A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 3: The Storm’s Snare

by TheSuperTransformerFan

Part 1: A Wonderbolt Encounter

In the Crystal Dimension, Grubber was watching the city wide communication from Commander Shaw about their plan to stop the Storm King. “Therefore effective immediately, the towers will be shut down, and the Morph-X will be returned to the Morphin grid, where the Storm King can’t reach it.” He heard the Commander’s message loud and clear, and was shocked as if he was about to spit out his popcorn!

WHAT?!” Grubber said in horror. “No more Morph-X?!” At that moment, Tempest and Vargoyle arrived as he said that.

“Yes, Grubber. We already know that!” Tempest said, calmly.

“But, our Morph-X levels are severely low!” Grubber shouted urgently. “Once, they’re out, that’s it!”

“Have no fear!” Vargoyle said bravely. “The rangers have a plan to shut the towers, but we have a counterplan to stop them in their tracks!”

“That’s great!” Grubber said sarcastically, and happy. “What are you going to do? Wander around the town calling out, ‘Here, ranger ranger? Here, ranger ranger?’”

“Well, anything sounds dumb, when you say it like that.” Tempest said, feeling a little bit uneasy by his remark.

Grubber stomped his foot down for emphasis, as the two jumped back as he meant business. Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy arrived at that moment. “We need to drain the Morph-X towers and supply them to the Storm King quickly!” He told them.

“But, Battleforce has already shut down the first tower.” Robo-Roxy warned him.

“Once again, something that could’ve been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!!!” the Storm King shouted in anger as he arrived toward them. “It’s bad enough we lost Cosmos! But, this could put my levels of survival at risk!”

He turned to his four generals! “Blaze! Roxy! Tempest! Vargoyle!” He said to them. “Execute your counterplan, and get me more Morph-X before all those towers are empty!” He snarled at them. “I don’t CARE what it takes!” He aimed his staff at them. “Just do it!”

The generals nodded. “Yes, Master!” Robo-Blaze said as he nodded.

“Rest assured, Boss!” Tempest said, as she smiled. “Those rangers and their allies will get what’s coming to them, soon enough!” She, and the others left the dimension to execute their plan to save their master’s Morph-X levels...whatever it took!

In a library-like room inside Grid Battleforce, Devon was checking through his files of his father, Mayor Daniels. He was looking through a few folders to see if there was another way to save him. So far, nothing as he out a folder aside.

He then looked another binder that had a few news articles. He flipped to one page in particular with him and his dad, being at his re-election rally, and the headline was explaining the attack there when the Mane Six, and their friends came to help. Devon smiled as he saw that, and started to recall a few memories when he helped his own father.

Devon got up to see what was going on and saw Ben & Betty both on a tandem bike frantically telling people to get out of the way! The people ran every which way not only from the bike, but also from the foot-soldiers chasing the people and causing chaos. He immediately took notice. “Tronics!” Devon said in realization. He couldn’t stand by and do nothing! He had to help out. “Okay, everybody! Do not panic!” He said to them. “Proceed in a nice fashion! Everything will be fine!” He guided everyone out of the way safely. “Come on.” He told them. “It’ll be okay! Stay with your friends and family.” He continued to guide them to safety.

Once that was taken care of, Devon decided to step into the game! “I’ll get help, Dad!” He said, as he darted behind a nearby billboard for his father’s rally & readied his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” Devon shouted, and morphed off-screen into the red ranger to join the battle.

Devon’s dad saw the red ranger come out from behind the billboard. “Did I just see what I think I saw?” He wondered as the red ranger entered the battle.

Devon put the binder aside, and shook that memory off as he knew he needed to find a way fast. Just then, the doors opened. “Hey, Devon. Sorry I took so long.” Cruise said as he arrived, putting a few piles of folders onto the desk. “Anyways, these are the rest of the ranger records that you wanted.”

“Thanks, Cruise.” Devon said, nodding.

“Anytime.” Cruise said as he left, and Rainbow Dash flew in safely, and slowly.

“Hey, Devon!” She said calmly to him. “I saw that Nate was just working on the Beast-X Ultra Cannon, and...” she noticed the papers and binders on the table, and noticed he was hard at work. “Uh, What's going on?“ she flew over to his side.

