Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes

by Tim Ribbert

The Nightmare of Sunset Shimmer (The Conjuring)

Greetings ghouls and corpses… welcome to ‘The Deleted Scenes Tales of Terror’, where some nights I tell stories that never make you want to go back to bed ever again. Halloween, the time of terror and frights, tricks and treats, a day where you can scare pretty much everyone you ever knew. Some people face their demons every day of their lives. One girl in particular, Sunset Shimmer, had to face them every day, quite ‘literally’ in some cases.

So sit back and prepare to be scared, as I tell you all the tale of…

The Nightmare of Sunset Shimmer

Set Between The Conjuring and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
It was a rainy night; Sunset Shimmer was in the midst of said rainstorm. Suffice to say, she wasn’t really enjoying it. She had just gone to one of Pinkie Pie’s Halloween parties and it gave her a splitting headache, her head feeling as cracked as an egg.

“Ooh… my head!” Sunset groaned, massaging her head. “Note to self: Never eat Pinkie’s Super Sugar Pumpkin Cupcakes.”

The rain poured heavily by the minute, and Sunset was not even close to her home. Usually, it took an hour just to walk to her place. But due to the heavy rainfall, it made the walk feel like centuries to her. To which it just made her even more flustered.

“Why didn’t I bring an umbrella?” She asked herself, annoyed. “I mean what kind of genius does it take to see you need an umbrella on a rainy… night?”

Sunset stopped walking for a moment when she saw a house she and her friends went to once. Frankly one she hoped never to visit again. The house to which belonged to the Perron family. One month ago, Sunset and her friends, along with the Warrens, helped the family rid an evil demon called Bathsheba Sherman, who haunted the house for years. Understandably, Sunset was very shocked.

“No… No!” She gasped, in disbelief. “That’s impossible! How in Equestria is it even here?!?!”

Her mind filled with many questions; Sunset Shimmer was about to step forward to the house… when she stopped.

“No… Sunset, you idiot! Remember the last time you went into a haunted house? You merely got yourself killed!!! I should just turn around… walk away…”

Sunset about to turn and walk off when her mind started having second thoughts.

“Come on, Sunset! What if someone is in danger? You can’t just leave them.”

She turned back toward the house, pondering whether to go in there or not. But if someone in there was in any danger, could she really just leave them? Drawing a deep breath, she began to think.

“Okay… just go in for a quick check,” She instructed herself. “If no one’s in there, just get out as fast as you can! Yeah… sounds easy enough.”

She began to walk toward the doorway to the house. She reached for the handle with her right hand, slowly turning it around. Sunset opened the door ever so slightly, just to be on the safe side, making certain no demons will jump at her face.

“Hello?” She called out quietly. “Anyone in here?”

However, no reply had come. The only sound was the wood creaking with each step inside. Frankly, if Sunset had to be honest with herself, she was quite scared thinking she was going to die.

“Well, this just got creepy,” Sunset admitted to herself.

Suddenly, she heard music… which unfortunately she was all too familiar with. Which sounded just like the music box Pinkie Pie found while staying at the Perron’s house only a month ago. Gathering up what little courage she still had, she slowly climbed upstairs toward where the music was coming from. The stairs creaked beneath her as she ventured her, the ascent making her feel a slight nervous.

“Please don’t let me die…” Sunset repeated, sweating. “Please don’t let me die… please don’t let me die…”

Soon as Sunset reached the top, she noticed that one of the doors was slightly open.

“Must be coming from over there,” Sunset observed.

She walked into the room where inside she noticed a tiny table with two little chairs beside it. Sunset also noticed two dolls sitting on each chair. One was a porcelain doll with blond hair and braids with a white dress. The other was a stitched-up doll with red hair, black eyes, wearing a white dress, red-and-white socks, and black shoes.

Frankly Sunset was a slight creeped out, seeing the two dolls giving her a creepy smile.

“I know it’s Halloween,” Sunset uttered. “But I didn’t want it to be ‘this’ creepy…”

“Are you the girl?”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sunset spotted a woman on a wheelchair. The woman had long, black hair. Her eyes bulged out slightly, like she never blinked for the longest time. Contrarywise, Sunset had no earthly idea what’s going on.

“Uh… what are you talking about?” Sunset asked, confused.

“The boy with the blue eyes,” The woman replied. “He told me a girl wanted to come play with me. Are you that girl?”

Sunset, not knowing any other choice, sat down on the floor. The room was very quiet… too quiet. Almost like someone made her deaf. The light flickered as the woman and Sunset just looked at each other.

“So… this is nice,” Sunset lied awkwardly. “I mean… who wouldn’t like a good old-fashioned tea party? And with two ‘very’ nice dolls.”

“Yes… it is very nice,” The woman agreed. “When I see these wonderful dolls, they feel like sisters to me.”

“Sisters? Huh… I may not have many siblings myself, but I can certainly relate to those situations. So… you have sisters?”

Sunset looked toward the woman, who seemed to be smiling.

“I used to…” The woman replied. “I had a few sisters back then: Carol… Nancy… Kate… Linda… just a shame I didn’t get a chance to… kill them.”

When Sunset heard what the woman just said, she instantly leapt back into an ‘I’m really scared’ now mode. She quickly picked herself up and approached the door, intending to inform the police of this woman.

“Listen, it’s been nice and all,” Sunset began. “But I really should get going—”

But before she could finish, the bedroom door slammed shut behind her startling Sunset into fear. She plopped toward the ground and suddenly the lights began to flicker on and off. When Sunset took a moment to look around, the girl was gone.

“Hello?!?!” Sunset yelled, frightened.

She picked herself up and tried for the door again. However, it wouldn’t budge even an inch.

