Unfriendship: Pony Gods

by littleman001

1k Views Celebratory Bonus Chapter: Character Endings


Returning to her own dimension was a bliss for Applejack. But a few days after coming home, strange things started happening. Her family members started acting hostile towards her and they also became very agitated about something that none of them could explain. The strange events didn't end within her family. Ponies all over Ponyville have been running away from her and kept barrocading themselves inside their homes. It was almost like they were preparing for a battle to hit the town. Almost like in the mirror universe she was in merely weeks ago. She hurried to Canterlot to share this troubling discovery with Princess Twilight. She was the only one who could find a way to solve this troubling situation.

Big Macintosh

Big Macintosh was freed from Twilight's mind control, but the atrocities he committed in the name of the Empress continued to haunt him. His shame eventually drove him into joining her sister, Applejack in the same solitary confinement and reformation attempts that the family banished the mare to. The start was rocky. Macintosh was still furious with his sister for willingly joining the Regime and turning on the Apple family, but eventually realized that even though he acted against his own will, it would be hypocritical to hold the same thing against her. And in his heart, his love for her was stronger than his anger. The two siblings eventually made amends and agreed that the road to redemption would be both shorter and smoother if they traveled together.

Cozy Glow

Cozy Glow was always skilled in manipulation and she needed every bit of that skill to convince Twilight to let her live if only to serve the Regime. Once the Empress' forces were defeated however, she had no idea where to go next. Not only was she a wanted Regime criminal, but she was also notorious for her past atrocities. She's going to need an advantage to stay uncaptured. Almost as if the universe answered her, she stumbled upon a pit of strange, unidentified liquid while hiding in an abandoned cave beneath the mountains of Northern Equestria. As Cozy made contact with the liquid, she could feel a surge of rejuvenation flow through her. She felt almost reborn. With immortality being one of the most basic alicorn powers, Cozy knew that further study of this pit could unlock even bigger magical potential than just prolonged life.


Discord was a being who relished in chaos, but even he had limits. Even though he realized that the chaos that would ensue from the conflict between Twilight and Celestia, war was something even he was horrified of. And he also realized that Twilight's iron hooved rule would pretty much wipe out chaos forever. So he was quick to ally himself with Celestia. Following the end of the war however, Celestia's rebuilt Equestria into a peaceful, orderly place where there was also no room for chaos. In the end, Discord had to find a new way to entertain himself. He sought out uncaputred Regime fugitive groups and aided them create unrest from behind the scenes. Discord was always a wild card. Why should that change now?

Flurry Heart

Flurry was a devoted follower of Twilight and her Regime, but something that Celestia told her during the fight to free her doppelgänger just couldn't stop bothering her. The former princess accused her mentor of turning her into a weapon, nothing more than a tool to be used for enforcing her rule. She wanted to raise this question to Twilight, but something in her mind told she would not be honest with her. In the end, Flurry stole Twilight's private journal which confirmed her worst suspicions. Twilight was not juts using her as a weapon, but everypony else around her. They were all little more than tools for her to discard when they were no longer useful. Enraged by this revelation, Flurry slayed her aunt and took control of the Regime for herself. She was a warrior like her father, not a weapon. The new regime will be based on a foundation of trust, camaraderie and friendship that only ponies can share.


Fluttershy knew better than to believe that things would go back to normal after the war. Just because he realized the errors of her ways and defected to Celestia's side did not mean that all of her crimes were forgiven. But her pain upon being rejected by her fellow ponies was nothing compared to the resentment she got from her animal friends. Fluttershy spent every waking moment trying to prove herself worthy of her cutie mark and reignite her connection to the animals inside herself. One day, she heard of an artifact that would not only strengthen her connection with the animal kingdom, but the very essence of the world's creatures as well. But it was lost in the lush jungles of Equestria. Swallowing her fears, she set out to retrieve this 'Tantu Totem'.

