The Three Strange Ponies

by Kama and Hallie

Chapter 3: Lunchtime

The five of them sat at a table near the window. Mr. Cake approached their table carrying in his a tray full of everything the newcomers ordered, and the three of them began to feast. Question Mark ate his doughnut painfully slowly, all while looking out of the window daydreaming and observing the town he is in. Smiley Face wolfed down her meal so quickly she could almost rival Pinkie Pie, and something told the two pegasi mares that she wasn't eating this way because she was hungry from being lost in the Everfree, rather that this was how the filly always ate her food. Doofus Dweeb ate at just the right speed, relaxing while sipping his coffee and enjoying his doughnut, though his table manners could use some improvement. Fluttershy sat and drank her tea quietly while Rainbow was munching down on her cupcake, both of the mares unsure of what to do with the strangers or who to tell about them at the moment, but an answer should present itself sooner or later.

Question Mark continued to look out the window observing the town and the customers inside the bakery, and he finally broke the two mares' train of thought.

"You know, I just noticed something...I've been seeing a lot of females but barely any males. Are they off somewhere?" the white colt asked.

"Of course not, why do you ask?" Fluttershy asked confused.

"Well, it's just that ever since I walked into town I've seen so many girls all over the place but I've only seen like guys when I walked to this bakery." Question Mark elaborated.

"Well, that's just how few stallions Ponyville always had. Other than Appleloosa, I don't really know any place with an equal amount of stallions to mares if I'm remembering correctly. Why, are there a lot of stallions where you three come from?" Fluttershy asked.

"A helluva lot more. In fact, I remember a lot more guys than girls in my town, although I don't really know the people of my town that much so it could just be me." the colt said.

"Woah, maybe I should try visiting there sometime. Could get a better chance to score than here." Rainbow said, finally joining the conversation after keeping to herself for a while.

"Wait, wait. You're telling me there are a LOT more girls than guys in this town?" Doofus Dweeb asked, he and Smiley Face both starting to get interested in the conversation.

"Um...yes?" Fluttershy answered visibly confused.

"Wow, maybe I could get along with people easier here." the pink filly pondered.

"Well, people say 'there's plenty of fish in the sea'. If that's true then this is probably the Great Barrier Reef for me." the scrawny stallion said with sudden confidence that he was lacking the entire time the two pegasi mares knew him.

"Good luck with that, all the fish here are protected species." the white colt shot at his stallion friend.

"Laugh all you want, but I have good hopes that once I go out there not only will I finally get a girl who's interested in me, but there might even be multiple other girls fighting over me and begging me to choose one of them leaving the others jealous." Doofus describes his imaginary scenario in perfect detail with his voice full of confidence.

"That's really unrealistic expectations even for you, the only fight going on is either the girls fighting to get away from you or you fighting to desperately get their attention." Question Mark mocked. Both Fluttershy and Smiley Face looked at the colt with a weird expression.

"Gee, sounds pretty brutal. Good thing we share our stallions, huh?" Rainbow said, intrigued by the young stallion's imagination.

"Wait, what?" the three strangers looked at Rainbow Dash surprised, making the two mares confused at their reaction to their species' mating ritual.

"Share our stallions...y'know, with other mares. Court a stallion and other mares, form a herd together...why do you guys look so confused? This is basic and everyday knowledge. Actually, it's not even basic knowledge, it's the way things are supposed to be." Dash answered looking just as confused as the guests, although about different things.

"Well, let's just say that things work...differently where we come from." Question Mark says while also looking at Smiley Face.

"You can have more than one girlfriend here?! That means I can have whoever I want and not have to choose!" Doofus said happily.

"Choose? Since when were YOU able to choose?"

"Oh, shut up."

"Hmm...wait a minute. Oh yeeaahh, I forgot. Horses and equines are polygynous." Question Mark explains to his two friends.

"Polygynous?" the stallion asks.

"It means having a relationship with more than one female."

"I know what it means! I'm not that big of an idiot."

"Well then why did you need to ask if that wasn't the case?"

"Becau...uurrgghhh!" Doofus grew more irritated by the second.

"You don't have to speak to him like that." Fluttershy attempted to calm the situation.

"Yes, yes. Feelings hurt, none of my concern. So, um...quick question. Are you guys a matriarchal society?"

"What?" the two mares looked at each other before asking.

