//------------------------------// // Descent - 1.3 // Story: Nightmare's Shard // by Greatazuredragon //------------------------------// Descent 1.3 Dust and plaster trailed off my hair and clogged the air all around me as I turned my furious gaze towards whoever had dared to strike me, had dared to stop me from delivering justice to one of my tormentors. I breathed deeply as I freed myself from the destroyed brickwork my body had been embedded into and took in my attacker’s impertinent form. She was a tall woman wearing a skintight white and dark grey costume, covered with circuit-like designs, which completely covered her body, arrogantly standing half crouched between me and my prey, her helmeted face staring straight at me in silent judgment. Daring, like so many others had dared before her, to deny me justice, protecting Sophia from facing the righteous punishment she deserved for her crimes. ‘Impudent mongrel, you will pay for this insolence!’ She opened her mouth as if to say something, only to be immediately silenced as my shadow violently threw a large chunk of masonry that was bigger than my torso from the cratered wall at her, forcing her to either block it or allow Sophia’s prone form to be crushed. ‘Feel our wrath!’ But even as she destroyed the impromptu projectile with a swing of her glowing arm, the circuit-like designs on her costume shining with electric blue light as she did so, I was already moving. I blasted out of the hole I had been hurled into like a bullet fired out of a gun, the ground all but exploding with each step that I took as I sped my way straight towards her far more swiftly than any human being had any right to move. My right fist was drawn backwards and ready to crush her as the insolent bug that she was and make her pay for trying to protect Sophia from her just deserts. Only for something to once again violently hit me in the side mid-step, negating my momentum and hurling me alongside the street and away from my foes. I hit the road twice before finally managing to regain my footing with the aid of my shadow, as the dark mass pierced the asphalt and anchored me in place, as it stopped my second uncontrolled flight through the air in so many minutes. Snarling my anger as the dark shadowy mass released the ground, barely even noticing the bits of crushed asphalt and gravel falling off my body or the two newest craters littering the ground where my body had hit the road as I did so, I gazed towards the impudent fool that had the temerity to once more attack me in such a fashion. He was wearing red body armor that completely covered him, with a visor that covered the upper half of his face, leaving both his brown hair and mouth area uncovered, the latter of which was set in a self-righteous frown as he stood next to the woman who had first struck me while glaring at me contemptuously. ‘Curse you! Curse you all! We shall not stand this disrespect! You shall pay, all of you!’ Not even thinking about it, I pushed both my hands forward, unleashing a torrent of lightning against them. To make them pay for all that I had unjustly suffered being all that I could think about. My roar of fury joined the roar of thunder as they scattered away from my might, fleeing like the cowards they were. My eyes tracked the woman’s every movement since she had been the one to crouch down to grab Sophia before avoiding my onslaught and so marking her as my target. She would not escape justice, not this time. Once more I exploded into motion as I launched myself towards her and her passenger, my red-tinted eyes never straying from my swiftly moving targets as I moved fast enough for the wind to rush past me, matching and then surpassing my targets own blistering speeds as they fled away. They would not escape! Not this time, not again! Gaining ground upon my fleeing foe with each thunderous step that I took, my heartbeat drummed against my ears and fury coursed through my veins, a small part of me finally recognized the man and the woman for who they were. Assault and Battery, two of the so-called heroes that supposedly should protect us all, safeguarding the innocent from the ever-present threat of the villains and the gangs. And yet here they were, protecting Sophia with all their might, despite all of her crimes. Protecting her like they never had protected me, even though she was anything but innocent! That single thought, that they would protect someone like Sophia after everything she had done to me while gladly leaving me to rot, filled me with renewed fury at the unfairness of it all, at the simple fact that they dared to call themselves heroes! ‘Useless scum, how dare you defy your betters?!’ They were nothing but useless scum! How dare they aid Sophia in such a manner?! How dare they!? I was nearly upon Battery now, the blue glow that had been all upon her costume slowly receding as she started to lose speed while I continued at the same blistering pace. There were five feet between us now, the short distance allowing me to clearly see the worried frown that her helmet had been hiding from farther away. The visage greatly pleased a part of my mind I had never noticed before as I realized that she knew she could not stop me. Four feet, that was all that was separating me from justice, from showing my tormentor and her guardian the error of their ways. From making them pay for everything they had ever done to me! Three feet, the blue lines on her costume had now dimmed considerably and her speed was decreasing in kind, a fang-filled grin surfaced on my features as I concluded that she was now moving less than half as fast as she had been moving earlier while I wasn’t even barely winded, as I realized that it wouldn’t be long now. ‘No, you won’t!’ A sudden loud banging noise resounded right at my side as if a wrecking ball had been hurled against solid steel only to shatter upon impact. I briefly turned my gaze towards the source of it as I searched for what had caused the dissonant cacophony of noise. Only to take in Assault’s form, leg extended mid-kick and aimed towards my torso, being blocked from reaching me as my shadow had formed a black wall between us, stopping his attack short before it could connect and hurl me away a third time. A strange gleeful feeling permeated my chest, I returned my gaze towards Battery’s swiftly fleeing form as I dismissed him entirely as inconsequential, strangely pleased by the fact someone had finally helped me when I needed it, even if that someone was but my own shadow, and lunged forward in a blast of motion, hand drawn back and ready to strike, to deliver judgment upon my foes… Only for my fist to miss by mere inches, as Battery danced away from my blow with infuriating ease, despite her ever-diminishing speed and the burden she was still carrying in her arms. A shout of anger left my lips as the ground exploded where my fist had hit the pavement making bits and pieces of it fly all around me as if shrapnel. Even amidst the growing cloud of dust and debris my eyes remained locked upon my prey’s tauntingly close form. Everything else was irrelevant, all that mattered was making her pay! To unleash the fury that threatened to choke me upon the one who had caused me so much pain while being lauded as a hero. And so I ignored all else but her and her protector, focusing solely upon making her pay for her crimes, making her face justice! I would not allow her to escape unpunished, not again! Ignoring the meaningless words both my foes were shouting at me I drew my fist out of the crater in the ground I had just made and gave chase to Battery’s fleeing form once again. Ignoring another loud banging noise as my shadow blocked another strike from Assault before forcing the red-clad Cape to retreat with a large backwards leap, as the wall of darkness he had just punched swiftly turned into a jet black spear and attempted to impale him, I kept going. Step by step, I drew nearer and nearer to my target. Three more times the red-costumed hero attempted to stop my charge, with his actions growing more and more agitated with each failed attempt as my shadow dutifully kept him at bay while I once again neared Sophia’s prone form upon Battery’s arms. Only to once again be forced to stop, as a blinding lightning bolt struck right ahead of me with thunderous force. The sudden onslaught of light and noise forced me to stop for a moment as the ground before me exploded upon the sudden onslaught. Blinking in slight surprise and shaking my head to clear my ears of the irritating ringing noise that was now plaguing them, I gazed back towards my foe and her protector. And I immediately noticed that, much to my growing fury and annoyance, not only were they once again gaining ground as they fled from me, but standing stock still just past the crater caused by the lightning strike was another person who I was sure hadn’t been standing there a moment earlier. ‘Another one? Where do these pathetic insects keep coming from?!’ Even amidst the haze of my fury I immediately recognized the white and gold Spartan-themed figure standing before me in full armor. Dauntless, the new rising star of the Bay’s Protectorate, another of the city’s so-called heroes. I gazed at the golden clad hero as his equally golden helmet turned to glare down on me, left arm raised up to his chest so that the small buckler-like shield strapped to his arm and crackling with electricity was pointed straight at me while a literal wall of lightning burst forth from the object and blocked me from going forward. Blocking my path and allowing my tormentor to escape… Denying me justice once again… ‘Unacceptable!’ Unacceptable! Ignoring the meaningless words he was shouting towards me I once again thrust my hands forward, lightning crackling alongside them as I roared my fury. If he wanted lightning, then I would give him lightning! The deafening explosion of my attack filled the air as it collided with the armored hero’s shield, a storm of electricity danced at the point of contact as my onslaught battled for supremacy with his defense. It was like standing amidst a raging thunderstorm, as my own electric onslaught collided with his lightning empowered barrier. But even then, even as stray lines of lighting arced every way, digging deep trenches in the ground, and the world exploded with the deafening sound of continuous thunder, my eyes were still locked on Battery’s swiftly departing form, fleeing away with Sophia still in her arms. They were getting further and further away from me with every single wasted second due to this insolent bug blocking my way! ‘Begone from our sight!’ “Get out of my way!” I raged, unleashing a literal lightning storm against my foe in order to make him disappear from my sight and stop wasting my time! My face was locked in a snarl of anger as I noticed that the hero was still holding his ground. And yet, despite it all, I noticed that my renewed attack had forced him to stumble a couple of steps backwards before managing to regain his balance and put all his weight against his shield. I ignored the pointless bang that signaled that Assault had just made a renewed attempt at bypassing my shadow and took a step forward, and then another, not letting down the thunderstorm being unleashed from my hands in the slightest as I did so. A moment later a fanged grin surfaced on my features as I noticed the armored hero struggling to maintain his footing with each new step that I took. I kept marching forward with the slow but unstoppable might of an ice age, getting closer to Dauntless’ cowering form as I ignored both the roar of thunder all around me and Assault’s frantic attempts to bypass my dark protector as my eyes focused solely on the golden hero before me. I could see my foe starting to falter, his defense simply unable to match my might. It was now clear that all I had to do was reach him and then I would be able to crush him like the annoying insect he was, shield be damned! ‘Feel the power of the Queen of the Night!’ Taking another step I felt my face split as my fanged grin grew even wider as Dauntless was forced to take another step backwards before falling to a knee, lance forsaken on the ground and his right arm braced against his shield as he clearly strained to keep the fury of my storm at bay. I ignored the loud banging noises of Assault repeatedly trying and failing to bypass my shadow’s protection and the meaningless words both heroes were shouting as I kept marching onwards, delighted in the feeling of seeing my foe barely being able to keep up his pathetic defense as he learned the price of defying me. ‘This is where you belong! Know the price of defying your betters!’ I would make them pay! I would make them all pay! But just as I neared striking distance, just as I prepared myself to grab and crush Dauntless’ pesky little shield, my train of thought was once again swiftly interrupted as something suddenly hit me square in the chest and exploded with enough force to make me take a step back while spraying a strange liquid-like substance all over my chest. The suddenness of it all was enough to make me stop raining down lightning against my foe as I lost my concentration for a moment while I attempted to remove the expanding gooey mess from my chest. ‘What is this?’ Even as I attempted to remove this new irritant from my person, my eyes still searched for where it had come from, and swiftly fell upon yet one more interloper. And so, as I attempted to remove the sticky mess that was stubbornly clinging to me, I took in the visage of an olive-skinned woman with dark hair standing about thirty yards away, wearing military fatigues, and with one knee to the ground as she pointed a large black weapon straight towards me, the lower part of her face hidden beneath a scarf depicting the American flag. Gritting my teeth in annoyance I prepared to launch myself towards this newest annoyance, to erase it from existence so that I could return to hunting down my fleeing foe, only for the strange liquid all over my chest to continue to expand outwards into a sticky foam-like substance that hindered my movements. ‘What is the meaning of this?!’ Screaming in frustration at yet another interruption, I attempted to remove the expanding mess with my hands, only to snarl in annoyance as they started to get stuck into its viscous mass. Using all of my considerable new strength I managed to remove one of my hands from it, but the mass of foam remained stuck to my chest and kept swiftly growing, having already grown larger than a basketball in size. A loud banging noise resounded as the flag bearing heroine fired her grenade launcher once again, only for my shadow to jump forward in my defense, creating a black wall upon which the fired grenade detonated, more of the foam-like substance exploding and being sprayed all around the black surface that had sprung forth in front of me. Freeing my other hand with a bellow of anger I felt that I should know what this annoying thing was, its name hanging at the tip of my tongue, only for any thoughts about it to be swiftly thrown away from my mind as a red blur connected itself to the back of my head, as Assault took advantage of the fact my shadow was busy blocking the foam grenades being fired by the olive-skinned woman in order to strike against me and driving me to a knee due to the harsh impact. Unleashing a storm of lightning towards Assault’s swiftly fleeing form I attempted to regain my footing, only for a lightning bolt to strike me on my other side. The massive current of electricity had no notable effect on me, but the force of the blow was enough to bring my already struggling for balance form to the ground, where the still growing ball of foam immediately clung to the asphalt. Now even more furious than before, I heaved against the ground with all my strength, the asphalt the foam had clung to cracking and breaking when faced with a level of strain it simply hadn’t been made to resist. But even as I regained my footing the foam still stubbornly remained stuck to me. Two new strikes from Assault and another lightning bolt from Dauntless met swift ends upon my shadow’s loyal defense, only for Miss Militia to expertly take advantage of their attacks to bypass my dark guardian’s defense as she managed to hit me with two more grenades as my shadow busied itself against the annoyances that kept pestering me from all sides! One grenade hit me in the right shoulder and the other in my left thigh, both of them swiftly exploding into quickly expanding foam, the sticky substance clinging to me and restricting my movements. I unleashed another lightning storm in all directions, the ground all around me exploding and shattering under the attack as I attempted to drive them back, to get myself time to think, only for it to do nothing against the still expanding foam clinging to my body. Panic now battling for supremacy against my anger I struggled against the ever-growing mass of foam, but the more I struggled the faster it appeared to spread. With a sudden onslaught of fear that nearly overpowered my mind the expanding foam covered my head, trapping me within its darkness, locking me away from the world and preventing me from moving, denying me my freedom. Just like the locker. My heart hammered against my chest as I struggled with all my might, desperately trying to escape the sticky coffin I had been stuck in, to try and be free from the darkness that seemed to press at me from every angle as the smell of rot and decay suddenly assaulted my nose and the sound of taunting laughter filled my ears. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe! I had to get away, had to be free! Nothing else mattered! ‘We shall not be contained!’ And so, as if listening to the instructions of another, I turned my body into a dark blue mist that swiftly bypassed the foam crushing me from all sides as if it wasn’t even there. And so, before I could even think about it, I escaped my prison and rushed through the air and away from those who were attempting to imprison me, leaving them behind as I fled into the nearest alleyway, diving into the shadows and the safety they promised.