How I became an Equestrian

by Raybony

Royal Meeting

“Princesses” Everyone in the room exclaimed as they bowed to their rulers, I would have done the same if it wasn’t that I was still chained to the shelve.

“Rise my little ponies there is no need for formalities here” she said with that sweet voice of hers.

She came close to me and stopped her gaze now on me. "So this is the Human that has come to our lands this time? Tell me, what's your name?" She asked, everyone in the room was staring at her like she had just decided to stop raising the sun.

"Princess, you know about this Humans?" Twilight asked her mentor.

"I do Twilight, and they have been many before him" she looked back at me, "you still haven't answer my question"

I was confused, how did she know about my species? or more important, why was she acting so calm towards me? After a few minutes to calm down I finally manage to answer her, "Luis, Luis your highness"

"Please there is no reason for such formalities, tell me, what do you think about this lands?"

Ok, what are this questions got to do with me being here, if I was her I would be making questions to decide whenever or not I would deal with the matter.

"They are really nice, they remind me of the countryside of my world."

"It's good to hear that there is still nature in your world." She said as she rerlease the cuffs around me, dropping me to the floor.

"But-But I don't get it, why are you releasing me? I could be a danger to this world, why do you trust me so much?" I asked her, in this whole time she didn't made a single question that may lead to revealing the true intensions of someone.

Because I know that you wouldn't do anything to harm us. You see I have seen so many of your people that I know how each one may behave, in your case I see a Human that wishes nothing more but to return home to it's family."

“But Princess you can’t be sure, what if he is just acting so he can attack us when we least expected?” Twilight asked with concern not liking what their ruler was doing.

“It is fine Twilight Sparkle, we have deal with humans before and we can always tell what their true intensions are.” Luna told her so she wouldn’t worry anymore.

“That is another question. You have meet my kind before, but how?” I asked truly confused to what they were saying.

“Yes, and as to how we have discovered that our worlds are connected between a very thin barrier of magic, me and my sister had tried to understand why but we never could, the last human that came here was about like a century ago, since then we haven’t seen a new case.” Celestia said giving the best description that she could about it.

“I think I may now why but I better leave it for later, so can you send me back to earth, because I don’t think a human would fit very good with the ponies here.” Even though it was my dream to come to Equestria I couldn’t stay here forever, I had my family and friends that were still in earth.

“I’m afraid that I don’t, every time a humans comes to our world they cannot be sent back, they must find their own way back to their world.”

“You mean to tell me I’m stuck here until I find my way back? Isn’t there anything you can do? your suppose to be the most powerful being in this world, and you have Luna, surely you two can do something.”

“Listen here, we may be really powerful, but even or magic has our limit, now if I were you I’ll watch my words.” Luna said with a stern tone.

“Sorry it’s just that I have seen you so many times that I though you could do something, I was even hoping that the elements would help.” Now hopes of going back very low.

“Ok, how do you know so much about us? Celestia nor Luna said a thing about the Elements, so you better start answering our questions.” Rainbow was now really annoyed to me knowing about them.

“Um well you see in my world you all are... erm...well”

“We are What?” Rainbow asked with a glare that sent shivers down my spine.

“You are all fictitional characters created by a person” I said given a nervous chuckle, not sure how well they would take this.

Silence fell in the room as everypony had dumbfound look(all except for a pink pony that seem to take it like no big deal), not believing what I had said.

“Fictitional, FICTITIONALl!! I’ll give you fiction to you, come here” Rainbow said as she lunge at me ready to pulverise me for calling her fake.

I closed my eyes and raised my arms in an attempt to defend myself, reading for what I thought to be the beating of a life time, but it never came. As I lower my arms and open my eys I found Rainbow just feets away from reaching me.

“Let go Applejack, I want to teach him a lesson in not insulting me.” Exclaim Rainbow trying hard to break free from Applejack’s hold.

“No can do RD, even if he may deserve it, ya can’t go bucking everyone ‘raound.” Applejack said pulling Rainbow back onto the floor, stopping her from trying to potentially kill me. “But ah would like to know, what do ya mean with us not being real?”

