//------------------------------// // Cancer: Literally Worse Than Death (Probably) // Story: My Little Dream World: Cancer Is Magic // by SonsOfThunder3000 //------------------------------// You may be wondering, "What am I reading? Where are the ponies? Why is some random nobody talking about sad depressing hospital related junk?" And to you I say: Be patient. The ponies will come, I promise. But first we must discuss how It came about that I first entered Ponyville. Otherwise you'd be like, "Why is this loser here? What is he doing? When do we get to see ponies?" Again, be patient. All your whining does is prolong the wait until you get to read about the ponies. And please, don't be so mean. I mean seriously, there is no need for name calling before you even finish the first paragraph. If you really don't want to wait for more than five seconds for ponies, then just pull up pretty much any site on the internet. You will find ponies, I promise. Anyways, who am I? What is so significant about me that I had to write a whole introduction telling about me and not tiny Technicolor horses? Well, everything, really. You see, whenever I go to sleep, I wake up in Ponyville. No, really, I'm not messing around. I honestly got there every time I go to sleep. But before I can explain how I go there, I have to go back a little further. "WHAT!?! HOW LONG CAN THIS TAKE!?!" Oh hush! Who's telling this story anyway? If you don't like it, go write your own. Gosh. It all started in December of 2011. I had had major leg pain for a few months now, and it was really making everyday tasks almost impossible. My family thought I had just pulled a muscle, and thought nothing of it. But on December 29, we went to go get it checked out, because it was just not getting better. They took my blood pressure, got my height, weight, nothing out of the ordinary. And then they took an x-ray of my leg, just to see if there was anything wrong with it. So I waited with my mom to get the results from the x-ray back. We didn't expect much, a pulled muscle or cracked bone at most. Boy were we mistaken.The Doctor came in and said, "Okay, I'm just gonna be straight up with you. The x-ray showed what appeared to be a tumor. Best case scenario, it's a bone infection. I'm sorry." Needless to say, I was speechless. On my way into that building, I thought I might just need to have a cast at most. Leaving, I didn't even know if I'd even stay alive. Long story short, I had cancer. I went through all the ordinary stuff: MRI, CT scan, PET scan, you name it. We finally got the results back. It was osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer that usually had a 60% to 80% chance of survival. So after about a month of going to nonstop doctor appointments everyday, it was finally time. Time to start chemo. People ask me quite often, "What's it like to have chemo? What does it feel like? Is it as bad as it sounds?" So I describe it as best as I can: Imagine getting the flu. Picture that, and then imagine a monkey taking a dump in your face and forcing you to eat it while you are being stomped on by a bull while constantly having poison shot up into you and having an endless supply of vomit that somehow comes up even if all you eat is one single cracker, and multiply that by ten. What you get is not even CLOSE to how bad chemo is. So that had been going on for a couple of months, and I finally had a couple weeks off at home. After about three days straight of sleeping, I pulled up netflix and looked in the suggested top ten category, and the first thing that popped up was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I had heard about it on the internet, and was kinda curious about it, but not enough to actually watch it, because that would be madness, right? Well, seeing as I was to tired to watch something that involved to much thinking, and my brothers were getting on my nerves and I just wanted some quiet, I decided to give it a try. I mean really, how bad could it be? THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!! I mean, at first I wasn't sure. It was definitely easy to make fun of. I mean, come on, Twilight Sparkle? As in, the sparkly vampires from the movie Twilight? Really? But I gave it a chance. It was about the time when I first saw Pinkie Pie that I was convinced that this would at least be funny. And after watching the first three episodes, I was instantly hooked! That was all I watched for days. I guess you could even say that it made my life... wait for it... 20% Cooler!!! I know, I know, really overused pun, but who cares. I have cancer. Deal with it. So after my brief "Vacation" from Hell (excuse me, the cancer clinic. Sometimes its hard to tell the two apart), It was time to go back. It's amazing how a couple of weeks in your own bed can make such a difference. Immediately, I was wishing I was back at home. The smells were bad, the food was literally worse than my vomit, and every four hours I was woken up to get my blood pressure, heart rate, and to check my temp. As much as they want you to rest, they sure don't let you have any. Well, this is when things turned around. I can't really explain what happened, so I'll have to do my best. They gave me a new chemo drug. It was a new drug that had just been approved for testing. Great. I get to be the guinea pig for this new drug that I don't even know if it will work or not. It was called Raridalilghtershappiepie. I called it C.R.A.P. for short. At first I felt no different than before. I was tired, nauseated, would've rather been dead than had to hear that unbelievably annoying noise of the machine pumping poison into me mess up for the thirty-thousandth time that day, and just all around felt like poop. Eventually I was able to go to sleep Then I woke up. But I wasn't in the hospital anymore. I was lying on my back in a tree. My head hurt really bad, like I had landed on it. Before I knew what was happening, I was floating around the room. My head finally stopped hurting long enough for me to see what was the cause of me being airborne. There, right in front of me, was a small, purple unicorn. That's when I realized. I wasn't in the hospital anymore. I was in Equestria.