Devon saw her, and smiled. “Oh, hi Dash.” He said, as he was looking for some files on possible solutions. “I’m just going through some ranger records.” He then noticed his friend was rubbing her head. “What happened to you?”

“Oh, Nate was teaching me how to do telekinesis.” Rainbow groaned as she rubbed her temples.

“Whoa! Nate was teaching you how to do unicorn magic?” Devon asked, as he let out a chuckle. “That seems hard as it looks, considering you’re not a unicorn.”

“Yeah, and he made me start with a brick, and it hit me in the head a few time.” Rainbow said, as she groaned.

“Ouch.” Devon said, understanding.

“Yeah.” She said. “It hurts so much, it’ll leave a mark.” She then looked at the files, which contained articles about her friend’s father, and slowly understood why he was doing this. “You’re trying to find a way to separate your dad from the Storm King?” She guessed.

“How did you know?” He asked astonished.

“Judging from the files...” she pointed to the piles of paper. “...you’ve been really hard at work.”

“I have so far.” He answered. At that moment, Ravi took notice and came in. “Hey, Dash! Devon!” He said, calmly. “Find anything?”

“Maybe.” Devon said, handing him a file. “There was a black ranger once....in another dimension.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened as she heard that. “Hold on. Don’t we already have a black ranger?” She asked. “We’ve got Cozy!”

“He was slowly turning into an evil cyborg.” Devon clarified them, as he looked at the article on the computer. “Their lead scientist found a way to stop the process.”

Her ears perked. “Did you say lead scientist?” She asked him. He nodded. “Who?”

He responded by turning the montor over to them, showing them a picture of the core 5 RPM rangers with a scientist in the lower Center photo. “Her name was Doctor K.” He said to them.

Rainbow saw the photo, and was surprised. “You mean...the RPM rangers? And the black ranger you mentioned is a legendary ranger?!” She gawked.

“Yeah.” Devon said. “And, Doctor K managed to help the virus stop spreading.”

“Doctor K?” Dash asked. “As in...the scientist of the RPM rangers?”

“That’s correct.” Devon answered.

Ravi was intrigued by what he saw. “Great!” He said. “Then, you need to speak to her!”

“I tried.” Devon said, as he flipped the monitor back. “But, she’s only been heard a couple of times from the past decade. So far, no response.”

Rainbow just groaned in disappointment as she heard that. “Then, how are we going to stop the Storm King now?!” She asked in frustration and worry.

Ravi looked at the screen, and understood his friend’s feelings. “Look, if Dr. K can’t help, we don’t have a choice.” He said solemnly. “We have to try and freeze the Storm King.” He patted Devon on the shoulder.

“Wait...FREEZE the Storm King?” Rainbow asked in shock, slowly understanding what was going on. “As in freeze Devon’s dad, also?” She put her hoof down in the air for emphasis. “What?! No way! Devon needs his dad, who also belongs here!”

“I know he does, Rainbow. But for now, this is probably the only way.” Ravi said calmly.

“Yeah. I know.” Devon said disappointingly.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I cannot believe Devon’s giving up so easily.” The Wonderbolt said seriously and surprised as if she was facing the end of the world. “You're the Power Rangers! Solving tough problems is what you do.”

“Well, you and your friends are pretty good at coming up with ideas to take down some bad guys.” Ravi said, as his expression lit up.

“That's right.” Devon added in agreement. “When we work together, we're unstoppable!”

“That’s the spirit, Devon!” Rainbow said, and not a moment too soon, when they got a call on their Morphers. Rainbow seized Ravi’s and checked in. “Hey!” Ravi said in frustration.

Rainbow paid no attention. “Commander, go ahead!” She said.

In one of the garages, decoy truck was taking off as Commander Shaw spoke up. “The decoy truck is moving out!” She said bravely. “It’s game time, rangers!” It was time for Operation: Morph-X Decoy to go into action!

