//------------------------------// // Sonata No. 1 - 1st Movement: Adagio // Story: Le Prince et le Menteur // by CrackedInkWell //------------------------------// Blueblood was silent for a moment, tilting his head a little to the side. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” “And you are quite right,” Langue held his hat over his chest. “I am new to Equestria in general, given that I have arrived from Prance.” “Are you a new delegate?” “Oh no, not necessarily. You see I have recently immigrated over, earned a joint citizen status but I figured that if I’m going to live here, I might as well find suitable work. I had hoped that perhaps you may have the privilege to work for you.” Blueblood raised an eyebrow, walking towards his desk, he looked over Langue. Taking mental notes of this stranger from his clothing to his face. In his mind, he looked like something one would see on the illustrated cover of one of those historical romance novels. Only that there wasn’t anything fake as far as he saw it. Here in the flesh was a stallion that appeared to be flawless and elegant from the mane that he tied in the back to his cutie mark - a single deep red rose that was encompassed with a ring of vinyl thorns. Yet, from his lingering gaze at the mark, he heard Langue chuckle. “You see something that interests you, sire?” “Oh! Uh,” Blueblood cleared his throat, trying to hide his embarrassment, “Your cutie mark, what does it mean?” Langue looked over to his rump and smirked, “This? The rose itself is a symbol of my dedicated passion for anything I set my mind to.” “And the ring of thorns?” “The lengths I would go so I may protect and defend whatever - or… whoever, I’m passionate about.” Blueblood blushed, yet turned away from looking at Langue in the eye. He took in a few calming breaths when he walked behind his desk. “So… what kind of position are you looking for? As far as I’m aware, I don’t know any that are open or in need of replacing.” “Is that so?” Langue slowly walked over towards the desk. “Naturally, I’m not asking for much. I don’t want to be given a job without having earned it first.” “I see, but what kind of skills do you have?” “Let’s see… Apart from having Prench being my first language and I can speak Equestrian quite well; I am very good at being persuasive when need be. I’m good with delegating others, well organized, and adaptable. In my experience as a Lord, I had to take careful consideration with the wellbeing of those that I supervise.” “You’re a Lord?” “Oui Sire, at least, the kind that others turn to so that their land and domain are being looked after while they are away. You see, I was one of those that if another lord, dutchess, or what have you decides that they are called away, go on a holiday, or have to step away for official business, then I would temporarily step in until their return. But alas, despite all my efforts, I was never given any titles or land that is solely my own.” Langue knew that this too was part of his facade. That the best way to convince another into their lie is to tell a series of half-truths. Because in a way, all those parts about his skills with delegating while looking over other nobles' lands were technically true, along with being good at it. Even if Blueblood were to look up for any such evidence in Prance, he would find that this fact does check out.  Yet, he left out how he got to that position in the first place. Blueblood hummed in thought. “Even so, I do find it a little strange that a member of the Prench nobility has suddenly decided to come to Equestria to apply for a position from someone who takes care of international affairs.” “If your Majesty is asking where my loyalties lie, I can assure you that I’m not working for the Prench government, considering how little they gave me to do anyway. I had come here in hopes of better opportunities, and if they may support me, then they will have my undying loyalty. If you were to support me, then it is to you that I will devote to, regardless of what you want me to be.” “And why come to me? I don’t normally have ponies come to me with this sort of thing. Why not go speak with Celestia or Luna?” Langue hummed thoughtfully, going around the desk. “Perhaps I could. But given what I’ve heard about you, you seemed to be the more… safer bet.” “What have you heard about? What are you…?” Blueblood trailed off when he suddenly realized what he meant. “Does this have anything to do with-” “You coming out? Oui. And before you ask, no, I don’t have a problem with it. If anything…” Langue ran a hoof on the desk, “We are, as you say, in the same boat.” “O-Oh?” Blueblood backed away a little, feeling his cheeks heating up. “In what way?” “I… let us say that there was a scandal in my country that has exposed me in a… embarrassing way. Which was a major factor in my immigrating here. To seek asylum, and maybe find someone that has some idea of the pony that I am. After