A Dance with the Devil

by Megaskullmon

Introduction: In the pale moonlight

Another year has passed. How… How long have I been in this hell? I glance at the wall seeing that I have been here almost two years. I look up at the moonlight shining into the water of my dish. My red fur all matted, my mane all unkempt I have grown a long beard. A beard to show my disgrace. Oh, will she still wait for me?

“Oh, why has it all come to this?!”

I scream in pain and anguish oh the very soul of my ending disgrace. Why oh why did I get betrayed? Murder death love… is that all there is in my heart?! I hear a soft dark laugh throughout my cell.

“Oh, why did it come to this my little friend? Little pony lost and a soul trapped within walls of death and endless despair. Oh, what shall a little pony do, hmm?”

I look around for the voice of a set of bones long dead come together clattering around. The eyes in my head feel like they’re bugging out at the sight of dancing bleached bones. That have had their time in the sun.

“All you need is a little pony. To deal with evil a soul must be given. A soul that can give you all you need, little pony. All you need is to just give in. You used to be one of the most powerful stallions of Canterlot. But now you’re just a story that is never told. A story told in whispers and threats to join you if those don’t stand in line? Tell me how it started little pony, how did it start?’

A pregnant pause keeps between me and whoever is this in the bones. I stare at the bones feeling my very heartbeat and emp with pain and rot. It’s like an idea that fulfilled an idea that has given me a song.

“How did it start?”

I stood on my cracked hooves not allowing the chains to stop me this time. I turn to stare at the bones writhing as a mouse stuck in a trap, the blood raising through its body to keep it alive. Oh if only that trap is for me. I close my eyes tightly a song filling my heart oh how did it start?

“How did the great empty life start? In the power of the endless waltz. In the endless moonlight, the stars lined up. I was born into a great family. I was born with a spoon in my mouth. The silver spoon of peace and love!!”

The bones laugh while singing along with me.

“A silver spoon you can refuse. You will always be in that stigma. You see within that you can’t give in. You must move, you must dance. You be and you will be the one that gives you endless life. Oh, bring forth the endless life. But tell me the story and tell me the way. Why did you end up here? Oh please tell me about life? Tell me at the end of it all why did you end up in this cell?’

I groan, feeling the song in my heart. The pale moon shines on my body. The red matted fur hat looks like blood. The dried sweat through my mane through my fur. I look at my cutiemark on my side. I can barely see it. Do I even have the magic in my heart any more? An earth pony normally never has this magic. I am a bastard to a family of unicorns that was born in a unicorn family.

“My story is like a story that is never told. That is never lost I shall and always be. The one is known as the endless waltz in misery and gloating. I am known as Clover Song”

The bone laughs, the bones shift and fuse to the body and there he is. Discord the devil or so some say. He has become a friend of one known as Fluttershy. He laughs and chuckles.

“Haha hahaha. Oh, little pony. All you have to do is one thing.”

I glance at him and he offers his claw.

“Give in. Oh give in, I can give you a second chance. I can give you revenge. I can give you a second dance. You can bring back the mare you love. From those that wish to steal her from you. All you need to tell me is how you ended up here. Then all I ask of you is a deal after your story. A deal for your soul!!”

I look at his claw looking back at the wall. Is this my chance on my path to the end?! My path to get out: can I do it well?!

“I just need to tell you my story and then shake?”

Discord nods.

“All you need to do is Dance with the devil.”

I laugh weakly unsure what to think of all this. I look back at the wall seeing the counts feeling the music in my soul.

"The pale moonlight shall be our witness. The moonlight of Luna's moon shall show up the way. Oh, the great devil you only want my soul. I want to get my life back and I shall always become one with you. Even if it means I must give in. I must become one. One with the devil in the moonlight. I shall dance and we shall sing."

Discord laughs a smirk filling his features. Discord and I sing together

"Oh, we both know the end of this tale. We both know the start. You give me. I give you. Your soul I give you my soul. I give you my life. Just in the name of revenge. Oooooh in the name of revenge you shall give me your soul. I shall give it in the name of revenge. I shall see it become one with me. My story. Oh, my story I guess it starts all 20 years ago. "

Discord snaps his claws, the story must go on.