//------------------------------// // Of Gems And Surprises // Story: Gems and Rocks // by Jhoira //------------------------------// Rarity giggled as she looked the box proffered to her, grinning like a mad woman. "Oh, darling! More gems from your dig? How can I ever repay you?" Without waiting for an answer Rarity attempted to lift the box before whining slightly. "That is a heavy one! Darling? Do you think I could convince you to take it to my room for me?" Maud nodded, easily hoisting the box up the stairs as Rarity followed happily. Though the gems weren't the most valuable of specimens Maud did save Rarity probably one to two hundred dollars a month. And, much to Rarity's annoyance wouldn't take anything for it! "Really, Maud, darling, the first gift was greatly appreciated. But you've been at this for three months! Surely you can take something in return? Maybe a new dress?" Maud looked down at her usual, serviceable one piece dress that Rarity wasn't completely sure wasn't canvas just for durability's sake. She looked up she shook her head gently. "No, they're gifts." Rarity couldn't stop another smile. "You always bring me gifts, darling, it's very kind of you." Every time that Maud was back in town she brought gifts. Back in school they had only been passingly familiar but while Maud was doing her... Mining Thing... Rarity wasn't entirely sure what Maud did. But they had started exchanging letters after her first box of gifts. Well, they weren't even for her originally. Just the Pie family had no use for them so Pinkie gave them to her. It had surprised Rarity to no end but Maud loved to write. Not in a way she wanted to be a writer just that she made up for her lack of speech with her letters. Originally Rarity had sent a thank you note with a polite inquiry of how the dig was going. Maud sent back three pages of details about her research. From there the two just kind of became pen pals. Rarity wasn't sure why but writing to Maud was very pleasant. Maybe because Maud was just Maud. No judgement, no complications, just Maud. Maud nodded, as she looked around the room. "You redecorated." Rarity beamed at the comment. "I have indeed darling! I was thinking I should redecorate!" Though as Rarity was about to launch into a huge description of the styles Maud continued to look around, quite unlike her straight forward and focused self. "Is there something the matter, Maud?" "No. I was just wondering what you thought of my last letter." Rarity frowned at Maud didn't often bring up the letters. Maud was amazingly expressive in her letters, but almost never spoke of them. Rarity had found that Maud's passion for rocks equalled her own for fashion. In Maud's last letter she had gone on and on about how, though their price was artificially inflated, that due to their amazing beauty and practical use in manufacturing, diamonds were, by far, the most important gem stone. "Oh! I agree completely, darling!" At that Maud cracked a small smiled. Causing Rarity to stare in open amazement. "I'm glad." Maud walked over time Rarity and raised her hands to either side of Rarity's face and pulled her into a long, drawn out kiss. After the kiss broke, Maud was wearing her earlier smile, and Rarity was blushing crimson. Maud didn't stop smiling but did raise an eyebrow. "Were you not ready?" Rarity took a moment to compose herself and took a deep breath. Placing a hand over her chest as she took another deep breath and nodded. "Uh... I was just expecting... I mean... Yes, I wasn't ready." Maud nodded, her smile flickering for a moment. "But you still liked it, right?" Rarity nodded hesitantly. "Yes, darling, don't need to... Nothing wrong darling. I was just not expecting you to..." Maud nodded, her face still only slightly changed with that smile. "I know I'm hard to read, sorry Rarity." Rarity smiled, a little nervously, shaking her head. "No worries. I... Think we have a lot to talk about." Maud's smile faltered a bit. "But... You read my letter..." Rarity giggled nervously, scratching her upper arm nervously. "Uh... Yeah... I don't think I got the one you were talking about... I thought you were talking about the one about the diamonds..." Maud's smile was now gone. "I'm sorry Rarity... I shouldn't have come..." She got up and started towards the door, only to stop as something caught her hand. "Darling!" Maud looked back at Rarity's half amused, half exasperated smile. "I said I hadn't read your letter, not that I didn't like the concept." Maud shifted, slowly nodding but glancing at the door a few times. "Ok... But still I don't want to put you on the spot." Rarity frowned as she furrowed her brow. Maud has kissed her out of the blue. Even if she