete whatever she was doing, but all her thoughts and actions stopped in their tracks, the scrolls were not the only thing burning. "TRAito…." The figure of his assistant was quickly consumed and engulfed in flames of an emerald green color and what remained behind them, he thought for a second that it was a charred body, but the bright green color on the head and the compound eyes like those of a bug, as well as the twisted horn, on the creature's forehead, told him that it was not like that, and the voice with a slight reverberation confirmed it. "It'S a ShAmE ThAt YoU hAvE rEjEcTeD yOuR lAsT dInNeR." The creature in front of him was a kind of bug with a strange face, the whole body was as black as coal, but at the same time it was reflective as if it was well polished, there were membranous wings on its back, it seemed to lack bits on its limbs, there were visible holes, some passed from side to side completely. "PuT dOwN yOuR gUn, YoU wIlL nOt NeEd It AnYmOrE." The voice of the creature was heard once more, accompanied by an additional glint in the eyes and the horn of the creature; that was the last conscious memory of the American president. The secretary of national security, Boroimhe Phooka, walked grumbling through the corridors of the security sub-basement, located several meters below the central CIA building, could not believe his bad luck. UHGgnn... I hope I can get there, I think with the stress it would have been better not to have dinner at all, Nngh... He was walking discreetly in a hurry, dinner had not gone too well on his stomach and the nearest bathroom was under maintenance at that time, due to a problem with the toilets, for some reason they were not getting water, so without even stopping, when he reached the bathroom farthest from his office he immediately entered a cubicle, pulled down his pants and sat down, finally feeling relief when he let out all the discomfort without restrictions, after a few minutes he felt that it was all and extended his hand to the roll holder, but it was empty. "...OH! FUCK ME SIDEWAYS! Only this was missing!." *Click clack*… *Fffussssss* Fortune smiled at him this time, someone had just entered and was washing his hands, he decided to ask for help and swear to be more careful so that it does not happen to him again. Wait for a second, aren't those my assistant's shoes? Great, I'm saved! "Who is there? Is it you agent Mulder?" "Secretary Phooka?" *Shigh* "I have some technical problems with the assortment of cleaning supplies, could you take care of that?" "Mhn? ... Ah! I got it! just a second." (AN: No matter how powerful you are, if you run out of paper in the bathroom you become the humblest of men no matter how great your pride is hahaha, it has happened to all of us at some time.) The agent opened the shelf of supplies and handed a new toilet paper to his boss from under the door, he thanked him and a moment later the toilet flow was heard and finally, he left, during that time his assistant used the urinal and both ended up washing their hands at the same time without crossing the gaze. Right when they finished, the lights quickly blinked a couple of times. "Now the lights too ?!, *shigh* What the hell are the maintenance guys doing?" Saying this, behind him he heard a sound like flames burning rapidly, like a somewhat large gas flame and when he turned around, he saw his assistant with a big smile, maybe even too big to be physically possible, but what else struck him was the fact that there were a lot of specks of light floating in the air. "OH, you don't have to worry my esteemed secretary Boroihme, I assure you this is not a technical problem, it is just the signal for the next step." The drastic change in voice and mannerisms stunned the CIA director for a second, but he recovered immediately and drew his pistol pointed at the agent in front of him. "Who the hell are you? You're not Fox Mulder!, where's my agent?! And how come you have the same face?! If you don't answer right away you'll regret it later!" "Okay, if that's what you want I'll answer your questions." -answered the 'agent'- However, again the armed man gasped, the man in front of him seemed to melt into a pink mass that quickly became a thin being with long fingers, with an egg-shaped head, but the most noticeable was his face or the lack of a normal one, in his face, there were only three dark holes, two for the eyes and one for the mouth, as if it were a drawing of a five-year-old child. "Director Phooka here, send reinforcements to the east wing bathroom immediately, we have an intruder!" The man spoke desperately on his radio, but all that was heard back was static, he immediately emptied his weapon on his assistant. *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!* The secretary of national security, seeing that the man in front of him collapsed, looked towards the door for a second to verify that it was not obstructed, but when he returned his attention to the front, he felt an enormous pain in his chest, he looked down and saw that long and sharp claws had pierced him, he lost all strength in his arms and his weapon fell to the ground, he looked up again with the little strength he had left and what was in front of him this time was a strange beast. "Sorry 'boss' but I'm a doppelgänger, as long as the weapon isn't magical it's completely useless against me." He looks more like a demon, or is the previous form his actual appearance? It was the man's last conscious thought and immediately afterward he lost consciousness from the brutal loss of blood. In a secret bunker located on the mountain 'Raven', the defense secretary had been coordinating the movement of troops throughout the nation, mobilizing the armed forces, the marines, the coast guards, and even the national guard and yet he still lacked a lot of troops. *Shigh* there is simply no way to do it, even mobilizing to the last available man, we can only keep the most important cities safe, it is always easier to maintain a border than to try to control an entire territory, Damn!, it seemed that they did nothing, but truly the sorcerer king's troops were taking care of a lot, just how many soldiers he mobilized within our territory without us noticing! *Knock Knock Knock Knock* The sound of the door interrupted his lamentations. "Come in." A man in a military uniform walked in with a folder full of reports, stood in front of the desk, and gave a formal salute. "Sir!" "At rest, what is it, Lieutenant? Do you have something for me?" "Here is the report of the troops that you requested sir," -he handed over the folder and continued speaking- "it has been possible to fully secure the most important cities and some smaller cities, but all the small towns and reserves are unreachable." *Shigh* Just like I thought. "And the casualties?" "Acceptable so far, but each time the beasts appear are becoming more dangerous and resistant." "Well, we must not wasting time, we must ensure the safety of as many citizens as possible." After another minute of reading the reports, the lights blinked rapidly for a second. "What the hell was that?! Lieutenant, find out right away what's going on! If we're under attack I want to know right away!" After giving his orders, the secretary leaned down to take his gun from the bottom drawer of the desk and prepare for whatever, but three things made him quickly raise his head and immediately point in front of him, the first was the absence of the steps in retreat of the lieutenant, the second was the sound of something burning rapidly and the third were the words uttered by the lieutenant, which did not contain an iota of the usual military respect. "It is not something to be alarmed about, it is only a signal for me." -said the soldier taking out two scrolls from his pockets and activating them on the spot- *FFLlluuoossssh* The secretary immediately understood that it was a trap. *Click BANG BANG!