//------------------------------// // The separation // Story: The Chef's Life // by vincent789 //------------------------------// Twilight and Celestia moved fast on the Royal carriage towards Canterlot Castle. Twilight looked around as they flew over Canterlot and into the castle that Celestia called home. Twilight noticed that Luna was aimlessly staring into space towards the would-be position of the moon while the blue hue of daylight covered it. Twilight also noticed that Luna's horn was lit up with an unnatural dark blue color. "So Moon is currently in control of that body, huh?" Twilight said. Celestia heard Twilight said that, this caused her too look towards Luna's position. "What do you mean?" Celestia asked, "Look at hue of the magic color on her horn. It's dark blue. Unlike Luna's magic color which light blue." Twilight said. Celestia's eyes widen as she looked back at Luna, realizing what Twilight just said made a lot of sense. "Nice spot. I didn't notice it." She said. "That is probably intentional. Knowing Luna and Moon's relationship with you. I mean they probably are quite open. But after their fight with you, they probably keep a lot of emotion hidden anyways." Twilight explains. Celestia sighed, "Yeah. No matter what, I did banish my sister to the moon. And for a thousand years at that. I could understand." she said as she drooped a little. Twilight noticed that Celestia's hair which is normally a flowing rainbow, stopped flowing for a moment. "Let me guess. While she was gone, you had to deal with the darkness that followed." Twilight guessed. "I am afraid so. After I banish Luna, a lot of citizens could simply not agree with my actions. They either left or became criminals. Or in the rare cases, threw themselves at me to kill me. Only for me to kill them instead." Celestia said as her hair temporarily changed to pink. Twilight sighed, "Every action has a reaction. And those reactions bring consequences. Even if that meant in the rare cases that ponies and stallions died." She said. Celestia simply nodded. "However do not take the darkness alone. You have your sister back. After I split Luna and Moon, you should talk the truth to them. Not just your actions, but also those of your citizens. Tell them everything, trust me. The anvil on your back should become a lot more lighter. But don't bottle it! I don't want another Nightmare Moon." Twilight scolded. Celestia smiled, "You might not be our shadow or the keeper of the element of magic. However I would truly consider you, the greatest mind to my kingdom. Not as great as Starswirl the bearded. No, even greater. You understand the truth, you accept it, you improve it." She said poetically. "Ha! You wish." Twilight said as she stuck her tong out. Celestia smile dropped, "That's no lie. That is the truth." she said. Her hair returned back to normal. Twilight expression dropped, "Perhaps it is because I did far worse." She said. Celestia moved to hug Twilight, "We should move this conversation to my room." she said. "Yeah. Lets." Twilight said. Twilight and Celestia finally arrived and immediately moved to Celestia's bedroom. Unknowingly to them, Luna secretly followed. "Didn't we already have this conversation?" Celestia asked. "We did. We did." Twilight replied. "And yet, why are we talking about it again?" Celestia asked. "Because these two days will be the turning point. I will release Luna and Moon and I will go on my final adventure for a good while." Twilight said. "I see. Well speak, you wish to reminisce right?" Celestia said with a smile. "Yeah. So much has happened. My childhood is all about that disaster and my current is all about change. Soon it will be about the present. Yet it feels as if nothing has changed." Twilight said. Celestia hugs Twilight calmly and cautiously, "That is true. You bring change where ever you go. Whether its the past, the present or the future. You are our shadow according to the people, I bring change, Luna hides change, Moon invites change and you start change. If you weren't a chef, I would have wanted you to be a part of the royal family." Celestia admits. "If my chances are right, my brother and Cadence should make that happen." Twilight said. "Heh. That is true. I have watched them. The chances are very high." Celestia said. Twilight playfully pushes Celestia away, "Well isn't the sun a stalker or what?" she joked. Celestia laughs tremendously, "Can you blame it? That is what happens if you look into the sun." Celestia joked. This time it was Twilight's turn to laugh, "Nah you get blinded by it. Like love does to ya." Twilight joked. The conversation then turned into a bunch of puns and dad jokes as both of them are poking fun at each other. As if they were sisters. Luna that was looking from a distance could just see Celestia and Moon sitting next to each other while they laugh about jokes like the sisters they are. Luna also noticed a hint of sadness and loneliness from Twilight. It seems that Baste's father did a number, just normally its hidden by a mask like Celestia. The more Luna looked into Twilight's eyes, the more she feels her extreme loneliness. It got to the point that Luna walked in, like she usually does. And hugs Twilight before Celestia could. Celestia and Twilight both jumped at the sudden intrusion. Not that Twilight was able to move, but that was besides the point. Celestia looked at Luna, it was one look that did. Luna's eyes said everything. 