all, from what I’ve read, you have kept this for years. Always hidden something so personal from everyone. It is torture, no? It is lonely when you think you’re the only one that has gone through such a thing.” Langue made sure to make his eyes a little extra wide for the next part. “Surely, Your Grace, you know what it is like, no?” “Well, I…” Blueblood cleared his throat. “I do. And I’m sorry to hear that. I was fortunate enough to come out on my own terms. I can only imagine how humiliating it was for you.” “Still,” Langue lowered himself to where he was looking up to the prince. “I’m not asking much. If you have something, no matter how humble, I will take it. And you don’t have to do anything with me ever again. Yet… it is rather nice to know someone that has an idea of what I have gone through.” “My my…” Blueblood glances over to his desk. “Now that you’ve mentioned it, I… suppose I could finally open up a historian position to help organize my schedule, meetings, letters, and so forth.” “Ah! I am grateful,” Langue bowed low. “You have my word, majesté généreuse, that I will work diligently in your service.” “Very good,” Blueblood nodded, “so… could you come back tomorrow? I tend to do my duties between noon to six.” “I will be here,” Langue smiled, and now, for his masterstroke, “merci beaucoup, Prince Blueblood. And I realized that I have forgotten something important.” “And what’s that?” “In Prance, this is how we say goodbye,” he leaned forward to where his right cheek met the Prince, this sudden action caught Blueblood off guard as he sensed that he was frozen there. Not quite a nuzzle, but their cheeks were touching, “and hello.” Softly, and delicately as possible, Langue titled his head to the side to give the prince a noticeable kiss on the cheek before doing the same on the other.  Pulling away, he smiled at how flustered from this unexpected greeting he gave. The prince’s cheeks had gone from pink to red. “So, until tomorrow, au revoir, belle majesté.” He bowed one more time, backing away from him. By the time he turned around and started walking towards the door, he knew that he had Blueblood hooked. As for the Prince himself, his hunches slumped to the floor, stunned. It took him several minutes to process what just happened. Yet, even when he did, he still found it hard to believe it.  “Did he just…?” He raised a hoof to his cheek. There was a small part of him that thought that maybe because he was Prench, it was just their way of greeting. Surely that must be it, right…?  Another part of himself wasn’t so sure… “What was it like to be kissed by Shining for the first time?” Cadence looked up from her breakfast, “Sorry? Where did this come from?” Blueblood shifted in his seat. Even though he ordered a light breakfast of a pastry and tea, he pushed those to the side. “I’m curious is all. Just… do you recall when that happened.” “Of course I do, but why-” “There’s a reason but, care to share it with me?” Cadence took a moment to sip her glass of orange juice. “Well when it happened, we started to go out. I think it was getting late and it was raining too because I remember him holding an umbrella over us. We just saw a movie that I can’t remember what it was and he walked me back to the castle. He just let me go and I was walking up the steps when he unexpectedly turned around saying something along the lines of, ‘Hey, I forgot something.’ And he kissed me right there in the rain.” “So it just came without warning.” She nodded, “It was unexpected but I welcomed it because I was growing to like Shining at the time. But now you’ve got me curious, what’s all of this about?” “I was just wondering something.” Blueblood circled a small part of the table with the tip of his hoof. “Does a kiss mean something different in other places and circumstances?” “Well, that might depend on the context.” She tilted her head to the side, “Bluey, what’s going on?” Blueblood didn’t answer right away, he looked over to the side to make sure that they weren’t being listened to. In the sunroom, there wasn’t anything around except for the tropical plants and flowers that were in bloom. There weren’t any of the servants around, and the nearest guards were on the other side of the door into the sunroom. That, and Shining had finished up breakfast a little while ago and said he was going to the castle’s gym.  