* -Two shots rang out from the 11.43mm automatic weapon, a German-made USP- The traitor collapsed in pain as he received two shots, one in the right shoulder and the other in the right thigh, the secretary hurried around the desk to question the traitor, but what he saw froze him in place, from the bullet holes blood came out, this was something completely normal, however, the color of this was not, it was a bright green, almost phosphorescent and an instant later the body was enveloped by a green flare, what was left behind left him fully dumbfounded. "What the heck are you!" "Hehehe, I dOn'T eXpEcT tHaT yOu WeRe ThIs FaSt At YoUr AgE, i'M a ChAnGeLiNg." Still aiming at the fallen creature, the secretary hurried to the door to request reinforcements, but it did not open, after a few seconds of seeing the bleeding creature, he holstered his weapon and tried to open the door with both hands, seeing that it was useless, he turned to go to his desk and use the phone, but the figure that was on the ground until a second ago, was now in front of him, only now his appearance was more monstrous, he seemed a mixture of wasp and praying mantis, and before he could draw his pistol again, his chest was pierced by one of the thick blades that made up the front legs, spitting out some blood he lost consciousness when the blade was withdrawn, and his life as he bled out away on the floor. In the great tomb of Nazarick, the master of life and death was receiving the mission report in his office. "Umu, excellent work Demiurge, so everything worked properly?" "That's right Ainz-sama, the 'Anti Divination Barrier' and 'Lockdown' scrolls worked as expected, the targets who tried were not able to communicate with the outside, either physically or by other means, and when the secretary Strikes attempted Opening the door was not possible, the only eventuality was the wounded changeling, although he still fulfilled its mission, we found that the chitin of the infiltrators is not strong enough to stop the shots of the military-grade handguns." "I see" well that's to be expected, a thief or spy has a pathetic defense after all. "that's within expectations." that's why each of them was assigned an SD for this mission so no one was lost. "Now, Chrysalis." Upon being summoned, the newly changeling queen who was a couple of steps behind the Archfiend came in line with him and prostrated herself. "Yes, Ainz-sama." "Have you had any problem with your subordinates?" "None my lord, since the Book was given to me as a result of Demiurge-sama's efforts after studying my biology, and I have used it under the supervision of Cocytus-sama, the entire company follows my orders without question, but on the contrary, all of them have shown a strong loyalty to me, in addition to considering your orders above mine without hesitation, according to their explanation, their master's master has the higher hierarchy so his orders are considered of greater importance." Mhn?, How strange, that did not happen with invocations before, in Yggdrasil, only the summoner could control said invocations, is it the effect that all the descriptions have become real? "And if you allow me to add, I want to thank you again, I never thought that I would have a hive again, you have helped me obtain much more than I ever expected, with you are my devotion and fidelity eternally... also, now that I truly have a connection with my subordinates, a hivemind, I feel fully complete, thank you very much for everything Ainz-sama, I promise to work harder to meet your expectations in the position you have assigned me." Well, the spy or inner vigilante position is the one that your race has the most value as, unlike the doppelgänger, you can also transform into objects. -the Overlord thought- "If you could enlighten me, I only have one question that I would greatly appreciate if you answered me." "Go ahead" "Why do they look like that?" Uff, thank goodness is a simple question. "Umu, it is a logical question, although I have my suspicions, we are still waiting for the results of Demiurge's experiments to confirm it, you can ask him when it is concluded." "As you order." The next morning, chaos broke out throughout the US system of government, half of the heads of state had been murdered in grotesque and bloody ways along with their assistants, only that these, unlike their superiors, perished peacefully, all while they were in the safest areas to which they could have access, without generating a single alarm until they were searched the next morning, this filled with terror to the rest of the legislative body, which despite everything that happened, managed to move the government forward after these events, the vice president, took the reins of the country to try not let it collapse, tried to contact the Sorcerer Kingdom, but all his attempts were rejected, his country had to face the days to come by themselves, as did those who refused to sign the treaties in the CRC. The weeks passed quickly and the situation began to deteriorate all over the globe, the bad weather became more and more marked; Those who had signed the vassalage or to be refugees, were given access to areas identified as points of concentrated magic, all varied in size, depending on the magic concentration, some were completely ignored as the concentration was too poor to offer any amount protection against disasters in the area that encompassed, while the area offering the greatest protection were carefully managed and controlled. At CHS, the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle closed the news portal and social networks that she had open on the computer located in Celestia's office with a sigh and began to speak with those present. *Shigh* "Everything is happening as the Sorcerer King predicted, as a fact, I think even faster, little by little the effects of the weakening of the barrier that separates the worlds are becoming more noticeable throughout this world." "It was to be expected, what I can not believe is that all those who did not sign still think that everything is a sham." -The redhead replied with frustration- "It is something very regrettable, but we cannot do much about it," -Luna intervened- "for a little over a week, a large number of people are being sent to the other side daily, both towards the sorcerer kingdom and towards Equestria, and even though our area is the largest of all those that offer protection, it will still be difficult to accommodate so many and prevent it from becoming an absolute disaster." "The troops that my other self sent and those of King Gown have helped to maintain order overwhelmingly," -added Celestia- "if it weren't for that, everything would be utter chaos, no, that's being very kind to my words, the truth would be something much darker and more terrifying, it would be similar to the blow of a holocaust." As the world slowly shattered on the other side of the mirror, in the castle of friendship, two figures walked down the main corridor towards the exit, making sure they were not lacking anything for the journey they were about to undertake. "Are you sure you're not missing anything Turing?" "I truly appreciate your concern Spike, but since I don't need to eat and/or sleep, I don't need a lot of luggage, I have some money, in case I see something that will be a good souvenir and my crank charger, in case that is necessary." "Okay... are you sure you don't need someone else to accompany you?" "You don't have to worry Spike, I will meet my brothers in Mustangia first to pick them up, we will take care of each other, asking any of the others to accompany me at this time would be impossible, they all have a lot of work with the matter of the refugees." "You're right, * shigh * just, be very careful, okay?" "Of course." With a hug they both said goodbye, the automaton went to the train station, bought a ticket to Mustangia and started the trip, after a little more than 8 hours later it reached its destination and immediately headed towards the Peach farm, the only difference from before the attack on Canterlot was that the ponies seemed to have lost some of their animosity, it was true that they were still smiling, but it was obvious that the news of Cobbler's actions weighed on them. When she arrived at the Peach ranch she was well received by the family and it didn't take long for her to find her siblings, they had already been notified days before the events that took place, so they were soon ready to leave, at the beginning, when she met them she communicated that everyone would receive updates from the Sorcerer King, there were great reactions from his brothers, 01 jumped uncontrollably of joy, 02 was skeptical and said she was sure they would receive something totally useless, 04 identified for the first time what emotion was thinking that he would receive combat upgrades, after taking a few hours while they waited for the