//------------------------------// // Episode 21: Take It to the Source! Swamp Fever! // Story: My Little Pony: The Mobian Era // by Mister E-Nonymous //------------------------------// Episode 21: Take It to the Source! Swamp Fever! Fluttershy and MC were at a swamp. MC was in the water, collecting crisscross moss, putting the stuff into a burlap sack that Fluttershy was holding. "Sheesh, this stuff is nasty!" MC said. Fluttershy giggled and said, "You'll get used to it. I sure am grateful that you agreed to help me with this. I'm gonna need a little more than this for my animal shelter." "No problem, Flutters," MC said. He then floated over towards another patch. He grabbed a section of it, and headed back to Fluttershy. He then put it into the sack. "That should do it." Just then, a blue flower with orange spots on a lily pad was passing by. It then sprayed pollen onto MC's face, making him cough. Fluttershy gasped in fright and said, "Oh, no! Get out of the water, and lay on the tree! I'll get help!" She then ran off. MC stood there confused. He then looked at the flower, and looked at it. His eyes then went to a golden aura. His mind sight then took him towards Twilight's library, and looked at all books of plants and diseases. Then he stopped at one. "Swamp Fever. A disease that causes a pony to slowly part from the living world. Side effects include gaining orange spots, coughing bubbles, sneezing bolts of lightning, confusion, and slowly transforms the diseased creature into a tree that grows the same flowers that caused the disease in the first place." It then went back to MC, who closed his eyes and went back to his normal eyes. He then said, "H'oh, boy." MC then held out his hands, and had his eyes closed. He then breathed in and out. "Concentrate, MC," he thought to himself. "Remember what the Oracle taught you. Take it all back to it's source. Find the source, and manipulate it's molecules." His hands then started glowing as they were coming together. Then he grasped his hands, and then when he pulled his hands away, there was a small, orange orb. He then threw it down to the ground, the orb shattering, and its molecules disappearing. MC looked down at where the orb was. Then he looked at the tree that sprouted the flowers. "Hm. I wonder..." MC then walked over towards the tree. He then put his left hand on the tree, and then his hand started glowing. Meanwhile, at Twilight's castle, Twilight, Applejack, Mage Meadowbrook and Rockhoof were all talking with each other. Then Fluttershy came barging in. "Twilight!" Fluttershy shouted. "We got a problem!" "What is it, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, starting to get worried. "MC was helping me get some crisscross moss," Fluttershy explained. "But when he finished up, he was sprayed by one of those flowers that cause Swamp Fever!" "WHAT?!" Twilight and Mage Meadowbrook shouted. "We better get this Flash Bee Honey to him," Mage Meadowbrook said, getting out a jar of Flash Bee Honey. "That won't be an issue," came Nicole's voice. "Michael is immune to all diseases. He's the only one of the Freedom Fighters who hasn't, or ever will, get sick. It's part of his healing factor." Twilight looked over at Fluttershy and said, "A healing factor." "So, MC's probably fine," Applejack said. "This MC fella must be one tough lad," Rockhoof said. "But if this guy does somehow get it, we might as well see if hes okay," Mage Meadowbrook said. Then the five of them headed out. They arrived back at the place where Fluttershy and MC were getting Crisscross Moss, but there was something missing. "Wait... where's the tree?" Fluttershy asked. She ran over to where the tree was. "I swear, there was a Swamp Fever tree right here." Then the sound of somepony groaning came to their attention. The group walked over and saw an Earth Pony Stallion rubbing his head. "What happened?" the stallion said, rubbing his head. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked the stallion, helping him up. He was losing his sense of gravity. "Who are you?" the stallion asked, looking at Twilight. Then he saw Twilight's wings, and then her horn. "Oh, my Celestia. A new alicorn? A new princess?" "I've been a princess for..." Twilight said, before thinking about something. "When was the last major incident you remember? Just to clarify?" "Well, I was running late to the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration and..." the stallion said before Twilight gasped. "That was at least five years ago!" Twilight said. "Five years?" the stallion asked, before his eyes widened. "How much did I miss?" "A lot," Twilight said. "Including when Princess Celestia, and her sister, Princess Luna, who was the original Nightmare Moon, recently retired, making me the new High Princess of Equestria. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle." "Is there anything else I have to know?" the stallion asked. Later, with MC, he was heading down a path, heading somewhere. He then heard the sound of a child coughing. He ran over towards it and saw a family of pegasus ponies. One mare, one stallion, two fillies and a colt. The colt was covered in orange spots, and was coughing bubbles. "Don't worry, son," the father said. "We'll rest here until you get better." MC sighed and walked towards them. He then said, "Not unless you have some Flash Bee honey on you." The family looked towards MC, who was walking up to them. "He's got Swamp Fever. If he doesn't get some Flash Bee honey, he'll eventually be turned into a tree." "Come to think of it," the mother said, reaching into her backpack, "I did recently get Flash Bee Honey. But I don't have anything to scoop some up." She pulled out a jar of Flash Bee honey. MC walked up to the mother, and his left hand started glowing. The glowing then stopped and MC held out a spoon. "Give this a try," MC said, smiling. The mother smiled and took the spoon from MC's hand. She then scooped up the honey from the jar, the father opened his son's mouth, and the spoon with honey, was put into the colt's mouth. The colt then smiled and looked up. The spots on him disappeared. "I'm starting to feel better," the colt said. "Just lay here for about an hour," MC said. "Rest up so you can get your energy back." The colt nodded. The father then said, "Thank you." "No problem," said MC, giving the father a fist bump. Just then, the sound of a roar came to their attention. They looked over and saw a Chimera coming towards them. "Oh, you have got to be kidding." The Chimera charged towards MC and the pony family. MC then counter charged, and did an uppercut, sending the Chimera up into the vines above, it getting tied up. "Never mind," MC said, picking up the colt. "Let's get you to a nearby town, and get you some help." Then they all headed out of there. Back at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight came back from the portal to Knothole with Sonic, Tails and Mutt. Twilight also had a Nicole handheld device. "Okay, guys," Twilight said. "We'll use Nicole to track MC wherever he's going in Equestria. Wherever he's going." "MC's pretty tough to follow," Sonic said. "He's the hardest to find whenever we have to find him." "The only way we do find him is when his homing device on his glove is active," Tails said. "He's able to turn it on and off whenever he feels like it." "So, where is he going?" Fluttershy asked. "Accessing," came Nicole's voice. "It would seem that he's heading East, towards Hayseed Swamp." "That's where Swamp Fever originated," said Mage Meadowbrook. "Is he going after the source?" "It is a possibility," said Sonic. "The Oracle of Delphius taught him that the start of something bad has to be taken down from the source." "If MC finds the source of Swamp Fever, there's a good chance that he can stop it," Mutt said. "We'll just have to follow him. Wherever the source of this disease is." "Well, we have to get a bunch of stuff in case we get Swamp Fever," Mage Meadowbrook said. "We're going to need masks, Flash Bee honey, and some first aid kits." She then pulled out her mask from her glory days. "Luckily, I got my mask from 1000 years ago back from my descendant." "When did you even have a baby?" Tails asked. "I had a baby five years before my friends and I had to deal with Stygian when he became the Pony of Shadows," said Mage Meadowbrook. "My sister had to take care of my baby when I was... trapped in limbo... with the other Pillars." "What exactly does this Pony of Shadows look like?" Tails asked. "Well, it's kinda like this," Twilight started explaining. But Mutt got in her face. "We'll talk about it later!" Mutt said. "We need to find MC, remember?" "Right," Twilight said. "We need to get to Hayseed Swamp." Then they all headed out. Back in Hayseed Swamp, MC was helping another family of ponies. MC was using his power to remove the Swamp Fever from a young unicorn filly. "There," MC said, holding up the orb. The orb then turned to dust. "That's it. Just lay here and relax for an hour." "Okay, sir," the filly said. MC then stood up, and walked away. He continued through the swampy area. MC then came across a gorge. He then looked down, seeing how deep the gorge was. There was a black abyss at the bottom. "A bottomless pit?" MC asked. "Must be where Discord lives." He then looked over and saw a mailbox with Discord's name on it. "Should've seen that coming." "Is somepony there?!" came a woman's voice. MC looked around. The voice then returned. "Can somepony help us?!" MC looked towards the source of the voice, which was on the other side of the pit. MC then said, "I can't believe I'm doing this." He then took a few steps back, and then he started running, then he jumped over the pit, but he almost fell in, but he grabbed the edge of the cliff with his claws. He then pulled himself up and out of the pit, and headed towards the