He breathed in through his nostrils. “Don’t tell anyone this because I’m not sure what to make of this myself but…” Cadence raised an eyebrow, leaning in her seat a little. “I was kissed yesterday.” “Wait, really?” She blinked. “It just happened and I don’t know if it means anything or it has a cultural context, but he was Pranch and-” “Bluely, slow down.” Cadence held up her hooves. “So… what happened?” Taking a moment to down some of his tea, Blueblood began again. He explained that a stallion that he had never seen before had asked an audience with him. He came directly to him to work for him since he recently immigrated from Prance. But then, just as he gave him a job as a historian, the stallion did something unexpected. He kissed him on both of his cheeks before he left. “Ooh, okay that makes a little more sense.” Cadence nodded. “Bluey, have you ever been to Prance or Istally?” Blueblood shook his head. “Not necessarily. I mean, you know I have worked on Equestria’s behalf in places like Saddle Arabia, Neighpon, Yakyakistan, and Mexicolt. But I haven’t gotten the chance to go to Prance myself - I haven’t even learned the language yet.” “Well, I have, and I think that what you’ve just experienced is something called la bise. It’s something of the equivalent of a hug or a hoofshake when you meet someone. Traditionally, it’s a way of greeting somepony.” “Even if…” Blueblood started to ask but his question died on his lips. “Yes?” “Even if it’s from another gay stallion?” “Wait, how did you-”  “He told me it was one of the reasons he came here. As a sort of asylum, apparently, he thought that it would be better to work with someone that has some idea of what he’s going through as well. And I won’t lie to you,” he sipped his tea, “Langue is rather handsome.” He admitted with his cheeks turning a tint of pink. Cadence downed the rest of her glass. “You know, I can’t believe that it’s me of all ponies that is saying this but… Blueblood, I think you need to slow down here.” “What?” He blinked. “I mean, you just met this stallion only yesterday. You don’t really know about his intentions, what he’s like, or if he’s already in a relationship.” “Don’t you think I already know that? But since yesterday, it’s all confusing to me what he’s trying to do. I mean… is he flirting because it’s a cultural thing or that he finds me attractive? Why is he doing this? Does he know what that kiss on the cheek means here in Equestria?” “In other words, and please correct me if I’m interpreting this wrong - you sound bewildered from what is going on.” “That… sounds about right, yes. And I wonder if there might be more that is going on as well.” Cadence hummed in thought. “Bluely, have you ever heard of Occam’s razor?” “Is that a shaving brand?” She chuckled, “Oh no! It’s a handy rule of hoof that states that the simplest and innocent of explanations are oftentimes the most likely. I could probably rule that even if this Prench guy is also gay, he probably had flirted and kissed you on the cheeks because it’s something he’s used to from where he’s from. He probably was trying to give you the utmost respect in the best way he knows how. He probably didn’t consider how you would interpret it.” As disappointing as that was to Blueblood, there was something in his cousin’s tone that suggests there’s more to this. “Why am I sensing a ‘but’ in that statement?” “While I do think it might have been an innocent mistake, I’m not ruling out the possibility that he may not have found you attractive somehow. Of course, since I don’t know all the details I can’t say. But from what I’ve heard, I wouldn’t entirely rule it out either.” “So what am I to do now? He’ll be here to work with me this afternoon.” “Well, if I were you, I’d get to know him a little. Maybe ask about his interests, what his life in Prance was like, what was his most or least favorite foalhood memory. Just stuff like that where it would give you a better picture of what kind of pony you’re dealing with. That, and given the ambiguity of it all, maybe, for now, it’s best to keep an open mind and give him the benefit of the doubt. Who knows, maybe something would come out of it. But as Twily would put it, always do your research first.” There wasn’t anything that Blueblood could argue against. Cadence was right in that he doesn’t know much about who Langue was, or if by chance it might grow into something deeper than an employer/employee sort or relationship. There were still so many questions that he had about this mysterious stallion that he didn't know about.  At least, not yet. “.... Other than that,” Langue flipped over to the next page. “The Prime Minister of Trottingham is asking to arrange a meeting with you in a few weeks. It’s regarding renegotiating trade deals with Equestria. Do you want to host this meeting or turn it down?” “I will take it up, but is it possible for him to come earlier?” “It doesn’t say, but I could write up a response asking about it.” After closing up the folder, he said, “And I believe that is it for today. Unless there is more paperwork hidden somewhere.” “No, that is all that needs to be taken care of.” Blueblood let out a relieved sigh, stretching at his desk. “Ah, very good.” Langue closed up the folder. “Unless there is anything else, Your Majesty, I believe I will be returning home. There is a slow-cooked stew that I’m looking forward to.” Blueblood hummed, “I will say that you carried yourself pretty well for your first day. Quite professional.” “Merci.” “However,” Blueblood