train that would take them to the sorcerer kingdom, Turing brought the family up to date on the most recent events in the capital, finally saying goodbye and leaving when the time run out, the trip passed without eventualities, but everything around them was interesting, after all it was the first time that the automatons left Equestria or really traveled somewhere. After little more than two days of travel that passed between train, ship, and trot, they finally reached the capital of the sorcerer kingdom, as soon as they reached the gates, they were guided to a room in which they would receive an introduction to the regulations and laws of the kingdom, to the amazement of the captain who was in charge of the introductions, the newcomers did not show an iota of reaction when the first thing they saw was a DK, after thanking for the introduction, Turing asked the guard the way to the palace and the being questioned about her intentions, she showed the letter confirming that they were guests of the king himself; upon seeing it, the captain immediately ordered an escort to take them to the palace as soon as possible. On the way, they enjoyed the views and for 02 did not go unnoticed the large number of constructions and projects that were underway throughout the city, after a quiet march of almost an hour, they found themselves in front of the palace and were received by a servant girl who led them to the throne room, where the Sorcerer King and his prime minister were already waiting for them. *Click clak creeeeeeaak* The huge doors opened and the group advanced until they were in front of the throne, where everyone bowed showing proper etiquette before a king, as soon as their knees hit the ground, the servant began to speak. "I apologize for disturbing you, Ainz-sama, the visitors you expected have arrived." "Good work Fifth, you can retire." With permission received, the maid rose, bowed, and withdrew. "Everyone welcome, please stand up." Brrrrh, those two give chills, they look like more dolls from a haunted house. -Ainz thought as he looked at the first two prototypes carefully. "Thank you very much for extending your kindness towards us," -said Turing for the group- "we will do everything possible not to be a burden at this time that disaster is near." "Umu, now, first of all, you should know that the process will take some time, we have to be fully sure of the compatibility before trying to install any update, during the following weeks we will be doing several tests and evaluations on you, there may even be occasions when there is a need to keep any of you disabled for one or more days, so we will require you to be patient, if these conditions do not seem right, you can withdraw without any commitment, but if you wish to undergo the procedure anyway, I will allow you to use scrolls of 'Message' to communicate with whoever is waiting for you and tell them what will happen at that time so that they are not worried about you." After a quick visual deliberation between the automatons, they all decided that they would go ahead, upon receiving the positive confirmation, the skeleton made an indication with his hand and Albedo handed them two scrolls and explained how to use them. When they finished speaking with their respective contacts, the group was led by Albedo to one of the adjoining rooms, where the process of the automatons would begin. The days passed and the situation was constantly getting worse outside the areas protected by magic, communications by land began to fail en masse, many television networks could no longer broadcast, either because they had been destroyed by a storm or because they had withdrawn from the world. At CHS, the Princess of Friendship, her friends, and the Faust sisters worked tirelessly to mobilize all refugees. "There is good news, we are practically finished with the refugee movement, only a small amount is left, *shigh* relatively speaking, I think that if everything continues with the same speed, we will have finished our evacuation in the course of the next two or three weeks." -Twilight announced to those present- "That's good, this amount of daily work is exhausting, knowing that we will almost have a break is encouraging." -Added Luna from her desk- "Can you pass me the stamp of approval please." -Celestia spoke- But before Sunset could comply with the request, the door to the office (formerly the teachers' lounge) was slammed open by Rainbow Dash. "Sunset, Princess Twilight, a messenger from the Sorcerer Kingdom just brought this message!" The athlete screamed urgently, who was already by the desks before the door slammed against the wall. The youngest of the alicorns took the offered letter, broke the seal and began to read, after a couple of minutes, her face turned pale and the letter escaped from her hooves, falling on the table, with this, the rest could see her expression of horror, so the redhead rushed to ask. "Twilight? What's going on? Has something happened in Equestria?" When there was no answer, Sunset took the letter and read it, and she turned pale like the princess, but with a difference, there was amazement and understanding on her face. "OH, that is truly a BIG problem." Inside the palace in the sorcerer realm, the Overlord was in his office, diligently reviewing the reports on his desk while accompanied by Albedo. The door rang and the maid on duty verified who it was. "Ainz-sama, it's Demiurge-sama." "Umu, thank you very much, Foss, let him come in." With a respectful bow, the maid hurried to carry out her master's orders and a moment later, the Archfiend was in front of the desk and spoke as soon as he paid his respects to his master. "Ainz-sama, I have something of high priority that I wish to report to you, it has to do with the experiment you entrusted to me and the item 'Two-World Mandala'." "Speak." "Yes, after the experiments carried out with some of the captured soldiers, we corroborate that what happened with the Dazzling's is two-way, apparently it is one of the effects of the collapse of the barrier, according to the results, the effects are slower the bigger the group, but I think it is possible that the effect will accelerate exponentially when the barrier falls permanently." "Mmmh, has the effect manifested itself on any of Nazarick's subordinates?" "So far the only ones affected were the new subordinates of Chrysalis, the scroll was supposed to summon normal drones, but all the summoned individuals presented the same distortion." Hmm, so does that mean that the transformation will affect any new births or summons? -the Overlord thought- "This can be a problem in relations with Equestria if we leave it as is, *shigh* Albedo." "Yes, Ainz-sama." "Send a message to the diarchy, let them know what to expect based on the new information by written, and also send a copy to the refugee representatives, as well as to our new vassals." "Right away, then with your permission." With a bow, the overseer of the guardians withdrew to carry out her master's orders. "With that fixed, what happens to the WI?" "Yes, the constant use of magic from the other side seems to be accelerating the fall of the barrier, even though we have used a much greater amount and more constantly, our magic does not seem to affect it, but since the Equestrian magic began to be used, the effects are becoming more and more noticeable." That can be a real headache. *shigh* "Have there been any more incidents that could delay the evacuation?" "No Ainz-sama, since those flies were exterminated when they tried to invade the areas under your protection, there have been no more attempts, with the rapid deterioration of the climate and the first earthquakes, all the countries are too busy trying to maintain their functionality." Hufff, thank goodness, I don't want to keep wasting my time with skirmishes. "Umu alright, as for the evacuation, how long until it is complete?" "If no eventuality arises, it will be completed within the next seven days." Celestia was in the throne room along with a group of ponies, it was the group that was in charge of coordinating the location and rations for the refugees, after being confirmed, another large number of documents were delivered to the soldier who was waiting for them to be in charge of mobilizing another group of refugees, the corporal gave the appropriate salute and retired to carry out his duties and another large pile of