//------------------------------// // Chapter Six: Of Bimbo Brides and Pony Pride // Story: That One Time: Two Princesses Enjoyed Their Harem Honeymoon // by TheCrimsonDM //------------------------------// Chapter Six: Of Bimbo Brides and Pony Pride Written by TheCrimsonDM Breakfast had been laid out for the newlyweds, extravagant, sweet, and delicious. Twilight was under no false impressions that Cadance could whip up a delightful meal when asked of her. With a plate full of pancakes she began digging into the mess of caramel and chocolate syrup drenched pancakes. Beside her sat Celestia who was enjoying her meal just as much. On the other side was Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was eating a lot more conservatively, and every now and then glancing over at Twilight and Celestia. There was a part of Twilight that wanted to be upset over the fact that Celestia had chosen Rainbow Dash over her, but in reality she couldn't hate Rainbow Dash. Hurt as she may have been, it was clear that Rainbow Dash felt nervous about the whole ordeal. The last thing she wanted was to make Rainbow Dash feel bad about loving one of their wives. Her options were a little limited. She wasn't sure how to comfort Rainbow Dash and repair the distance growing between them. It was then she noticed that Rarity was looking at her. Once Twilight met rarity's eyes she watched as Rarity mimicked some kind of grabbing motion with her hoof. Twilight looked around, what was she supposed to be grabbing? Oh, Rainbow Dash hadn't poured any syrup on her pancakes, just butter. Twilight grabbed the caramel syrup and dragged it over to Rainbow's side. "Want some?" Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I'm good." Rarity slammed a hoof into her face hard enough she actually grunted in pain and pulled her hoof away for it to be red. The glare she shot at Twilight was hot enough to melt steel. Rarity mouthed something and this time, Twilight was pretty sure she should be offended by what was said. Rarity then grabbed Applejack by the waist and pulled her close, and looked directly at Twilight. Twilight cocked her head to the side. Rarity wanted Twilight to grab Applejack? But Applejack was so far away from them. It was impossible. She offered a shrug to show her confusion. Rarity's face was red with a furious blush. She stood up on her rear legs. "I am telling you to hold her, you bimbo!" Everypony stopped eating for a moment to look at Rarity. Twilight ignored them and spoke up. "I can't grab AJ, she's too far away." Rarity let out a shriek that was something between pain and rage. "I meant Rainbow Dash." Twilight sat down. "OH! Okay. I'm sorry... but wait, Rainbow Dash can't grab Applejack either, she's too far away." The slew of expletives that left Rarity's mouth were so foul, so uncouth, and so unheard of that Twilight wasn't even positive what they had all meant. Rarity then got away from the table and began marching away. "I am not dealing with her dumb butt right now! AJ, honey bun, you fix this!" Rarity actually walked away from the breakfast and left the room. Everypony was quietly staring at Applejack and Twilight. Applejack let out a sigh. "Twilight, she was trying to tell you to hold Rainbow Dash." Twilight opened her mouth to speak. "No, as in you, you need to hold Rainbow Dash yourself." Twilight's head lowered a little. "O-oh... that makes sense." She reached out with telekinesis and dragged Rainbow Dash's chair close to her own and wrapped a wing and a leg around Rainbow Dash. "Like that?" Applejack nodded. "Ayep. Now you've gone and made it a lot less intimate by being so dense, but you finally figured it out. Enjoy." She went back to her bowl of cereal. Rainbow Dash leaned into Twilight’s embrace and laid her head down against Twilight’s shoulder. "So that was awkward." Twilight nodded. "Tell me about it. I was planning to hold you like this anyway, but she didn't have to be rude about it." "You were?" "Yeah, just thought you should eat first." Rainbow Dash nuzzled into her neck. "Nah, this first and food second. Because you’re like, totally needy." Twilight recognized Rainbow Dash's insecurity when she saw it, she also recognized wonderful opportunities to make her embarrassed. "Needy for you maybe." Rainbow Dash moved her leg around Twilight waist and pulled in closer. "So... you still need me? You don't hate me?" Twilight kissed the top of Rainbow Dash's head. "Of course I still need you. I might be a little moody, but I would never hate you." "Ha, not moody like Rarity. She's in a big mood." Celestia giggled. "Don't let her hear you say that, she might misunderstand you." Rainbow Dash waived a hoof dismissively. "Who cares, she's not in here right now. Big mood, big butt, and all." Twilight had to force down the memory of that soft, round and big behind of Rarity's. It only occurred to her at the last moment. "Did she call me a bimbo?" *** Rarity was marching through the halls of the Crystal Kingdom’s Castle. Her mood was quite fouled by Twilight's complete idiocy and rudeness toward their fellow wife Rainbow Dash. It was one hundred percent obvious that Rainbow Dash was totally crushing on Twilight, and didn't know how to really express herself, so it was just pure insult when she didn't have the wherewithal to just hold her lover. Actually that term may not be applicable yet. Married sure, wife also correct, but lover implied they'd already done the deed and as far as she could tell those two had hardly even kissed, assuming they did in fact do that much yet. Things were certainly getting interesting. Part of her deeply regretted her own uncouth actions back at the breakfast table, and also calling Twilight a Bimbo. Perhaps that was too far. The only bimbo here was probably Fluttershy... She really hoped Fluttershy never heard her think that the mare could get scary dangerous when angry. Actually they all could. The only one who seemed to have a permanent calm save for deadly situations was Applejack herself. If anypony could be accused of smoking dubious amounts of the sillyweed, it would be her, despite the fact that Applejack had only ever tried that once. Speaking of which, Rarity's nerves were frayed. She snuck into Pinkie's room, the door was only locked with a simple lock and a bobby pin was easy enough to open it. Once inside she shut the door behind her and went searching. Surely there was something here to help calm her nerves.  