The Chef's Life

by vincent789

A complicated family

"I am home!" Pate shouts inside the empty kitchen.

It was Monday, the only day that the restaurant was closed for guests. Twilight and Pate's dad were sitting in the restaurant discussing the spice blend that Twilight uses on each meal that she has created thus far. As soon as the owner heard Pate's voice, he stood up and ran towards the kitchen. Hugging Pate, well more like crushing him.

"Dad. Air!" pate gasped.

"Sorry son, I am so happy to see you!" The owner said as he let go.

"Yeah you too." Pate said, he was about to say something else. But he cut himself off, when he saw Twilight casually walk towards him.

"It would seem that my job is done here." Twilight said.

"Yeah. Thanks for the advice. I will try to make due with the spice information you gave me." The owner said smiling.

"Why are you here?!" Pate asked surprised.

"To fill in the spot you left empty. How was Baste?" Twilight replied.

"Ugh. That family is a lot more complicated than meets the eye." Pate said annoyed.

"Rich families are like that." The owner said in an knowing voice.

"Not like that. That family both loves each other and hates each other." Pate said.

"Well that depends on the spectrum." Twilight said as she practically ignored Pate.

"Really? What do you mean?" The owner asked Twilight.

"My family is all love and tough love. But no hate. Hatred is an unusual attribute that a family carries." Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Pate asked confused.

"It's more like jealousy and rivalries. Hatred is certainly a part of it, but not their main attribute." Twilight explained.

"Then their attribute is rivalries. The cooking world is constantly a struggle, I can see how everyone is a rival with everyone." Pate admits.

"Yes. That seems much more likely. However if they do carry hatred, then my job is about to become really hellish." Twilight said worried.

"Why?" Pate asked.

"She will have a much harder time, trying to advice that restaurant. Because of grudges." The owner explains.

"Ah. No, I think its more like friendly rivalries. After each collision, they do smile afterwards." Pate said.

"Ah! Hm." Twilight said as she thought things through.

"Regardless, I hope you have fun with them. Their skills in cooking are very competitive." Pate said.

"Thanks. I will pack my bags and move on." Twilight said.

"Thanks for working with us. I will share my story about you, with my fellow chefs." The owner said.

"Sure. See you another time." Twilight said as she ran upstairs, and used her levitation magic to quickly pack everything in their respective bags. She then walked out while waving at the owner and Pate.

Twilight walked to the train station and waited a couple of minutes for the train. She then stepped into the train as soon as she was able to. And took one more stop to the next place.

"Last stop. Los Pegasus central station. All non-Pegasuses please remember to either cast the cloud walking spell or an air balloon as soon as you step off the platform. Thank you." The intercom shouted.

Twilight walked to the door and lit her horn up. She then quickly casted a near permanent cloud walking spell on her body. She then waited a few minutes as the train door opens and she walked out of the train.

On the platform she sees a familiar face, it was the tour guide she met a week ago.

"Hey!" Twilight said to the tour guide.

The tour guide looks in her direction and lights up. "Ah. Finally realized that you got out of the wrong stop?" The tour guide said while smirking.

"Perhaps, I did had a chance to eat some real Greek food thanks to it." Twilight said shrugging.

"That is a fair point. So you decided that was the perfect chance to explore the outskirts of Los Pegasus, right?" The tour guide asked.

"Eeyup." Twilight simply said.

"I see. I do recommend my tourists to check out the outskirts. Perhaps that is why I 'forgot' to mention it." The tour guide said smugly.

"Well, I didn't come here on a timer. I am simply a free spirit with a lust of adventure." Twilight shrugged once again.

"That is a good point. Anyways, shall I be your guide today?" The tour guide asked.

"Actually I can't. I have been gone far longer than I had planned. I want to go to that restaurant and check things out." Twilight said.

"I know. But do you know where to go?" The tour guide asked.

"No." Twilight admitted.

"How about I will be your guide today?" The tour guide tried again.

"Sigh. Fine. You don't quit do you?" Twilight said somewhat annoyed and impressed.