paperwork began to be processed. This would be a huge problem for the nation if it weren't for Twilight making sure everyone brought enough food with them. -the monarch of the sun thought when she was distracted by the entrance of her sister- *CLACLOoomm* "Mhn, Luna? Did something happen? Why did you get up so early? There are still a few hours before the sun goes down and the moon goes up." -said the alabaster alicorn, rising from her place to hug her sister- The two shared a hug and Luna began to speak as soon as they separated. "Indeed, but when I returned from attending to my needs, I realized that there was a new notification in the messenger chest of the sorcerer kingdom and it is something that we must attend to as soon as possible, it seems that complicated times are coming again." -the princess of the night finished handing the letter to her sister- Celestia reread the letter a couple of times to make sure she understood what she was reading correctly, finally sighed, and decided to inform the rest of the staff and refugees of the new changes. *Shigh* "This will be a big headache, is it too much to ask that at least one of the world cataclysms can resolve itself peacefully and without affecting anyone?" -said the princess of the sun in an unusual way as she returned to her seat at the table- Her sister's unusual reaction caused the night princess to raise an eyebrow and turn around. "I'll retire then, I'll tell Twilight about this, I'll have something for breakfast and then I'll come to replace you so you can rest." In the teachers' room transformed into an office, the princess of friendship, Twili, and the Faust sisters were processing the refugee papers when the door opened and the redhead entered with the diary that worked as a means of communication with Equestria in her hand. "Twilight, a message came from the princesses, I think you should read it as soon as possible, it seems that the barrier is going to give more problems than we had understood in the letter." Upon hearing her name, the youngest of the princesses saw her friend and the diary that she carried opened in her hands, when she finished speaking, she sighed and took it in her magic to review it. *Shigh* She went over the information several times and each time she felt more doubts until she decided to consult it with the rest of the people in the room. "OK, apparently the barrier has a new effect that until now has been introduced little by little and the Sorcerer King studied this effect and in summary came to the following conclusion, not only the worlds are going to unite, also the magical natures of both worlds, that is, the magic of Equestria and the lack of magic on this side, this will cause a kind of fusion or magical regression that will affect all creatures causing physical changes, and the only reference to what types of physical changes will be, it is a single phrase, 'anthropomorphism of varied scale' and they ask me to make public the information for the refugees on this side; If I fully understand what he means by varied scale, that means that it will affect each species or individual in a different scale, but I don't understand what 'anthropomorphism' means It's a word I've never heard before, does anyone know its meaning?" "Anthropomorphic means human or humanoid form." -said Luna immediately without changing her face of surprise and curiosity- "So, does that mean that the inhabitants of Equestria will take on a humanoid form?" -Asked Twili- "Yes and no," -answered the redhead- "that is, yes, it will affect all the inhabitants of Equestria, but I don't see why it is necessary to announce it to the refugees who are about to cross to the other side, the only way into it makes sense would be if it were to affect them as if they were simply going to transform." *Ghasph* "They're going to pony up." The exclamation of the former Cristal Prep student caught the attention of the rest and the next moment the two equestrians exchanged looks of understanding and surprise. "It's true! Now that you say it, when you activate the power of your geodes, you transform, and you do so because equestrian magic is coming out to a great extent within you!" -Exclaimed Twilight- "Why didn't I think about it before! if the magical natures are going to unite, that means that both the inhabitants of our world are going to be humanized and the inhabitants of this are going to be ponyfied!" "So it is imperative that we give a warning as soon as possible, and not only to the refugees, we must also do everything possible to send a warning to the rest of the nations or those who survive will be extremely disoriented and terrified when it happens." -spoke Celestia seriously- "Sunset, do you think you and the rest of the girls can help me with this? We alone can't do both." "Don't worry, we take care of it, I think some of the girls are done with what they were doing and the others are about to finish, we will do it immediately." The announcement that not only was the world going to end, but that they were also going to mutate into a different species, caused a huge panic among the few nations that were still in a state of receiving news via satellite; among the refugees, it caused a lot of concern, but after a quick explanation by Sunset Shimmer, accompanied by a visual example of what they could expect, it greatly helped to calm people's anxiety and in the next few weeks, they completed the evacuation of the refugees, while watching how the situation outside the protected area became worse and worse, cataclysms began to happen, massive volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, and storms never seen before, the countries that were standing were unable to leave their edges, the planes could not take off or stay in Flight due to turbulence and ground traffic was absolutely impossible. Many of the people who lived in the border of the areas with magic, were quick to move further towards the center for fear that collateral damage would reach them, some even asked to cross to the other side with the refugees out of concern, even though they were assured that they were safe. In the following days, all hell broke loose, the seas were turbulent and extremely violent across its surface, the currents were an absolute disaster, the earth was shaking wildly, collapsing buildings and mountains, the sky was splitting with massive electrical storms, pieces of land began to simply sink and disappear, all nations, individuals and animals that were outside the protected areas, that day ceased to exist. In the throne room of the great tomb of Nazarick, the overlord of death sat, reviewing the reports of his subordinates regarding the progress of the temporary relocation work for the new vassals, today was the calculated day that the effect of 'Two-World Mandala' ended and they had prepared for the worst, outside the tomb only summoned and/or disposable creatures had remained. "I see, so it's just as predicted, at any moment the effect will end and the worlds will unite again." "It is just as you predicted Ainz-sama." -Albedo answered who was next to him- Well it is not that I have predicted it as such, the truth occurred to me after studying the volumes of magic that Princess Twilight lent to 'Momon' to help him with his magic. "Umu, all that remains is to wait for the process to be completed, in the meantime, let's see how everything happens." With a wave of his right hand, the remote viewing mirror appeared before him and the reflective surface began to shake, turning watery and now on the surface, there was an image of the outside instead of a reflection. It was a quiet day like any other throughout Equus, the only difference was that all the creatures were following the warnings of their nations, since days ago they had prepared for what could happen, so they stayed inside their houses, then It began to be felt, the earth began to shake slightly, those who were close to the most affected areas saw how the ground cracked, forming deep chasms, which were quickly filled by debris that fell from the sky, most of these events occurred in areas completely remote from any settlement, but some occurred near rural or urban areas. In the seas, huge amounts of water and debris fell into them, and just as on land, multiple abysses were filled by debris and new ones appeared, preventing the sea from becoming very violent, the inhabitants of Mount Aris