The Decoy truck was cruising through the city, and was about to continue to press through. However, a bulldozer-like robotron arrived on the scene, RIGHT in front of the truck! “The Morph-X is going nowhere! Ra, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” He said evilly as the drivers vacated the vehicle, and civilians ran from the robot.

“Aw, I didn’t even get to smash anything!” He said disappointed.

“HOLD IT!” He heard a female voice, and he turned to see the Elements of Harmony and Rangers arrive before him.

“You twerps are no match for Bulldozertron!” He said, introducing himself to the heroes.

“Bulldozer, eh?” Applejack asked smugly. “Well, we’re about to bury y’all!” She nodded to Devon, as they were ready to fight!

“IT’S MORPHIN TIME!” Devon, and Cozy both shouted, as the rangers activated their Morphers, and keys.

“ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They shouted, as all 7 rangers were instantly morphed before the robotron. “UNLEASH THE BEAST!” They shouted, introducing themselves. However, Rainbow felt a little dazed, during the roll call, as she started to fall over, as if she were asleep onto her friends.

“Oh, no! Rainbow!” Twilight said, as she and Rarity both caught her.

“Darling, are you okay?” Rarity asked, worriedly.

“You won’t be for long!” Bulldozertron said, as he got his dozer arms ready. “Time for you to be buried!”

“Not going to happen!” Cozy said, as she turned to the others. “Nate! Can you try to help Rainbow?” She asked him. “We’ll take that walking bulldozer down!”

“I’ll try.” Nate said.

“Right!” They all said, as they ran towards him.

“TRANSPORT...BEAST-X SABERS!” Devon, Zoey, Ben & Ravi said, as they hit their transporters, and their sabers came to them.

“TRANSPORT...BEAST-X KING BLASTER!” Cozy said, as she hit her transporter and summoned her weapon.

“That won’t stop me!” Bulldozertron said as he made a mad dash for his enemies.

“BEAST-X CANNON READY!” The 4 rangers shouted as they combined their weapons together!

“STRIKER MORPHER CHARGED!” Nate and Steel said, aiming their Morphers at him.

“ELEMENTS OF HARMONY...UNITE!” The ponies announced as they aimed their elements at him. Spike readied his fire breath at him.

“BEAST-X KING ULTRA BLAST!” Cozy shouted, aiming her weapon.

“BEAST BLAST!” The rangers shouted as they all fired at the robotron, which sent him flying a few feet back, before landing with a mighty hard thud!

“Get him!” Devon said, as they all...except Nate and Rainbow...ran toward the robotron.

Bulldozertron got up, and growled. “You’re gonna regret messing with me!” He said, as he got his arms ready again to fight them.

“We’ll see about that!” Twilight shot back as they were ready. “Let’s get them, girls!” They all nodded.

The remaining heroes used their weapons to try to get to his defences. But, his arm guards were hard to break through. They tried shooting their magic beams, using sabers and fists to get to him. But so far, he was a formidable opponent for them.

Nate tried to shake her awake. “Come on, Dash! Snap out of it!” He said seriously to her. “Bulldozertron’s here, and he’s closing in fast!”

Rainbow still remained in her dazed state. “All is brick.” She said in a monotone voice.

The heroes were still going at it with Bulldozertron, refusing to give up as they kept trying to penetrate him. Steel, and Cozy both noticed Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy had arrived. “Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy! They’re back!” Cozy said in alarm.

“And, so are Tempest and Vargoyle!” Steel said, pointing to the crimson unicorn, and silver dreadlock robot that have arrived as well.

Robo-Blaze nodded to the other two generals. “Take the Morph-X!” He ordered as they nodded.

“You can count on us!” Vargoyle said as they went for the decoy truck.

Nate took notice of the villains, and was shocked. “A vast river of woe is heading our way!” He said worriedly, shaking her harder. “Come to your senses now!”

Rainbow finally started to spur awake as if she just entered the battle. “What?” She asked confused. “What’s wrong?” Now, the heroes had TWO problems to face: defending the Morph-X, and stopping Bulldozertron! It looked like they were caught between a rock and a hard place!

“Will you hug me?” She cooed, as she hugged her friend, and fell asleep. “I’m needy.”

