//------------------------------// // Chapter One: Another Field Trip Gone Wrong. // Story: An Alternate Ending // by Redrose99875 //------------------------------// It was a bright, sunny day in Ponyville, the sun was shining brightly, and a cool breeze graced the nowadays quiet town with it's presence. The weather was perfect for a stroll through town, or a picnic on a grassy field. It was perfect outside...If only the Cutie Mark Crusaders were awake enough to enjoy it. The three young fillies tiredly trudged along with the rest of their classmates; they had only just gone back to school, and their sleep schedules were greatly disturbed. The class was at Canterlot, a place they haven't been to in a while, not since Discord's first return. Their teacher, Ms. Cheerilee turned to her not-so bright eyed and bushy tailed students and smiled. "Alright class! Are you ready to learn today with Princess Twilight?" The class suddenly perked up and eagerly nodded their heads, signaling Cheerilee to lead them towards the castle. Yet Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were still very sleepy. "Y'all...Ah love Ms. Cheerilee's classes, as well as spendin' time with Twilight an' all...But Ah'm more tired than a...Than a...Oh, what's a country-ism Applejack would use in this scenario?" Apple Bloom muttered to her two closest friends. "Whatever you can think of...I completely agree." Scootaloo muttered back. "I miss my old sleep schedule." Sweetie Belle gave a weary smile. "We'll get used to it, girls" She said softly "We always do. Besides! Not many ponies get to see Twilight anymore since she took over for Princess Celestia and Luna!" The small earth pony and pegasus nodded in agreement, knowing that Twilight was much more busy with her new responsibilities. They followed the other students up to the castle steps, when their teacher suddenly turned around, wearing a very stern expression. "Now listen up class, Twilight is a princess, and this is a very special field trip. Please be on your best behavior, or you will be escorted outside and sit out the rest of this fieldtrip." "Yes Ms. Cheerilee." The class recited in bored, monotone voices. Their tones did not impress the magenta colored pony. "I'm serious everyone! Twilight has recently taken her place as a ruler in Canterlot. She is very busy, and I don't want any of you stressing her out!" "Aww, she won't be stressed out!" Silver Spoon chirped. "You don't know that!" Diamond Tiara pointed out "I know I'D be stressed out if I was a ruler of Equestria left alone like her! Oh poor Twilight, she must be soooo tired and stressed out!" "I'm bored out of my mind..." Princess Twilight thought to herself, sitting on the very large gold throne that had once belonged to her mentor, Spike asleep on a cushion right next to her. She looked around the room, seeing the usual...Well...Any old something you'd see in a throne room. The room was so quiet you could hear the world's lightest pen drop, and Twilight was almost completely alone, save for a few royal guards and her unconscious dragon friend. Earlier, in an attempt to entertain herself, she had tried to conversate with the ponies guarding her, but her efforts proved to be futile. The young alicorn continued scanning the room with her eyes, the usual decorations eventually catching her. Twilight couldn't help but smile at them. "Rarity loved these decorations..." she thought "She could probably make them prettier if she really wanted to...Then Applejack would comment on how it's not necessary, and Rainbow Dash would ask 'who cares?'. Pinkie Pie would just say something silly about them while Fluttershy would call them 'lovely', since she wouldn't have much of an opinion on them either. And then I'd-..." Twilight sighed sadly and stared at the ground. She remembered her Sister-In-Law, Cadence telling her that her life at the Crystal Empire was rather boring on the day Discord had faked being sick. And the lavender pony didn't understand that feeling as much as she had now. While her new role was important, she couldn't help but feel stuck; not only was each day here duller than the last, but most of all, she felt so far away from her five most dearest friends. She missed them so much to the point where it hurt, even though she knew they were always welcome to visit, only they weren't visiting, which made Twilight assume they were busy as well. Maybe she should visit them, rather than they visit her? But how would she make time for- "Your highness!" A voice spoke up, snapping the princess from