//------------------------------// // Learning the truth // Story: Destiny or Coincidence? // by TalB //------------------------------// Coming to Canterlot they approached the castle as they royal guards were ready to announce their arrival and they were brought into the throne room to meet the Royal Sisters. "Me and my sister are pleased to see you again even if it has been over a thousand years, Megan Williams.", said Celestia. "I'm pleased to see both of you too as I haven't seen either of you since you were fillies brought up to Paradise Estate left in a basket with no names for either of you.", as Megan replied. Luna then added, "It was you who helped start our lives especially since Tia and I never knew who our actual parents were but looking at you and giving us our names helped turned it all around for us." "You both have come a long way from when I last saw you as you weren't princesses or even alicorns when I last saw you." said Megan. They both started to blush after hearing that and even let Megan come over to pet them both. Before telling her, what happened, they all took a walk in the courtyard and Megan noticed the statue of Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow and asked, "What is the purpose of this statue and why is it here?" Twilight mentioned, "Believe it or not, this statue of the three is actually their prison as they were turned into this rather than just killed or imprisoned for what they did." Megan then looked at the part that was Tirek and asked, "Is it possible that Tirek is the descendant of Tirac, who I faced back at Midnight Castle?" Twilight then answered with, "He probably is, and if he was still alive, he would most likely want to seek his revenge on you for killing his ancestor to avenge his defeat." After knowing about Chrysalis, Megan asked after getting a better look at her portion, "Seeing that her wings sort of look like that of a butterfly, is there is chance that she and the other changelings were Flutter Ponies at one point?" Celestia answered her with, "Unfortunately, they were, and Chrysalis herself was once Queen Rosedust, their very queen. She and the rest became this way for wanting to avoid extinction, live longer, and to become more powerful due to her jealousy towards me and Luna." Megan with a better understanding about what occurred answered, "So in other words, Queen Rosedust made a deal with the devil, and that was very unfortunate for her especially in how she and the other Flutter Ponies helped us stop the Smooze and the witches that used to cover all of Ponyland." Now looking at the part that was Cozy Glow, she wanted to know who she was and said, "What exactly was Cozy Glow known for?" Twilight stated, "At first I thought she was just another student interested in my school, but it turns she was really there to steal magic to make herself more powerful." After knowing about the three, Megan wanted to know, "Why exactly they were turned into a statue rather than just imprisoned?" Luna then said, "If they were still alive, they would find a way to get out and attack us again, but we didn't want to kill them either, so this was the next best thing." After that, they went into the Canterlot Library where Twilight showed Megan where she even found the book about her, and later returned to the throne room so that the princesses can now tell Megan what happened to Ponyland after she left and said, "Megan, not too long after you left Ponyland, Grogar finally found his way out of the realm of the darkness and became more powerful and relentless than ever. He was vowing to seek his revenge on you and the ponies for trapping him there, but who he really wanted was you especially for being seen as a thorn in his side for stopping on last his encounter with you." This got Megan to knowing and asking them, "Why didn't the ponies send for me to help stop him?" Celestia then said, "It was mainly to help protect you from possibly getting killed by him even if it meant that they had to sacrifice their own lives, and with what he had, you probably wouldn't have stood a chance with what new powers he got." "Megan then started to cry and said, "I could have given them a fighting chance to help stop him." Luna added with, "Sometimes even a savior needs to be saved." Megan responded with, "I don't get this and why I was left out of this battle or even left to have the Rainbow of Light." Celestia then said, "If Grogar did manage to kill you with his new powers, your siblings won't have a good way to explain what happened to you to your parents. It's not as if they can just tell them their older sister went to some special world to never come back alive when that was supposed to be a secret." Megan started to say as tears were continuing to come out of her eyes, "I'm starting to feel that their sacrifice and the fall of Ponyland was all my fault especially for not being there." Luna responded, "You should try looking at the bigger picture. If he managed to figure out where the Rainbow Bridge was, he would be able to send his army of fliers to cross it and either get you or even possibly invade your world as well. As a result, you wouldn't be alive today with the Rainbow of Light, which would have been either destroyed or lost forever if not kept back on Earth with you in which we all thank you for that." Celestia added to the conversation, "If it was no consolation, the Moochick did manage to use a spell that got him sent into space and hoping that he will never come back again, but then disappeared and was never seen again as saw this as nothing more than a victory that wasn't deserved after all the destruction Grogar did to Ponyland." Twilight feeling shocked said, "I thought that it was Gusty the Great who did that!" Celestia responded, "I'm sorry Twilight, but that book that you read to a bunch of fillies and colts along with Flurry Heart was actually fake and made to cover up what really happened not to mention that Scorpan wasn't really Tirac's brother." Megan mentioned, "I knew a pony at my time named Gusty, and I never found anything great about her. As for Scorpan's form shown, that wasn't even his true form, but the one he was turned into by Tirac in that he was a human just like me as well as being a prince." As Celestia apologized, "Megan, I'm sorry I had those books written that way while hiding yours, but we couldn't just have Equestria without a history behind it even if it had been faked especially with certain ponies such as Twilight expressing interest in it. Please don't take this the wrong way, because Luna and I really did enjoy reading about your adventures." Megan's then stated, "I won't get angry at you for this, but I don't understand why you went through so much trouble into hiding a book that chronicled my history of being here." "I too am sorry, and I convinced Celestia to not destroy that book, but rather hide it instead only to be revealed when the time was right. We wanted to give Ponyland a clean slate by renaming it Equestria, but that was until Twilight accidently discovered it, and you know the rest from there." added Luna. "It still doesn't explain why I was only able to come back only now and not then." Megan said. Celestia then said, "It was because a special barrier was placed up and the Rainbow Bridge was made invisible through a spell in order to prevent anyone from our world in wanting to invade yours and vice versa." "Until Twilight came to me, the Rainbow of Light was all I had left as a reminder of my time in Ponyland." said Megan. Luna then mentioned, "If it wasn't for me knowing that you wanted to return in your dream and Twilight discovering that book, you wouldn't be here standing in front of us right now, so think of this as having a dream come true." Megan understood what happened to Ponyland and was allowed by Twilight to stay at her castle for the night back in Ponyville as it was getting late, but knowing how time worked in Equestria, she now knew that whatever time she spent there, it wouldn't be too much back on Earth.