"If I did, I wouldn't work in this line of work, would I?" The Tour guide admitted.

"Fine. But atleast tell me your name." Twilight asked.

"My name is Tour Blazer. And you are the famous Twilight Sparkle." Tour said knowingly.

"They did say that I am getting a lot more famous." Twilight said.

"You are my idol after all. But not just mine, every girl out there is a fan of yours." Tour said proudly.

"Is that so?" Twilight said surprised.

"Yeah. Your actions gave me the confidence I need to become what I wanted. All this time, I tried becoming a Tour guide, but my father had other plans. After you appeared as a strong women with a strong desire for improvement, I put my hoof down and became a tour guide, whether my father liked me to or not." Tour admitted.

Twilight simply smiled, "I am happy to hear that. Now about my tour, can you cut out everything that isn't food related? I need to learn atleast as much as possible about Los Pegasus's food culture before I arrive at my destination." she requested.

"Of course. You are putting the final nail in the coffin, right?" Tour asked.

"Yup. This will be my last move. A queen for a queen." Twilight said.

"Good. I will do my best to explain everything I know about Los Pegasus's food culture and history." Tour said determined.

"Okay. As you probably know, Los Pegasus used to belong to Cloudsdale, but they split off due to an different outlook of their culture. Cloudsdale choose sport, while Los Pegasus choose gambling and events. This meant that Los Pegasus had to make their landscape non-Pegasus friendly. This meant staying close to the ground and far away from Cloudsdale constant moving." Tour explained, they were walking passed some old murals made of hardened cloud.

"This caused their culture to mix with other cultures. They took Unicorns love for luxurious and expensive to whole new level, while also improving their food to stay up-to-date with the earth ponies outlook. The result is French dishes. They took some ambassadors and merchants all the way to French earth land and learned all they needed to learn. They then moved what they knew and localized it for Equestrians." Tour explained further. Twilight and Tour passed some extremely old places that served the french food that wasn't localized. It was less popular, but more luxurious.

"After the years passed and Nightmare Moon was put onto the moon. Los Pegasus is perhaps one of the few places that took Luna's style of french cooking to a whole new level. Which eventually turned into Los Pegasus's style french food. Also known as Prench food. A combination of decades of experience in french food and Luna's methods of french cooking. However that name went out of date as soon as Luna returned from her long slumber." Tour explanation finished.

"And here we are. The famous or infamous Confit family. They still use old french food, non-localized. But improved in such a way, that it is unique. The second most expensive food restaurant in Equestria." Tour said. As Twilight and Tour stood in front of a massive building.

"Which restaurant is the most expensive in Equestria?" Twilight asked.

"The Royal restaurant in Canterlot. Owned by Royal Chef." Tour explained.

"Ah. Well here. Take this as a tip. I will be going then." Twilight said as she hoof over some bits.

"I wish you the best of luck. But knowing you, you will succeed. Like you always do." Tour said confident.

"Thanks. Perhaps we will meet again when I open my own cafe in Ponyville." Twilight said.

"Yeah. Until then." Tour said as she walked off.

Twilight walked inside the restaurant and gets immediately greeted by a waitress.

"Welcome to the best restaurant in Los Pegasus. How may I help you?" The waitress asked.

"Yes. I want to meet Baste Confit. Is he available at any moment?" Twilight asked in a rich yet professional tone.

"One moment. Let me check his schedule." The waitress said as she took a look at the schedule inside a small desk.

"Well. There is nothing today. But that usually means that he is doing something private." The waitress said.

"Is there not a way that I could meet him right now?" Twilight asked.

"Hold on. Let me call his secretary." The waitress said.

The waitress picks up an old telephone and calls the secretary. After a few yes and noes, she places the phone back on the hinges.

"I asked and they said that he is currently busy." The waitress said.

"With...?" Twilight tried.

"I am sorry. They said that that is private." The waitress said.

"Fine. Is there a spot available to eat at, right now?" Twilight asked defeated.