King Sombra

Following his defeat in Canterlot, King Sombra retreated to behind the shadows of Equestria and observed what would happen for a while before he would make his next move. The opportunity presented itself sooner than he anticipated. Celestia and several other of Equestria's defenders were pulled into a mirror universe, along with Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor. The Crystal Empire was now free for the picking. But before Sombra could leave to reclaim his kingdom, he realized something else. Celestia and the others maybe gone, but what could stop them from coming back? Sombra then tracked the source of the magic that teleported Celestia away and followed it to the mirror universe where he murdered the other world's Celestia and stole the documents of her interuniversal traveling spell. With his enemies trapped in the mirror universe permanently, Sombra easily reclaimed the Crystal Empire. And it won't be long before Equestria followed suit.

King Thorax

King of Thorax and his changeling resistance fought side by side with Celestia's Insurgency since the very beginning. Everything Thorax knew about ruling, he learned from the former Princess. But during the Insurgency's darkest hour, as the Regime was about to claim victory, Thorax saw his beloved Celestia lay dying in front of him. Breaking down and confessing his love to her in what believed to be her final moments had an unexpected side effect. By being the first changeling to share love instead of taking it, Thorax went through a metamorphosis that not only ceased his hunger for love, but the power of his feelings saved the life of the mare he loved. Together with her and in his new form, the two were able to defeat Twilight and liberate Equestria. Thorax not only proved himself as a worthy ruler, but worthy of filling in the void Sombra's death had left in Celestia's heart. Their union would forge Equestria into a land where ponies and changelings would thrive together for eternity.

Lightning Dust

As the final battle raged on the streets, Lightning Dust quickly realized that the fall of the Regime was unavoidable. But if she was going down, she would take Rainbow Dash with her. Grabbing her rifle, she loaded it with a single bullet she's been keeping since she founded the Exterminators. One that had Rainbow Dash's name carved into it. It was a precise shot right between the eyes. Her target never saw it coming. Apparently, even Rainbow wasn't faster than a speeding bullet. Lightning was surprised to find that the Wonderbolts actually approved of her assassination. They were not keen to follow Rainbow Dash into her madness. Lightning took them and her Exterminators with her and went into hiding. She then merged the two groups together into a private army of mercenaries. The Regime may be gone, but Lightning Dust wouldn't go out of business anytime soon.

Lord Tirek

Freeing himself of Twilight's control during the heat of the final battle, Tirek used his powers to steal the magic of the forces of both the Regime and the Insurgency, before challenging Twilight herself. The battle of the two creatures nearly leveled all of Ponyville, but eventually, Tirek emerged as the victor. The Regimers would pay dearly for his enslavement. For every year that Twilight had him enslaved, she would see ten of the ponies closest to her getting murdered in front of her before being granted the release of death. After a few months of conquering Equestria and hunting down Regimers however, Tirek needed a challenge. He set out to conquer the entire world and if even that wouldn't prove enough, he could always use Celestia's interuniversal traveling spell to turn his gaze towards the multiverse.

Nightmare Moon

Twilight was mistaken to assume that she had Nightmare Moon's loyalty. For whether she was Nightmare Moon or Princess Luna, her loyalty laid only one place. Her beloved Thestrals, creatures of the night who worshipped her have been feared, despised and alienated for generations. And when she discovered that under Twilight's hooves, these creatures were little more than slaves, the Princess of the Night snapped. Using an ancient ritual, Luna separated her consciousness from the Nightmare and then absorbed it into herself. With the power of herself and the Nightmare combined, no creature could match her might. Overthrowing Twilight easily, she gave control of Equestria to the Thestrals. It was time for the other tribes to learn what it means to live in fear and servitude.

Pinkie Pie

With all of her friends supporting Twilight, Pinkie Pie couldn't possibly bring herself to be the only one to turn her back on her, even in support of Celestia. But her cheerful and carefree nature caused struggles within her. The Regime was oppressive, brutal and merciless. Everything that Pinkie wasn't. But for the sake of Twilight and her friends she had to stay resilient. But when Twilight killed Rarity, something inside Pinkie snapped. All of the brutality and ruthlessness she kept building up inside herself have taken control of her in the form of a new twisted personality. She quickly recovered, but was forced to realize that in the rampage of this new side of herself, she had killed Twilight. Pinkie Pie now remains under constant watch by Celestia, trying to surpass this personality from ever taking hold again.