had seen the letter it would have counted as sudden... Then Rarity nodded, smiling gently as it clicked. "Maud, darling, sit down please." Rarity got up and motioned to the chair at her desk. As Maud hesitated Rarity have her her best encouraging smile. "Trust me?" Maud hesitated for just a moment longer before she nodded. Her face once again completely neutral as she sat in front of Rarity's desk. Rarity wordlessly took out a pencil and set it down, then pulled out a small stack of papers and set them in front of Maud. Grinning Rarity started towards the door. "I'll be in the living room once you're done." Maud watched as the door closed, and then started to write. Rarity was doing her best to remain calm. But this was so very unexpected. She had managed to keep it together in front of Maud, but internally she was freaking out. Thankfully while she wasn't as stone faced as Maud she was quite good at keeping herself under control. Though now that Maud wasn't there she had taken to pacing in her living room. Rarity was caught off guard when not too much time had passed before she heard the door open from her room. Then again Maud probably just re-wrote her letter word for word. Rarity quickly sat on the couch, adopting an expectant but calm expression. Maud came out and nodded to Rarity before starting to head for the door. Rarity blinked as she looked and bit her bottom lip before raising a hand towards Maud. "Darling, you could... Stay." Maud turned and looked at Rarity, motioning up the stairs. "But, the letter..." Rarity nodded, smiling gently. "I'll go read it now, but you don't have to leave." As she noticed Maud's slight grimace Rarity realized the hesitation and raised a hand. "We don't need to talk about the letter. We could just... Watch a movie or something." Maud hesitated then nodded. Rarity smiled as she stood up. Taking a moment to open a drawer and take out her controller. "I have a Firestick, you can find something on there." Maud walked over, taking the remote and sitting on the couch, starting to peruse her option of sources first. "Ok. What do you like?" Rarity giggled a bit and waved a hand. "Oh, just not horror please. Anything else works." Rarity headed up to her room. Hesitating at the door she supposed she should have read the letter before asking Maud to stay... but Maud was nice. Rarity couldn't see an issue that would arise from reading a letter confessing Maud's feelings. After another moment Rarity went in to read the new letter. Dear Rarity, We have been writing each other for quite a while. I find myself looking forward to your letters more than Pinkie's. I have, as such, concluded that I have feelings for you. Just to be clear, I mean romantic feelings. I'll be back from the dig for an extended period while I write my dissertation. If you wish I would be interested in pursuing a relationship with you. Just to be clear, I mean a romantic relationship. One in which we go out in dates and do other social things together. If successful eventually ending up in us getting married. Just to be clear, I mean to ask you properly if we get to that step. If you are not interested please tell me when I arrive with the next box of gemstones. I think it's appropriate to forewarn you that I believe I have a desire to kiss you. So if you will allow it I would appreciate it. Just to be clear, the gems are in no way a bribe and I'll give them to you no matter your response to the previous request. I apologize for not answering the question from your last letter sooner but I felt the need to write that first. Concerning how artificial diamonds are made... Rarity rolled her eyes. Instead of just rewriting the important part Maud had rewritten the entire letter. But besides that part Rarity to admit she'd been expecting more, Maud was more expressive in her letters usually. But she supposed that even in a letter such a big step would be a big step for Maud, so she might revert to her short spoken self more. She got up to return to the living room with Maud. Rarity stopped at the entrance to her living room. Taking a deep breath she walked over to the couch to sit next to Maud. At least, next to in a technical sense that there was no person between them. But there was space for a person between them. She looked at the screen that showed a mountain range. "What are we watching?" Even to Rarity her voice sounded strained. "It's a documentary about Yellowstone." There wasn't even a minute of silence before Maud spoke again. "You want to talk about the letter?" Rarity shook her head. "No darling, I said we..." she deflated, groaning gently and nodding. "I do! Yes!" Maud nodded and turned to look at her Across the couch. Though Rarity