“GO TO WORK!” Nate shouted angrily as he shoved her off him.

Rainbow took notice of the robotron fight, and knew what she had to do. “Right!” She said, as she joined in the battle with her friends.

Bulldozertron was about to slam into them, when the speedy Pegasus zoomed around him quickly. “Whoa!” He said in shock. “I wasn’t expecting to be thrown up again!”

“Get out!” Rainbow said, as she kicked the robotron up into the sky, and slammed it down hard again to the ground. She then rejoined her friends on foot.

“A little late to join in this fight. Huh, Dash?” Starlight asked, as she crossed her arms.

“Hey, better late than never!” Rainbow said, smugly. “Now, let’s send this abomination to the junkyard!” They all nodded, and were ready for round 2 with this tough robot.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both noticed the generals coming toward the decoy truck. “Fluttershy!” Pinkie called out. “It’s Blaze and Roxy!”

“I see them!” Fluttershy added as they went to join, Nate, Steel and Cozy to fight the generals.

They arrived in front of the villains. “That Morph-X isn’t going anywhere!” Pinkie shouted, as she pointed to them.

The generals turned to them, giving a menacing look. “Actually, it is!” Robo-Roxy said, as she and Robo-Blaze whipped out their keys, and morphed into their evil ranger forms.

“Try, and stop us!” Robo-Blaze said, smugly.

“With pleasure!” Steel said, as the heroes made a dash towards the truck. Fluttershy and Pinkie took on the Robo rangers, as the kind Pegasus used her tail to whip the two down, while Pinkie dogpiled on them.

Nate, Steel and Cozy were taking on the Tronics who had JUST appeared to them. Nate, and Cozy threw a few punches towards the Tronics, and kicked a few down. Cozy took notice at one about to enter the truck. “Get down here!” She shouted, as she grabbed it and threw it aside.

Nate saw another tronic about to get in the truck as well. “Hey!” He darted up to him, and grabbed it. “You should’ve worn your seatbelt!” He yelled, as he tackled the foot soldier to the ground easily.

Steel was taking on another cluster of Tronics too, as he dodged and kicked a few pretty quickly. He opened the door to the truck, and saw a tronic in there. “I know YOU don’t have a license!” Steel shouted, as he threw him out.

“Bad move!” Robo-Blaze snapped, as he got out his rapier, and whacked him with it! Steel tried to fight back, but Tempest kicked him from behind, while Robo-Blaze kicked him down.

“Party time!” Pinkie said, as she aimed her party cannon at him. “See if you can handle my fastballs!” She fired out a barrage of confetti balls, which sped by him so fast that he could barely keep up. Eventually, he was knocked down by the might of her ammunition.

Fluttershy came right to her side, excitedly. “He’s no match for pony power!” She said, as the two hoof bumped.

“Aw, yeah!” Pinkie piped up in agreement.

Meanwhile, the others were still going at it with Bulldozertron as he clapped his arm gauntlets together, and sent a blast to them, throwing them down.

“Ultra Blast!” Ben shouted, as he fired at him.

“Take this!” Bulldozertron shouted, as he clapped his hands and fired another blast at him, sending him down.

“Ben, are you okay?” Spike asked, as they came to his side.

“Yeah, I am.” Ben answered weakly.

“This guy’s just too tough for us!” Ravi said in shock.

“We can’t give up, Everyone!” Twilight said bravely. “No pony’s too tough for us!”

“Then, let me introduce myself!” Bulldozertron said smugly to the heroes. “I’m no one, and I’m too tough for all of you!” He got his hands ready to clap, and send the heroes down and out for the count.

“This can’t be happening!” Starlight said in shock as they all gasped.

“Oh, but it is!” The robotron gloated as he was ready to finish them off. But he never got the chance, as a blue and white electric blur came in and charged at the robotron, sending him down.

The heroes were shocked as they saw the blurs zooming right past them. “Whoa!” Devon shouted. “What was that?!”

“No idea!” Ravi said, as he didn’t know either.

“They’re on our side, though!” Starlight said, as they witnessed what they did to the robotron.

“I hope they’re on our side!” Ben said, as he got back up.