"Matriarchal! It's an adjective, it means a society that is ruled and run by females."

"I know, I know. It's just that...why are you asking us all of these questions?" Fluttershy asked bewildered.

"Yeah, why don't you know any of this? Where are you three from, anyway? You haven't told us." Rainbow asked in turn.

The three newcomers started to look panicked and the three of them looked at each other waiting for somepony to answer. After a few seconds of just stuttering and mumbling, one of them finally spoke.

"Um...well, we're...we actually come from..." the pink filly tried to explain before the white colt interrupted her in a hurry.

"We can't remember! We can't remember anything! We have zero memory of where we came from, all we can remember was waking up in the forest. I couldn't recall anything about myself except for my name and the ungodly low intelligence of these two who call themselves my friends."

"Don't look at me, I never liked you anyway." the older stallion grumbled to himself.

"Oh, dear. That might explain why they looked so frightened when they saw us, they probably went through something so horrible in that forest that they can't even remember what they're supposed to be anymore." Fluttershy whispered to her cyan blue friend beside her.

"Yeah, these guys seem to have gone through a lot. But I don't know, Flutters. Something about their story seems kinda off, especially that colt." Dash whispered back while staring at Question Mark full of suspicion.

"It does seem a bit strange, but they're obviously tired right now. We can ask questions about them later, right now let's just focus on helping them, alright?" Fluttershy replied trying to make sure the guests couldn't hear their conversation.

"Yeah, alright." Then Rainbow and her yellow friend turned back to the three in front of them.

"Okay, so you guys can't remember anything about where you came from?" Dash asks the newcomers.

"Uh, yeah." Smiley Face answers a little hesitantly.

"And you also forgot how any basic stuff works?"

"Well, other than breathing, eating, drinking, and speaking, that is correct." Question Mark answers.

"Oh, Goddess. We might have to do a lot of explaining and teaching to do." the yellow pegasus gasps.

"Yes, please. We are completely clueless as to how your society works, I think things work differently here than how it was where we came from."

"Oh, so it's not just because of memory loss?"

"Well, we can't remember anything but I'm pretty sure that our town and society functioned a lot differently."

"Uh-huh." Rainbow said with her eyebrow raised.

"I noticed that you said Goddess instead of God, so returning to my original question: Is this supposed a matriarchal society?" Question Mark continues to ask his question.

"Why are you asking that?" Smiley Face whispers to her friend.

"Because horse herds are female-led. So if we take that into consideration, their society should be female-led too." Question Mark whispers back.

"Um...well, yes. Ponies have been led by mares for most of our history, all of our current rulers are mares, the mayor of this town is a mare. Though to not be rude, there have been some stallion leaders like Shining Armour and King Sombra. Oh, he was probably not a good example to use for stallion leader." Fluttershy explained but regretted her last example.

"Interesting. What about that 'Goddess' thing? Do you ponies believe that the creator of the universe is female too?"

", I think that's supposed to refer to Princess Celestia for how she ruled and protected our land for a thousand years. Though I heard from my friend Twilight there are certain groups of ponies, mostly mares that believe there is a higher female power that created the world by giving birth out of her to it just like how a mare gives birth to a foal from her...oh, no. I probably shouldn't explain any further. I'm sorry, I shouldn't explain something like that to little foals, and I don't really know that much about those kinds of things, Twilight's usually the one who knows more about these things."

"Okay, okay. I'll try to only ask basic questions because it seems that's all your mind would be able to process."

"Wait, so where you come from ponies say 'God'? Sounds like where you come from is patriarchal."

"Patriarchal? That means a place run by stallions right? Why's that so surprising, Flutters? Appleloosa is run by guys and no one makes a big deal out of it." Rainbow Dash finally joined the conversation after being absent for a while.

", I mean that Appleloosa is just run by stallions, where these three comes from sound like it's very focused on stallions. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I don't wanna sound like I'm against stallions." Fluttershy answered a little timidly.

"Eh, you worry too much, Banana Strawberry Girl. And you're right about where we came from, though you shouldn't feel bad for offending the ones who live there." Question Mark reassured for once.

"So back to questions, you said that, ponies here form herds which are basically romantic and sexual relationships consisting of one or two males and several females, right?" the colt asked.