her thoughts. "Huh? What?!" Twilight looked over to see Cheerilee and her students all smiling at her excitedly. Twilight's eyes widened, before she gave a somewhat sheepish smile "Oh...Hello everypony! I'd forgotten the tour was today!" she explained, slightly embarrassed about forgetting a date. "Would you like us to wait outside, your highness? We understand if you're not pre-" "Oh no no! It's fine Cheerilee!" Twilight dismissed, walking down the throne's steps. "I wouldn't want to keep you all waiting" "Twilight! Hi!" she heard three familiar voices call out. She smiled and looked over to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Hello you three! How's being back at school after break?" "Tiring" Scootaloo replied bluntly. "Now girls, you can talk to Twilight after the tour" Cheerilee told the three of them firmly. "Okay!" They answered in unison. "Alright everypony, follow me!" Twilight announced, walking towards the touring areas of the castle, the class in tow. Only twenty minutes into the tour, many students became bored. Not by Twilight of course, but rather this history lessons themselves. The stories they were hearing about were mostly about how the castle was built, and the insignificant ponies who built it. Not to mention how Twilight didn't spare any of the mostly boring details, making the stories seem even longer. "Ah've seen slowly rottin' apples more interestin' than this" Apple Bloom whispered tiredly. "I know! I expected things to be more interesting with Twilight around!" Sweetie Belle added. Scootaloo only hmphed before her eyes suddenly landed on a window pane. But not just any window pane; it was the one with Discord getting turned to Stone. Twilight still had yet to replace it with another, more positive story about him. Scootaloo smiled at her friends; "Hey Guys, remember when we first came here to the gardens, and accidentally released Discord from stone?" Apple Bloom smiled back. "How could we forget? We were fightin' a bunch that day, but we all made up in the end when Discord became a statue again!" "Yeah...Say...What do you think they did with his old place in the garden?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously. Scootaloo only smirked at her. "Wanna find out?" "Ah don't know Y'all...What if Ms. Cheerilee notices we're gone?!" Scootaloo scoffed at her. "C'mon! It'll only take a few minutes! We'll be back before Ms. Cheerilee notices we're gone!" Apple Bloom shrugged, unable to argue with the pegasus' logic. "Alright, anythin' but this!" And with that, the three fillies tiptoed away, successfully sneaking away from the rest of the class. After a while of wandering through the castle somehow undetected, they found a door, leading out the the Gardens. They all giggled and trotted towards the world famous statue garden. "So...Where was it again?" Scootaloo asked. "Don't look at me! This place is a maze! Literally!" Sweetie Bell announced, gesturing to the maze not far away. "Girls! Look!" They both walked over to the young earth pony, who was near the Maze's entrance. "Did you find where it was?" Sweetie Belle excitedly asked. But at the entrance, they saw a sign that said; "Stay away from the statue in the center" Scootaloo read aloud, before she smiled and walked right through the entrance. "Well, let's find out which one it is!" The other two ponies hesitantly followed her. After a while of getting lost, they came across a sign that read 'Legion of Doom'. "Ooooh. let's go look, let's go look!" Scootaloo exclaimed, running towards the center, her friends right behind her. It wasn't long before Cheerilee noticed three of her students were gone. After telling the class to stay put, she looked around the castle for them, until she saw an open back door. She went outside and saw hoofprints on the ground, leading inside the maze. She growled angrily; Not only did they run off, but they went to a restricted area. She made her way to the maze, before she knew it, she saw an exhibit label that read 'Legion of Doom'. Cheerilee was now both angry, and worried. She walked into the exhibit, and saw the three fillies, their jaws open, and their eyes wide. They looked completely paralyzed. "There you three are! What were you thinking sneaking off here?! You three are going back to the castle, an-" The teacher began scolding them when her eyes caught what had made the three freeze up in shock. Cheerilee felt herself tense up in fear when she saw that the supposed statue inside was gone...And only a few bits of stone and concrete were left behind.