'Twilight is extremely lonely. Not that she shows it very well.' Said Luna's eyes. "I see. You like stealing Twilight." Celestia said almost too serious. Luna looked confused at her for her to say that, "What?" she said confused. "She is mine." Celestia said as she bear hugged both Luna and Twilight. "Kegh Air!" Twilight peeped. Luna blinked and so did Celestia. "Oops sorry." They both said at the same time. "What is wrong with you two?" Twilight asked confused. "You think we didn't see your loneliness?" Luna said, Celestia wanted to say the same thing, but Luna was faster. Twilight looked at them both, before drooping as her mask almost entirely broke. What both the princesses saw, broke their heart. Twilight looked exhausted and sad. But her loneliness overpowered every other emotion. "I miss home. I miss my brother and mom and dad. But honestly? I missed you two the most." Twilight said in a depressed voice. For the first time ever since Twilight started to make change happen, Twilight's true emotions were shown. The bottle finally broke, as Twilight couldn't stop showing them her true self. "I try to be strong for those around me. But its hard. Every time I feel scared I have to push it down. And hide it. Only to show my other true emotion. Strength. The power to bring strength to where ever I go. If I could, I would want to hide from the world and stay unknown. But someone has to act, nobody wants to. So I do!" Twilight explained as her eyes couldn't contain all the tears she hadn't shed yet. Celestia put a wing over Twilight, Luna simply soothed her mind. Allowed her to spill without control. "But that is probably how you three originally felt to, no? When the weight of an entire continent was placed on your shoulders. That is not to say that my weight isn't heavy. Yet we probably felt the same fear. I have the weight of every girls fears on my shoulder. So that I may be able to bring strength to the girls instead." Twilight explained as almost every tear had been shed. "I became their idol so I can become the embodiment of strength. That way that had a future to look forward to. But it wasn't just me. I only got the ball rolling. It's the friends I make on my journey that turned into strength. They saw me push ahead, so they followed to assist. I am not the sole embodiment, I am one of the many pioneers. Yet only I am granted a title while the others are forgotten." Twilight said saddened. "Of course you are right. Only one got the title. However none is forgotten. Everyone got their reward whether it be by title or by the place, all your friends are where they wanted to be. If they didn't meet you, I doubt many would be where they are today." Celestia said wisely. "I closely watched your friends, while Celestia watched you. I saw bonds being made, and broken. I saw hope being given and respect being gained. Your friends used your light to be where they wanted to be. You might have gotten the spotlight on you, however they used you as a disco ball to shine the light on many more. They knew what you wanted, so they followed it until the end. Which is right now. As far as I am concerned, Everyone is happy." Luna explained. "So I succeeded?" Twilight asked. "Not just succeeded. You might have changed the cooking world directly. You indirectly changed everywhere else. Even my maids aren't scared of the guards anymore. When I lowered their income by accident, every maid rebelled. Regardless if I outrank them. They simply refused to act until change came." Celestia admitted. "While I was drunk I saw how one of my guards abused a single lonely pony on the street. The next day me and my guards were banned, because the girl protested at the guard station. And won." Luna also admitted. "Wow." Twilight said in dumbstruck awe. "You have done enough. Leave the rest for the stragglers. I am sure someone might take your place." Celestia said. "Actually I might want to invite a representative of the female party within our royal circle to our table of diplomatic decisions. As I feel that now is the right time. It's unlikely that they there will be much protest. And if they do protest, expect every pony to be on the street protesting that idea." Luna explained. Celestia jumped at the idea, "We totally should! Is there anyone you want?" she asked Luna. "I was thinking about Lady Dis Lis." Luna said. Celestia's eyes widen, "That is perfect!" she