It was all Twilight's fault after all. Rarity had spent all night being dry humped by Twilight in her sleep, and then Twilight wouldn't even make good on that in the morning when she woke up. It was beyond frustrating but Rarity could take her anger out on something more relaxing than a personal hoof massage, which was all she had since Applejack wasn't in the mood either.  Rarity looked under Pinkie's bed, there was a pink box that was filled with adult delights, but not the kind she needed. The shelf next to Pinkie's bed was likewise filled with lube, frosting, panties... panties, but why? Never mind that, there were some condoms too. Not that they needed... they were too small for Luna anyway. Finally she noticed something off about the shelf. She shoved it out of the way and found a small panel had been cut into the crystal wall. She removed it and found it. Yep, it was a bag filled with a ground rainbow colored herb, Sillyweed. There was also a pipe and a lighter as well as a box of matches. This surely had been here for some time now. Well, let it not go to waste, she thought. It was time to light up and relax. It wasn't too much longer before Pinkie's room smelled like a skunk was filled with clouds of rainbow colored smoke. Taste the rainbow indeed. *** Well Twilight was fairly certain that she was steaming. In all of her years as Princess Celestia's student and now her wife, not one person had ever dared to call her a bimbo. Yet Rarity, of all ponies, Rarity dared to call her that. Oh vengeance was in store for the mare. First Twilight would have to find her, as Rarity was even better at disappearing after a screw up than Trixie was. Was that mean of Twilight to think? Perhaps. It wasn't exactly Trixie's fault after all. She just didn't have the friendship help she probably needed. Not that Trixie had ever asked for it.  Speak of the Trixie and she would appear, just in front of her she saw Trixie Lulamoon, wearing her famous purple cape and walking toward Twilight with a devious smile on her lips. In Trixie's lavender aura she held a batch of fliers. "Twilight Sparkle, how funny it is to see you here." Twilight stared at her. "What do you want?" "Oh no, did you think Trixie was here for vengeance? She apologizes if she gave off that impression, she understands you had succumbed to dark magic before the wedding and so she does not hold any ill will. She understands exactly, how, that, feels." Twilight's ears folded back against her head. "O-oh... I’m sorry." "All is forgiven. Now take this." Trixie shoved one of the fliers into Twilight’s chest and walked away. Twilight watched her for a moment and then looked down at the flier in her hoof. It read simply, "The Church of Equality, join us, become equals with each other and love another as we all are the same. Hosted by Prophet Starlight Glimmer." Twilight raised an eye. There was only one, perhaps two true gods worthy of worship and she was married to both of them. "So who the fug is Starlight Glimmer?" Pinkie's head poked out from behind a plant. "OH MY GOSH! Twilight, you can't swear!" Twilight looked at her. "I'm looking for Rarity, where is she?" "Oh, she's in my room getting up in the clouds. She’s really stressed out, be gentle please." Twilight nodded. "I'll do my best. Thank you." Pinkie's head sunk down behind the plant and vanished altogether. Well at least that was one problem solved. She burned the flier and moved on, she was hunting for bimbo wives. It wasn't much longer before Twilight arrived at the door to Pinkie's Room. An ominous rainbow colored smoke was drifting out from underneath the door frame, and a particularly strong scent along with it. Almost strong enough to make Twilight gag but she held her composure.  Twilight tried to open the door but found it locked. Well, no door stopped her in the past, there was always a simple trick to fix most of her problems in life. Be it escaping from a falling airship, getting out of the way of some giant rolling object, or escaping most magical cells. She could teleport.  Her horn lit up and after a bright flash of pink light she found herself inside what she believed to be Pinkie's room. It was hard to tell as the place was filled with thick clouds of rainbow smoke and a horrible smell much like that of Fluttershy's basement when nopony was allowed to visit her. Not that Twilight ever cared for getting permission to enter her friend’s home before, but certainly not now they were all married.  Twilight opened her mouth to speak and inhaled a large amount of the smoke. She coughed a few times and her eyes burned. This place was positively awful. Her anger was at least fading away. A giggle came from the direction of Pinkie's bed but she could hardly make out the shape through the haze. "R-Rarity?" Another giggle followed by Rarity’s voice speaking. "Twily! Is that you? Oh. My love, I couldn't imagine you'd be the first one to visit me. Come, join me." Twilight walked toward the bed, her anger was all but gone and replaced by a curious and mirthful nature. Twilight found the bed, and stared at it in silence for a good few seconds before she remembered how to climb up onto them. She still did it wrong as she moved her rear legs instead of her forelegs. Something was horribly wrong here, but she couldn’t care less. Rarity appeared out of the fog, her legs wrapped around Twilight and pulled the princess up onto the bed where they fell onto one another with Twilight on top. The two of them began laughing madly. After the bout of insane laughter died down the two of them snuggled up. Twilight spoke quietly. "I'm sorry. I think... think... um... oh, I think I was mad at you for calling me a name." Rarity replied. Her voice was full of girlish energy that she usually hid. "Oh ho ho, Twilight. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude. I'm such a horrible brigand." "No, you’re like, really hot." Rarity's lips brushed up against Twilight's and they shared a gentle, quick kiss. Once she pulled away the two of them began to laugh again. For a while there they just laid down, cuddled one another and enjoyed the strange bliss. She wasn't sure where the smoke had come from at first but she looked over on Pinkie's nightstand to see some kind of machine, spherical in shape and transparent, it was half filled with water and smoke was pouring from it. The smoke was dying down but whatever the device was it was clearly doing its work. Twilight wished she could be this relaxed and happy all the time. Only problem was, she was also getting hungry. Like really, really hungry.