“Ok, let me think about” How I’m suppose to tell them that they are from a TV show, I don’t even think they have TVs in Equestria, this is going to be a really hard explanation.

“How do I say this” I stop there think my words carefully. “In my world you are the product of the stories writing by a human, she makes up your adventures and then publish them to the public for their enjoyment, the best description that I can come up with is that back on earth you’re like the book series of Daring Doo here, but in reallity we can see how you look like, so say is an act of a book, I hope this makes sense to you.” I stopped there, letting my explanation sink in.

After a few moments of silence Twilight spoke up. “So what you meant to tell us is that in your world we are characters of a story that the humans read as any other story book, while here we are real and are connected to that same story?”

“We actually watch you doing your adventures, but its too complicated to explain really, in my world we are more thecnological advance than yours” It was all I said, seeing as it was very likely for that to be the case.

“I must ask, but how much do you know about us, have you seem all our separate lives?” Twilight asked curious for my knowledge on them.

“Not much really, only the compilation of the main events of certain days, like the return of Nightmare Moon, The incident of the Diamonds Dogs and up to the Royal Wedding between Twilight’s brother Shinning Armour and Princess Candence.” I said giving just a few events that would hopefully give them an idea of how much I know.

“Oh oh, do you know about every party that I have thrown in Ponyville? Because I would love to remember every single one of those parties, so I can be sure to make the next one even better, but if I do that the other ponies that already had their party would feel sad because they’re party as good as this one, oh I know what to do I’ll throw a “sorry to make your party as good as this party” party, then they would feel all better and then the...” Pinkie’s ramble was stop by a hoof being stuck on her mouth.

“Pinkie please not now, let’s first sort this out then you can do whatever you want ok?” Twilight asked earning a nod from the hyperactive party pony.

“So are there any more questions?” I asked hoping to have cover all the doubts they may have.

“Just one, what are you going to do now while you wait for a way to be sent back to your world?” Twilight asked with everyone in the room looking at me.

“To be honest I was going to stay outside of Ponyville, the last thing I want is to cause unnecessary panic, and also to avoid Lyra, God knows what will she do if she finds me”

Everyone in the room started giggling to my comment for the human eccentric pony. “Hey it’s true, if she finds me it will be like another Pinkie Pie, one that could try to keep me as a pet.” I exclaimed which resulted with everyone to start laughing, more Rainbow Dash than the others.

“Ha ha ha, you really think that she will keep you as a pet. What is it boy, do you want something? Come on you can tell me.” Rainbow said rolling around on the floor just like on the ‘Fall Weather Friends’ episode.

“Har har har, ok so maybe she won’t take me as a pet, but I still rather not meet her.” I said annoyed to her making fun of something that may well be true.

"but she doesn't know anything about Humans, why would she want to pet you if she would be affraid of you first?"

"What? You meant to tell me she is not a Human craze Pony?" Everyone in the room shook their heads. "Ok then, but still I don't want to meet her, not gonna take any chances.

“Well it’s nice that you don’t want to make any trouble but I think that I would prefer if one of the girls kept an eye on you” Celestia said starting to calm herself from her little outburst, if you can call chuckles as an outburst on royal standards. “That way me and my sister can contact you quickly if we find any way to send you back to your world.”

“I guess so, only if that’s ok with the girls” I said not wanting to invade their privacy in case they were still not use to me.

“I’ll take him, I was the first one to find him so I think I can look after him, plus he is funny to have around.” Pinkie exclaim appearing right next to me.

“I don’t think that is the best thing to do Pinkie, I think we should think about it before we jump to conclusions.” Twilight explained wanting to make the right choice in the matter.

“Actually I think I’m with Pinkie here” I said which made everyone to look at me with looks of ‘are you serious?’ “If you think about it makes sense.

"If I stayed with Rarity I think I would be a distraction making her fall behind on her orders, not to mention that she already has enough with sweetie Belle."

"Applejack may have enough room for me but she has a farm to take care as well as a family.

"Rainbow Dash is out of the questions as I can’t walk on clouds and I rather not let twilight use her cloud walking spell on me as we are not too sure what magic can do to humans, plus I think I would stop her from doing her daily practices and she would hate me for that.