rested his hooves on the desk. “There is something that has been bugging me that, if you have the time, I would like to know.” “Something wrong?” “No just…” he breathed in. “Mr. Langue, I don’t know much about you. Apart from where your nationality, being a Lord, and the… reasons why you came to Equestria. That is all I know about you.” “Ah, I see,” setting the folder down, Langue propped his upper half on the desk. “And what would His Highness wish to know?” “Tell me about yourself.” “For example…?” “Well, where did you grow up, and what was your foalhood like?” “Alright, I was born in Bordeaux.” “Where in Prance is that?” “Let me show you.” He turned to one of the globes near the desk, turned it so that he could show the prince his country. “It is right here,” he pointed at a spot by the sea that was in the southwestern part of Prance. “I know it is not as big as Paris or as important, but the country is usually quite lush.” “Isn’t Bordeaux famous for its wine?” Langue nodded, “Quite so! Some of the finest in the world. Why I remember the vineyards when I was a colt. My family has grown grapes for generations for the making of good quality wine.” “I thought you were a Lord?” “Well… even us Lords must justify the use of our lands, no? I knew in some areas they produce cheese while others have herds of sheep that they shear now and then to produce wool. And my family made wine.”  He paused to take a glance at the prince’s family portrait. It was a muse to help him so that the Prince would connect to him. “Yet, despite the beautiful countryside, I don’t remember it being particularly happy.” This got Blueblood’s attention. “No?” Shaking his head, Langue replied, “Growing up, my parents were what you may call… overprotective. Though I was bursting with life, I was a sickly child. As such, my mother forbade me to play with foals my age, and my father was overly concerned about my health. Looking back, I can tell they were doing this for my well-being, but when you live under their shadow, as something to be placed behind glass and only taken out for special occasions; one can’t help but feel resentful. So is it any wonder that the moment I had to get out - I took it.” “Have they…” Blueblood started to say but instantly stopped himself short. “What?” “Well, if it doesn’t cross a line. Have they tried to force you to be a certain way?” “.... I suppose I would be lying if I said they didn’t. Why?” Blueblood looked over to the portrait. “I have experienced something similar. Of course, not exactly like yours, but I have experienced being in control over every aspect of life.” “In what way?” He waved over to the painting, “My parents had everything planned out for me from the beginning. And I’m not exaggerating either, they had a schedule for me that I must follow. They had it so that they had it timed to the minute of where I was supposed to be, how long I was supposed to do it, with whom that I met. You can say that I had no say in the matter if they say that at this time that I must learn a second or third language, go to this place to learn about etiquette, speak with Auntie Celestia for five minutes - I do it. Even before their death, they had even planned my potential wedding for me. Did you know I was supposed to be married at the age of twenty-three, but they had passed away before they could arrange the marriage for me?” Langue slowly walked around the desk. “You never had a say in anything, have you - much like I have?” “You know, there’s something tragic about how the past haunts you in the present.” “Oh, mon prince tragique! Even though free, you still are in chains.” By then, Langue was up close to him, “I cannot speak for what you have gone through, but I have a good idea what it is like to pretend as someone you’re not. To wear a painted smile constantly is exhausting. Yet,” he traced a hoof down the side of Blueblood’s shoulder, “être libéré être soi-même! To find another that you don’t have to keep secrets to without judgment because they experienced something similar.” “I wish I could have something like that.” Langue placed a hoof underneath Blueblood’s chin, lifting it up so that his eyes faced his, “And who is to say that you don’t? You have me, a humble servant to Your Majesty. I know that it is hard to carry such burdens alone - but if you allow me to carry that weight with you; I may ease your sorrows.” Blueblood’s heartbeat so hard that he could feel it in his chest, his cheeks flustered so unexpectedly that he backed away. “F-Forgive me, I didn’t mean to get this-” “Intimate?” Langue smirked, “If you have been alone as I have, is it so unnatural to find that you are not alone? Please, mon prince, do not be ashamed around me. At least let me teach you how to live without having it being so heavy on your mind. You don’t have to put up a façade unlike everyone else you have to interact.” He reached out to cup his cheek, “I know it is hard. I know how deeply humiliating it is to show another your deepest self and say ‘This is me, no one can change but myself, and maybe, I don’t want to!’ Let me show you how to live a life of courage and never let fear control you.” Blueblood almost stepped back as no doubt Langue could feel the warmth from his cheek. “That… is something I can only wish I could be.” “If you wish it, so shall it be. But for now, I must go. Hopefully, we may begin such a journey tomorrow?” The prince blinked, “Wait, are you asking me on-” Langue silenced him with a hoof over his lips, “Ah-ha! Not yet, but… perhaps soon. For now, let us rest on this so we know where to go from here, oui?” “I… Well…” Blueblood nodded, “Until tomorrow?” He smiled, “Of course,” he leaned in to kiss him on both cheeks. “Until then, au revoir.” He bowed once more before he left the office. Alone once more, Blueblood felt his cheeks. Not because of the kisses, but to feel something on his face that was strange but… oddly welcoming. He almost thought that it was something he was incapable of, yet there it was - he could feel it. He was smiling genuinely. “Monsieur, voudriez-vous encore me rappeler pourquoi vous avez invité le Prince Blueblood à dîner? (Sir, would you kindly remind me again why you invited Prince Blueblood over for dinner?)” Maximilian asked, rubbing the side of his head. Langue looked over the table like how a sculpture would at his art piece. He walked around to look at every angle to see that nothing was out of place. All the silverware was polished and placed symmetrically. The china was cleaned from dust and still shimmered, especially in candlelight. All the candles were positioned straight up and lit evenly. He also checked to see the silk tablecloth was even on all sides; as well as the centerpiece of the table - a small dome of blooming red roses was just where it needed to be.  “Jusqu'à maintenant, (Up until now,)” Langue said, “J'ai simplement été tenté par notre prince. (I’ve been merely tantalizing our prince.)” He took a moment to adjust the crystal goblet so the carved sides would line up with the other. “Pour l'instant, je l'ai accroché. Mais maintenant, je vais devoir assumer la tâche critique de le ramener. (So far, I’ve got him hooked. But now I’ll have to take the critical task to reel him in.)” Just then, they heard the doorbell ring.  Maximilian sighed, “Dois-je laisser entrer le pauvre meunier? (Shall I allow the poor sucker inside?)” “Par tous les moyens, s'il vous plaît. (By all means, please do.)” Langue took his seat at one end of the table while his butler went over to the front door.  Unlocking the latches, Maximilian pulled open the door to see the Prince there. Even though he had never met Blueblood in his life, he could tell right away that the prince was agitated like a teenager on his first date. From the stiff posture to the royal blue suit that had a white flower in its coat pocket, even the smell of orange leaves perfumed so heavily that the butler briefly wondered if Blueblood was really an orange tree that was just brought to life. “Oh hello!” Blueblood adjusted his golden bowtie, “I’m expected, is Langue here?” The butler only stared at him.  “He said that he lived here, so is he home?” Maximilian didn’t say anything but stepped back and gestured a hoof to lend him inside. Although Blueblood wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, he did walk in and followed the butler into the house.  The prince didn’t say anything, but he was taken aback at how unusually small the house was. Even for a Lord’s, it was oddly a modest size where it had no second floor, and everything seemed a bit… simple for his tastes. Not that there wasn't anything on the walls like a piece of art here and there - there was - but the prince was somewhat unnerved how much the hallways seemed to lack sophistication.  Blueblood was shown in the dining room that was only lit by candlelight. The room bathed in an orange, amber flickering glow as if he had stepped back a few centuries ago. Yet, in the dim light was Langue who got up from his seat. “Your Majesty,” he bowed, “welcome to my humble abode.” “Humble is right…” Blueblood muttered. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting.” “Oh no! You’re on time.” He tilted his head to the side to address his butler, “Allez à la cuisine chercher le vin et les apéritifs. (Go to the kitchen and fetch the wine and appetizers.)” He waved a hoof. Maximilian nodded and went away. Taking a seat across from Langue, he commented, “Don’t consider me rude, but is your servant uh… mute?” “Oh no, Maximilian simply doesn’t know Equestrian. He only speaks Prench you see.” “I see…” Blueblood nodded and glanced around the dining room. “And your home seems a bit… barren.” “Yes, but I would ask for your forgiveness on my part. Since immigrating to Equestria, I had to spend a good deal of bits just to move in. And some of the luxuries have to be stripped. But rest assured, dinner will still be as high quality as that in Prance.” “My…” He looked at the table that, though simplified from what he’s used to, he realized that the china, silverware, and even the tablecloth was probably the best he had in the house. “I had no idea that you had to live like this.” “You could blame the uh… scandal for my living arrangements. But I’m blessed to have what I got. Yet, regardless of the circumstances, it is my duty as Prench to give you the best in hospitality by the highest quality we can muster.” Blueblood smiled. “I do appreciate you going the extra mile just for me.” “For you? I would have done so anyway.”  