Gameshow Celestia

by DakariKingMykan

Intro: Excitement


Celesto and the Starfleet fighters were at a conference in Europe, discussing to delegates of the importance of their jobs and how laws worked, to help promote better understanding and world peace.

The Equestria girls stayed behind at school, in case there was any attack or anything in town that required their calling.

One Monday morning…

All the students had arrived at Canterlot High for another typical day of studying, learning and all the usual boredom for some.

The Equestria Girls, though all graduates now and in college, were taking time off to help around the school during time off from their studies.

…When suddenly, there was a loud hollering coming from the Principal’s Office!

“Hey, what’s that?!” yelped Rainbow Dash.

“That sounds like Principal Celestia.” said Pinkie.

The scream was heard again.

“…It IS Principal Celestia.” cried Sunset.

“She sounds like she’s in trouble!” whimpered Fluttershy.

Rarity’s features hardened, “Come girls… to the rescue!”

Twilight Sparkle and Applejack were just coming into school, having not heard the screams, and their friends just zipped past them.

“Whoa! What’s all that about?” wondered Applejack.

Suddenly, they both heard the scream from the main office. “…I think that’s what.” said Twilight.

She and Applejack both assumed the worst and began to run off after their friends, stopping before the main office, where they found their friends stopped by the door with confused expressions.

“What’s going on?” asked Applejack, but she and Twilight then saw…

…Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were in no danger at all. They were hopping about with such joy and glee, and Celestia was screaming like a giddy school-girl.

“I can’t believe it! This is so exciting!!” she exclaimed with joy.

“Oh, I’m so happy for you!!” Luna cried as she joyfully hugged her sister.

Sunset then cleared her throat, and the sisters both turned round, and they felt really embarrassed.

Celestia cleared her throat and tried to act natural, “Um… good morning, Ladies.”

“Yeah… it seems good to us.” remarked Sunset.

“…Good and loud.” grumbled Rainbow. “What’s going on here?”

Since they were all present, and Celestia was planning to tell them anyway, she showed them a letter she had printed out from an email she had gotten that morning.

“You’re going to be on a Gameshow?” exclaimed Fluttershy.

“As in on T.V?!” added Pinkie Pie. She was starting to understand and feel Celestia’s excitement.

Celestia giggled giddily while prancing around. “I’m just so excited! I didn’t think they would accept my application!! I can’t believe this is happening!!”

The girls were all excited to learn of this, but still felt awkward seeing their Principal dancing around as if the mall was having a big sale.

Celestia then regained herself, and explained how during her lunchbreaks, she and Luna would always watch their favorite game show on their I-phones as it aired on the network.

“What gameshow is it?” asked Sunset.

“Ooh, is it some sort of brain boggling quiz show?” hoped Twilight.

“Or maybe one of those shows you do crazy stunts to win?” added Rainbow.

Celestia shook her head nothing of the kind. “Nothing of either kind...” and then she proceeded to show the girls what the show was from a webpage on her phone.

The girls all gawked at the show and didn’t seem too impressed.

“Super Pay Cards. The Television Card Game that everyone can play?” Reaity asked while reading from the slogan. “…A mere card playing game?”

The girls didn’t understand what was so exciting about a show that was almost like playing ordinary poker and relying solely on luck rather than skills or strategy.

Still, it was all just too exciting that Celestia was going to be on television, and if she loved the show, who were they to judge?

“Wow! Look at the cash prize!” cried Twilight “You can win over Ten-thousand dollars cash?!”

The girls all began to see dollar signs everywhere.

Celestia nodded, “But really… it’s not the money that matters. I’m married to a millionaire, and I make twice more than that every year. It’s the game that I’m looking forward to.”

“So when are you going to be on?” asked Applejack.

Celestia read from the email printout, “I’ll be flying out of town tomorrow to be there on Wednesday for the live taping, and then on Friday Night, the episode will air in a re-run after its official broadcast in the afternoon. I’ll be back by then.”

Pinkie then got one of her usual ideas. “We should have a stay over, at your place.”

Some of the girls instantly jumped at the idea.

“We could all watch the show, and celebrate with a slumber party.” added Sunset.

Celestia and Luna were so excited and so happy, they couldn’t say no.

Suddenly, Rarity gasped at something she viewed on the show’s website. “Who… is… that…?” she asked while falling into a romantic daze.

The girls all looked and saw she was staring at a picture of a young, tall, and rather handsome looking man standing on the show’s set.

“That’s D. K. Mykan.” answered Luna “He’s the host of the show, and even serves as executive producer.”

Some of the girls thought he was rather handsome looking, but Celestia did especially. “That’s one of the many reasons I’d like be on the show. Just a chance to meet him, shake his hand, and maybe even get his autograph…” she paused and giggled.

With all said and done, there was nothing else for the girls to do but give her all the support and wish her good luck.

The week couldn’t seem to go by fast enough for everyone. Celestia had flown out on Tuesday, leaving Luna to manage the school.

The girls also found it hard to study and keep up with their homework; too excited and thinking about Celestia and wondering how she was doing.

They even started watching the show, at home in the evenings, wanting to see what the show was more like.

Rarity and Rainbow loved the way the stage was designed, with so many flashing and flowing lights around loads of things.

Fluttershy and Applejack loved the show’s music, as it seemed simple and plain, rather than something loud, or blaring with rock instruments.

Despite that it wasn’t a quiz show with tough trivia questions and stuff, Twilight seemed to enjoy the gameplay style, and how the luck-based play, and the constant surprises made the tension all the more exciting.

Sunset and Rainbow enjoyed too, and as for Pinkie Pie… there wasn’t a thing about the show she couldn’t love-- the lights, the music, the playing-style, the friendliness.

Why there was even an attractive co-hostess named Jennifer, whom Rarity thought was very prettily dressed each show, but easily, she couldn’t stop gazing at Mr. Mykan and how handsome he seemed.

Nevertheless, Celestia was back on Thursday. Everyone was so glad to see her back, but when asked if she won the game or not…

“I’m not telling…” she said cheekily. “You’ll just have to watch and see.”

Finally… Friday came, and the girls were all gathered at the mansion for the party and to watch the re-run of the show episode.

Castor and Lelelani, only one and a-half years old each, were nestling happily playpen in the big living room.

Celestia ordered pizzas and made popcorn while the girls, all dressed in their PJs, set up their sleeping bags in the big living room.

Twilight had brought Spike along, and he was really excited as he ran in circles. “Is it time yet!” he asked for the umpteenth time “When are we going to see it?”

“It’s almost time, Spike.” answered Twilight. “First the evening news has to end, then the show will start.”

Celestia came out with the snacks, sodas and grabbed the TV remote. “Is everyone ready…?”

The girls all sat down, and the show was ready to begin.