had received a warning about all from the Kelpies that their lord had sent to protect them, in case the beasts from the depths of the other world caused problems, so they had the opportunity to see how everything was happening around them. In Canterlot, the image that the diarchs could see from the balcony where they gave the announcements or special presentations of the nation for the people, both were with their mouths open, they could see how the land spread under their gaze, at the same time they saw with amazement how the sky seemed to approach, and this, which was supposed to be in the daytime hours, gradually lost pieces that fell wildly to the ground, revealing starry sections in the sky behind them, then they both felt it, their connection with the moon and the sun that they had moved for more than a millennium disappeared, leaving a void within them, this deeply alarmed them, since they could not explain why or if that meant that everything was lost for Equestria as well, but their doubts were put to rest when that void was temporary, they began to feel that something else filled them but they were still not sure what it was, however, they were sure that it was much more powerful, they could not be totally calm because of uncertainty, but they were stunned when the large pieces of sky that were still floating, rushed to the ground but did it slowly, then, they realized something, the ground was reopening to accept these pieces, which were not really falling a very large amount, given the proximity that the ground now had with respect to the sky, to their surprise, from behind one of these pieces, they could observe that a sun emerged that illuminated everything again and eradicated the semi-darkness that covered almost all the city, after the 'sun' that was in their 'heaven' would disappear along with the pieces it was in when they fell. Unlike her previous sun, Celestia did not feel a similar connection with it and when she tried to connect with it, she completely felt a great difference, she was not able to move it, but part of what had filled the void of connection was felt to glow by. one second. "!AAAAHHHHH!" Luna quickly moved away when she felt an overwhelming heat suddenly at her side, some feathers of the wing with which she covered herself had been burned and when she looked towards the origin her mouth fell open, her sister shone slightly, her regalia could be seen liquefying on the ground, then evaporated as the gems liquefied, her mane seemed to have transformed from its usual colors into a wild flare and her magenta eyes had turned like two incandescent fathoms, the ground below her was beginning to melt, but just as fast as it came, the glow faded from her body and she returned to normal. "S-sister? Are you okay?" -Asked the princess of the night- "Huh? What do you mean?" -answered the alabaster alicorn with uncertainty- When Luna pointed her hoof at the ground that was still red hot and slightly fluid under her hooves, a look of shock darted at Celestia. When all the movement of material finished, a great magical explosion originated over Canterlot (where the mirror was currently located), a dense mixture of pulses followed by voids began to cross the world, echoing from all corners, the effects seemed not causing anything at first for the Equestrians so they did not worry, but for all the refugees, the story was completely different, most of them had tails, with different shapes according to their race, some grew wings, others horns, into a lesser extent, others developed wings, beaks, and claws, some grew in size and had horns, some were more affected and underwent a transformation that gave them an insectoid appearance, others grew large antlers and a small upright tail, the changes were quite varied, but in most cases, they maintained a humanoid appearance. It was not until the next day when the Equestrians were affected by the changes, in fact, most of the changes were relatively minor, given the neutral alignment of their natural magic, in some of the races there was no change, such as It was the case of the minotaurs and dragons, however, most of the creatures underwent different changes, the most notorious being the change from quadruped to bipedal, being the most affected by these the ponies, if they did not cause a massive panic attack, it was only thanks to the information and warnings distributed by the diarchy. That morning, when Twilight woke up in her embassy room, the first thing she felt was the different sensation she received from her sheets, the second was the position of her body, but what forced her to open her eyes and get up immediately was when she took her hoof around her neck to scratch it and what she felt were fingers. "Mmmnnhm, *scratch scratch scratch* mhm...?!, *GHASPHP* HO NO!... *shigh* so, in the end, it did affect us." With the acceptance of the changes, she stood up and was again surprised by the sensation, and looking down she could see why. "Wait, it's not the same as before, my legs are still quite similar to how they were before, my cutie mark is also where it was," -she wagged her tail consciously- "before, when I was visiting Sunset, I didn't have a tail either," -she took her hands to her breasts and massaged them gently- "my teats turned into breasts, besides, they seem to be somewhat larger than before, is it because I have grown up?, mhnaaa" -when she felt an electric current asault her body she stopped suddenly, released her niples and blushed- "and they seem to be much more sensitive, I hope that's not a problem later," -when she touched her face felt a lot of relief- *shigh* "great!, it seems that my face did not change much , my muzzle is flatter but it doesn't look completely human,my ears are still pony and are on the high side like when we poy up on CHS, and the best of all is that my horn has not disappeared!"-she stretched to shake off the remaining sleep and when he felt the movement in her back she smiled - "My wings didn't disappear either! I think everything is fine, now, I have to dress, I don't think going out like this is a very good idea, after all, now most of my body is not covered by a full coat, only one light and short fur layer, it's funny how it is organized, there is only on my forearm, it goes up to my shoulders and it looks like it reaches the top of my wings, it goes from my thighs to my hips but there is nothing in the rest of my torso, except for this small amount that It seems to cover my crotch a bit, like when I was at CHS, thank goodness I decided that we would prepare ourselves and have some clothes on hoof... well now hand jijijiji." With her initial inspection finished, the princess hurried to get dressed and check if the others were okay, it was no surprise that Sunset ended up in a situation similar to her, the funny thing was the changes in the rest, Rarity won a horn, but she looked younger than her Equestrian self, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy grew wings, and for some reason, the latter looked uncomfortable, she also walked somewhat hunched over, while the former looked depressed and frustrated, worried about her well-being, she asked about it and the athlete immediately released her frustration. "WE BOTH HAVE WINGS!, which is pretty cool, but why did only her breasts grow? IT'S NOT FAIR!... OH! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!" But her frustration only increased when she noticed that Twilight had also grown her chest compared to before, to which she could only giggle nervously and the athlete remained depressed until everyone gathered for lunch. Applejack and Pinkie Pie did not change much compared to when they were ponyfied, except that both seemed to have become a little taller and they all had a tail instead of a hair extension as before, the most curious case was that of her counterpart, which her only noticeable change was the tail and the horn on its forehead, at least until the Faust sisters arrived, they had certainly gained a couple of sizes in terms of chest and hips, both had both wings and horn and both came wrapped in sheets. "Emmm, sorry for bothering you Rarity, but it seems both my sister and I now have some difficulties that we would like to discuss later with the princess and Sunset, but I think the clothing area is more urgent." -said the older as they both sat at the table- After almost finishing lunch in the cafeteria, a group of guards entered for lunch provoking an immediate reaction from all the girls present. Twili turned tomato red and looked away, Fluttershy fainted, Dash had a wing boner, AJ blushed and looked away, but kept turning sideways from time to time, while Rarity watched with interest and a blush on her face, Pinkie was just smiling and was about to speak, but was quickly cut off by Twilight. "No Pinkie, we won't have a party like that!" Sunset just looked away somewhat embarrassed, the young princess sighed and headed towards the group. "Who's in charge of this shift!" Immediately, a stallion almost twice as muscular as the rest introduced himself and saluted. "Sergeant First Class Boldmove, Your Highness." When he stood next to the table, the attention of the girls looking at him was immediately directed to the only place that was moving freely, this finally broke the control of the sisters, and their wings spread into a wing boner, the sheet that covered Celestia, incinerated in a second, while the one who wore Luna became dust as soon as her wings spread when they felt completely naked, an eeep escaped them and both disappeared via one involuntary teleportation, triggered by shame and desire of being somewhere else. "Sergeant, your unit was the one on the night shift, wasn't it?" "Indeed your highness." *Shigh* "The princesses and I assumed that the enchanted armor would automatically engage in case you transformed, but it looks like it just changes shape, before you sit down for lunch, go to your barracks and put on the undersuit assigned to you to wear, in the bipedal form it is immoral that your privates are visible, even if they are inside your sheath, notify the rest also please, we cannot allow the girls to feel uncomfortable." With the words of the princess, the understanding reached the sergeant and a slight blush was seen on his face, he accepted the order and immediately withdrew along with his group to comply with the orders. "*Shigh*, It looks like the guards' armor will have to be redesigned, what a problem, girls, girls? GIRLS!" When she raised her voice they all reacted, returning to the present, Twilight asked them to help her find the sisters and give them some sheets to cover themselves, while Rarity began to make them something decent to use in the sewing club room, Before leaving, Twili approached to see the remains of the sheets that were destroyed, Celestia's were unrecognizable, completely charred, but when she took one of Luna's pieces, she felt a strong pain and immediately released it, repelling it from her hand with magic. "OUCH! ... it can't be, it's ridiculous, it's impossible!" That same morning, when it was time for the princess of the night to go to rest, after covering the night court and her duties as guardian of dreams and sharing breakfast/dinner with her sister, or at least that was what Celestia thought would happen. The monarch of the sun still felt strange, both for her new physical form, as it also still seemed inconceivable that the sun would rise without her intervention, but after the events of the previous day, she did not dare to connect with the sun again, at least not until she was sure what was happening, but when her sister came in, pulling her out of her thoughts, she greeted her, but she noticed that something was not right. *Clack cloong* "Oh! Good morning Luna, how was... your... What's wrong? Are you okay?" When she registered the voice that spoke to her, the princess of the night finally came out of her stupor. "Uhu? Ha! Yes! Yes, everything is fine, or so I think, it's just that, it seems that just like it happened to you, my connection with the moon also changed." -she spoke while she did not stop looking at her hands- "And does that have anything to do with the fact that you're naked even though Twilight instructed us that this was indecent in this form?" An embarrassed smile emerged on Luna's face as she slightly nodded her head. "To tell the truth, I did not notice when I transformed, I was walking through the dreams of our ponies and when I returned, I already had this form, when it registered I began to experiment with my magic and I realized that everything worked almost the same, the only difference is that now we can also channel magic through our… err, upper appendages?" -Making a sample of her words, she channeled magic with her hand and summoned one of the dresses from her room- "Hands, Luna, they're called hands." -interrupted the alabaster alicorn- "Yes, that, as I was saying, then I decided to test my connection with the new moon, before it disappeared over the horizon, just like you I am not able to move it, but unlike you, you seem to be invulnerable to the heat and call all the fury of the sun when making contact with it, while I became insensitive to the cold and my regalia fell to dust as soon as I moved, when one of the servants came to pick up the remains, he suffered burns... from frostbite, had it not been for her scream I would not have reacted in time, he would have lost his fingers to the cold, luckily I managed to reverse the effect somehow before he suffered permanent damage." While she had been speaking, the princess of the night put on the third dress of the day, she decided to leave the incident with the second one in oblivion since she had not canceled her connection with the moon when she invoked it and it was shattered as soon as she touched it; when she finished speaking, she had finished putting it on and taken a seat. "*Shigh* I just hope my little ponies don't panic about this." "As much as possible was done with Twilight's help to prevent it, we can only hope it worked." "It also seems that it is necessary to change the design of the armor of the guards, the current one does not cover their new forms all the necessary." -said Celestia- "But why? The view is great!" -said Luna with a mischievous tone and a smile that screamed, 'do you not like the new view?' - The days passed slowly while all the inhabitants of the 'New Equs' (it was how they decided to name the resulting planet during the last meeting of the various powers after the collapse), there were uncomfortable moments while everyone got used to the new rhythm, being the Equestrians the ones who took the most work to become accustomed to using clothes since the only ones who always wore clothes were the Yak. The cleansing was started by each nation in their territory, saving what they could of their old lives, taking out and rescuing what they could from all the destruction, giving priority to the refugees, since they were the ones who knew the most about what could be found, a small part of the nations was fortunate, since they managed to recover parts of their cities that arrived intact and from there they restarted their nations. In those days, in the Sorcerer Kingdom, a large number of weapons were gathered before the palace, by all the servants scattered around the globe, fortunately, the vast majority of the most dangerous, such as nuclear weapons, did not survive the violent transfer, but a lot of guns and small ammo did. Seated on his throne in the royal palace, the supreme ruler of death received the latest reports regarding the general progress of the transition. "Excellent, how are going the efforts to bring again into operation of the regions of our new vassals?" "Everything is going according to schedule, Ainz-sama." -answered Tempest who was prostrate before the throne- "Very good, Chrysalis." "Order me, Ainz-sama." The response of the changeling who was standing to one side of the room was immediate, she stood in front of the throne and prostrated herself, while both were in front of him, the Overlord's thoughts wandered a bit. Luckily Tempest's armor was created exclusively for her and being magical it quickly adapted to the change in physical form, which I don't know is from where Chrysalis got that kimono from, but it fits her well. "Ahem, have your units keep a close eye on the newcomers, I want you to report any attempted rebellion immediately, all issues must be dealt with before they flourish." "Yes, as ordered." "You can retire," -with permission, both Equestrians withdrew- "now, Albedo, has been finished the installing of the updates to Turing and her brothers?" "Yes, do you want me to call them before they leave?" "That's correct, the right thing to do is to give them a proper send-off." "Understood, it will be done