Another Side of the Story

by 5u0myn0n4

Chapter 2: Past and Present

There was nopony at the school nicer than one pegasus pony, Cozy Glow. Except, nopony called her Cozy Glow yet, because Cozy Glow wasn't her birth name.

Cozy's niceness caught the attention of nearly every student in her class. Particularly, the attention of one grumpy filly called Brenda, which was actually the nickname of the same unicorn filly, Magnolia. See, her mother and father often disagreed on many things. They couldn't even agree on a name for their kid! Her mom wanted a filly named Brenda, but her dad insisted on the name Magnolia. So rather than compromise, they just referred to their daughter with their preferred name. She didn't mind, in fact, it established a unique relationship between her mother and father.

Her mother just so happened to write the name 'Brenda' on Maggie's letter to the school, and on her first day every student and teacher was already calling her Brenda, so she stuck with that name during her time at school.

And then there was her classmate, that little blue maned blank flank pegasus who would come to be known as Cozy Glow.

Maggie, but then known by everypony as Brenda, couldn't stand that good filly Cozy Glow. Cozy was liked by every pony for no good reason she thought.

The teacher always patted Cozy on the head, and answered her questions. Cozy was the top student, despite the fact Maggie knew she was way smarter than Cozy. Just goes to show the power of favoritism.

Maggie wasn't sure what Cozy did to deserve so much positive attention from everypony. Maggie was the smartest student in class, while Cozy Glow was just a cute face in the class who did very little else!

Cozy was friendly to everyone in class, including Maggie.

On this one particular day, Cozy was excited to play with Maggie for a very specific reason. The pegasus filly was excited, and rushed up to her unicorn friend.

"Hey, Brenda! Check it out! I just beat Rhoda at Chess and look! I got my cutie mark!" she said.

Cozy lifted her flank and pointed at her new Cutie Mark! Maggie wasn't interested in staring at Cozy's flank, although the prospect of a Cutie Mark was always intriguing. It was of a symbol that is now synonymous with Cozy Glow. That of a red rook chess piece.

"A chess piece? Huh. Guess you're a natural then, kid." Maggie said, unenthusiastic .

"I never considered myself particularly skilled at Chess, but looks like destiny disagrees! Wanna play with me?" Cozy asked.

Maggie got a nasty grin on her face when Cozy challenged her.

"You know what, fine? Chess is a game of intellect, so even with your Cutie Mark advantage, I'm confident that stepping all over you should be easy."

"So is that a yes?" Cozy asked.

Maggie nodded. "You're on." she replied.

Who would win? Cozy's natural talent? Or Maggie's superior intellect?

After a surprisingly close chess game, Maggie moved her Bishop and trapped Cozy's King piece.

"And that's Checkmate." she said. "You lose, kid."

Cozy was surprised, but not even the slightest bit deterred. In fact, she was quite joyous.

"Wow. You did great, Brenda." Cozy said, with an earnest smile. "Good game. I had fun."

Cozy's optimism and bright spirit was about to be shot down by Maggie's wall of cynicism.

"So much for being a natural at Chess." she mocked.

"I mean, I suppose it doesn't mean I should expect my win rate to be 100%." Cozy said, trying to see the bright side.

"I think it means there's a chance your cutie mark is WRONG!" Maggie exclaimed.

Maggie backed her chair away, stood on her four limbs, and walked away from Cozy. She left the filly alone, and confused.

"If my cutie mark isn't for Chess, then what is it for?" Cozy wondered.

"Hopefully she'll be so busy thinking, she'll finally leave me alone." Maggie thought out loud.

Unfortunately for her, Maggie wouldn't have her way. It would take more than words to crush Cozy's spirit.

As the week progressed on, Cozy continued to question the meaning of her cutie mark.

In spite of Maggie's mean spirited attitude towards Cozy, it seemed to serve the opposite intended purpose. It only made Cozy more interested in Maggie.

"I told you. I don't care about your cutie mark identity crisis." Maggie said.

"But, Brenda, won't you help me solve this conundrum?" Cozy asked.

"Why do you keep following me anyway?" Maggie asked, irritated.

"Well since you're my friend-" Cozy started, but was interrupted.

"I am not your friend." Maggie said. "You don't have any friends."

"Then why do you keep starting conversations with me?" Cozy asked.

"Listen here. Let me spell out how things work. There's a hierarchy to this school, and until you figure it out, you can stay in the dark for all I care." she explained.

Cozy looked at the ground, saddened by Maggie's rough exterior.

"But... won't you help me to figure out what my Cutie Mark is supposed to mean?" Cozy asked. "I-I promise to leave you alone if you help me just this one time."