said. "That will only work if you allow her to keep her modelling career." Twilight refuted. "I am sure we can come to some kind of conclusion." Celestia denied. "No. I will not allow it. Only if you can choose a second career besides it, like the stallion can." Twilight disagreed. "Hm. I am sure we can talk to her about it." Luna tried. "I wonder what would happen if I talk openly about this to her?" Twilight said evilly. "NO!" Both Luna and Celestia said at the same time. "Then grant her a second job or I am going to publicly talk about this. I wonder what happens..." Twilight said smiling. "Sigh. Fine! I will see what I can do." Celestia said finally giving in. "Good. Say is there a way for me to be a secret sister to the royal crown?" Twilight asked. "I mean. There is, but," Luna said reluctantly. "No. That is too much. I can't be much present anyways. I will have a cafe to run, I shouldn't get even more responsibilities on me." Twilight denied. Celestia smile turned evil, this caused Luna and Twilight to gulp. "Luna tell me later on how to do that." Celestia asked Luna. "What?!" Twilight said shocked. "Oh?!" Luna smiled. "No!" Twilight tried to deny it. Though her voice was that of a mouse. "Yes!" Celestia said while smirking. "Perhaps Moon will safe me!" Twilight said as her shone as bright as the sun. "What are you-" Celestia tried to say, but the power that Twilight was using prevented her from continuing. "Release of the spirit, From a thousand suns, May the lord win, As she has returned!" Twilight said as she casted the spell. The spell surrounded Luna as it shone on her cutie mark and then a powerful beam shot from Twilight's horn, it hit the clouds over Canterlot and cut it like a blade. Revealing the stars and the moon that were hidden behind it. The power beam then stopped as around the moon a lot of sparkles sparkled. And then a beam of pure light and black pour back down onto Luna. Celestia saw as Luna and Moon got separated as an ancient curse has finally been lifted. Then the light vanished leaving behind two alicorns. Luna and Moon were finally two beings once again. "Ugh, it worked!" Twilight said happy. Only for the world to go black as she fainted from magic exhaustion. "I am me!" Moon said over the moon. "A warning would have been nice." Luna said dizzy. "Tell me about it." Celestia said annoyed. "Oh and by the way, please make Twilight my sister. I would be very pleased." Moon said smirking. "Huh. She fainted. It must have been magic exhaustion." Luna said as she saw Twilight sleeping on the ground. "Well. She can't protest now. Should I go ahead and make that happen?" Celestia asked them. "Yeah!" Luna and Moon said as the same time. "Alright. If one of you two give Twilight a bed, then I will make the paperwork happen." Celestia asked. "Wait. Won't people freak out about me?" Moon asked worried. "Actually that is a good point. Luna please take care of that for me. I will start talking to people about Twilight." Celestia said as wasted no time and practically ran towards her office. "She seemed, too happy about that request. I am worried." Moon said worried. "I can actually agree about that. Oh well, she ran a continent a thousand years longer than me. We will be fine!" Luna said ignorant. "Okay. That is true-" Moon tried to say, until she heard some screaming from Celestia in the background. "You know what. Perhaps I will go and help Celestia. Introductions can come later." Moon said. Luna blinked as she too heard the screaming, "Sure and hurry. She is waking Twilight up." she said. "On it." Moon also practically ran towards the office. "Alright lets move you to my room for now." Luna said to Twilight quietly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was morning in Canterlot, Twilight felt like she was sleeping on a cloud. Not realizing that she was in Luna's bed, Twilight stood up as her internal clock screamed at her for sleeping far too long. three days too long in fact. With her sleepy eyes slightly open, she immediately realized that she was in fact sleeping on Luna's bed. "Ugh." Twilight said as her horn still ached from the magic overuse. "Something tells me that my pleading failed." Twilight said to herself. Luna was not actually in the room, Twilight was totally alone with Moon besides her. However it took a few seconds to realize this. "Atleast it worked." Twilight said as she finally became aware. "It took three days of magic to succeed." Moon said with a smile. "That is magic over exhaustion for you." Twilight said. "Exactly. I got you some apples right here." Moon said. "Thanks. So? Did you succeed?" Twilight asked, while already knowing the answer. Moon simply smiled, "I will show you your room later, sis." she simply said. "Ugh, what about my parents and my brother and Cadence?" Twilight asked. "I was told that you are going to have to break the news yourself before you go to the Golden dragon resort." Moon