The blurs zoomed by the Gold, Black, & Silver rangers as well as Pinkie and Fluttershy, as they took out an entire army of Tronics easily. “Bro, look at that!” Steel said, pointing at the blurs.

“Whoa!” Nate said in shock.

“Holy guacamole!” Cozy shouted in sheer surprise. “Are you all seeing what I’m seeing?”

Pinkie and Fluttershy came over to them, and they too were surprised. “We’re as shocked as you!” Fluttershy said, as they couldn’t believe their eyes.

The two blurs eventually raced back to the heroes who were fighting Bulldozertron, and were shocked at this. “They’re coming back to us?” Zoey asked confused.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked. They got their answer as the blurs slowed down to reveal a blue male Pegasus with a electrified green mane, and a white female Pegasus with a light cyanish grey cloud mane. The two Pegasi landed on the ground, and smiled.

“Did you miss us?” The Blue male Pegasi questioned, as he turned to the heroes. Twilight was shocked to see him as she knew who he was.

“Sky?! Vapor?!” Twilight asked in shock. “What are you two doing here?”

Vapor Trail chuckled. “Why else would we be here?” She asked. “You guys looked like you could use a hand!”

“So, let’s finish the job for you!” Sky Stinger said, as he looked at Vapor. “Ready?” He asked her.

“Always!” She said, smugly as they took off, and divebombed the robotron quickly.

“What the?!” Bulldozertron asked in shock, as the two Pegasi turned to him again.

Sky Stinger rammed into The robotron easily, as he kicked him hard to the ground, while Vapor Trail flew up, and got her wings ready. “You know, I’m feeling a little draft, Bulldozertron!” She said, as she used her wings to create her wind that used to help Sky, over to him. “So, why don’t you just close the door, while you’re at it?” Her wind attack sent the robotron down to the ground, and thrown off course!

The others were still fighting the four generals as Vargoyle was about to slash Steel down. “Hands off!” He shouted, as she slashed him, sending him flying up, and back down to the ground. Nate was thrown down too. “Crud!” He shouted.

Rainbow was about to go over there and help them, when she saw two blurs zoom over to Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy, instantly knocking them down. The blurs swirled around them, creating a tornado, throwing them up, and launching them back down. The two blurs landed in front of the others, revealing themselves. “Is this a private party or can anypony join?” Vapor asked, quizzically.

Rainbow gasped in shock, as she instantly recognized them. “Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail!” She said in amazement.

“Rainbow!” Sky said smugly. “So, you do remember us?”

“How could I forget the face of an ol’ Wonderbolt?” Dash shot back as well.

“Wait, Rainbow...you know these two?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah! I met them when Twi and I were called to solve a friendship problem at Wonderbolts HQ.” Rainbow answered them.

“You can save history for later!” Robo-Roxy said, as she aimed her blasters at them. “Right now, we’re gonna fry you!”

“Not if we can help it!” Sky said, as they got ready to fight. “Go and help the rangers!” He alerted Rainbow. She nodded, and went over to help her friends.

“And now, it’s time to send you back to construction school!” Vapor said as she smirked.

“Oh, yeah?” Robo-Blaze asked in rage.

“Yeah!” Sky and Vapor both said, as they nodded and flew up, and zoomed over to Robo-Blaze, and right past him.

“No one tries to pass me by!” He shouted, as he got his rapier ready. But, he never got the chance as Sky performed a kick right to his gut, sending him down and out.

“You’ll pay for interfering!” Robo-Roxy said, as she got her blasters ready. “Accept your tomb!” She fired a barrage of bullets at her.

“Nah, YOU take it!” Vapor said, as she used her wing power to send the bullets back to her.

“Aah!” The female robot said in agony. “That’s it!”

“Vapor, look out!” Vapor turned to see Sky zooming right toward her, and ducked out of the way.

“Thanks!” Vapor said happily.

“You’re welcome!” Sky said, saluting her before diverting his attention to Robo-Blaze. “Time to pop YOUR tires!” He said as he slammed in the Robo-general, and made him land right next to Roxy!