voices. He then saw two ponies. A pink pegasus mare wearing Egyptian clothing, and a brown earth pony filly with a dark gray jacket, and a short skirt. Under the skirt, you could see a pair of scissors with the handles looking like an apple. He then said, "Is there anything I can help you two with?" "Oh, my," the mare said, looking at MC. "You must be Prince Michael Crayton. I have heard a great tale about you from Starswirl." "And you must be Somnambula," MC said. "The bringer of hope to the town named after you." "You know the history of Equestria," Somnambula said. "Not bad, young man." She then looked down at the filly. "I'm afraid that this young filly has gotten herself lost. Her name is..." "Babs Seed," MC said. "I've seen her picture in the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse." "You know my cuz from Ponyville?" Babs Seed asked. "That's right," MC said. "I'm on a mission to stop the disease that is... Swamp Fever." "Swamp Fever!" Somnambula shouted. "There's no way to end it. Nopony has ever reverted back to pony form after they fully transformed." "Well I undid one transformation," MC said. "I absorbed the disease right out of one tree, and he reverted back to a pony. He was unconscious when I reverted him back. His vitals were stable, so he would only be out for a few minutes." "Well, can you direct us to Ponyville?" Somnambula asked. "I promised to take this filly to her family at Sweet Apple Acres after she accidentally got on the wrong train." "How did that happen?" MC asked. "I was getting on the train from Manehattan, but the crowd pushed me onto the wrong train," Babs Seed said. "I ended up at Hayseed Swamp. And a lot of ponies there are starting to get Swamp Fever." "I was there to give the ponies of that town hope until Mage Meadowbrook came back," Somnambula said. "I tried to escort this filly towards Ponyville, but so much has changed for over a thousand years." "I guess it has," MC said. He then looked at Babs Seed and asked, "Why are you heading to Ponyville?" "The apartment my sister and I live in caught fire, and I sent a letter to Apple Bloom and the others at Sweet Apple Acres if I could stay with them," Babs Seed said. "I know someone who can help," MC said. He then walked back to the bottomless pit, and whistled down it. The whistle echoed down the pit. Just then, Discord appeared by sticking his head out of the pit. "Yes?" Discord asked. "Discord, this filly got on the wrong train," MC said, pulling Babs towards the draconequus. "She was on her way to Ponyville to stay at Sweet Apple Acres." "Oh, yes," Discord said, looking at Babs Seed. "Babs Seed. Cousin of Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Mac. Allow me to personally take this filly to Sweet Apple Acres." He then grabbed Babs's hand with his lion paw, and then he snapped his talon fingers, and the two disappeared in a flash of light. "So, what brings you here to Hayseed Swamp?" Somnambula asked. "Ending the disease known as Swamp Fever," MC replied. "Since I am immune and able to reverse the final stage of it." "My prayers have been answered," Somnambula said. "Two more pillars are helping with trying to keep the ponies of Hayseed Swamp calm during this pandemic. Flash Magnus and Mistmane are the two there." MC then looked over and saw a couple of trees with the flowers that caused Swamp Fever. He then said, "I'll meet you there. There's something over there I gotta do." MC then walked over towards the trees as Somnambula was heading back to town. He then looked up at the night sky and saw that it was nearly sunset. "Well, I'll cure these two before I head to the local motel." He then lit up his hands and put them on the trees. Then they started glowing in the golden aura. The trees then transformed into Mobian Ponies. The ponies were Bright Mac and Pear Butter. They passed out as soon as they were drained of the Swamp Fever. MC held out two orbs, which turned to dust. MC was exhausted after that. "That... was more... tiring... than I thought," MC said before he fell backwards and passed out, making a body shaped pit right under him. Meanwhile at a hotel, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rockhoof, Mage Meadowbrook, Sonic, Tails and Mutt arrived at the lobby. Sonic was looking at his glove, which had a holographic map hovering above it. "Looks like MC just passed out somewhere near the place known as Hayseed Swamp," Sonic said. "I thought he was more powerful than all of you," Twilight said. "He should have more endurance in him." "MC must be using a lot of power to keep himself from suffering Swamp Fever," Tails said. "Using a lot of power is also using a lot of self energy. He eventually burns himself out if he uses too much." "Makes sense, laddie," Rockhoof said. "Even I use up a lot of energy when I was in with the Mighty Helm o'er a thousand years ago." "And there was the time when Ah had ta fill in for Big Mac when he got