//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 // Story: Spider-Girl: The Movie // by Lucasnike123 //------------------------------// That night at the apartment, Twilight calmly sipped a glass of milk while Sunset desperately called Flash, leaving message after message, hoping he was okay. Sunset had regained consciousness in time to see, along with the astonished crowd, how strange woman in pink and purple swooped in and saved Flash. But, like many citizens of Canterlot City, Sunset read the Pony New Network and now wondered if this Spider-Girl was on the side of the good guys or was she just a crazy woman in disguise... A crazy who had escaped hanging from a spider web with her boyfriend! "I hope Flash calls soon" Sunset said, pacing nervously from one side of the room to the other "I'm very worried". "He'll call you" Twilight assured him calmly, taking a long drink of milk. "How do you know?" Sunset asked. "Intuition..." said Twilight "How is your head?" "They looked at my wound" explained Sunset "It's nothing. Why aren't you worried about Flash?" The phone rang and Sunset jumped towards him. "Hello" said Flash in a soft and distracted voice. "Are you okay?" Sunset yelled over the phone "Has she hurt you?" "Of course not" Flash replied, laughing sweetly "It was wonderful, incredible!". "What do you mean it was incredible?" Sunset snapped "Where did he take you?" "To the roof garden of Rockefeller Center..." Flash said dreamily "Have you ever been there? It's so romantic!" "No, I haven't been there" Sunset said dryly "Look, I'm going there". "No" Flash replied quickly "I'm very tired. I'm going to sleep". "Ok, call me when you get up" said Sunset "And we'll have breakfast together or something, okay?" Sunset hung up the phone. Twilight had only heard half of the conversation, but it was enough to make her grin. "Look, Twilight" began, uncomfortable, Sunset "About that picture you took of Flash and me..." "Don't worry" Twilight took a deep breath "I didn't". "I know I should have told you about this..." Sunset continued "I'm crazy about him." "I'm your friend" said Twilight "You didn't have to lie to me". "I've always known you wanted to go out with him" Sunset continued "But you never did anything, you never said anything to him..." "I guess not" Twilight admitted, thinking of all the missed opportunities. "Well I'm still shaking from what happened today" Sunset said heading to her room "What was it that attacked us?" "I don't know" Twilight answered gravely "But whoever she is, someone has to stop her!" Abacus Cinch stood in the open door of his apartment, a copy of the Pony New Network in his hands. It was the morning after the attack on the World Unity Festival and Cinch had been wandering the streets. His clothes were dislodged and his face showed the traces of having spent the night awake. She glanced at the front page of the newspaper; she could read the headline over a photo of Spider-Girl fighting the Black Goblin: "SPIDER-GIRL AND BLACK GOBLIN THREATEN CANTERLOT CITY!". Cinch shook her head, trying to understand the meaning of those words, as the images of horror during the festival came and went through her mind. As he looked at the newspaper again, another headline caught his eye: "CINCHCORP BOARD OF DIRECTORS KILLED!". Cinch stumbled into her apartment and climbed the stairs to her study. From somewhere in the house she heard the sound of a weak laugh as sly as it was threatening. "Anyone there?" she asked. Silence "No, of course not". Entering the study, Cinch dropped the newspaper on his desk, then removed his suit jacket and slumped into the chair at his work table. Was heard again chilling laughter that seemed to come from the other world, this time higher, and someone began to speak. "Stop pretending, Cinch" the shocking yet familiar voice said. "Who are you?" Cinch asked, looking around without seeing anyone "Where are you?" "You just have to follow the icy chill that runs down your spine" replied the ghostly voice "Look, I'm right here...". Even so, Cinch still didn't see anyone. Where could that voice come from? She moaned and clutched her head with her hands. Her voice seemed to surround her, and even to come from inside her mind. "Did you think it was a coincidence that so many good things had happened to you, Cinch?" the shrill voice asked from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. "What do you want?" Cinch yelled, throwing her head back, furious at the invisible intruder. "I say what you do not want to say" answered the voice "What you could not do. Separate all those who stand in your way". Cinch raised her head again, her mind clearer now. "Did you kill the board of directors?" she asked, not caring where the intruder was. "We both killed them" answered her voice, sounding closer than ever. "No!" Cinch exclaimed, furious "I would never do that!" "Oh, you make me sick with your weaknesses..." the sly voice pointed out. "I'm not a murderer!" Cinch screeched, standing up "I'm a scientist, a respected business woman!" "Shut up and hear the good news, Cinch!" bellowed the mysterious voice with a defiant cry "You are now in complete control of CinchCorp Industries. I have granted you your great wish. Just say thank you". Cinch felt a strange calm. His mind was running fast, and things were falling into place. "And what happens now?" she asked. "We will eliminate your rivals" began the voice with a tone of self-sufficiency "CinchCorp will become the largest and most powerful supplier of the army. You will get what you have always wanted, Cinch:... power!". Cinch put his jacket back on and walked over to a mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair and buttoned his shirt. There was the businesswoman again preparing for another meeting. "We can get it together" she stated calmly, finally accepting the ghostly voice as a partner, and perhaps something more. "Unfortunately... there is only one person who can stop us" said the creepy voice "Spider-Girl". "Or she could be our great ally" Cinch replied, totally calm with the voice that she now knew emerged from her head. "Bingo!" exclaimed the voice... the voice of the Black Goblin. "We should maintain a little talk with Spider-Girl". Cinch picked up the newspaper from her desk and looked again at the photo on the first page. "And I think I know exactly how to find her!".