//------------------------------// // The Hearts of Romance (The Phantom of the Opera) // Story: Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes // by Tim Ribbert //------------------------------// Set Between The Conjuring and Harry Potter and The Sorcerer Stone Erik just poured himself a cup of tea for his beloved wife Rarity that day. He retrieved the teapot with his newfound magical ability, pouring the tea carefully into two separate teacups (Something for Rarity, and the rest for Erik himself). He worried for his wife Rarity, having gone through yet another adventure with her friends and nearly dying due to an evil demon. She’d been up all night the past few weeks, and he couldn’t figure out why. “Please be alright my generous beloved,” He pleaded to himself. Retrieving the tray, Erik proceeded to take the tear to his wife. Just as he was about to climb the stairs, his sisterly figure, little Sweetie Belle, and his servants stood upon the living room. “Will Rarity be okay, Erik?” She asked, concerned. Erik sighed as he gazed upon his little sister. He tried to give her and his servants a reassuring smile, but the concern within his eyes was as plain as the nose upon his face. “I hope so,” Erik answered. “Your sister has been up every night. I fear she may not have gotten enough sleep.” “Not to fear sir,” Ms. Fleck reassured. “If there’s one thing I know about your wife, she never goes down without a fight.” “Indeed sir,” Dr. Gangle nodded. “I believe she can overcome any obstacle standing in her way.” Erik gave them all a smile in response. It was rather good his new family had so much faith in Rarity. He was still getting rather used to this new pony life, but if he could be honest it was much better than the old one back in his own timeline. To reside in a place where he needn’t have to hide his face anymore, and the magic within this world was able to mend it slightly so he’d at least be ‘somewhat’ presentable. Secondly, Erik had finally found true love with Rarity and in addition a place among his new family. With the tea set still in his grasp, he continued his ascent up the stairs. “I’ll just take this tea to Rarity,” Erik spoke. “Why don’t you all do something in the meantime?” No response came from the others, so Erik proceeded from there. Eventually, he reached the very top floor of the house, approached the door to his right, and opened it. Inside, his eyes caught sight of Rarity writing on a piece of parchment with a quill and some ink in a bottle. She seemed very happy despite what happened during her previous adventure with her friends. He soon placed the tray upon the bedside table, drawing her attention. “My darling,” Erik smiled. “I brought you some tea.” “Thank you my beloved,” Rarity thanked. “I’ve been writing our love story for the last month now. Actually, I was hoping you can help me.” “But of course Rarity,” Erik replied, sitting beside her. “You feeling okay?” “Of course! Wounds are still healing thought, but other than that I’ve never felt better.” “That’s very good to hear,” Erik smiled. As he poured another cup of tea, just to be safe, he looked toward the window. The stars were shining brightly in the dark night sky. The very sight of which gave him a warm feeling inside, almost comforting from all the pain he’d been through. “It’s almost hard to believe we got married only months ago,” Erik said. “I can hardly believe it either, darling,” Rarity agreed. “I know it’s only been months, but I feel our honeymoon lasted years!” I know that feeling, like that one specific night we both can remember.” The two looked upon each other, as they both shared smiles. “I know a tale we both will enjoy together,” Rarity said, kissing her husband’s cheek. “A tale of romance and comfort, a story that shows love can get us through the most difficult times in our lives. A tale I call…” The Hearts of Romance Manehattan… In this busy city, many pones were going through their daily lives. Some were on a shopping spree, others doing important work. But there are two ponies, both very important to this story. And those ponies… are Erik and Rarity. The two had just recently married, and now spent their honeymoon together in the big city. The streetlights shined brightly as the moon, all while the two ponies enjoyed their walk across the streets. “I can’t believe how big this city really is,” Erik spoke, in awe. Rarity giggled as she looked upon her husband. “Indeed darling,” Rarity agreed. “You’ll love it here. Why there’s a great many wonderful places to visit in Manehattan. The stores, the park, why I heard they’re opening an opera house soon. Exciting isn’t it… Erik?” Erik, however, didn’t reply. Instead, he stood still as he found himself back in the old opera house. The same one where he committed his most terrible sins. The opera house itself was enflamed, almost like the pits of hell just erupted. The chandelier atop it all was covered in blood, making Erik rather sick. He then spotted a teenage boy with a white mask covering his entire face. “I’ve seen your sins…” The teenager spoke. “You’re