In spite of a tempting offer, and Cozy's saddened demeanor, the thought of helping that girl made Maggie retch.

"If I wanted to hear about your existential crisis, I would have asked, but in this instance I didn't." Maggie said. "If you need somepony to talk to, talk to your mom." Mag said.

Cozy paused, and hung her head. "But, I don't got one of those..." she said, with a hint of despair in her tone.

"...really." Hearing this came as a revelation to Maggie. She'd never considered this possibility, and it came as a surprise. It was something she could relate to.

"Oh, I see. Well, then. Have you at least got a dad?" she asked.

Cozy simply nodded yes. "I already asked him yesterday. He isn't big on mysticism or destiny. He said I simply need to practice more at Chess, but if Chess is my natural talent, shouldn't I be better already?"

Maggie yawned listening to Cozy's story. Just because she felt bad for the filly, doesn't mean she cared.

"Well, Cutie Marks always happen for a reason. It could mean you're better off dropping out of this school, and practicing Chess full time (Celestia, I wish). Or it could have some other meaning not pertaining to the game of Chess directly. Like, I don't know. Maybe it's not even a Rook. Castle construction? Go do that." Maggie said.

Maggie turned her nose up and walked away from Cozy.

"Fine, I'll find out myself what a Rook could possibly mean besides chess playing... Somehow..." Cozy said.

What a clingy, needy, irritating brat. Hopefully after we're done with school I don't ever have to see you again... Maggie thought.

Maggie's vision of Cozy became blurry, as her surrenders turned dark, and heard voices echoing from outside.

Back in the present time, Maggie was lost in her thoughts as she stood opposed to the training camp's leader, Captain Platinum Star Cross.

"Hey, kid. Wake up." the old mare said.

"Huh? What?" the filly was dazed as she came back to the present.

"I asked you a question. Did you know any of the creatures here, or not? Kid are you listening?" she asked.

"Uh, no. I mean, I am listening. I mean uh... No! I didn't know her, err... them, personally." Mag said.

Maggie chose her words carefully. She didn't want to say anything to put her future in the royal guard at risk.

"I-I didn't know that pegasus, personally. But, a friend of mine did, so color me surprised to see a familiar face, in an unexpected place..."

"She's not just any other face. Take a look at the top of this paragraph. It's written right here. Crazy Filly Escapes Tartarus. Emerges as Alicorn. Takes Canterlot Captive. Talk about unexpected." Plat said.

"Yep. Never thought I'd see another new alicorn. Even though there's already been like, 3 new ones just in the past couple years?" Mag said, trying to change topic.

"An evil alicorn no less." Platinum added. "Using the power within Grogar's mighty Bewitching Bell, she ascended to levels of power reserved only for the most noble of ponies."

"So strange. I thought Equestria was past this phase. As in like, everyone's so friendly now. I thought we'd seen the last of any terrifying enemies." Maggie said, spewing out any words she thought of.

"Just goes to show what happens when you mess with Harmony. Don't ever mess with Princess Twilight Sparkle or Equestria." Plat said, proudly.

"I'm sure, it's just what they deserve." Maggie said, sweating.

"You don't sound so sure." Platinum said.

*gulp* Maggie swallowed her breath.

"I sense some uncertainty in your voice." Plat said. "Don't tell me you feel a touch of sympathy for these individuals."

"Me? No. Of course not. It's just... there's got to be more to the story..." she replied.

Platinum nodded no.

*heh heh* "I mean, this is journalism. How often is the newspaper accurate, and 100% representative of the full story, right?" Maggie said.

"That may be so. But as a matter'a fact, little whelp, I spoke with Shining Armor directly myself. And according to Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, Princess Celestia said there was no other option for her."

Platinum seemed pretty certain about the nature of Cozy Glow, despite her impression of the filly coming from a four or five creature game of telephone. But Maggie knew Cozy first hand. Normally she would've been fine with the narrative of Cozy Glow being evil. But to be that evil, and to deserve that kind of punishment, it just seemed there were too many gaps in the story for her satisfaction.

Arguing with facts was failing again, it was time to appeal to the old mare's emotions. Maggie took a deep breath before speaking.

"I just find it hard to believe that a pony could be so evil. Let alone a filly who's my age!" she said.

"Well, if you're gonna be a royal guard, you should prepare yourself to meet some of the worst ponies Equestria has to offer." Plat said, pacing circles around little Magnolia. "Take it from me, I apprehended one of 'em myself." Plat said.

Which weapon did you use? The ball and chain? Or the flamethrower? Or did you slice and dice them? Maggie said in her head.