"Yes, we do. Though I don't know if I should talk about...S-E-X around a colt and a filly your age." Fluttershy said nervously.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. And the mares are also the leaders or dominant ones in the relationship instead of the stallion?"

"Well, of course. The mares have always been the ones in charge in a herd relationship, though 'leader' and 'dominant' sound like very strange words to use."

"So mares are in charge of everything here?"

"Not everything, but we do take up the most important positions. Nowadays, stallions are now allowed to actually be in a highly powerful position. Though there are still very few, it's better than nothing. Back then stallions were forbidden from having so much power because it wasn't their place back then, but I'm glad we don't think that way anymore."

"So you're saying that not only are there a lot more girls than guys here, but girls are the ones in charge?! Wow, I never thought this day would come, when what I dreamed of would come true. You hear that, guys? I guess that means you two should start obeying ME from now on!" Smiley Face turns to her two friends with confident commanding authority.

"Don't try to be a smartass, Smiley. We're ponies, not fucking hyenas." the colt said in a deadpan tone, his language causing a gasp from Fluttershy and a minor surprised look from Rainbow Dash, but the yellow pegasus decided to address that later.

"Smiley, you shouldn't speak to colts or stallions like that, that's not nice. They're not your slaves."

"What?!" the pink filly gasped.

"Haha, you just got fucked over by your own cockiness." the white colt laughed at his filly friend.

"And that's another thing, we need to take care of that language and your rude behavior, young stallion!" Fluttershy pointed at Question Mark and spoke in a hushed but intense voice.

"Oh, come on!" now it was the pink filly's turn to laugh, while Doofus Dweeb just sat there unable to take any more of the two foals' shenanigans.

"Well, if we're talkin' about discipline here, I think I know the first place to go." Rainbow added once more.

"Alright then, we'll make sure to take them somewhere fitting for the afternoon, and later on we'll tell the rest of our friends about them. But first, I think we need to pay for all this food they ordered." Fluttershy looked at the table worriedly.

"I would pay for it, but I don't I've got any cash on me." Doofus Dweeb said to the yellow pegasus.

"Oh, please. Don't worry! Let us do it, you shouldn't have to be the one to pay. Wait right here, we'll be right back." and the yellow mare walked off towards the counter.

"Um...Rainbow? Do you have some extra bits I can borrow?"

"Uh, hang on. I think I got some spare change in my saddlebag."

The three strangers watched as the two inhabitants who guided them through the town walked off.

"Do you think they suspected anything?" the pink filly asked the white colt.

"Nah, just keep being yourselves and they'll just think you're weird." the white colt answered.

"Well, I don't think I wanna do that. I'm already considered a freak at home, I don't wanna be seen as one here." the tall scrawny stallion said.

"Well, they're gonna think that of you regardless if they find out about you or not."

"Oh, shut up. So how the hell are we gonna go home?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"You're the one who knows how this kind of bullshit works, so of course I'm gonna ask you!"

"Jeez, calm your ass down. I hate this place too but we've only been in this place for less than a day, I can't look for an answer THAT fast."

"Well, hopefully we don't go home too quickly. I'm actually starting to like this place." the pink filly cut in.

"You think ANY place we go to is amazing." the white colt shot at the filly.

"I know, but I think if we give this place a chance we could at least enjoy it before going home. We could find a lot of cool stuff here and maybe make new amazing friends."

"Hmm...Yeah, in a place where girls are in charge and guys can have multiple girlfriends I could actually have a chance here!" the stallion contemplated.

"My God, you two are complete imbeciles! First one of you wants to go home, now you two want to waste time making idiot friends and getting into relationships that aren't even gonna last long because we're not even supposed to be here!" the colt yelled at his two companions.

"You're too pessimistic. Try looking around, maybe you'll find something worth taking from about this place." the filly explained.

The colt grumbled to himself and looked outside the window, before seeing something that caught his eye.

"Actually, I think there is. Look!" he pointed out the window so his two friends will see what he's seeing.

It was a unicorn mare carrying her luggage with her magic, and the strangers looked in awe. Then they notice a tree-shaped structure in the distance that seemed to be made by a crystal none of them have ever seen before.

The colt starts getting an idea in his head.

"From what I've gathered, it seems magic is a very common everyday thing around here. You were right, this place is getting a lot more interesting. We should learn more about what this place has. Who knows, maybe in the end we actually might have something to take from this place when we go home."