said. "How ironic. Only meant for princesses. Becomes a sister to the crown." Twilight said sarcastically. Moon giggled on Twilight discomfort. "Get used to it sis." she said. "It doesn't help that, that word injects butterflies in my belly." Twilight said frustrated. "So you do like it, sis?" Moon asked. "Yes. Now stop calling me that. It is going to very uncomfortable to tell my parents the truth." Twilight demanded. "Nope. You are my sister, so I call you sis!" Moon said childishly. "Ugh. My body aches." Twilight said as she walked out of the room with the apples in her levitation. While Twilight's body ached and she ate the apples on the way. She meets a familiar guard. It seems that Pride became a medic guard. "Once a guard, always a guard." Twilight said to Pride. "It's in my blood." Pride admits. "Can you do me a favor and tell Celestia that I went back to my parents? Oh and please tell them to sent Shining home. I need to have a serious talk with them." Twilight said, "Only if you spill the beans." Pride bargained. "I have to call Celestia, Luna and Moon. Sister." Twilight admits. "What?" Pride asked confused. "They crowned me as a sister to the crown. Or in a normal way of saying, I have been crowned as princess. Against my will." Twilight said as she left. "Huh. So was that a royal order?" Pride shouted. "No. But I suggest you do it anyways." Twilight shouted back. "Okay because it's you!" Pride smirked. "You want me to tell my new sisters that you are bullying me?" Twilight shot back. "Fine! Geez." Pride said smiling. Twilight ignoring Pride's comments, calmly walked back home. Twilight was now a nervous ball of fluff as she was unsure on how to break the news. But just as she said, she is good at hiding her nervousness and walked on anyways. Twilight knocked on the door. Only to be met by Cadance instead. "Twilight! I thought you were going home three days ago!" Cadance shouted. "I got held up. Sorry." Twilight apologized. "Sigh. Come on in. Shiny and your parents are currently near the fireplace. They all went on a trip with me to the remaining parts of the crystal empire." Cadence explained. "Let me guess. You got snowed in and became stuck for three days?" Twilight offered. "You know me too well sis!" Shining said in the background. "Actually I have some serious news to share with everyone in this room. That does include you, Cadence." Twilight said as she added the last bit when she saw Cadence trying to leave. "Oh? Did you get promoted?" Shining tried to guess. "Did your cafe request succeed?" Night asked at the same time. "Are you staying a bit longer before leaving?" Velvet asked. Before Twilight had the chance to answer. "Don't worry it's just a cold!" Cadence tried to say in order to leave. "Please everyone. It's just, I finally succeeded in splitting Luna and Moon." Twilight said. "OH! That is cause for celebration!" Velvet shouted. "I actually was given a reward for it. A very stupid one." Twilight said annoyed. Night and Shining immediately knew something was up. Twilight almost never used the word "Stupid." it caused some alarm bells to go off. "Which was?" Cadence asked undaunted. "They made me sister to the crown." Twilight replied. "What does that mean?" Cadence asked confused. Twilight saw as the other were also confused. "I got crowned princess as a reward." Twilight said annoyed. "Thus?" Everyone asked, still not getting it. "Ugh! I have to call Cadence, Celestia, Luna and Moon my sister as I am now officially family to them." Twilight shouted annoyed. "You got crowned." Velvet repeated. "Yes." Twilight replied. "You hold the rank Princess now." Night repeated as well. "That is correct." Twilight said. "I have to call you sister now?" Cadence repeated. Twilight simply nodded. "And you call that stupid?" Shining said as he had a rising anger. "Listen! They did it against my will. I pleaded no, I got out played by all three of them. Hell, before I fainted, they couldn't make me. As soon as I fainted they forced the decision on me." Twilight practically screamed. "And you wanted to refuse it?!" Shining said angrily. "Unlike the playboy in this room, I had my future in my clutches, but now the duties of a princess gets dumped over it." Twilight said angrily. "Not necessarily." Cadence said. "Right. I hope it won't become public." Twilight added. "Even still, surely your new sisters won't ruin your future." Velvet cooed. "Your right. Despite being asleep for three days in a row. I might be too tired still." Twilight said exhausted. "Oh." Velvet said. "I am going to my room to recalculate my future. I will be right back." Twilight said saddened to her room. "Do you not want me to be your sister?" Cadence asked. "Of course not. I just, it got dumped on me. I need some time to allow it to sink in. I will be back once it has." Twilight said stressed out. Twilight went back to her room and closed the door on her for a good while.