injured... and..." Applejack said, remembering what she did not too long after Twilight moved to Ponyville before she became a princess. "Yeah, I get it," Twilight said. "Well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had a bunch of trouble when doing their duties of day and night." She then thought of something. "And I think Princess Luna is teaching Nyx how to dream walk. Since she is getting better with her magic again." "I thought I saw her and Princess Luna in my dream when the royal sisters were about to retire," Fluttershy said, remembering a dream of hers. "Well, we might as well get rested up," Twilight said. Then they headed towards the front desk to get some room keys. The next morning, in a home that was built in a tree, MC was waking up. He looked around, and then sat up. He turned his body to out of bed, and got his shoes on. "Where am I?" MC asked. He then got up and headed out the door. When he looked outside, he saw a bunch of ponies with the same illness. Swamp Fever. "Holy moly!" All of the ponies were covered in orange spots. Some ponies were coughing bubbles. Some ponies were sneezing lightning. Even some ponies had branches growing from the sides of their heads. "I'm running out of time." "I'd say you are," came a voice from behind him. MC turned around and saw Flash Magnus and Mistmane standing behind him. Flash then said, "You're here to help with this pandemic?" "I think I'm the only one who can stop this pandemic," MC said. "But for me to do so, I need to find the source of the problem. So, I have two questions. Do any of you know where the possible source is, and who brought me here?" "Well, all I can say is the two ponies who brought you here are right over there," Mistmane said, pointing at the two ponies, who were helping a sick pony. Both of the ponies were wearing masks. MC recognized those two ponies and said, "I seen those two in a picture at Sweet Apple Acres. That's Bright Mac and Pear Butter. They're Applejack's parents." "Okay," said Flash Magnus. "That would make sense. Anyway, follow me." Flash Magnus then led MC through the swamp, and they came across a sinkhole with huge tree roots coming out of it. MC and Flash looked down it and saw a huge flower that makes Swamp Fever. MC then shouted, "Holy shoot! That thing's huge!" "You think that's the source of it all?" Flash Magnus asked. "Are you kidding me?" MC asked. "Look at that thing. That's the same flower that cause ponies to sprout branches and flowers." "I'm gonna go back to help ponies cope with what they're going through," Flash Magnus said. "You think you can stop this from spreading?" "I don't know," MC said. "But if I don't make it, get a message to the Freedom Fighters. Tell them, I tried my best. And if you don't know who the Freedom Fighters are, ask Princess Twilight Sparkle." He then jumped into the sinkhole. Flash Magnus then walked away. Back in town, Mistmane and Somnambula were helping ponies trying to recover from Swamp Fever. Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rockhoof, Mage Meadowbrook, Sonic, Tails and Mutt came in and saw all of the ponies there. "Oh, this isn't good," Fluttershy said. "So many ponies with Swamp Fever," Twilight said. "It's a pandemic!" "How are we gonna help all of these ponies?" Applejack asked. But then came a couple voices she never thought she'd hear. "Applejack?" The group looked over towards the source of the two voices, and saw Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Applejack was surprised at the two ponies walking up to her. "M-Ma? P-Pa?" Applejack asked, with tears coming out of he corners of her eyes. Then she ran towards the two ponies. The three of them got into a group hug. "Okay," Mutt said. "Unexpected family reunion. That was unexpected to all of us." "Aye," Rockhoof agreed. Sonic then held up his left hand and said, "Nicole. Get a message to one of the other Freedom Fighters, and tell that one to get that message to Applejack's family." "What's the message?" Nicole asked. "Tell them that Applejack's parents are alive," Sonic said. "Whatever their names are." "It's Bright Mac and Pear Butter!" came Applejack's voice. "You got that?" Sonic asked. "Yes," said Nicole. "I'm sending Maria to Sweet Apple Acres, telling the Apples that Bright Mac and Pear Butter are alive. I'm sure they'll pass it on to Grand Pear." "Okay," Twilight said. "Now that that's taken care of, we need to find MC." Applejack and her parents came up to Twilight, and Pear Butter asked, "MC? You mean the gray fox with white gloves with an orange stripe going down the middle..." "Has orange highlights on his muzzle..." Bright Mac continued. "And hair as black as coal..." Pear Butter continued. "And was small yet heavy?" Bright Mac finished. "He can manipulate his own density," Tails said. "He's a really heavy sleeper. Literally." "Last time we saw him, we put him into the bed in that place," Bright Mac said. "That's