What a wonderful world

by a touch of sparkles

Chapter 9: The place that kills

Sombra and his dam gave up long ago with counting the fast paced days and nights. Their body clocks were gone and stomachs rumbled as they lived of the strange plants the pony’s called scraps. He had gotten used to the pain in his chest. Amore hadn’t attempted to re-muzzle his dam, after all every attempt led to a nearly gashed neck. Although she hadn’t let up on the random beatings. Weather it was the whip (her favourite by the common use), the burning hot rod or a saw grated across joints.

Sombra spent most of his time sleeping, he had gotten bored of finding shapes in the cracked bricks. He missed his family, he wondered wear his sire was. He wasn’t here and neither was the others. Just as he was drifting back of the Princess unlocked the heavy door again.

The caged umbrum were dragged out by the neck, he noticed it was primarily the stallions. She had never taken away so many before but now she had taken three and was approaching them. His dam growled at the unicorn, fully expecting another beating.

“Oh don’t worry. There’s no guarantee you will get hurt this time” she grinned at them before yanking them out the cells, they had given up fighting that part. They followed her and the guards out of the cell lined corridor. One by one they were led back up the stairs to the surface, something they hadn’t seen for a very long time.

The air was crisp and fresh, the natural light was at first harsh but quickly became pleasant. However they quickly noticed just how many umbrum had been captured as many ponies walked with them on chains. In front of them however was a large ornate carriage which one of the stallions were being strapped into its harness. They could see the spikes of nails lining the inside. Little droplets of silver smeared beneath the leather.

They were then dragged to the side of the carriage, his dam was chained to it then he was tied to her. The other stallion was tied to the other side. Amore climbed up the steps and laid down on the cushioned seat, the raspberry velvet was lined with silver. She sat prim and proper, a sweet smile spread on her face as she waved softly to a nearby foal. A pony stallion in a vest then took seat on the wooden planks in front of her, then with a short whip to the flank, the umbrum started to push forwards. They all followed.

Under normal strength the umbrum should have easily been able to pull the carriage, however after being starved he was much weaker. The nails dug into his thinning flesh as he walked forwards. Sombra struggled as his ribs ached once more as he plodded by his dam. There were many other Umbrums tied to less ornate carriages or some simply lead by hoof. However they were all going in the same direction into the distance.

Past the trees there was a large structure. It was only half built but it was still tall, made up of arches made of bricks. It loomed over the spruces and even dominated the redwoods. It was nestled into the side of the mountain yet its grey stone stuck out amongst the white snow and glossy cobalt rock. Those mountains were his home, they hurt to look at.

They began the trek up the side of the mountain, a crystal path had been carved through the natural parting of the trees. His dams head started to hang low as she became weary of their surroundings, her nostrils flared. Sombra walked a little closer to her sensing the slight fear and worry in her. They continued up the path drawing closer and closer to the structure.

As they left the trees they stood directly in front of it, towering over them. Sombra watched as the crowd spit in two. The regular carriages were tied down, the umbrum pulling them were also tied down. Sombra watched as many ponies filtered into a front entrance, they dropped a piece of shiny gold into a box before they entered. He however kept walking with the princess’s carriage as they approached the back.

Amore dismounted the carriage daintily, her hoof steps light on the ground which the sun reflected of. With her magic the two side stallions along with him and his dam were disconnected. They were dragged along in her golden magic towards the back entrance.

“Princess! How has your day been?” He heard a pony call out to her, he held a clipboard in his hooves.

“I’m doing lovely. How are you?”

“I’m doing as good as always. Ah, are these your contestants?” He asked, pointing at them.

“The stallions are. But the mare I have other ideas for. There’s now more of them coming into the auction, we will run out eventually.” They began to make their way into the damp and cold stone corridors. Sombra could here hundreds of voices above.

“There has been some evidence that they don’t have a normal life span Princess. Seemingly new-born foals don’t appear to age as quickly.”