covered with the blood of your victims; how do you live with yourself?” Erik felt slightly scared, this boy seemed to know all the terrible things he’d done. And yet… how long had he been watching him? “Tell me Erik… how do you plead?” “Erik!” All of a sudden, Erik found himself back in Manehattan where his wife looked upon him with great concern on her face. He instantly turned his head to face her. “Are you okay darling?” Rarity asked softly. “You zoned out for a moment.” Erik shook his head for a moment before giving his beloved wife a smile. “I’m fine Rarity,” Erik reassured. “I was just… thinking.” “And what may I ask were you thinking of exactly?” “Nothing much dear.” Rarity raised an eyebrow toward her husband, particularly toward his rather suspicious behavior. As if he didn’t realize she could be aware of his tendencies. She kept quiet nonetheless, so as not to upset him further and instead aimed to enjoy their walk together. Eventually, they stumbled upon a very large mall in the city. The building itself was shaped like a large rectangle covered in gold paint, appearing to made out of some hard concrete with glass windows. On display the dummies stood by the large windows, decked in the loveliest (And shiny dresses) ever assembled. Rarity’s eyes beamed with excitement as she gazed upon the window. “Oh my! They’re putting all my designs on display Erik!” She squealed. “Aren’t they the most fabulous dresses? I mean just look at the fabric, so soft and cozy. Oh, I must simply have a closer look at them, if you don’t mind Erik.” “Of course not, my love,” Erik replied, smiling. “Take your time.” Rarity gave him a kiss upon the cheek before entering the mall. Erik began to feel the wind picking up speed, brushing against his face and the cold feeling like ice. As if winter had come early this year. Not that he mind the wind or the cold, he was used to it by now. The fact he’d lived under an opera house may have had something to do with it, but still it felt welcoming to him. Erik gazed upon the glass window and his eyes spotted a unicorn putting on a shiny pearl necklace around the neck of the window shop mannequin. Erik had to admit to himself the necklace itself matched that gorgeous dress swimmingly. “I can see why Rarity’s into fashion,” He thought, smiling. All of a sudden, Erik noticed the whole city around him felt darker, as if nighttime had ascended over the city. When he turned around, all the other ponies were gone which understandably made him nervous. “What’s going on?!?” Erik panicked. He turned rapidly until he faced where the window shop mannequin stood. To his horror, he found a boy with a sack over his head choking the life out of the circus master. A memory Erik was unfortunately all too familiar with. “No… no please!” Erik spoke, utterly terrified. “Don’t make me remember that day!” Suddenly, a hand emerged from the ground and grabbed his right hoof. He tried to shake it off, but another hand came out and grabbed the other hoof. Erik struggled to pry himself free, but it was seemingly no use. “Why do you always hide behind a mask, Phantom?” A voice spoke, creepily. “How does it feel to be a monster? I mean you committed the most terrible acts even as a little boy. You were born to be a murderer!” “NO!” Erik shouted, in denial. “I’ve changed! I’m a better pony!” Suddenly, the hands released Erik and dug through the ground. Soon enough, the hands pried something large, something that resembled a human… someone Erik had killed. “Buquet?” Before he could say more, Buquet grabbed Erik by the head and slammed so hard upon the ground he nearly broke his back. Erik groaned in pain, as he looked upon the face of a former victim. “I’VE FINALLY GOT YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!” Buquet shouted angrily. “MURDERER!!! MURDDDEEERRRR!!!” Before Erik could react, everything around him… vanished. Erik looked around, finding himself in what appeared to be some kind of church. But judging from the architecture, it was rather old. There were broken chairs, the stained-glass windows were dusty, and the wooden beams appeared to be rotten and damp due to being exposed to water for so long. This made the stallion even more confused. “What am I doing here?” “ERIK!!!” Once more, Erik’s thoughts were interrupted when he saw his wife Rarity burst through the doors. She instantly hugged him; a worried look spread across her face. “Rarity, what just happened?” Erik asked in confusion. “I was just looking at the dresses when I heard some people gasping in shock!” Rarity explained. “When I came out, they told me you were seeing things. They said you ran into the abandoned church.” She lifted her husband’s chin slightly, making sure they were both able to see each other in the eyes. “Darling, what’s wrong?” But Erik didn’t know what to say. He didn’t wish to upset his wife, but at the same he couldn’t carry the pain any longer. The memories ran back into his mind, so painful… so horrible… too much to bare anymore. Erik fell into tears, as he hugged Rarity tightly. “I’m sorry Rarity, but I can’t do this