Destiny or Coincidence?

by TalB

Exploring Equestria

Twilight has taken Megan back to Equestria to introduce her to the rest of her group as well take her around Equestria.

"Hello everyone, this is Megan Williams, Ponyland's original savior." said Twilight to the rest of the group.

Rainbow Dash was the first to come over to her and say, "Meeting you is so awesome!"

Megan thought and said, "Hearing that attitude almost made me think of Firefly for moment."

As Rainbow Dash responded, "As matter of fact, I'm her descendant. I was the one who originally wanted to get you, but Twilight insisted to do it herself. She even claimed that I might just fall down a well with you getting me out just like you did with Firefly."

The rest of the group along with Megan laughed as Rainbow Dash again felt embarrassed by that.

Applejack approached Megan and said, "Howdy Megan! It's a pleasure to meet you."

Megan answered with, "You pretty much look like the Applejack I knew long ago only sounding different and wearing a cowboy hat."

Applejack blushed after hearing that.

Rarity was the next to come up to Megan and say, "Perhaps, I should make a clothing line of what you wear and give it to the other ponies."

Megan answered back with, "You do remind me of Glory except for your cutie mark, though I do know another pony who had one just like yours and her name was Sparkler."

Rarity thought that she might have been a combination of the two.

Pinkie Pie approached Megan and shouted, "I'm so excited to meet you!"

Megan being lucky enough to not lose her hearing from that said, "With that you could almost be Surprise."

Pinkie still thought that Megan was talking about surprises in which she loved so much.

At first Fluttershy was afraid to approach Megan in the fear that never seeing someone like her before meant that she could harm or even eat her, but Twilight convinced her otherwise and she said quietly, "You're not going to do something bad to me."

Megan said in confidence, "You do look like Posey only with wings. However, you don't have to worry, because I won't try to do anything bad to you. Also, I can always pet you if that will make you feel better as do with TJ, who is a pony back in my world, when he feels scared or nervous."

Fluttershy accepted Megan's request to pet her and felt calm as her fingers went across her fur and mane making it go away, while the rest of the Mane 6 came to Megan as she petted them as well.

Spike came up and said, "What am I? Chopped liver!"

Megan then said, "You do look different from the Spike I knew, and it's not sounding different, but also looking sort of slimmer but even having wings that even the Spike I knew didn't have."

Megan also asked, "Is the rest of your group also descendants from those I knew in the past just like you are, Twilight?"

Twilight then stated, "Yes they are especially since they seem to remind you of them."

As they walked by the former site of Midnight Castle, Twilight mentioned to Megan as they faced the former castle, "Although this used to be Midnight Castle where you started your adventures in Ponyland, it was also home to the princesses at one time before moving into the one they built in Everfree Forest."

They were ready to head back and explore Equestria with leaving Canterlot Castle at the end of the day knowing how busy the princesses were throughout the day.

While walking. a bigger dragon named Discord starts appearing out of dimensional holes and even starts touching Megan in places that makes her feel uncomfortable and said, "Hello, my name is Discord and I have never seen someone like you before."

Megan after being touched by him and feeling uncomfortable said, "My name is Megan, and I can't understand why you are so touchy."

Discord responded with, "Don't take it the wrong way, I just happen to be very affectionate."

Megan than asked Twilight, "Does he do this to the rest of you?"

Twilight answered with, "Unfortunately, he does this to us all the time."

Megan replied, "Is there a way to get him to stop doing this?"

Twilight then mentioned, "Unfortunately, we couldn't even if we wanted to, but we should be at least happy that he doesn't use his power of chaos for evil anymore."

"I used to be so evil that I was even turned a statue by the Elements of Harmony by the very princesses, but I was freed thanks to some fillies arguing over each other." said Discord.

Megan decided to ask, "Why were you evil to begin with?"

Discord responded with, "They don't call me the spirit of chaos for nothing, and I was even a threat to the princesses so much that I even tried to overthrow them."