Just then, Maximilian returned with a bottle of wine and a tray of appetizers. Small slices of a baguette with a goat cheese spread, pair, and hay bacon on top. The butler, after dishing and pouring out evenly to the two, excused himself to prepare for the next course. For a while, Blueblood wasn’t sure what to say or do. Apart from nibbling on the appetizer and taking small sips of wine, he didn’t know if there was something he was supposed to do.  “Is there something wrong, Your Grace?” Langue inquired. “Have you found something displeasing with the food?” “N-No, it’s just…” Blueblood let out a frustrated sigh, “I’m sorry, I have no idea what I’m doing.” Langue tilted his head. “What do you mean?” “I mean… I’ve uh… never been on a date that I wanted to go on before.” “Wanted to go on?” “I…” he grunted, “Well, it’s not that I haven’t been on dates before, but up until now, they’re usually arranged or someone forced it on me. Usually, I try every trick in the book to make it so bad that whoever is with me would storm off. But now…” Langue spotted a golden opportunity. “And now, you are on a date that you want to be on, but don’t know how to conduct yourself in.” “It’s embarrassing to admit it-” “No no! Don’t be ashamed. It is perfectly natural for a stallion in your position. Besides,” Langue got up, “it’s rather flattering that you want me to be on a date with.” Blueblood’s eyes widened at realizing his mistake, “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to let it slip out like-” “Ah-ha!” Langue was in front of him. “Don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize about.” He reached a hoof over Blueblood’s shoulder. “But tell the truth, do you like me that way? To really go on a date with?” “W-Well…” Blueblood averted his eyes, his cheeks warming up. “I-I know we just meet a few days ago… And I know it’s a little too soon to tell but-” “But?” “It’s… It’s difficult to explain. But there’s something different about you that I can’t put a hoof on. I mean… I never had a stallion that was interested in me like this before.” Langue dramatically gasped, “Oh chers dieu! Pauvre âme misérable! (Oh dear gods! You poor miserable soul!) Please say that isn’t true. No one?”  “I wish it wasn’t.” Blueblood embarrassingly said, “I mean, I have fallen in love with others before - but none of them felt the same way back. So… you’re the first.” Shaking his head in disbelief, Langue hid his smile from the prince, muttering, “Je ne peux pas croire que ça va être aussi facile! (I can not believe that it’s going to be this easy!)” He turned back to face the prince. “Your Majesty, I may be a humble Lord that has fallen on hard times. I may have lost a good deal of my fortune when I was humiliated. Having to flee the country and having to restart again, I can take solace that there is one ray of happiness in all of this.” He cupped the Prince’s cheek, “Though I may have lost much, I have gained something greater.” Blueblood took hold of Langue’s hoof, “But… you don’t have to live like this. If you want, I can get you a much bigger estate to live in, more servants, even greater wealth just-” Langue shushed him. “Dear Prince, you are too kind, but I want to earn my way. Yes, you have indeed brought great happiness to me - I have not quite earned your heart.” “But-” “It would mean nothing if you gave it so willingly, so immediately. No! I will not lose something so easily given only to be easily taken away. That is not the kind of love I seek.” Blueblood felt his face had turned red. “And… what are you seeking?” Langue leaned forward, getting closer to Blueblood’s face. “The kind where it would grow strong and tall. Where not shame or scandal would demolish it. The kind where there is little need of secrets, little need of deception, and no matter how disgusting or shameful - you are willing to share, knowing that I wouldn’t judge you harshly. The kind that you would allow me into your innermost sanctum.” They were close now, face to face mere inches away with the prince unsure what this stallion was going to do next. He had never been talked like this before; never had he been told that he wanted to be earned to be desired by. So new this whole experience was that he was questioning if he should kiss him or not. He didn’t know if he