immediately." With a small bow, the succubus withdrew as she placed a hand on her right ear. *Shigh* Governing is an absolute headache, thank goodness that the number of refugees was not that high, although, even so, I do not understand why there were so few humanoids, who formed the barrier was a reverend idiot, he did not know how to do things correctly, as I read in the historical documents, all the events that led up to the present are a string of nonsense, the builder was only interested in the fact that the final design was similar to the earth in the twentieth century, but the population was quite small, even the large cities did not have a large number of individuals, was it an effect of the barrier? ​​Or was it just a design error in the initial plan?... well, it doesn't matter, there is no point in thinking about all that. After having said goodbye to the Sorcerer King, the group of automatons, begun the journey back home, at the same time that they saw their transformed acquaintances for the first time, they were also surprised by the change, for a few days they stayed in Mustangia sharing anecdotes of what happened and waiting for his father who was about to finish his sentence in Equestria when he finally got home, they lived together for a few more days before separating again, after just over a week of being with his family, the scientist left in the company of 02 to attend the invitation of the Sorcerer King sent with his children before they left, and he was curious to ask if the offer that he extended to him after his trial was still available. Meanwhile, in Equestria, everything moved in relative calm, and with the repairs and regulations that allowed the integration of the new citizens, finally completed, the official announcement of the resignation of the diarchy and the assumption of the throne of Princess Twilight was given, handing out invitations to all friendly and neutral nations. In Canterlot, the preparations were running overdrive, in just a few days the date would arrive when Twilight would take the throne, each of the M6s helped in the planning, and thanks to the M7s, everything was going at a much faster and stable pace that if there were only one of each; AJ and her counterpart, made sure of the distribution and delivery of all the cider and snacks for the event, Rarity and her counterpart, worked together to create the dress for the coronation, it was only necessary for the star spiders to finish spinning the bandana which she would use as an accessory, both dressmakers had argued fervently over the material to use, until the ex-pony showed her what the magical Equestrian nature could offer, needless to say, the former CHS student was delighted with the softness and shine of the silk and with the time left over, they designed the dress for the cocktail, Pinkie Pie and her counterpart, were totally separated by unanimous vote, while one took care of the kitchen, the other would take care of all the decoration and coordination of the event, the two speedsters took turns taking care of the weather, together with the team gathered by the polychromatic pony, this team was the one that was in charge of explaining to the former sportswoman how the magic of the pegasi worked, in addition, the duo worked as an emergency parcel delivery when necessary, so despite the fact that the coronation was well into winter, the day of the coronation would be completely clear, Fluttershy and her counterpart were commissioned a chorus of birds,In addition to the animals that would fly at the time of the coronation, while the former student practiced the planned music, the equestrian was in charge of organizing all the preparations for the transport and feeding of said animals; In short, everything was going smoothly, the only thing that was not doing so was the humor of the future ruler of Equestria. In the castle of friendship located in Poniville, the youngest of the princesses was packing all her belongings to move to Canterlot again, but melancholy flooded her, after her tenth sigh, those who accompanied her decided it was time to intervene. *Shigh* "Are you okay Twilight?" -asked the redhead- "No… well yeah… *shigh* I'm not completely sure, I mean, I know I should be happy, but I can't help but feel like something isn't right." Sunset and Twili exchanged glances and the latter took the floor. "I think I know what you mean, when I left Cristal Prep, I also felt quite uncomfortable while doing it, but in the end, I understood that it was just a place where I had spent a lot of time and done a lot, so it is not impossible to miss that familiarity." -said the girl with glasses- "I will indeed miss this place very much, after all, it is full of priceless memories and anecdotes, however, I do not feel that that is what bothers me." "I think I got it," -interrupted the redhead- "I think I understand what you're going through, what hurts is not the fact but what it means, you will stay away from your friends and from most of the people you know and you're worried that you won't be able to see them again." "Y-yeah, I think that's it, at least it feels like that's the reason, but how did you know?" -said the alicorn with astonishment- "Well, I can understand how you feel, because I felt the same when I went through the mirror and came to that world the first time, after a few days I started to feel melancholic and constantly remembered everything I left behind, but you don't have to be sad, unlike my case, your friends and loved ones will be as close to you as a letter or a visit, and if things continue well, according to the last I heard from the Sorcerer Kingdom, soon we will have satellite communications again, at any moment we will have again smartphone's in our hands." -the redhead finished with a wink- This news finally began to lift the princess's spirits. "You're right, just because we're separated doesn't mean we won't see each other again, *snif* thank you very much." After a brief hug of comfort, they all continued packing all the personal items she had in the castle, the solar and lunar guard personnel who had been in charge of her safety in Poniville until now would be in charge of taking all of Twilight's items to Canterlot when they go as the princess's escort when they were already leaving the castle, they met Starlight Glimmer who gave a farewell gift to her mentor when she saw the diary with the photos that portrayed a large number of moments, She thanked the gift of the new director of the school of friendship with a big hug, and before they could get on the chariots that would take them to Canterlot, the rest of her friends arrived to say goodbye to her temporarily and assure her that she had their full support, and give her words of encouragement, it goes without saying that the farewell was emotional. with a big hug The next day, in Canterlot, it was the day of the coronation, the morning began peacefully, a simple but filling breakfast was shared by the princesses, Pinkie and Rarity, the latter two arrived earlier to finish all their preparations for the event, the rest would arrive later, bringing the rest of what was missing, the only thing that still caused some annoyance for all was the change in shape, being especially strange the fact of always being dressed, after finishing breakfast, the element of laughter and generosity apologized and left to finish their preparations, but Twilight noticed the diarchs' discomfort. "What's wrong princesses? I notice you are somewhat uncomfortable, haven't you got used to the change in shape yet?" The sisters exchanged a look and decided to respond. "No Twilight, it's not about that, the shapeshift hasn't truly bothered us much, except for the fact that we must remember to dress before leaving our rooms." -said the monarch of the sun- "Of these garments, the only thing that we still find something uncomfortable is this, teat holder or bra? I think it's called," -said the princess of the night, while she adjusted her breasts with her hands over the dress that looked more like a toga- "No, what still keeps us somewhat uneasy is the fact that the moon and the sun are no longer under our control, it is true that we still have a connection with them but it is no longer the same as before, just as they are no longer the same as before." *Shigh* "I think I understand you, I still find it difficult to accept that all this time we had