//------------------------------// // 2 // Story: The Pony // by FIM Fiction //------------------------------// She landed at the foot of the mountain, her bones cracking. She let out a scream, before slowly getting up. She pushed her bones back in place, screaming with each movement. Her ears flicked. Where were they? She expected the voices, and yet there were none. Wait. She heard something. "How does one take so much pain, past the point of survival, and yet they survive?" She examined herself, before noticing her tail. Or rather, her lack of a tail. A memory floated to her mind. She couldn't make it out, yet something happened to her tail in that memory. When she was... Small. She shook her head. "Voices, are you gone?" Nothing responded. She glared at her lack of a tail. "I am sure I had one when I woke-" She indeed could not remember if she did or didn't. But that wasn't important. What was important was traveling. She needed to go somewhere. She needed to explore. So she looked around herself. She faced the snowing desert, the mountain behind her. "Alright. Let's go." She walked into the desert, the hot sand burning her hooves while the snow chilled the wings on her back. "Wait. No, don't wait." She smacked her lips. Her words felt... Odd. As if they were... Different. She glanced at her wings. "I have wings!" She stated to herself. She felt... Different. She walked for... she didn't even know how long. She walked until her hooves were sore, and her aching muscle could take no more. Finally, she collapsed. She faintly heard something talking. "H-hello?" she asked, blackness swimming in her vision. Hello? What happened? She fell asleep. Oh. Who's that? That is a character. Oh. She's pretty. What? She is! Oh look, she's taking her into a stone hut. That's a cozy looking fire. Time passes. You sure took your time. She raised her head, groggily staring around the area. She stared at a child, who glowed a soft white. She grabbed the filly and pulled her in for a tight hug. "Woah! Okay, I like hugs too." Ambient Light giggled. Her light stripes reflected on her fur, making a slight red glow around the hut. "I'm Ambient Light! What's your name?" She opened her mouth, before closing it. "I... Ezra? No, Amber. Amber Jigsaw." "Wow! Those are very different names!" Ambient said. "And no, I'm not an angel." "I- What's an angel?" Jigsaw asked. Ambient rubbed her chin. "I think they're dove ponies." she said. She then stared out the door. A sad look covered her face. Light then rapidly shook her head. "Hey, may I ask you some stuff? I'm super boorred!" "Okay." Amber answered. "Can you let-" Ambient seemed to think, before reaching out and grabbing a brush from a pile of seemingly random items. "Can you brush my hair while you hold me?" Jigsaw grasped the rush with her... With her wing, and started brushing the child's hair. She shifted so the child now sat in her lap. "Why do you have no tail?" Jigsaw thought for a moment. "I don't know." Ambient frowned. "Okay. Why do you have weird tiny clothes?" Jigsaw stiffened. She craned her neck to look at her short jean shorts (Jorts). "They're comfy... Do they really look weird?" "Uh huh." Jigsaw cringed at the response. Her ears flattened as she heard what she thought to be her inner thoughts confirming her cringe. But we're not her A growl sounded through the air, making Ambient blush. "Hang on, I need to grab some food." She squirmed out of Amber's grip. "I'll be right back." She stopped to look at the strange smoke that shifted out of Amber's mouth, leaving wonderful shapes drifting up to the sky. Amber watched the child leave, heading out into the cold heat. She returned quickly with a mix of mushrooms. "Careful. Some of those are poison." "Hey!" Ambient Light complained as some were removed. "We need all of it or we'll go hungry!" "No, we won't. We need a pot, a fire, and water. We're having soup." Amber Jigsaw said. "Okay!" Ambient What's that? Shush, you're WHUMP The whole desert seemed to shake from that. A large apple dropped to their hooves. Ambient grinned. "YES! More foo- WHUMP "food?" she asked feebly. WHUMP Blishhh The two stared outside, staring at the distance. There was... there was an old tree. An oak tree, in this desert. Amber knew it odd only by Ambient Light's puzzled gaze. Hang on something is happening. Amber Jigsaw stood up, taking the mushrooms and setting them in the grip of her wings. Then she starting to walk. BleuBlooms She found with each step, her breath curled into the mis-matched world. Her heavy breaths forms odd and odder shapes that seemed to echo into the stars themselves. Some found life, others still blinked and never woke again. Spying such stranginess, her friend, Ambient Light, thought nothing of the strange shapes that began to fill the sky. Beyond the world that had just begun, or had always been? A woven knott of oak bound a pony. Stiff and old. Little escaped the cage but, for a ream of long... long mane... that trailed in curls of vivid rainbow light. Oh. Oh my. Someone just Shush. They shouldn't know. What if they find out on their own? Then I suppose then we will confirm. Amber walked up to the oddly shaped tree. Like a living creature, it moved as if staring. Amber raised her hoof, touching the rainbow. It felt like hair. She felt along it, before reaching the wood. "What are you?" she whispered. "What is it?" Ambient asked. Amber felt along the wooden thing, noticing a pattern on what seemed to be the flank. An odd circle on each side. She motioned Ambient to one side, before pushing on the circle. "Let's find out." she answered. Ambient pushed against the circle, feeling a bit odd about it. "Why are we poking a tree's butt?" she asked. Suddenly, a crack formed along the tree, a beam of warm sunlight flowing from the circles. The tree enveloped in light. "Oooo" Ambient whispered in awe. "Come on then." Amber said, a smile on her face. She walked through the light. I feel a tug. WOAH! Amber Jigsaw held her eyes closed as she walked through the light. A pleasant smell, not much unlike that of the forest, entered her nose. There was a hint of apple. "Where are we?" Ambient asked. Amber opened her mouth to answer, only for a cyan and rainbow blur to slam into her. SOUL: AMBER JIGSAW LUST LEVEL: 0-NONE DEAD: 0-NONE RATING: E We have reached a good amount of comments. I will accept no more for the time being.