anymore!” Erik wept. “I’ve done so many terrible things in my life; I feel like I don’t deserve forgiveness or kindness… when the others were watching the television that day, seeing what I’ve done, they probably thought I was a monster! I mean… I wouldn’t blame them after seeing a man… ‘killing’ someone…” Rarity stroked her husband’s mane, trying to comfort him. She knew Erik had been through a rough life for his entire childhood, she felt sympathy for him. If one were to have a horrid life growing up, anyone else would feel utterly the same? Rarity kissed her husband along the cheek, continuing to stroke his mane. “Darling, you don’t have to face your demons alone,” She spoke softly. “We’ve all faced things we can’t escape from. You’re not alone in this world; you’ve got so many friends now who want to help you. The memories won’t go away in an instance, but trust me when I say that I’ll always be there for you… I love you Erik.” Erik smiled slightly, feeling better thanks to this pep talk with Rarity. He must admit he’d done many bad things in the past, but today he knew he had many ponies who cared for him. And now he didn’t have to face his burdens alone anymore, not so long as he had his love beside him. “Thank you… Rarity,” He spoke softly, hugging her tightly. “You’re welcome darling,” Rarity smiled. “You’re welcome…” <> “And that’s how the story went,” Rarity finished. She took a sip of her tea, noticing Erik staring toward the ceiling as if he was daydreaming. “Thinking about something?” She asked. “Just one thing my wife,” Erik spoke. “I’ve been wondering… if we have kids, what should we name them?” To which Rarity made no reply, but instead gave him a warm hug which caught him by surprise. But soon he returned a hug toward his wife. “I’m not sure yet Erik. But I do know one thing: If we do have kids, I want you to always be there for me… no matter what happens.” Rarity and Erik both gave each other warm smiles, and they gave each other a passionate kiss to each other. Erik felt like he truly found a place he could call home, a place where he could have a family, and for the first time he truly felt he was no longer… >< Deep inside a creepy dungeon, the boy in the white mask walked across the lengthy corridor. The corridor itself was wet and damp, as droplets of water splashed across the cold brick path. The boy continued walking until he came upon a pair of large metal doors. Pushing them open, it revealed a huge lab full of science equipment. Glass containers filled with many chemicals, an assortment of needles, and metal tools aplenty. “Let’s see if my dimensional energy has done its job,” The boy spoke, coldly. He walked toward a large silver control terminal with a large monitor placed in the center of the room. He pressed a blue button which turned on the machine and the monitor began to calculate an assortment of numbers. “This should be good…” The boy spoke, with a chuckle. Soon, the calculations were done as it displayed the results before his eyes. “Dimensional energy… 0% have been gathered,” The automatic voice repeated. However, this was not what the boy wanted to hear. He kicked the terminal out of frustration. “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL?!?!?!” The boy shouted angrily. “I make a machine to steal Dimensional energy, and it can’t even do that right!” The boy sat down upon a chair, sighing with frustration. It was clear today wasn’t going well for him. Like he tried to move an immovable wall with no success. “What am I supposed to do now? What kind of plan can I make that won’t end in failure? First that business with that filthy bubble, then the plan with that Erik pony… CAN I THINK OF ANYTHING THAT DOESN’T FAIL?!?!?!” The boy threw his arms backwards, accidentally knocking down a few items. Realizing this, he picked himself off his seat and picked them up. When he looked at them, he saw they were old cases. One was a DVD, and the other was a video game. “What has the other me been doing?” The boy asked, in confusion. “Doesn’t he have anything better to do than playing games and watching movies? Like he’s trying to combine two pointless things in one?” The boy stopped himself for a moment, even though one could hardly tell he was forming a small smile, creeping up beneath his mask. “Combining… now there’s a concept!” He spoke wickedly. He proceeded to sit back down the terminal, pressing buttons as he began to enact his new wicked plan. Soon two images of Earth appeared on the screen, both remotely similar. But the boy knew they were completely different from head-to-toe. “Let’s see how Twilight Sparkle will deal with this, how do I put it… God’s Wrath!” The boy smiled evilly. “Merging universes in three… two… one!” He proceeded to push the blue button again. All of a sudden, the whole room shook as white light shined around the room. The room, and everything around it, looked as if they were glitching like a bug in the computer’s code. The boy in the white mask bellowed out a mighty, evil laugh. He knew for sure that this time… Twilight and her friends will surely fail.