//------------------------------// // March 30th // Story: Pony Observations Log // by Someguy458 //------------------------------// My name is Dr. Travis Igneo, and I have made a startling discovery that has spurred on the creation of this log. Earlier today, I was on my usual fauna-watching expedition, when a particularly interesting specimen (a red squirrel that had somehow gotten ahold of some cotton candy) zipped into a gap between the roots of a tree. When I went to view where it had gone, I observed that the hole was not only large enough to fit an average adult, but it also extended back much further than it should've been able to. Something about the hole compelled me to explore, so I began crawling through. After a few minutes of crawling through the pitch-black tunnel, I began to notice a subtle change happening to my body. My skin began to feel rougher, my teeth sharpened, my tongue lengthened, my hair became more solid, my stature shortened, and I could no longer feel my clothes. Without a light source, I couldn't determine the cause of these feelings. I considered reversing my direction, but the chitterings of the squirrel ahead drew me forward. Eventually, I could see a light ahead, indicating that the tunnel was finally coming to an end. Curious about my physicality, I held up a hand against the light; the silhouette was much more angular than before, and I could see the faint outlines of ridges, as though it were covered in scales. When I got out of the tunnel at last, I found myself in an unfamiliar location. The trees here were much more saturated than I was used to, and their shapes were more abstract. Finally out in the light, I looked down at myself and gasped in surprise. My body was now that of a bipedal lizard-like creature, with green scales and a lighter underbelly, 4 fingers on each of my clawed hands, sharp canines, and even a long, serpentine tail with a ridge of dark red spikes running along my back. My clothes were also gone, save for my backpack. When I took said backpack off, however, I discovered that it had been concealing two leathery wings, with a wingspan barely edging out my arm-span. I immediately brought out a handheld mirror. In the mirror, where once was an average man's face, there was now reflected a lizard's. Sharp canines poked out from under my scaly lips, accompanied by a long and forked tongue; my dark red eyes were slitted, with a nictitating membrane in addition to my normal eyelids; my hair had been replaced by a larger ridge of side-swept spikes that connected to the ridge along my spine; and where my ears once were, there now sat two downward-curving horns. Utterly transfixed by this sudden and unprecedented transformation, I failed to notice the passageway close up behind me. As soon as my mental faculties reinstated themselves, I quickly took my pencil and notebook and sketched the creature that I now was. This diagram has been included below: Once I was satisfied with the drawing, I began to experiment with my new body. My usual joints had the same amount of articulation as they had before, if not more. With some poking, I was able to find the neurological pathways connected to my wings and tail, and began testing their articulation. I gained mastery over the tail quickly, though I had difficulties with the wings. I eventually started to think of them as secondary arms, and that aided substantially in my adjustment. The squirrel specimen I'd followed here appeared from within a bush, and I regarded it with confusion. Why had this transformation happened to me, but not it? I could not dawdle on this for long, however, as a female's voice drew me out of my thoughts. "Mr. Redcorn, are you back yet?" it asked. The specimen turned at the voice, scampering off to find it, while I hid in the brush. While I wasn't opposed to the transformation my body had just gone through, I decided that it may be best to keep others from overreacting at the sight. It was then that a new, even more interesting specimen walked into view: a small, yellow, winged horse with a long pink mane and tail, large teal eyes, and three markings resembling butterflies on her haunch. The specimen wore saddlebags, so I deduced that it must be domesticated, and I remained hidden while I waited for the horse's owner to appear. The squirrel specimen scampered back into view, climbing onto the horse's back. Then all remaining logic went out the window as the horse began to speak. "Oh, there you are, Mr. Redcorn," she said with the same voice I had heard mere moments ago, "Did you find what you needed?" I was absolutely floored. Never before had I witnessed anything like this! Not only did this horse have wings, and not only was it extremely colorful, but it was sapient as well! Fascinated, I immediately began paying much closer attention. The squirrel nodded, holding the cotton candy up so the horse could see. It appeared to have more intelligence than any other squirrel I'd seen, though it didn't seem truly sentient like the horse was. The horse eyed the confectionary with confusion. "Cotton candy? Goodness, what was it doing all they way out here?" I noted that the horse's wings flared out slightly due to her surprise. In response, the squirrel jumped off the horse's back and scampered towards the hole we had come through. When it reached it, both the squirrel and I realized that it had somehow closed behind us. My path home was closed? I was downtrodden at the news that I wouldn't be headed home to share my findings. Although, I won't lie, I was slightly excited at the prospect of an extended research session here. Not to mention, the fact that this squirrel had object permanence fascinated me. The squirrel clawed at the space the hole once occupied to make sure it was truly closed, then chittered at the horse. The horse tilted her head. "What do you mean, 'It was here just a second ago'?" I silently gaped. Not only could this winged horse talk, but she could properly communicate with animals? I must admit, I was (and still am) jealous at her possession of this talent. The squirrel looked to the former hole, then out into the forest as if looking for somebody to back it up, before it hung its head in defeat. It chittered sadly as it remounted the horse. "Tell you what," the horse reassured as she began to turn around, "I'll go ask Twilight if she knows anything about disappearing holes in trees." The squirrel, seemingly dejected, gave a drawn-out squeak as it flopped onto its back. The horse began walking, and within moments, she was out of sight. Once I was sure she wouldn't hear me, I stepped out of the bushes, brought my notebook out again, and began this log. And that brings us to now. My plans for the foreseeable future are, in no particular order: 1. Gather resources to make a camp. 2. Learn more about the denizens of this place. 3. Study my new body more closely. 4. Figure out what exactly this place is, how I got here, and how I can get back.