"Yes. For one?" The waitress asked, Twilight nodded.

"Please follow me, madam." The waitress said.

Twilight followed the waitress. She noticed that a small group of other guests were already seated. The tables were made of wood with a silk cloth over them. The whole restaurant screamed old school french. As Twilight passed she noticed that the guests immediately recognized her. The waitress didn't however.

This caused the waitress to look confused at her. She didn't say anything however. Until they reached a seat that looked clearly meant as an insult. However Twilight couldn't care less. Those around her however, looked less than pleased.

"This will be your seat. Is there any drink you want before I go and grab the menu?" The waitress asked.

"An appetizer would be appreciated first." Twilight said.

"Very well." The waitress said before leaving.

Twilight noticed that someone on the second floor had noticed her and was calmly speed walking down towards her. The one that noticed her was none other than Princess Cadence. Which Twilight found out the moment she came close enough into view.

"Twilight!" Cadence said loudly. Twilight noticed that the waitress looked shocked at the fact the Cadence walked up to Twilight without warning.

"Hey. Cadence! How is my brother?" Twilight said out loud. She saw as Cadence pouted at the mention but said nothing. Instead she answered by hugging Twilight.

Twilight looked around her while Cadence pulled her into this hug. She saw a bunch of guests smiling while the staff looked confused at this. Apparently she wasn't that famous yet. Or they lived under a rock.

"Good. We are getting along with our dates. Come, join me on my table instead of this, junk." Cadence said while coldly staring at the staff.

"Uh. Sure!" Twilight said hyper. Twilight ignored Cadence unusually strong protectiveness.

"So how is your vacation been?" Cadence asked.

"Good. I learned some Greek cooking methods and stuff." Twilight said while walking up the stairs and onto a large lounge. Cadence's table already had some food on it. At the table another guest was seated, it was none other than Twilight's old friend Pride Keeper.

"Twilight! Old friend!" Pride hugged Twilight equally tight as Cadence.

It was at that moment that the staff realized that Twilight was some kind of big shot. Even if they didn't know about her. The waitress that helped Twilight immediately informed the kitchen.

"What did you say her name was?!" A familiar voice shouted loudly out of the kitchen.

Twilight heard some mumbling, which followed by a slap sound.

"The Twilight Sparkle?! Have you lived under a rock?! She is a massive big shot. Hell she is the queen of cooking right now!" The voice shouted.

Twilight blushed at the statement. She saw as Cadence agreed and Pride simply smiled.

"Where is she?!" The voice shouted. "Upstairs? She joined the princess? Good! I will meet her as soon as I am able."

"Baste! I do not appreciate the slap! That better isn't you! Or I will make it widely known of your actions!" Twilight shouted back.

"Dully noted." Baste said taken aback.

"You have grown stronger." Pride said prideful.

"That is how the world of cooking expects you to be." Twilight said shrugging.

"So how is my good old classmate?" Baste said as he finally joined Twilight at the table.

" Good! Although I am sure that you know why I am here?" Twilight said.

"Yeah and you are too late. I already convinced my family that a female chef is fine to work here." Baste said smiling.

"Proof?" Twilight asked.

"We hired a female master chef into our kitchen." Baste said.

"Is she leading or being pushed around?" Twilight asked.

"Leading. She is a strong women." Cadence answered.

"Do I know her?" Twilight asked.

"You do, It's Morning Roux. She finally stopped teaching and went back to cooking in the restaurant." Pride said.

"Oh my Celestia. I need something special then." Twilight said.

"Which is?" Baste asked.

"I need a Carpaccio appetizer with Del Pino sauce made by Morning Roux. She will know what I mean." Twilight said.

"Understood. I will go and get that. But first my father wants to meet you." Baste said.

"Tell him to come here and join us for lunch." Twilight said.

"Understood." Baste said as he went through a well hidden double doors made of entirely dark oak.