only been seeing a dome above us and that all the stars in the sky were false." "True, but at this moment we don't have time to waste, today is a very important day for you and all of Equestria, after all, it has been more than a thousand years since there was a change in the regime, jijijijij." -laughed Celestia- "By the way, now that we bring it up, I must say that you look quite relaxed, I honestly assumed that you would be a ball of nerves by these hours or that you would not even have slept at all." -added Luna- "Well, that's because, with all the problems we've had lately, I finally accepted that I don't need to do everything alone and that I can always count on my friends no matter what the problem, that and the words Princess Skystar gave me, 'is okay to seek to be perfect, but we must not flagellate ourselves for not achieving it, since there is no one perfect'... well something like that, the truth is she said it with much simpler words." By noon, all the guests had arrived, the main courtyard was packed with rulers, dignitaries, reporters, and a large number of nobles and ordinary citizens, everything was prepared and ready, there was a single space that practically no one approached or wanted to approach, a table in which two figures were seated, behind them, standing, were two maids and a butler, it was the Sorcerer King and the prime minister, while they waited and talked in a low voice, Sebas observed all the creatures gathered together, the number of reporters was impressive, but that was not surprising, the newly 'reborn' nations were hungry for information about the world. "Ainz-sama, it seems the ceremony is about to begin." -said the succubus- Trumpets sounded announcing the start of the event, the Diarchy came out to the balcony, dressed in elegant ball gowns, the princess of the sun wore a pearl-colored dress with a long skirt that had a side opening that reached almost to the hip, at the top, it left her shoulders completely bare and had lace half sleeves that began below the shoulder, her usual regalia was changed for a fine necklace of exquisite gold and amethyst manufacture, on her head was the usual crown and on her hooves the golden covers that she had always worn, while the princess of the night, to her right, wore a sundress, a light blue just darker than the sky, which faded to a black color on the part of the skirt, it had a tail with the tip almost reaching the ground, and in the front just below her knees, she had silver details on the skirt and chest, which resembled constellations and she wore black lace gloves that reached to her elbows, like the one of her sister, around her neck, there was a necklace of exquisite manufacture with white diamonds, on her head was her crown and on her usual hoffwear covered her hooves. When the applause was stopped by a signal from the diarchy, they began a long speech that bored the Overlord, his attention was not piqued until almost the end when the waiters distributed the cider for the toast, it goes without saying that their table was served almost to the end when the head waiter scolded the rest and served them personally. *Shigh* I already thought this would be very boring, if it weren't because I don't need to sleep, I've already been snoring for a long time, mhn?... Oh, it looks like the end of the ceremony is near... Ooooh! interesting! they fused both crowns to form the crown of the new princess! However, Sebas's words brought him out of his thoughts. "Looks like something didn't go quite right." The birds that would sing around the princess and the butterflies that would adorn her image moved in a strange way, a group of doves came out from behind the princesses while two geese lowered the crown that was floating with the magic of the diarchs and the next instant everything went to hell. The Wondervolts arrived performing their maneuvers making smoke patterns that they had prepared for the event, but the stunts were thrown out of the way by the fireworks lit too soon by Gummy, coupled with the small creatures fighting around her head, Twilight felt the crown brush the tip of her horn and fall, realizing it tried to catch it. At the Overlord's table, everyone's attention was on the disaster on the balcony, but still, no one expected what they saw, the crown fell out of reach of the new ruler of Equestria, and in an attempt to catch it she fell over the edge of the balcony after tripping over her long dress. Ainz froze and would have reacted in an embarrassing way if not for the noise he heard next to him, Albedo did her best not to laugh, but still, some of the cider escaped from between her lips with a slight 'pfft'. *GHASPH* *Prffft* While the general response was one of surprise and fear for the well-being of the princess, the Overlord only bit his non-existent lips for the princess self-shame in the event. Fortunately for her, her wings were not below anything and she was able to stop just before hitting the ground, rising again towards the balcony with a smile of shame on her face and when she regained her place, finally the entire crowd reacted and exploded in applause and congratulations, then the waiters began to distribute the food to all the tables. After the party, the new ruler of Equestria was sitting at one of the tables with her friends. "I was this close to turning everything into a disaster." -spoke the new sovereign while almost making touch her index and thumb fingers- "Seriously dear, I'm very sorry I didn't notice that the star spiders got along with the bandana when I put it on you." -said the seamstress sadly- "Yes, I'm sorry too, we ruined your day, because of the worry when I left home I forgot the food for the birds and I didn't remember until it was time to feed them here in the castle, sorry *snif*" "You don't have to grieve Fluttershy, we were all quite nervous about the event, after all, there hadn't been a coronation in Equestria since the diarchy took the throne, besides, not everything went wrong, the banquet went perfectly." -the princess finished with a smile at her friend to cheer her up- "To tell t'a truth, it would have been also a complete disaster, if it wasn't because Bigmac and a' decided to use Yggdrasil's services to make the deliveries, a' too was an imbroglio of nerves, hahaha." "You mean, were we truly one step away from everything going completely wrong?" -Said the new monarch with concern- "It is possible, but we must not see what is hopeless but what to prepare for so that something similar cannot happen again." -Added a metallic voice that everyone knew well- Turing Test arrived at the table accompanied by the M7 and the Faust sisters who came to calmly congratulate their friend after helping with the farewell of all the guests, while they chated together, the princess of friendship stared at the new appearance of the automaton, she had a more human figure than the rest of the existing creatures after the collapse of the barrier, with a party dress created by the human Rarity of silver gray color, the new cover that was more similar to skin without fur, had a close hue mocha but a little clearer, her violet eyes had a fairly organic appearance, only if you looked closely at them it was possible to notice that they were mechanical, now she had a mouth that opened and closed while she spoke, the synthetic material that cooled her processor was replaced by a natural-looking hair in platinum white, the only thing that gave away the fact that it was not organic, was a pair of elongated appendages that worked as her ears and that in some parts, such as her knees, elbows and hands, signs of the unions could be observed. After a bit of being watched, Turing turned and greeted Twilight with a smile. It is still incredible how much the Sorcerer King can do, Turing can now enjoy life to the fullest, she not only received eyelids but the entire package, if it weren't for the small details it would be quite easy to mistake her for an organic being, jejejeje. And with this thought, Twilight approached the group and they all kept talking as evening fell. Notes The last arc is now finished! Only the epilogue remains, Also 'Chrysails in the great tomb of Nazarick' last chapter will get published with it as the penultimate one has been published with this one, Also thanks to 'The hat man' for let me make a reference to his story 'The iron horse', an excellent and pretty recommendable work.