Fluttershy then answered, "Even though we used the Elements of Harmony to turn him back into a statue again, we believed that he could be reformed, and he has been a great friend to me."

Twilight then continued the conversation, "However, there was a point where we felt he was going back to his old ways by joining up with Tirek, but then got betrayed by him and helped me beat him, which made him good ever since."

As they went towards Everfree Forest, they noticed a bearded pony with a wizard hat named Star Swirl the Bearded and he said, "I'm very happy to finally see you, Megan Williams."

"Who are you and how do you know my name, plus are you some kind of psychic?" asked Megan.

"I'm more of a wizard and my name is Star Swirl the Bearded," explained Star Swirl, "When I used to be mentored by the Moochick in learning how to really use my telekinesis powers as he did with the other unicorns. Also, he mentioned you a number of times. Now I'm glad that I can actually meet you rather than just hear all the stories about you."

Megan said out of interest, "You must be very old to be with the Moochick, plus I never knew he was training the unicorn ponies to use their powers to the fullest extent."

Star Swirl then answered, "It wasn't just us unicorns, he also gave the pegasi a purpose to control the weather when needed, and even helped the earth ponies do what they needed for the ground."

Megan couldn't believe what she heard and replied, "Back when I was here, I just saw the Moochick as a mischievous gnome, though he did give help to me and the ponies when needed. More importantly, he was the one who first gave me the locket that contained the Rainbow of Light that I currently have right now when I first arrived."

"It's good to see that it's still around and safe with you, so now I know that he picked the right creature to be its holder." replied Star Swirl.

In addition, Star Swirl mentioned, "Along with me and the other unicorns that made the pillars. He believed he could create something with similar powers to the Rainbow of Light itself by planting a seed with our magic powers. With such magic, we were able to create the Tree of Harmony."

Megan then asked, "Is the Tree of Harmony still around today?"

Twilight then answered with, "Unfortunately, it was destroyed by King Sombra, but some of the students over at the School of Friendship did make it into a treehouse with what was left of it.

They all went to the Treehouse of Harmony to see what was left of the very tree, though Megan still wished it wasn't destroyed due to never seeing the actual tree herself. Nonetheless, she was at least happy to see pictures of what it looked like before it was destroyed that were placed there as a reminder to what it looked like.

As they continued on, they all found themselves by the sea, but Megan wasn't sure why they stopped here.

Popping came a sea pony who was also a Hippofgriff named Queen Novo as well as her daughter Princess Skystar, and she said, "It's good to see you again Twilight, and I can see that not only are you with your friends, but even brought back someone we sea ponies' thought would never see again since our ancestors."

Megan responded, "In all honesty, it's been a long time since I have seen any sea ponies, but the ones I remembered were always known for singing most of the time, though they did help stop me and the original Applejack from drowning as well as help us get into Midnight Castle."

Queen Novo said, "We may not sing much today, but we do have an entire community below known as Seaquestria, which I would like you to see."

"I don't think we will be able to breathe long enough to see it, plus I will probably have to take off my clothes so that they won't get wet." replied Megan

"Don't worry about it, your clothes won't get wet, and they will even be dry when you come out." Queen Novo said.

She uses her magic to help everyone go into the water.

Megan then said, "Nothing happened, and we still look the same."

Queen Novo then said, "You have to jump into the water to in order for it to take full effect."

They all jumped in, and Megan noticed herself with a fish tail in place of her legs as well as a bikini top that looked like seashells and said, "I can't believe that I'm now a mermaid!"

Megan couldn't believe her eyes when approaching Seaquestria as she noticed what looked like an entire city.

The gang got back up and their bodies returned to normal shortly after coming up and Megan still felt surprised that neither her clothes nor hair were wet despite the fact that she was just in the water.

Next up was going to Crystal Empire to meet Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart, and Megan bowed down before them as she was introducing herself towards them, but they felt as if it was unnecessary for her to do that.