On the other side, Baste sighed. His confidence in stopping Twilight from entering their kitchen wasn't working. For starters Morning wasn't working at the Confit family restaurant anymore. She wasn't anymore due to his father's actions. His father was one of the few that truly disagreed with Twilight's actions. And was working hard at stopping her success, even if he was failing at it.

Despite Baste's father's best actions, Twilight had made a dent in the cooking world. However Twilight's actions had done far more than met the eye. Female employees weren't so easily willing to work anywhere anymore. Ponies became more rebellious and more realistic. And Twilight had become a massive inspiration for many, to the point that some called her 'The shadow of the princesses'.

When Baste's father threatened Morning when she didn't listen to the head chef's demand. She was threatened that she would get fired and banned from every restaurant that followed him, Morning simply smiled undaunted by the situation. She said that plenty of restaurants choose Twilight, and that that claim was going to be the downfall of this restaurant.

Angered by Morning's responds, his father ordered his staff to beat the crap out of Morning. Despite all of that, she smiled. Baste knew why, Twilight was eventually going to find out. And when she does, Celestia knows what might happen. However Baste knew that beneath Twilight's happy-go-lucky behavior there was a very powerful unicorn. One you do not want to mess with if you knew what was good for you.

"Father, Twilight is currently seated with Princess Cadance." Baste reported, his mood was gray and monotone.

"Why? I asked her to be placed in the poor stallion's table." His father coldly asked.

"We did, however Princess Cadance had spotted her from afar. She moved Twilight forcibly from that table and onto her own. She didn't look pleased by our action." Baste reported.

"Sigh. Fine, do what you must and prevent her from entering our kitchen." His father stated.

"About that. She ordered a Morning Roux special. One that even I, do not know about." Baste said.

"Call her. Ask her and make it." His father ordered.

"Understood." Baste coldly responded.

So Baste left the office and entered the family personal living room which held a communication catalyst. Dialing Morning's magical footprint into it, caused the orb to call it. It had a distinct beeping sound to it, until it was picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Morning asked confused.

"It's me. Baste." Baste said.

"Ah Baste. How can I help you?" Morning asked.

"Twilight asked me to make a Carpaccio appetizer with Del Pino sauce. Do you know how to make that?" Baste asked.

Baste heard Morning laugh on the other side, "Alright. Let me explain how to make it." Morning said as she began to explain.

After a good ten minutes of Morning explained it, and Baste writing it down. "Thanks Morning. I am glad that you do not feel any hatred towards me." Baste said.

"No. My hatred is towards your father. You are simply forced to do his bidding. Have fun with that recipe." Morning said as she hing up.

Baste then walked into a secret path that led to the kitchen in order to make it.

Meanwhile back at the table, Cadance was explaining to Twilight about Twilight's actions that she noticed from a distance. Pride simply smiled while slurping his favorite drink, an Ice tea long drink. Twilight was meanwhile looking wide-eyed at all the information given.

"And that is how you gained the title 'The Shadow of the princesses'." Cadence explained.

"Wow." Twilight said in awe. Cadence noticed that Twilight's body language said a lot more however.

Twilight was dissatisfied, or atleast that is what Cadence thought she saw.

"So, what do you think about this restaurant so far?" Pride asked.

Twilight slowly turned her head to Pride and closed in on him, "Lies..." Twilight simply said.

The way Twilight said it, made both Pride and Cadence shudder. It felt as if a totally different pony was sitting in Twilight's spot.

"What do you mean?" Cadence asked.

"I gave Baste a fake request. A test, if you will. If Morning really works here. Then she knows what that was. However if she isn't. We will receive a dish that doesn't exist." Twilight said.

"You don't trust him?" Pride asked confused.

"I trust him. I do not trust his family. If he thinks that I haven't noticed his father's actions. Then he has another thing coming." Twilight said darkly, Twilight's mood was dark and chipper. It looked down right creepy. As if Twilight was insane.

"I see. So those rumors?" Cadence asked.

"Probably true." Twilight responded.

"Darn." Cadence quietly said.