"Fluttershy I fear that I may scare her animals as they may never have seen something like me before, hey talking of Shy where is she?” When I asked for the timid yellow Pegasus a small ‘eep’ could be heard, looking around I notice her hiding behind Rarity trembling in fear.

“Fluttershy dear it’s ok no need to be scare, he seems to be a nice erm... person?” Rarity told her trying to calm her down, ‘Dawwww, even if I’m the one that scared her she still looks just adorable.

Fluttershy slowly came out from behind Rarity hiding part of her face behind her hair. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m really sorry.”
Again she is just too adorable when she’s like this.

“It’s ok Fluttershy no harm done.” I told her giving her a small smile which she returned felling better about herself. “So back to the place to stay issue, if I stay with twilight I may be in more risk to be found as this is a Library and I like to do lots of things to avoid being lazy.

"And with Pinkie I have less chance to be notice by anypony and the onlyones that may now that I’m there would be Mr. And Mrs. Cake and I can keep myself busy by helping out in the kitchen, plus I think Pinkie can keep it a secret if we want her to Pinkie promise.” “Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye” Pinkie inmideatly interrupted as soon as I mention the Pinkie promise.

“Yes, so to summaries I think that the best choice is to stay with pinkie as I will avoid to be notice by ponies the most and I can help around.” I said finishing my rather long explanation.

Twilight looked at me, amazement in her eyes as I gave a full on detailed reason to the best choice on the matter, “Wow I’m impress, you came up with all of this in a matter of minutes, you sure are a fast thinker.”

“Well after reading so much about you guys I think I just know the basic of each of you.” I answer with a small smile, it feels weird to say that I know them from a story book when they are from a TV show, but for now the book story seem to be working.

“Well I’m glad that you have come to an agreement, me and Luna should be going now we have some errands to run back in Canterlot but don’t worry Luis, we will try to find a way to send you back home, in the mean time I hope you enjoy your stay.” Celestia said giving a warming smile to the group.

“ Thank you Princess” I said giving her a small bow which everyone else soon follow. Celestia smiled brighter before a white light enveloped the room once again, when it die down the Regal Princesses were gone.

“Well we better get goin’ to, ah have to tend to mah farm and ah bet Rarity here has some orders to fill.” Applejack said turning towards the door with everyone else following.

“Come on Luis, I want you to meet The Cakes, even though you already know, which is kind of weird but that’s ok, because I know how you know them.” Pinkie said hopping towards the door with the others.

“Pinkie I think I’m going to wait, seeing as it’s about 10 in the morning I can very much guess that everypony is already out of their homes doing their daily things”

“Oh your right, well then I’ll come back later when everypony starts going home, try not to bore him twilight.” With that she zoomed out the door disappearing into Ponyville.

I looked at twilight who looked a bit insulted by the comment. “Don’t listen to her, I doubt you could actually bore me, I think you most likely will make me interested in your subjects.” I said trying to cheer her mood.

She blushed a bit by the complement and looked away. “Well ok, so what would you like to do, I got some interesting books that you could read?”

“I think I rather help around in the Library, seeing as you could use the help after what happened early.” I told motioning to the pile books that now littered the floor.

“Oh yeah, thanks for reminding of that, I was so concentrated on what was going on that I forgot about it”

“That’s ok, I just hope that Spike doesn’t gets jealous of me helping you around, just like with Owlicious.”

“Hey, I was not jealous, I was just testing the guy out, you know seeing if he could handle the work.” Spike exclaimed annoyed for me bringing that up.

“Really(!), if I remember correctly you try to accuse him of things that you did, do I need to remind you of the stuff mouse and how you used ketchup for blood?” I said earning a small giggle from Twilight and a frustrated grunt Spike.

“Well enough messing around, let’s clean this up.” Twilight said as we started to clean the Library.

*Authors Note: So after long editting to the new chapter and reading the feedback that I got I decide to get pre-readers for my story, if anyone is interested then send me a message and I will decide who would be better for the job.

I want to make enjoyable reading for everyone and for that I need your help.*