assumed that Maud would be starting, after the first ten seconds that obviously wasn't going to happen. So Rarity cleared her throat. "That was very touching Maud. And... I just wanted to reiterate my earlier answer now that I know what I'm talking about." Maud nodded. "So, yes, you agree?" Rarity nodded, and then sat there in silence. She started to squirm a bit and frowned slightly. "Uh... Maud?" Maud looked at Rarity, raising an eyebrow and Rarity started to open her mouth then paused as she realized something. "Mmm... This is going to take some getting used to." Maud glanced around her and Rarity raised a hand, smiling gently. "I'm not complaining, darling. Just stating that this will be a bit of adjustment, for us both." Maud nodded her affirmation and raised her hand, catching Rarity's hand, causing a loud meep from her as Maud pulled her close from across the couch. Humming a quiet agreement as she tucked Rarity in close next to her. Rarity squirmed around a little to find a comfortable spot but she did enjoy the event in general. She frowned as she continued her search when Maud suddenly let her go. "Sorry." Was the only word Maud spike. Rarity shook her head, giggling gently. "Oh! No, darling, I was just trying to find a comfortable spot, not trying to escape." "Ahh... That... Was an appropriate time to cuddle, right?" Maud would obviously be taking quite a few cues from Rarity in their relationship. "Yes, it was." After a few moments of hesitation after Rarity's answer, Maud reached her arm out and again pulled Rarity into a close embrace, but this time more giving her a one armed hug than a gentle cuddle. "Darling," Rarity smiled, it was really quite cute. "How about you let me find a good cuddling position?" Maud nodded and again let go of Rarity, who spent the next thirty seconds adjusting a few pillows around her and settling down a bit as she leaned against Maud, smiling up at her. "Are you comfy?" Maud nodded, her eyes flitting over Rarity for a moment before going back to the documentary. "Yes." Rarity smiled gently as she relaxed a bit more. She wasn't really watching the documentary, though the shots were pretty. She was spending her time thinking about this new relationship of hers. It would certainly have its own hurdles but what didn't? Maud was a nice stable woman. Rarity grinned, if only she could get the girl into a dress. Rarity let her mind continue to wander, plans, concerns, and all other things meandering through her head as she slowly sunk down on the couch. Adjusting herself until, eventually, she was actually laying down across the couch, with her head in Maud's lap. Happy that Maud didn't seem to mind. Though that'd be a bit hard to tell. Rarity giggled gently, causing Maud to look down at her flatley and Rarity smirked a bit up at her. "I was just thinking I'm going to have to get a lot better at reading your expressions." Maud nodded, giving Rarity the twitch upwards of the corners of her mouth for just a second. And then gently lifting Rarity's head up off her lap she stood up. "Well, I'm happy you liked the letter, Rarity." Rarity blinked, she hadn't realized the time. Thinking back she faintly remembered Maud watching three documentaries while she relaxed with her. Rarity smiled, it was rare for her to lose track of time so easily. "Are you free tomorrow?" Maud nodded. "Yes. Is this when I ask you to dinner?" At Rarity's encouraging noise, Maud continued. "Would you like to go to dinner tomorrow?" Rarity normally would have jokingly put on a show of considering it, but thought better of it just in time. "Yes, I would. But... Perhaps you should leave the arrangements to me?" Maud nodded in agreement. Then, much to Rarity's surprise took a step forward, and pulled her into a gentle kiss. As Rarity was surprised again Maud let go of her quickly and stepped back. "Sorry." Rarity shook her head quickly, giving Maud her best encouraging smile. "Oh, no darling. I was just not expecting it. You didn't do anything wrong." Maud nodded and turned to go. "Ok, good. When should I come get you tomorrow?" Rarity smiled a bit. She'd really need to make sure not to play the waiting game with Maud. She wouldn't understand. "I'll call the restaurant tomorrow morning then call you, ok?" Maud nodded again and stopped by the door. Looking back at Rarity, "Sleep well, Rarity." "You too, Maud." After the door shut Rarity locked it then went to her bedroom. Rarity let out an expulsion of breath as she changed into her nighty. That would have meant more if she hadn't inhaled exclusively to make that sound on purpose. She climbed into bed and laid back, staring at the ceiling absently. Still thinking about everything that happened.