//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: The Missing Property of Question Mark // Story: The Three Strange Ponies // by Kama and Hallie //------------------------------// "So, let me get this straight. You think that this colt is hatching some evil plot against us and could possibly be working for some dangerous villain trying to destroy us?" Starlight asked. As the five ponies stood in the crystal hallway right outside the door they exited. "Yes! I don't know what he's planning, but I know it can't be good." Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Rainbow, that's ridiculous." Sunburst said. "Ridiculous?! Are you forgetting that's what we thought of a certain other foal that ended up doing exactly what I just said?!" Rainbow yelled in disbelief. "Well, no. But...just because it happened once doesn't mean it'll happen again." Sunburst replied. "But it doesn't mean it won't happen again! Look, you have to believe me. That kid is up to something and I have no idea what it could be, so could you at least keep an eye on him." Rainbow said. "Well, that's what we were about to do anyway. Rainbow, I think you're being a little too paranoid. We haven't really seen this colt do anything that incriminating other than him saying mean things and saying some conspicuous stuff that we don't know the meaning of yet, but if it makes you feel any better we'll try to make sure he doesn't try anything funny." Starlight said. "Fine, we'll humor you. But personally, Trixie would have declined since the thought of you trotting around town yelling about an evil colt just sounds hilarious to Trixie." Trixie chuckled at the thought. "Trixie..." Starlight growled. "What? Trixie was just kidding, kind of." Trixie smiled. "Alright, let's just all go back inside and decide what to do with those three." Starlight said calmly. After that, she directed all of them to go back into the room, but right when they entered they stopped dead in their tracks after hearing a loud noise. "GODDAMMIT! WHERE IS IT?!" a loud voice yelled. It was Question Mark, who was trotting frantically around the room looking for something. "K...Question Mark, calm down. You probably just left them back at the bakery or something." Smiley Face said attempting to get her friend to relax. "Calm down?! You simpleton! You know how important those things were! They were priceless to me! Oh, what am I gonna do? If someone finds it before we do, they might sus..." Question Mark rambled before stopping himself when he looked behind him noticed the other ponies in the room. Then he hesitantly attempted to finish his sentence while trying not to maintain eye contact with them. "...steal our stuff. I mean, you obviously remember how much they cost, right?" "Yes, you've reminded me a hundred times." Smiley Face replied with a tired tone. "Oh, dear. Did you lose something? You seem pretty worried." Fluttershy asked. "I did, something very precious and very important to me." Question Mark said. "Really? What was it?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash leaned her head closer to listen to the colt's answer, hoping to hear something incriminating against him. And his answer was... "My backpack." Question Mark answered. Rainbow drooped a little in disappointment. "Your backpack? Well, what was in it?" Fluttershy asked a second time. Rainbow lifted her head up again to listen to his answer, recreating the same tension she had a few seconds ago. And this time, his answer was... "Just my books, our, er...equipment, and some snacks." Question Mark answered a second time as well. Rainbow felt confused this time for some reason. "T-that's it? Just books and snacks? Nothing more?" Rainbow asked with a hint of disbelief in her voice. "Very expensive and priceless books. A few of the books I brought are not easy to find and they cost quite a bit. I mean one of them cost around 45 and took two months for me to order the package when it should've only been less than a week! I mean, can you believe the incompetence? That's why I can't afford to lose them. Also, what's with your question? Were you expecting me to answer with something else?" Question Mark eyed the cyan pegasus. "No, no. Just...curious." Rainbow Dash answered in a more quiet tone than usual. "A backpack, huh? So I'm guessing you three were traveling or hiking, explains what you might've been doing in the Everfree." Sunburst thought out loud. "Okay, look. I need to go back to the bakery or the forest to look for it, I can't lose it for even a second longer!" Question Mark said with panic forming in his voice. "Woah there kid, calm down. We'll look for your