was going to do that for him. So close to his lips… Langue gave a peck on his nose. He pulled away with a smile. “I have a long way to go before that happens.” From the doorway, Maximilian coughed into his hoof. Thus getting the attention of both stallions. “Donc je suppose que vous l'avez ramené? (So I assumed you have reeled him in?)” “What did he say?” Blueblood asked. “He said he has brought our next course.” Langue lied. “Would you like to have Maximilian bring out the phonograph to play Buch while we dine?” Even though the two stallions sat back down in their seats and enjoyed course after course of Prench cuisine, and even when at least an hour or two had gone by; to Blueblood, everything was over too soon. He didn’t recall what he ate, but just being in the same room as Langue was (despite how clichè the words were) magical. Time had cruelly slipped by unnoticed, that by the time dessert came with a chocolate souffle, Langue got up from the table. “That was a wonderful meal, don’t you think?” “Mm?” Blueblood blinked, glancing down at his half-eaten dessert before him. “I… yes, it was.” “I appreciated the company, Your Grace,” Langue smiled, “Perhaps we could do this again sometime soon?” “Do you think I could…” Blueblood began to say but trailed off. “What?” “I uh… I hope this isn’t too soon to ask but. Maybe, the next time around, do you think I could stay with you for the night?” Langue blinked, “Dear Prince, I’m flattered, but that seems a bit quick for that, don’t you think?” “I-I didn’t imply to sleep with you - at least not like that - what I mean to say-” Blueblood covered his face in embarrassment. “Goddesses dammit!” “I will assume that you innocently meant to have us linger longer than just over a meal, no? Maybe in the future, but, as I said. One step at a time.” He walked over to Blueblood to kiss him on both his cheeks. “A la prochaine, bonne nuit. (Until next time, good night.)” “What?” “I will see you tomorrow, Prince Blueblood.” Blueblood told him the same, getting up and exiting the house. Langue smirked when his butler entered. Maximilian asked, “Combien de temps veux-tu continuer la mascarade? (How long do you want to continue the charade for?)” “Pas avant d'être dans la meilleure position. (Not until we’re in the best position.)” He replied. “Maintenant que je l'ai eu là où j'ai besoin de lui, j'ai juste besoin de faire semblant un peu plus longtemps et nous serons dans la rue facile pour le reste de nos vies. (Now that I got him where I need him, I just need to pretend a little longer and we’ll be on easy street for the rest of our lives.)” While gathering up the dishes, Maximilian said, “Pour votre bien, j'espère que vous savez quand descendre avant qu'il ne soit trop tard pour le faire. (For your sake, I hope you know when to get off before it becomes too late to do so.)” Langue laughed, “S'il te plaît! Tu donnes l'impression que je ne sais pas ce que je fais. Je finirai par rompre, je dois juste attendre le bon moment pour le faire. (Please! You’re making it sound like I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ll break it off eventually, I just need to wait for the right moment to do so.)” There was something familiar about this garden, but Blueblood couldn’t put a hoof on it. In every direction, it was full of color but everything from the trees swaying in the breeze, the spring, lilac-purple flowers that draped over a turquoise green bridge, even the pond full of lily pads seemed familiar. He wasn’t even sure how he got on the rowboat that was painted white with dark blue highlights at the edges.  However, what he was sure about was that he was floating alone in Langue’s caressing hooves. Although everything else was blurry, he could see him clearly. On his back, he was held by his perfect stallion with the sun overhead in the brilliantly blue sky. Langue’s head blocked the sun, almost making it look like he had a halo behind him. “What an unfairly long day you had today,” He heard Langue say, stroking his mane consolingly. “It has?” Blueblood blinked. “Never given a break, never a time to just stop and enjoy the moment.” Langue glanced up for a moment to the garden. “Do you like this place? It’s my favorite place in the whole world. So peaceful, so calm, and so beautiful - like you.” “Y-You think I’m-” Langue squashed him, putting a free hoof to his lips. “Be still, and just enjoy the moment.” Blueblood felt that he was paralyzed but given the look in Langue’s eye that saw desire in it - he welcomed it. Langue’s face was descending on his, getting closer and closer. Tilting his head to the side and closing his eyes.  “Langue…” Blueblood whispered, willing to surrender to the kiss that was about to come. “If I knew you would be dreaming this, I would have brought some popcorn.” Blueblood’s eyes sprang open wide and looked over to the third voice that unexpectedly spoke up. While he was looking upside-down, he saw Princess Luna by the bot, apparently standing on the blurry water.  “Gah!” Blueblood flung about with Langue suddenly disappearing on him. He almost tipped over if it weren’t for Luna keeping the rowboat steady. “Aunt Luna?! What are you doing here?!” “My job, since dreams are in my domain.” “What? I’m dreaming?” Blueblood sat up, looking around at his surroundings. “Wait… now I know why this looks familiar. This is Moneigh’s garden. I’m inside a painting.” “Indeed.” Luna walked into the other side of the boat, facing her nephew. “So what exactly did I walk into? That stranger was about to lay a kiss on you but didn’t resist.” “Wait, didn’t you know that I came out?” She blinked, “Come out of what?” “So… Celestia didn’t tell you that I’m gay?” “Well I see that you are in a better mood, but what does that have to do with anything?” “You mean you don’t know?” “Blueblood, I work in Night Court, I’m pretty much the last pony in Equestria to know what’s going on.” The prince grunted, rubbing the side of his head, “Luna, do you grasp the concept of two stallions falling in love with one another on a deep, emotional, and sexual level?” “What are you… oh!” Luna suddenly realized, “Why yes! The Pegasi style of love. Yes, I am aware of that sort of thing. Why, there’s a reason why I only allow my guard to be such a way if they were to be my security. Of course, it took a while for me to reform the group as it was disbanded after my banishment.” Now it was Blueblood’s turn to blink, “Wait, you mean the Lunar Guard is actually… You know what, one thing at a time! So yes, what your guards are, I’m that too.” “Ooh…” Luna nodded in realization. “I never knew you were one yourself.” She pointed, “And that stranger was someone you have an affiliation towards, correct?” “Something like that, yes.” He paused for a long moment, “Are you… disgusted by it?” The Princess of the Night tilted her head in confusion, “Why would I be? My Lunar Guards are attracted to one another and are extremely loyal to me and each other. Did I not make that clear?” “I think so, it’s just…” He let out a frustrated sigh, “All of this is confusing to me. I’ve barely known him for less than a week and already I feel something deeper than friendship. Now that I’ve officially let the world know of who I am and what I’m into - am I falling so fast because I’m desperate for love or am I being blinded by infatuation?” “Do you know if this stranger feels the same way - or does he know?” “Oh, he knows alright. I think he feels the same way but said we should pace ourselves. But… I don’t know, I want to express how much he means to me.” “I see…” Luna hummed in thought. “You know, I recall there was an old custom among the Pegasi when such a thing happens.” “Really?” “You see, in the ancient days, when a stallion wishes to express something on a deep level with another, it was custom that he should bring gifts as a way to express that sort of love. It would always start with small things such as a shiny stone, or a bushel of grain. But if that love is returned, the gifts would become more valuable with each visit such as bringing a new tool, a new chalice, a jug of wine, and so on. Such courtships tend to be an expansive affair, but it is the outcome that both would love each other more than they do a mare - it would end with the presentation of something sweet like honey as it was rare in those days.” “Do you think I should do something similar?” “In my view, to have stallions have that sort of connection is a mark of honor. It’s the same reason why I have my guards be such because I know that if something comes, they will fight to the death for one another. If you wish to pursue this, I will see it as the most honorable thing you could do with your life. I would suggest like those from the Ancient Pegasi Empire to start small and see what happens from there. And if you need some further assistance, do not be afraid to call on me if you need something to make it happen.” Luna got up and gracefully, she stepped off the boat and stood above the water, “I must go, there are many other dreams that need my attention. Farewell Blueblood, I wish you luck with your most noble of quests.” With that, Luna lit up her horn to rip open a portal in which she stepped through. The next day, Langue came into Blueblood’s office at noon. As he walked through the double doors, he spotted a bouquet of roses on the desk with a card sticking out. Curious, he walked over to get a closer look at it to find that the card had his name on it. “Maintenant, qu'est-ce que c'est? (Now, what is this?)” He asked aloud as he levitated the card over to unfold it. Langue, I cannot thank you enough for the dinner last night. Later on today, I want to talk about raising your salary so you can move to a proper place in Canterlot. I want to do what I can to help you out. With Love, - Blueblood. Looking between the note and the roses, Langue grinned. “Now that is more like it.”