Princess Cadence said to Megan, "You don't have to do that, because I'm not that formal unlike my aunts Celestia and Luna, and even Twilight herself despite being a princess isn't like that either."

Megan then asked her, "What was Twilight's reaction when you married her brother Shining Armor?"

Cadence stated, "At first she didn't like it and thought I was using this to get at her. Later on, she found me in a mine and realized that I was never at the wedding but to be impersonated by a changeling known as Queen Chrysalis, who can take anyone's form."

"If this Queen Chrysalis saw me, could she take my form as well?" asked Megan.

Twilight answered, "In theory, she probably could especially since you would be someone she has never seen before. Knowing this, that would be a big bonus for her. However, we're lucky that she's no longer around so you won't have to worry about that."

Megan then asked Cadence, "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly made you an alicorn?"

Cadence said, "When I was a very young pegasus, I did help stop a witch pony known Prismia by talking her necklace used to stop any form of love and that made her stop her evil ways. Doing such lead to me to being transported and adopted by Princess Celestia who made me the very alicorn I am right now."

Looking at Flurry Heart, Megan seemed both impressed but also confused at the same time in having her say, "I thought you said that alicorns aren't naturally born."

Twilight then mentioned, "Megan, remember when I said to you earlier that alicorns aren't naturally born for the most part?"

Megan answered, "Yes and why do you say that?"

Twilight stated, "That's because Flurry Heart was actually born an alicorn for some reason. This not only surprised Cadence herself, but also the rest of us along with both Celestia and Luna feeling surprised as if they have never saw something like this before. Witnessing such an event made her an exception to this claim."

Megan said, "I can see why that was the case."

Their next stop was towards Sweet Apple Acres, a farm where Applejack resided when a green, wrinkly pony known as Granny Smith come out to welcome them along with a yellow filly known as Apple Bloom, who looked up to Megan and said, "You are one strange creature."

Megan then answered to the filly, "I'm known as a human being or just human for short."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle came out as well to join Apple Bloom and they all mentioned to her that they were the Cutie Mark Crusaders in that they were using that name as a way to help themselves earn their cutie marks.

However, Megan feeling confused by the group's name asked, "Why do you still keep that name even though you now have your cutie marks?"

They each mentioned, "We just like keeping this name because it also helped us find out more about ourselves not to mention made us friends."

After that, all three jumped up into Megan's arms as she hugged them and then got back down.

The group then left for Ponyville as those that lived there showed her around to where they lived and worked as well as Twilight showing her the castle where she now resides in, but then a light green pony comes running up to her and said, "OMG, I can't believe it, but humans really are real, which means that I'm not crazy!"

"Who are you supposed to be?" said Megan.

The pony answered with, "My name is Lyra Heartstrings, and I have never doubted the existence of your kind. Now that I am right, everyone here owes me an apology and even some bits for saying that I was wrong."

Twilight then answered to Lyra, "Lyra, we never did say humans such as Megan don't exist, we just said that they normally don't come here since they're not native to Equestria."

Megan than thought that land Ponyville was in sort of reminded her of Dream Valley, but then Twilight told her that it was the case as it turned into what was once an open space into a bustling town that is there now.

"Are any of the places from Dream Valley still here today?" asked Megan.

Twilight stated, "Unfortunately, Dream Castle no longer exists, but that was mainly because it wasn't very livable after what an entity such as The Smooze did to it along with it sitting on a site that was known to be prime real estate. However, the house known as Paradise Estate that we passed by earlier is still around despite being empty, but that's mainly due to disputes on whether or not it should be landmarked and preserved to which a number of ponies are mixed on."

"Maybe I can help give a case to save it especially since I was known for being there." said Megan

"That would be a good idea and I hope it will work." replied Twilight.

The group was now ready to head to Canterlot to meet the Royal Sisters and have Megan learn what happened to Ponyland after she left.