“Let’s finish this!” Sky told his wing-pony as she nodded. They took a running start, and then within seconds, they struck through the two robots like a knife through butter.

“NOT AGAIN!!!” Robo-Blaze shouted, as he and Roxy exploded again. Vapor and Sky landed before the wreckage, and smiled at a good job well done.

“Down...” Sky started.

“...and out!” Vapor finished as they hoof-bumped in victory.

The others were taking a massive beating from Bulldozertron, but they still wouldn’t give up, even though he was so strong. At that moment, Dash arrived on the spot. “Stand back!” She confronted him bravely. “Or face the wrath of my new telekinetic mind power!”

“Is this another one of your jokes, Rainbow Dash?” The robotron scoffed at her.

“You asked for it!” Rainbow growled. “How about a nice, transparent prison cell?” She closed her eyes. “All is peace...all is calm.” she chanted. Bulldozertron looked at her, and laughed evilly, but the speedy hero refused to give up as she kept straining.

Eventually, something did rise up from the decoy truck. Nate, Cozy and Steel took notice. “Huh?!” They all asked in shock.

“What?!” Fluttershy asked, getting frightened.

“I’ve heard of moving pictures, but this is ridiculous!” Pinkie said, confused as well.

The robotron was shocked to see that a clear cage was levitating over to him by the sheer power of Rainbow’s mind. It looked like they would win, but to the robotron’s victory, and the Pegasus’s disappointment, the case trapped her instead!

Bulldozertron laughed evilly at that sight. “Well, what do you know? Dash under glass!” He joked harshly.

“Rainbow!” The heroes all shouted in shock as they saw their friend helpless.

Nate, Steel, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Cozy were thrown violently by Tempest and Vargoyle meanwhile, and it looked like those heroes were losing.

“You should’ve minded your own business!” Tempest said, as she smiled evilly towards them.

At that moment, Bulldozertron ran towards them. “I’ve beaten the rangers!” He said victorious.

“Splendid!” Tempest said happily and evilly.

“Hey, Tempest! Let’s go!” Vargoyle said urgently to Tempest, who nodded as they went to the decoy truck.

Nate was horrified that they were hijacking their decoy truck. “No!” He shouted. “We can’t let them take the Morph-X!”

The others arrived at that moment to help their friends. “Nate, Steel, Cozy!” Ravi said urgently.

“Fluttershy, Pinkie!” Twilight said to them, as they helped their friends up. “Are all of you okay?”

“We’re fine.” Pinkie answered. “But, they’re getting away!” She pointed to the truck that was leaving, and they all gasped as they saw their enemies leave with their energy.

“Better luck next time!” Tempest said, as she blasted Nate, and sent him down.

“NATE!” They shouted, as they rushed over to help him.

The robotron was about to leave too, but he turned to the imprisoned Pegasus, and laughed. “Keep working on your new power, Rainbow Dash!” He cackled. “Practice makes imperfect!” He took off towards the decoy truck, and hopped on, as the two generals teleported away with the Decoy Truck in victory.

"No! The Morph-X!" Zoey shouted in horror, as they failed to stop them from getting it. Their plan failed miserably.

“Oh, they got away!” Applejack shouted, as she threw her hat down in anger.

Ravi contacted the Commander on his morpher. “Bad news, Commander.” He said solemnly to her. “That robotron got away, AND he took the Morph-X!”

“What?!” The Commander asked over the Morpher.

Nate demorphed, and groaned as he started to come too. However, he was horrified when he saw Rainbow stuck in the cage. He ran over to get her out. “Dash! Are you okay?” He asked, urgently.

“Brick.” Rainbow just said.

“What?” Nate asked confused.

“Brick Brick!” She said again, and Nate was worried about her. He needed to get the team back to the base, and Rainbow over to a bed to get her to rest, feeling that the whole telekinesis thing was all his fault.

So far, things went wrong for the heroes, except for Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger coming to help them. But, their plan to stop Tempest and Vargoyle from taking the Morph-X failed, as they got away and their counterplan worked. The rangers needed a plan B to stop the Storm King’s minions, and so far, The Storm King was going to get his usual dose of energy. They needed a miracle to beat him, and fast!