"Wait. Can I call Morning really quick?" Pride asked.

Twilight looked around, she noticed Baste holding a dish. Twilight smile turns creepy as she nodded. "I have a feeling that I will have to show Baste's family the true inner workings of my family." Twilight said maniacally.

Cadence flinched at the mention. And as she sat there, she shook a little. Pride looked worried at Twilight but said nothing.

"It's me, Pride!" Pride almost shouted at the communication spell.

"Pride! It has been a while. Where are you?" Morning asked.

"A place that most likely will feel the full might of the Sparkle family." Twilight responded.

You could hear Morning laughing on the other side. "Thank you." Morning simply said as she closed the communication spell.

"I am back." Baste said as he was holding the dish.

"So I see. Do me a favor and place that dish back into the kitchen. I would like to talk to you without it." Twilight said, her face was dark and the mood was tense.

Baste immediately knew that he screwed up, it is not the first time he saw that side of Twilight. "Okay." He said as he walked back.

As soon as he was back, Pride made place for him by standing up. Baste took a seat and Pride sat back down, blocking his escape route. Baste realized that a bit too late. He looked at Cadence, however he saw that she had a simple business smile on her face.

"Guess why I am angry." Twilight said.

"Wrong dish?" Baste offered.

Twilight laughed very loudly and creepily, as she shook her head. "No. You lied. That dish was fake and only Morning knows the answer. Why did I give you a fake request?" she asked.

"Uh. I don't know?" Baste said sweating.

"To test your father. If he thinks that I am blind and that my mother is blind then he doesn't understand our true ability." Twilight explained.

Baste gulped, he tried to say something but he couldn't. Something prevented him from doing so.

"Before a chef and a pastry chef, I am a powerful unicorn. One that has served Princess Celestia for eons. We weren't afraid of doing dangerous and downright evil things." Twilight explained, a dark cloud of magic was hanging over the table.

Cadence stared at Twilight, the stare said to calm down. Either Twilight didn't see it or she ignored it. Either way Twilight continued.

"However today isn't such a day instead I came here as chef." Twilight said as the creepy smile and the dark atmosphere disappeared.

Cadence looked at Baste, Baste was too scared to say anything.

"Do you know what that means, old friend?" Twilight asked, Twilight lit her horn and removed the restrainment spell from Baste.

"That father shouldn't try such a stunt out again?" Baste offered.

"No. That he shouldn't mess with my family. It is your choice if you wish to loose staff over a silly disagreement. However we do not tolerate such hostile behavior towards my family. Remember that, remember that by our core, we are a combat and guardian family. Not a cooking family like you. We are not afraid to remove your family from the equation. If it came to that." Twilight explained.

"Uh. What did he do?" Baste asked confused.

"To instill loneliest to me, he forced my parents to go to Manehattan by using roundabout ways of going about it." Twilight said.

"Uh. Did your parents found out?" Cadence intervened.

"Thank Luna not. Atleast I am able to calmly warn you. They would have done something far worse than me." Twilight said sighing.

"Like?" Pride tried. Twilight answered by moving her hoof over her neck.

"Dully noted." Baste said while gulping.

"Good. Now seeing as I already got a very well known name in the world. Something tells me, that you will finish my job. Isn't the right, Baste and Aspic?" Twilight said smiling.

A gulp came from behind Twilight as Aspic reveals himself.

"Yes. I will try and go against my father's wishes and return Morning back as a Head chef." Baste explained.

"Good. I will leave it to you then. My job here is done." Twilight said.

"Sigh. Yeah. Sorry Twi. I didn't agree with my father's actions either. He is just too powerful-" Baste was about to say as his father burst through to double doors and used his magic to force Baste onto the ground.

"You sick F-" Aspic tried saying as he too was forced onto the ground.

Then his father tried that one pride, but he shrugged it off. Again with Cadence but she wasn't having it, so she teleported Pride, Aspic and Baste away towards a safe place.

"You think I give up that easily?!" Baste's father said enraged.

"Why yes." Twilight calmly said.