Prince Blueblood

Being the opportunitist he was, Blueblood quickly realized that Twilight's Regime would not further his social standings, but it was necessary to ensure his survival and the continuation of his political aspirations. Twilight greatly underestimated his diplomatic skills, which would eventually prove to be her downfall. Behind scenes, Blueblood could convince the nobility of both Equestria and surrounding nations that Twilight had to go. An alliance against the Equestrian Magical Regime was formed and they invaded Equestria to remove the tyrant. Twilight commanded all of her forces on the frontlines which gave Blueblood the opportunity to catch her alone and assassinate her. With Twilight gone, Celestia was put back on the throne by the liberators. But everypony knew that she was merely a figurehead, but nopony knew who was really in charge. Nopony except for Blueblood.

Princess Cadence

Following their humiliating defeat in Canterlot, Cadence quickly managed to reorganize her forces and after Twilight's defeat, they easily conquered the weakened Equestria. She then forced Sunburst to craft replicas of the Crystal Heart. Cadence fused her love magic with these replicas as well as the original and used them to spread love all over the lands. There will be no more wars, oppression and suffering. From now on, every creature will only know love. Love for each other and for her: Empress Mi Amore Cadenza, Goddess of Love and Immortal ruler of the Eternal Crystal Empire.

Princess Celestia

The fight against Twilight's Regime had taken everything out of Celestia. Despite the encouragement of the other dimension's ponies, she wished to reunite with her dear husband and finally rest. She challenged her former student to one last fight. Twilight easily overpowered her, but her victory was short-lived as Celestia managed to tap into Twilight's magic and causing it to overload, obliterating the two alicorns. In her will, Celestia left her and Sombra's immense wealth to the country they gave everything to defend. On the tallest building of every city, a picture of the royal couple was hanged along with the phrase "If you seek their monument, look around you."

Queen Chrysalis

While Chrysalis finally made it home to her own dimension, she was once again a prisoner at the mercy of the princesses. It was a good thing for her that the princesses of her own world and the other had at least one thing in common: their striking naivety. They believed that they could hold her and contain her until they find a way to reform her and make her accept their harmony and friendship. But Chrysalis learned something from her late counterpart during the adventure, she learned the spell to reverse her shape shifting ability to ponies and using this new tactic, she easily escaped. With the ability to transform all creatures around her into whatever form she pleased, Chrysalis created a huge wave of panic and paranoia across the land and used the resulting chaos to her advantage to foalnap and feast on all the ponies with her hive that she wanted to her black heart's content without much interruption.

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was quite concerned with her counterpart's actions. While her body was trained to peak physical condition, she had always neglected training her mind. She had no idea if she wouldn't perform the same actions should she ever go through the same things as the other world's Rainbow Dash did. Seeking out Princess Twilight's help, Rainbow submitted herself to exhausting psychological procedures that helped her to get better a understanding of herself. She now realized that while she was always very focused on her own achievements, she had never quite helped others around her with theirs. With her friend's help, Rainbow organized a service withing the Wonderbolts that helped members who dealt with struggles of the mind and the soul. Her dedication to helping her comrades with their problems would keep her from falling because of her own.


Twilight and the others returned from the mirror universe, but something was not right. The interuniversal jump had an unexpected side effect. The ponies who returned were infected with a strange otherworldly disease, that turned them into mindless, rageful beings who went on a warpath without a goal to level Equestria. The only alicorn Princess who remained, Luna knew of only one solution, but she needed an unicorn's help. Rarity was quick to volunteer to the task. Luna sacraficed herself to split her alicorn essence into separate parts and Rarity used her magic to absorb it into herself, as well as cast it onto Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. The five of them became the new Princesses of Equestria and saved the land from this otherworldy menace.

