//------------------------------// // Maybe This is More Your Style // Story: Button Mash Gets His Cutie Mark // by PPEF1 //------------------------------// The four ponies had arrived at Cutie Mark Day Camp. “So Button. How about we start with the Horseshoe Toss,” Apple Bloom suggested. “Do you know how to play?” “Yeah. You just throw the horseshoe at the pin right?” “Mm-hmm.” Apple Bloom picked up a yellow horseshoe with her mouth and tossed it. The horseshoe went flying till it hit the pin wrapping around it. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo repeated the same thing. “Your turn Button. Give it a try.” Sweetie Belle lit up her horn and gave Button Mash a blue horseshoe. Button Mash picked up the horseshoe in his mouth, tossed it, and missed the pin completely. “Aw man.” “That’s alright. Here, try again.” Apple Bloom handed (hoofed?) Button another horseshoe. Button tossed it again and missed. After tossing three to four more horseshoes, he had missed every single one. Button had a sad expression on his face “Aw cheer up Button.” Scootaloo went up to put her hoof around the sad pony. “Not everypony gets their cutie mark on the first try. Plus, we still have tons of things for you to try out. You’re bound to get your cutie mark in the other activities we have planned for you.” The statement put a little smile on the little colt.  “Maybe parkour is more your thing.” Scootaloo led Button Mash to a replica of the Wonderbolt Obstacle Course. The course was filled with tires, tubes, haystacks and more. “It’s on the ground since not everypony can fly. Now come on!” Scootaloo hopped into the course and climbed through and out the blue tube. “Your turn Button!” she cried. “Give it a try!” Button followed Scootaloo and made it through the tube. “There you go!” Scootaloo then jumped through some hoops. Button followed and succeeded. “Way to go Button!” cheered Apple Bloom. “Yeah!” Sweetie Belle cried. Button was ecstatic. He was proud! He might actually get his cutie mark. Last, was the Tire Run. Scootaloo successfully jumped from tire to tire. Now it was Button’s turn. Button put a hoof in one tire, and another in another tire. Suddenly, Button got one of his hooves stuck and tripped, tires going everywhere. “Oof!” he cried. The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran over to the colt. “Are you okay Button?” Apple Bloom asked. “Ugh… yeah. Did I get my cutie mark?” Sweetie Belle cleared the tires with her magic and helped Button up. She then checked his flank. “Nope.” “Dang it.” Button had gotten his hopes up way too high. “It’s okay Button,” Sweetie Belle assured. “Again, we have tons of activities planned. We won’t give up till you get your cutie mark.” “Yeah!” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said in unison.” “Aw, thanks guys,” Button said with a little smile. “Maybe art is more your thing.” Sweetie Belle led the other ponies inside a little hut. She grabbed a blank canvas, some paint, and two paint brushes for herself and Button. “Let’s draw something simple.” Sweetie Belle picks up her brush, dips it in black paint and paints a pony. “Now you try.” Button picks his brush with his mouth and tries to replicate the pony Sweetie Belle just drew. “Good. Let’s draw something else.” Sweetie Belle dipped her paintbrush in orange paint and created a triangle on her canvas. She then dipped her brush in yellow and made yellow circles in the triangle, creating a pineapple pizza. “Really Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked disappointedly. “Shush your mush!” Button replicated the pineapple pizza onto his canvas. “Alright Button! The final thing we’ll draw is a train.” Sweetie Belle dipped her paintbrush in pink, making a rectangular shape. She then painted four, yellow wheels at the bottom. Finally, she used grey paint for the face of the train, the funnel, and bumper, representing the Friendship Express. Button not only painted a train, but also coaches at the back of it. “Wow, that looks great!” said Sweetie Belle. Button made a big smile then checked his flank, imagining a paintbrush, a canvas, or a paintbrush with a canvas as his cutie mark. Unfortunately, there was nothing. “Don’t be sad Button.” Apple Bloom walked up to the young colt. “Again, tons more activities. You’re sure to get your cutie mark at one of them. Now, let’s keep going.”