Angered, Cadence donned her combat armor. Just in case. Her combat armor is normally stored inside of Celestia's bedroom, so when it disappeared. Celestia became alerted by it. Not only did the alarm go off, but Celestia was in the room at the time of the disappearance.

In a fit of rage, Baste's father slung a few fireballs into Twilight's direction. Twilight meanwhile calmly grabbed them out of the air using her levitation. And redirected it into the sky, where it blew up.

"If I were you, I would calm down." Twilight calmly said.

"Shut up!" Baste's father shouted as he prepared some rather destructive spells.

Realizing what he was about to do, Cadence used the armor's ability. Which was a direct danger signal to Celestia.

Meanwhile Twilight simply teleported everyone out of ground zero and placed a shield bubble over herself.

Baste's father then released the spell and it hit Twilight's barrier hard. It cracked a little, but it failed to penetrate.

On the other side of Equestria, Celestia received the emergency signal. Celestia then ordered hundreds of guards towards Los Pegasus, alongside herself.

Twilight was losing her tolerance, "I give you my final warning. Calm down or meet the consequences." Twilight said.

Baste's father ignored Twilight's warning as he shot another destructive spell towards Twilight. Twilight simply side stepped. Causing the spell to destroy the rest of the restaurant.

Twilight closed her eyes, "Very well." She said as her eyes open widely with power.

Twilight then proceeds to cast a single spell, it was a simply medical spell. "Horn removal!" Twilight shouted as she cast a very powerful spell that erased Baste's father's horn without even trying.

"ARG!?" Baste's father screamed as he lost consciousness.

Twilight then calmed down, "See that wasn't so hard." She said.

Cadence looked surprised and shocked at Twilight's calm reaction towards the ordeal. But in a positive kind of way, Twilight didn't go berserk, instead she calmly defused the situation. Even if it meant, removing someone's ability to cast magic.

It was right then, that hundreds of guards descend on the situation. Only to be met by one calm unicorn, one fainted hornless unicorn and a shocked looking alicorn.

Celestia calmly appeared onto the scene only to be met similarly. Celestia looked at Twilight then Baste's father and then towards Cadence.

"What happened?" Celestia asked confused.

"Twilight destroyed his horn to defuse the situation." Cadence explained.

"It isn't the first time I did that." Twilight said with a small smile.

Celestia sighed, "That is true." she said.

"Well considering the situation, Twilight solved it in a good way." Pride said as he reappeared out of nowhere.

"Is everyone safe?" Twilight asked worried.

"They are shocked, but fine." Pride replied.

"Where are they?" Celestia asked.

"Inside of Celestium." Twilight said with a smile.

Celestia smiled, "Very well. Pride can you please get everypony home? I need to talk to Twilight in private." she said.

"Let me help." Cadence said towards Pride.

"Okay. Let's go." Pride said as he and Cadence warped away.

"First things first, Guards! Please remove him and sent him to a hospital in Canterlot." Celestia order her guards.

Celestia and Twilight watched as Baste's father is being removed. The other guards meanwhile close the restaurant off for awhile.

"Alright. Twilight haven't you learned from the first time?" Celestia asked concerned.

"This time I had a good reason. And besides I have a good reason besides the first one." Twilight said cryptically.

"He attacked you." Celestia said.

"That too. But he also attacked my family." Twilight said.

"How?" Celestia said with one eyebrow raised.

"By pushing some strings and moving my parents to Manehattan after I returned back into Canterlot. With the purpose of making me succumb to loneliness. Which failed terribly." Twilight explained.

"I see. He slowed your father's process with the meat and reported an already found but not yet identified fossil to the museum all with the intent to slow them down and try to make you depressed." Celestia assumed.

"That is correct. He didn't realize that I was already very independent at the time. On top of that, I had plenty of things to do in Canterlot, which prevented me from realizing this ploy. Luckily I realized it, after my parents returned." Twilight admitted.

"I see. He underestimated the power of a single girl and the length you are willing to go to succeed." Celestia said while smiling.