“Okay… what do I even…”


Suddenly, the lights went out leaving Sunset completely in the dark. And the girl just stood there, slowly breathing quietly not knowing what more to do.

“Somebody… please… help me…” She squeaked quietly.

Then all at once, Sunset felt someone was caressing both her shoulders. Slowly, she turned her head only to be face-to-face with the most horrifying sight… or ‘sights’ in this case.

Two humanoid-looking creatures, with black skin, goat-like horns on their foreheads, yellow sharp claws on their hands and feet, razor-sharp teeth, and a black goatee on their chins.

“Who are you?” Sunset asked, scared out of her wits. “What do you want?”

“YOUR SOUL!!!!!” They both shouted, demonically.

Sunset screamed in terror, as she raced back toward the door. Once more, she tried to pry it open but still it wouldn’t budge. The two demons grabbed her and brought her closer to them. One of the demons brushed a finger along her cheeks, as they began to smile.

“Do not worry…” They said in unison. ‘This won’t hurt one… little… bit!”

They raised their hands and slashed her face, giving her a cut along each cheek. She managed to kick the two away, as she rammed at the door breaking it. Sunset raced for her life, while the two demons were in hot pursuit. She ran through the corridors of the house, the path twisting and turning in the most unusual way.

“I need to get out of here!” Sunset panicked.

She ran from the demons; however, they were getting closer and closer. Both of which were eager to possess her body. Sunset soon spotted a single door at the end of the corridor and with little speed she had left she managed tor each for it, open it, and got in. She locked the door behind her, making sure the demons couldn’t get in. She found herself out of breath from all that running.

“That was too close…” She sighed.

A thrilling chase for sure…

Sunset was startled the moment she heard the demonic voice. Turning around, she saw a teenage boy wearing black pants, gray shoes, and a blue waterproof coat. The teenager had a white mask covering his face. The only thing she could see was his blue glowing eyes piercing through the eye holds of the mask. Sunset nervously stepped back ever so slowly.

“Who… who are you?” Sunset asked. “Are you the boy with the blue eyes?”

I am…” The teenager answered back. “We all ask that question ourselves, but never get a definitive answer. It’s always changing… one minute we’re one thing and the next we’re something different. That’s something you certainly know from experience… Sunset Shimmer…

Sunset was shocked by the fact the teenager spoke her name. He knew her somehow, yet she didn’t know him. It was almost like he was reading her mind.

“How do you know my name?”

Let’s just say I’m a researcher of sorts… I’ve been exploring the multiverse of many worlds you cannot possibly imagine in your wildest dreams. I have met two Annabelles in two different universes…

The teenager made the two appear out of thin air, levitating them before putting them on the ground. He chuckled ever so subtly.

Fascinating, isn’t it?” He asked. “Two different dolls, both containing the same demon, both caught by Mr. and Mrs. Warren…

“Wait!” Sunset interrupted. “You’ve met Ed and Lorraine?”

Not in person… but I’ve been watching from afar, seeing how they live their lives. But that’s not important now… I’ve a message for your friend… Twilight Sparkle.

The teenager went closer to Sunset, his eyes glowing brighter than ever before.

“What’s the message?” She asked.

She held her breath then, not knowing what else to do. A dark aura circled around the boy, almost like he had an army of shadows by his side. He removed his mask and gave her a menacing smile.

Tell her… I’M COMING!!!!!

The teenager screamed, drawing a knife from his pocket, and stabbed Sunset through her hear. She screamed in pain as her vision went black.


Sunset’s eyes opened as she woke up screaming, breathing heavily. She was still frightened over what just happened. When Sunset turned her head, she realized she was in her bedroom, lying on her bed. When she turned toward her alarm clock, it said ’11:00’ pm on it. It was still nighttime as she looked out the window, toward the still pouring rain.


Sunset suddenly heard her phone ringing on the counter next to her bed. She picked it up, seeing Sci-Twi’s name on it, indicating she was calling her.

“Hello?” Sunset answered the phone.

Hi Sunset!” Sci-Twi called. “Am I disturbing you?

“No-no-no… not at all…” Sunset jumped out, walking to the bathroom. “I just woke from a nightmare that’s all.”

A nightmare?” Sci-Twi asked. “What kind of nightmare are we talking about?

“You know… haunted houses… serial killers… creepy noises… the usual Halloween stuff you see?” Sunset replied.

She turned on the cold tap on her sink to wash her face.

“Any problem on your side?”

Pinkie’s got a splitting headache after eating one of her own Pumpkin Cupcakes,” Sci-Twi replied.

“Ugh…” Sunset groaned. “I kept telling her not to add too much sugar and now look what’s happened!”

Sunset gently rubbed her eyes due to her still being tired.

“Listen… I’ll check on her in the morning. In the meantime, tell her to take some pain killers and not do anything crazy, okay?”

Of course! I’ll tell her right away,” Sci-Twi said. “See you in the morning.

“See ya!” Sunset finished.

She hung up and placed her phone next to the sink. Reaching toward the cold tap, she began splashing her face in cold water trying to forget the recent nightmare. When she looked into the mirror, she noticed a small cut upon her cheek, which was slightly bleeding as she got a towel and cleaned her face. Understandably, she was confused by the whole situation.

“How did I get that cut?” She asked herself. “I mean that was just a nightmare… was it?”

She dried her face off and returned to bed. She had enough scary things for one night, as her mind was still thinking of her nightmare. She wondered if any of it was real or not. It felt real, but she couldn’t put her finger on why it was. Sunset just hoped she wouldn’t experience anything similar as the day she faced the demon Bathsheba Sherman, the day of…