//------------------------------// // Chapter 105- Jumping For Gold Pt.7 // Story: Good Morning Equestria // by Quoterific //------------------------------// “Welcome very creature, back to Manehattan for more action of the Equestria Games as they happen,” Silverstream welcomed their listeners back, “And with partnership with the Reformed Unicorn Group, I am joined in the studio today with Sunset Shimmer. So then Sunset, why don’t you tell us where we are today?” “Gladly, Silverstream,” Sunset smoothly continued from were Silverstream left off, “We have jumped over to the Manehattan Gymnastics Centre as we are watching the trampoline gymnastics to see with gymnast will jump their way to claim that gold medal.” “And at the same time, why don’t you tell us the rules of this section of gymnastics to our listeners from all over Equestria and beyond?” Silverstream encouraged her to continue. “The rules are simple to understand,” Sunset explained with ease, “They must perform tricks within the marked area of the trampoline, with their coach on standby with a safety mat in case they jump away from the trampoline. Whilst in the air they can perform tricks that are scored by difficulty and execution along with the final dismount.” “If Pinkie were allowed to join this competition, she would be a gold medalist in no time, but she was busy with the buckball to multitask, and parties are more her thing really,” Silverstream thought, “Anyway, let’s see the proper list of competitors shall we?” Sunset nodded as she levitated the scroll consisting of the list of participants and unrolled it out. 1. Baltimare 2. Canterlot 3. Fillydephia 4. Dodge Junction 5. Changeling Kingdom 6. Mount Aris “We have the debut of the changelings and hippogriffs, but they are in for some tough competition against Equestria’s cities. I guess we won’t actually know how each gymnast will do until they take to the trampoline,” Silverstream looked at the list with Sunset. “Well, I don’t think we have to wait any longer,” Sunset looked out across the stadium from their booth, “The first gymnast is taking her place on the trampoline as we speak. So, let’s turn our attention as she look at the first gymnast from Baltimare.” “She starts to warm up on the trampoline before she takes to her performance piece, the difficulty shown with the skills she’s putting on display,” Silverstream watched, her head moving up and down as she observed her jumps, “She goes into a flip into a backwards flip. A perfect split follows as she remains in the centre, gaining a good height at the same time.” “She is onto the dismount now as she moves just to the edge now. She performs a brilliant forward flip and lands on all four legs as she bows to the judges, the coach giving her a well earned hug of support there,” Sunset smiled. “The scores are in, and with a strong 37.692, that will be a strong score to beat,” Silverstream clapped along with Sunset and the crowd. “Okay, now we turn our attention to the next gymnast from Canterlot,” Sunset said next as their eyes fell on the next hopeful, “She makes her way onto the trampoline and jumps onto it. With a hew jumps to get her momentum going, she begins her routine.” “Lovely splits in the air first, followed by a forward flip. She’s going slightly off-centre, but manages to regain control without falling off. She goes into a tuck and backgrounds pike flip,” Silverstream watched with rapt attention with every move, “She goes onto the dismount now, slight wobble, but gains control of it. Lovely routine there, but with the small nick-picks, this will get knocked down a few points.” “With a score of 36.786, she will have to settle for second place for now,” Sunset nodded, “Onto Fillydelphia now, who is a young pegasus mare. Now for equality between the creatures, they musn’t use their wings for balance or to gain extra height. The others were earthponies, so they can do things simply, but their strength sure makes up to it.” “She takes to the centre of the trampoline and warms up before the main routine now. She is really scoring high on height as she goes into a strong backflip and splits,” Silverstream watched, “Into a forward roll and pike flip, the curls and flawless! Now onto a final backflip into the dismount and what a landing that was!” “This is going to be a strong score, and it shows,” Sunset clapped her hooves together with the crowd, “ 38.767 is the new score to beat! What her performance that was!” “And now we finally come to the last pony gymnast before the other creatures make their debut,” Susnet continued on, “This is a unicorn mare now, and no magic allowed at all with a disabling spell, similar to the one given to unicorn spectators to prevent cheating and bias.” “She begins with a strong flip, with a double spilt onto a backflip,” Silverstream watched the gymnast’s movements, “She goes into a forward flip, but misjudged the distance between the trampoline and the border. Oh dear, she’s come off it, with the coach pulling the safety mat under her.” “Commiserations to the hopeful from Dodge Junction,” Sunset sadly said, “She goes away with a disqualification from it. Just goes to show anything can happen at the games.” “Well, in that case, the Changeling Kingdom will be hoping not to repeat that mistake,” Silverstream nodded, “Wings and magic are disabled as she take to the trampoline. What a start, with a splits into a backwards flip, remaining in the centre. She goes into a forward roll and another split. She’s coming to the end of the routine as she prepares for the dismount. Great height and she lands comfortably with little wobble.” “And with a score of 37.893, she goes into second place! Well done Changeling Kingdom!” Sunset smiled, “Now, can the hippogriff hopeful win a medal as she takes to the trampoline. She starts of strong with no wings as she takes to the air with a good height. She goes into a nice flip in the centre, turns to do a splits and backwards flip into a pike roll. She is doing really well!” “Onto the dismount now as she performs a final forwards flip and lands beautifully. Have they done enough to secure themselves another medal?” Silverstream asked rhetorically. “The scores are in, and it is 38.476! Fillydelphia takes the gold, Mount Aris with silver and the Changeling Kingdom with the bronze!” Sunset clapped, “Truly an amazing performance from all the gymnasts. That is all for your daily coverage of the Equestria Games as we will be back for more live coverage in Manehattan!”