"Exactly. He realized this too late, by then, he already lost the throne. To me." Twilight said.

"What throne?" Celestia asked confused.

"Of the most influential chef in the cooking world." Twilight explained.

"Ah." Celestia said, "Well done, my little pony."

"You wish I was yours. Sadly I am mine!" Twilight joked, Celestia giggled at it.

"But in all seriousness. You have succeeded in something that even my sisters failed to do." Celestia said proudly.

"I know. Which is why it's time. I will separate them. Luna and Moon. After I am done with that, I will search for a partner. Someone with an equal skill in cooking as me." Twilight explained.

"That is incredible news! Where are you going to search?" Celestia said excited.

"Owning an entire Cafe by myself is a bit much. So I am going to search at the Golden Dragon resort. Surely I will find someone." Twilight explains.

"A dragon, huh? Surely you will find someone." Celestia said knowingly.

"Oh I am sure. I just hope to find someone on the day I come there." Twilight said somewhat worried.

"Then do me a favor and give it a chance to relax while you still can." Celestia requested.

"I will try to. No promises." Twilight said smugly.

"Oh and one more thing. No more horn removal spell, alright? Next time just use a silencing or a restrainment spell." Celestia said serious.

"I know. He just tried to hurt my friends. I couldn't let that happen." Twilight said determined.

"No excuses, young lady! You are powerful enough to find another way. No need for such extreme measures." Celestia scolded.

"Yes, mom!" Twilight joked. Celestia simply smiled and stuck her tong out.

"But in all seriousness. I didn't remove his horn. Only temporarily removed his connection to unicorn magic and used illusion magic to make it seem that I removed his horn." Twilight said serious.

"I know. You are powerful. But not THAT powerful." Celestia said nodding.

"Horn removal magic is alicorn level of magic. At most I am demi-alicorn levels of magic." Twilight admitted.

"Oh for sure! However you did a really good job at it. You almost fooled even me." Celestia admitted.

"I certainly fooled Cadence and Pride." Twilight said confident.

"That you did. Most of my guards probably fell for it too. Seeing how fast they removed Baste's father." Celestia smirked as she looked at her guards. She saw how some actually blushed at the mention.

"So, the spell will last a month at most. Both the illusion and the disconnection." Twilight admitted.

"I know. He will spend a few moments in a quarantined cell to calm down. Then I will release him, with a warning of course." Celestia said knowingly.

"So is my father an earth pony now?" Baste said as he came running.

"No. He has just lost connection to his unicorn powers for a month and he will think he has lost his horn for about a month as well." Twilight said smiling.

"I see. You just used an illusion spell with a disconnect spell at the same time." Aspic said as he was sweating from the running.

"Correct. Well my time is up. I am going back home to prepare for my last journey." Twilight admitted.

"Last journey?" Baste asked worried.

"Yes. Then I am going to settle down." Twilight said.

"Ah. I see. Where are you going to settle down if I may ask?" Aspic asked.

"Ponyville." Twilight said.

"Why there?" Baste asked. Celestia also perked up at the question.

"Besides the fact that a lot of suppliers are from Ponyville, I want to live in an area with a lot of customers but with a twist." Twilight said.

"A twist?" Celestia asked.

"Yes. Knowing that the elements of harmony live there, I should expect lots of wacky things to happen. That way although my life is going to be a lot calmer, I will still experience some form of adventure all the time." Twilight admits.

"I see." Baste and Aspic said at the same time. They both looked at each other and smiled.

"As if life wasn't an adventure to begin with." Twilight added. She saw as Celestia smiled at the truth.

"Perhaps I will visit your cafe once it's done." Baste said.

"Perhaps. Until next time old friends." Twilight said.

"Until next time." Baste and Aspic agreed.

While Twilight and Celestia walked away, Celestia wanted to ask one last thing.

"Will you join me into going home?" Celestia asked.

"Sure!" Twilight said, as these two friends smiled while walking off into the sunset.