Platinum could see the disappointment in the young filly's face. She put her hoof to Maggie's chin and lifted her head up.

"Don't feel bad. If there was any pony inside of her worth feeling solace for, would she have fired a powerful magic beam directly at Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Plat asked.

"I-I don't like that line of thinking. You say I shouldn't feel sad for her just cause she acted evil this one time?" Maggie asked.

"Filly, she escaped from Tartarus, and joined forces with Equestria's other evil creatures, and raided the sacred royal city of Canterlot. She has no place among Equestria." Plat affirmed.

"But- but she's not even my age! She's younger! She has so much more room to grow and change!" Mag exclaimed.

Platinum swiftly turned around and gave Maggie an angry glare.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure she's like, maybe a year younger than me. Just uh, speculation though." Mag said swiftly trying to cover herself.

"You're lucky Cozy Glow ain't here right now. That kind of hesitation is what they prey on. And when you least expect it, that's when they stab your back. Just like how she locked Princess Twilight Sparkle in Tartarus, and nearly drained all the magic in Equestria." Plat said.

Maggie gagged and nearly coughed her breakfast up.

"She did what? I mean, uh... that was... her doing?" she asked.

I don't believe you. Is what her mind said.
"I don't believe... it..." is what she said under her breath.

"Any moment she's free, and using that tiny brain of hers, she's cooking up her next scheme. That's why they had to stop her dead in her tracks, and silence her mind for good. I can't think of anything besides stone that could've stop her. It's what she deserves so quit drowning in sorrow, because there ain't nothing to feel bad about." Platinum said, stern.

Platinum had Maggie cornered. There wasn't any arguing against her points, at least, not with the evidence currently presented.

Maggie groaned, but admitted defeat to her superior. "You're right." she said, firm, and unmoving.

"Don't waste your energy feeling bad for her. It's for the guaranteed sanctity of Equestria. Now that she's gone, everypony else in Equestria can breathe a sigh of relief." Platinum said.

"Right." Mag said, disappointed.

"Now, little tot. I think that's about all that needs to be said. I know it's the weekend, but, you don't want to fall behind on your training. You best get a move on. And hope that the stars are on your side." the mare said.

"I suppose you're right." Mag said, looking down.

Maggie turned around, and walked out of Platinum Star Cross's office, feeling very conflicted.

It was dusk at the campsite. Ponies gathered in the cafeteria for dinner. Maggie was still grumpy about her talk with her leader earlier. She was still offended by the story that was printed. Everypony else though didn't seem to care any more. By now the chatter had died down, and hardly anyone was talking about the story. It was already yesterday's news before the day was even done.

"Long day, huh?" her friend Stud asked.

"Not really. Just, a lot on my mind." Mag replied. She was the only one still reading the paper, and she was glued to it.

"Not gonna eat your oats? I thought you weren't comfortable reading that paper." Stud said.

"Something's strange. I knew Cozy Glow. Yeah she was a brat, possibly because of me, but how does one go from irritating brat, to world ending alicorn of destruction?" Maggie pondered. "How did she meet those other two? How did they get Grogar's bell? And know how to use it? Just seems a little too convenient. It's like they were set up to attack..."

"Filly, please. You're over analyzing things." Stud said.

"Or perhaps I haven't analyzed it closely enough. I've read every word of this newspaper, but I need more evidence..."

"What you need is to ease up. Come on, filly. I'm your comforter." Stud said, flaunting his eyebrows.

"I told you, Stud. There's nothing between us. And if I had to throw you under the wheels of a carriage to save Equestria, I'd probably leave you to die." Maggie said.

"You've got the spirit of a royal guard already." Stud winked.

"Ugh..." Maggie groaned.

Maggie left the cafeteria without taking a single bite.

Late that night, Stud noticed Maggie was not in her bed. A little alarming to put it lightly. But he didn't want to risk getting into trouble by being outside past their curfew. So he went to bed hoping she'd be back soon.

Maggie stared at her reflection over the dark lake. The lake was only lit by the moon's light and the night sky. She stared at her reflection, hoping to reflect on that pegasus pony Cozy Glow.

"So that's what you did after our fight, huh? While I chose to devote my life to saving others, you sought to destroy it. Funny how things flipped around like that. Never would have guessed based on your innocent demeanor and my cold attitude." she wondered aloud. "Even if you wanted the absolute destruction of everything in Equestria, how did you do it? How did you escape from Tartarus and find Grogar's bell?"

Hope the stars are on your side. Plat's words echoed.

"Stars... stars? Nightmare Moon was said to have escaped from the Moon when the right stars aligned. So perhaps..."

Maggie looked at the observatory over the dark lake, and she got an idea.