my house!" Mage Meadowbrook said. Then Somnambula and Mistmane came up to them. "I'm afraid you just missed him," Mistmane said. "Flash Magnus just led him to, what could possibly be, the source of Swamp Fever." "He's already there!" came Flash Magnus's voice. The group looked towards Flash. "He's gonna try to stop it once and for all." "Did he have any orange spot on him?" Fluttershy asked. "He was sprayed by one of those flowers." "No," Flash Magnus said. "Told ya," Sonic said. Twilight then shook her head and handed Sonic ten bits. "His healing factor is giving MC an immunity," Twilight said. "Let's get to him before something bad happens." Then they all headed to where Flash Magnus took MC. Back with MC, he grabbed a root of the plant and lifted it. He then said, "Okay. Time to end this once and for all." He then held out his left hand, and then released the claw on his left forefinger, and cut the root. Just then, the sound of a monster roaring came. MC then said, "That can't be good." Then the giant flower started moving. It showed that the roots were shaped like a body, and had a bunch of tentacle vines, and the head of the flower looked towards MC, it had eyes on the sides of it, and the center of the flower was all teeth and tongues. "Ah, crud!" MC said. The plant then grabbed MC with a vine and held him up. It was at that moment that Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Sonic, Tails, Mutt, Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and five of the six pillars arrive. They saw MC tied up by the vines and saw the giant plant monster. "Sweet Celestia!" Twilight shouted. "MC!" MC looked towards the group and saw them. He then shouted, "Get out of here! Go!" The monstrous flower then closed up, and then sprayed the pollen all over MC, making him cough. He then got angry. Then he saw something coming from inside the monster's mouth. Something was shining. "What do we have here?" He then smirked. With his strength, he broke out of the vines, rolled up into a ball, and headed straight for the monster's mouth. The monster then ate him whole. "NO!!" the others all shouted. "Why you...!" Sonic said, getting ready to speed towards it. But then, the sound of gurgling came from the stomach of the monster. Just then, the monster looked up, opened it's mouth wide, and a golden beacon came directly from it. The beacon then broke apart, and it spreaded across Equestria. All of the ponies who had Swamp Fever, or had been turned into trees that spread Swamp Fever, were back to their healthy state. The plant monster was turning black, and was crumbling up. It crumbled up enough for MC to come out, covered in green saliva. He then headed for the side of the sinkhole, and started climbing up it. The group then walked up to MC, and Twilight said, "How... how did you do that?" "I saw something inside the plant," MC said. "It would seem that the core of the plant was the source of it all. It was both the cause and the cure. I had to go in and take down the plant... from the inside." "You used the Chaos Rogue, didn't you?" Sonic asked. "Chaos what?" Twilight asked. "The Chaos Rogue," Tails said. "MC fires a huge burst of gold energy that can stop a threat by purifying the threat back to it's good side, or manipulating it's molecules." "It was time I took it down at it's core," MC said. "Since Swamp Fever started in Hayseed Swamp, then that was where the source of it started. Hopefully, everypony will get back to their normal lives. Some, having to experience a new body since this entire continent showed up out from somewhere. Now, let's go home." "Before we do... you really stink," Twilight said. Then most of them fanned the stench coming from MC, Mutt and Applejack using their hats. MC then sniffed himself and said, "Whoo!! That stinks worse than the time Tails accidentally enlarged a normal skunk! You think tomato juice would help after I get sprayed with water?" "It could work," Twilight said. Then they all headed out of there. Back at Sweet Apple Acres, the Apples and Grand Pear were having a family group hug, now that Bright Mac and Pear Butter were back. Twilight, Nyx and Joshua were looking inside from the door. "Turns out that Applejack's parents survived the fall," Twilight said. "The ravine was full of water, but the current of the river was so strong, it got them to Hayseed Swamp. Then they got infected with Swamp Fever, which MC was the one who cured them of it." "At least they're back with their family," Joshua said. "What about Babs?" Nyx asked. "Turns out, the apartment she lived in caught fire," Twilight said. "Applejack and Apple Bloom agreed to let Babs stay with them here at the farm. Who knows. Maybe she'll stay here permanently and maybe open up a hair salon." She then noticed Joshua's mane and said, "Speaking of which. Josh, I think it's time you got a haircut." Then the three of them headed out of there, heading back to town.