Shining Armor

The war against Twilight was over, but Shining Armor couldn't find it in himself to leave just yet. The two ponies closest to his heart were still suffering from rage, sorrow and hatred. Though he was not their Shining Armor, he took it upon himself to reconcile this world's Cadance and Flurry Heart. Flurry's heart was still filled with anger towards for mother, for she was among those the young filly blamed for the loss of Canterlot and her father. But Shining knew exactly how she felt. For he felt the same anger when his dimension's Thorax approached him seeking friendship. The memory of his and Cadance's wedding still fresh in his mind, he had no trouble hating and blaming him for everything that happened. But once he learned to forgive, it lead to Thorax sharing this friendship with the changelings and their reformation. Friendship, love and forgiveness can lead to wonders. It would be a long process, but eventually, Flurry would learn this lesson too.


With the war over and the Regime's supporters imprisoned, Spitfire had a lot of time to ruminate on past events. She had everything she could ever ask for. She was the celebrated captain of the Wonderbolts and had the perfect special somepony that she always wanted. At the top of her career and ready to start a family, the tragedy of Canterlot hit her terribly hard and it was her anger at it's instigators and the loss of her husband that motivated her to join Twilight. But in prison, her rage only grew. Celestia had no right to deny her revenge on the guilty. Suddenly, she heard a voice in her head encouraging her fury, before a mysterious red glowing object burst through the ceiling of her cell and found it's way onto her body. Spitfire was engulfed in a blood red light as she felt her rage increase tenfolds. Those who took Soarin away from her, those who would prevent her vengeance and everyone who would bring harm to others, she'll burn them all. That was their fate!

Starlight Glimmer

A few days after her return from the mirror universe, Starlight noticed that Twilight was acting unusually. She had been neglecting her duties often and isolating herself from her friends. Eventually, the Princess revealed to Starlight that she was being tormented by nightmares where she fell in the exact same way as her counterpart did. Starlight knew exactly what her friend was going through. She had been suffering the same nightmares the first time she came to Ponyville after her attampt to rewrite history almost lead to tragedies. But she never thought that Twilight would ever have to go through something similar. Regardless, having experienced the exact same thing before, Starlight knew exactly how to help her friend. She had purged the darkness inside herself before. She was happy that she could do the same for somepony else.

Sunset Shimmer

With her vengeance on the Regime exacted, Sunset was now satisfied enough to return to her friends in the human world. Yet for some reason, she still felt empty. Ever since she first settled down in Canterlot High and turned her life around she's always been feeling a little homesickness, but this feeling was somehow stronger. It felt almost like something was calling her back to Equestria. Like she had unfinished business there. When she returned, she immediately found herself in what was formerly the throne room where she found Celestia in a deep depressive state. The events of the last five years have finally caught up with her. Sunset's visit clearly lifted her spirits and when she saw her warm, motherly smile, she immediately knew what the emptiness inside her was. Her duty was calling her back to Equestria. Sunset Shimmer was ready to continue her studies.

Trixie Lullamoon

Trixie wasn't joking when she told Rainbow Dash about her intention to overpower Twilight. All she needed was the right opportunity to strike. After her skirmish with Rainbow, she decided to abandon her orders and return to the Castle of Friendship to carry out her plan. Twilight was indeed more powerful than anypony, but in her madness, her mind had been addled to the point where she was unable to use it to it's fullest potential. Trixie took full advantage this and used her magic to access the alicorn's mind and break it even further to the point where she lost control of her enormous magic and destroyed herself. In a surprising move, Trixie then helped the Insurgency tear down the Regime from inside in exchange for amnesty for her service under Twilight. Trixie finally got what she always wanted in her days as a traveling magician. For her defeat of the Empress, she now had her group of adoring fans, praising her as the Great and Powerful Trixie.

Twilight Sparkle

While pleased with the outcome, Twilight's fight with her doppelgänger left her troubled. If one Twilight could fall so low, why not another? Preventative measures were in order. Twilight studied the other world's Celestia's anti-alicorn spell and created a magical seal which she then planted inside her body. At the slightest sign of instability, the seal would be activated and strip Twilight of her alicorn powers. The issue of who would carry the trigger to this seal was solved democratically. Each week, a different member of The Friendship Council would safekeep the trigger.