backpack later, just rest for now. I mean, it's only books in that backpack, right?" Starlight reassured. "Books that are extremely valuable to me! And I don't wanna waste too much time sitting on my ass boring myself when my only sources of entertainment and creativity are lost out there scared and alone!" Question Mark protested making the situation sound more urgent and tragic than it actually was. "It's okay. Look, if you're worried about being bored, why don't you just read some of the books in the library, there's not as many as when Twilight was here but I'm sure you'll manage. Or why don't you try exploring the town, get to know your surroundings, maybe even introduce yourself and befriend some of the citizens here." Starlight suggested. Question Mark's face shifted as if an idea struck. "Yeah, I guess I could do that. Although, non on the ami part. I really hate befriending people. Also, your idea of 'rest' is going around town talking to a bunch of weirdos you barely know?" Question Mark asked as if the idea was the most alien thing he's ever heard in his life. "Haha, sorry. Kinda contradicted myself back there. So you really want to go out and look around town?" Starlight asked. "Uh...yeah, I would very much like to see how things work in this pleasant little place. You know, just casually walk around, observing all the activities and landmarks, taking a relaxing stroll..." Question Mark said before he was interrupted. "Oh, I'd like to come too! I'm really excited to get to know the people here!" Smiley Face jumped in enthusiastically. "Oh, God." Question Mark muttered. "I'd kinda like to see what everyone is like around here. Who knows, maybe someone around here will actually see how cool I am? Or maybe I can actually manage to pick up a chick for once around here." Doofus Dweeb joined in. "You dweeb, these ponies are a different...standard than you!" Question Mark scolded in a disgusted tone. "Eh, I don't know. I'm just desperate for anything at this point." Doofus said with his head neck lowered as in a defeated pose. "Yes, I'm sure the authorities would love to hear that." the colt replied. Starlight was starting to become a little weirded out by their conversation, so she decided to put a stop to it and sent them on their way. "Alright, why don't you guys be on your way, Ponyville has a lot of fun stuff to offer. Oh, would you like one of us to accompany you? Show you around town?" the light purple unicorn asked. Rainbow Dash wanted to volunteer, mostly to make sure Question Mark didn't try anything shady. But before she could say anything, the colt had already answered Starlight. "Oh, no no no need! I'm pretty sure we'll be just fine walking on our own, I'm a big boy after all! Except for this guy, he probably would need to be accompanied." Question Mark gestured towards Doofus, which gained him a scowl from the stallion. "O-okay! Well then, have fun you three! Just don't go too far and too long, so we can make sure you're fine!" Starlight said as the three strangers were walking away towards the door. Doofus looked back with an unhappy expression. "Hey, lady! I'm like, around your age! I don't think I need you to baby me, I didn't even need to call my mom for extra cash for six months! That's a new record for me! Haha...!" the young white stallion said confidently and triumphantly before he turned back to the direction he was facing earlier and got the door slammed in his face by Question Mark who was closing the door on his way out. "OW!" Doofus shouted. "Hahahaha!" they heard the colt laugh from the other side, pretty much confirming he meant for that to happen. "You little shit! C'mere!" the stallion yelled as he ran out the door. The rest of the ponies in the room could do nothing but stare blankly and weirdly at the door the three strangers exited from, after a while Starlight turned back to the others. "Well, that was certainly...something. So shall we discuss the three of them and what to do with them?" Starlight asked. "Yeah, let's." Sunburst answered. The three strangers walked through the hallway of the castle and made it to the front door, when they opened it they could see all of Ponyville stretched before them, ready to be explored. "Man, I can't wait to make new friends!" the pink filly said full of excitement. "I can't wait to show girls my awesome gamer and bongo-playing skills!" the scrawny stallions said with confidence. Meanwhile, the white colt just stared at the town and listened to his companion's painfully annoying enthusiastic comments, putting on a face that's a mix of anger, frustration, and exhaustion. "The nightmare truly begins."