“Really? How much longer is it then?”

“We are still unsure on that part”

“I may not be the best at magic, but I’m sure I could make something to age them faster if it’s too slow to be useful. But I’m not going to waste her, I’ll make sure she gets bred by a useful stallion.”

The conversation continued but it went straight over Sombra’s head. He couldn’t understand what they were saying but either way he didn’t like it. They were led around towards a gateway. It had a large, bared door and he could see a large flat area through it. there were many umbrum chained to the walls, each of which were thinning and dirty. The five of them were chained to the walls next to all the others.

“The foals still with it?” the pony asked the princess.

“It has already killed one of my guards, took his head off. It’s not worth trying to separate the pair. I did assume it would be easier considering animals are known for abandoning young” the last part Sombra noticed that it seemed the pony wanted to say something in response, but he stopped himself. He returned back to writing on the chalk board by them that they belonged to Amore. It was the first time Sombra had seen them writing, it was strange how it went from left to right, not top to bottom.

He sat there with his dam as they waited. Sombra stared through the large gateway, there was another directly opposite. However it was double lined withs bars and there was still a heavy door behind it. He leaned his head forward to see that in the walls of the structure hundreds of shiny ponies all gathered. He could hear their cheery voices, full of excitement. Suddenly there was an unbearably loud voice that echoed in the air.


Sombra cuddled into his dam, despite his inability to understand he still felt the need to hide. There was more speech and one of the guard’s strides down the corridor full of Umbrums. He took hold of a chain then dragged one over to the gate in front of them, a stiff lever was pulled and the gate rattled as it hulled itself upwards. With little remorse the guard bucked them umbrum forcing it into the open before promptly shutting the gate.

The other gate had started to lift, the thick wooden doors pulled back. Sombra watched as twenty glowing green eyes turned towards the light. The figures came into the arena and he became confused.

What in the North are they?” He heard his dam ask above him.

I’m more questioning the fact they are made of wood and are somehow animals” a stallion replied. Sombra felt his dams heavy leg wrap over him, the other pulled him closer to her.

The wolves were on chains, all ten tied to the inside of the chamber they came from. They unfortunately had more than enough slack for the wolves to cover the full distance. Slowly they spread out to surround the umbrum, who was flicking their eyes around to find a weakness on a creature they’ve never seen. The umbrum darted as a wolf lunged at them, quickly followed by another to cover the distance. The other eight dashed and bounded, getting ahead. The umbrum attempted to jump over but his legs were heavy and weak. He was caught mid-air and his attempts to escape only lead to wooden teeth tearing flesh further.

His dam pulled him fully behind her body, using her mane and tail like curtains. She covered his eyes with her foreleg, even if they were already screwed shut. Sombra couldn’t tell if the crowed was enjoying or upset with the scene. He couldn’t tell what their voices meant. He didn’t see how the wolves didn’t eat as they were reeled back in. How the remains were left out, shimmering in the sun.

Another Umbrum was thrown in.

Then another.

Some lived, others died.

Many managed to get to the safety zone.

Many died after from their injuries.

Slowly the number of Umbrum in the corridor dwindled. The sun slowly started to set as many of the ponies left and returned down the path. Sombra couldn’t think for the rest of that day. even when he walked alongside the carriage and was thrown back into his cell. All his dam could do for him nuzzle and groom him. The only thing that put him to sleep was the force of deprivation.

Those glowing green eyes haunted him throughout, they would stalk and follow him. Through trees and grasslands. The stars weren’t the little white twinkles, but more green eyes. the trees twisted unnaturally and moved in the corner of his eyes. he could sense them circle around him, weaving around the spruces. Slowly they closed in on him. Just before he was torn apart by splinter teeth, his dam woke him.

shh, shh its ok. I’m here. Dammi’s here.” She sweetly told him while cradling him in her tail. He whimpered and whined, his eyes foggy with tears. He shook as he swore he could see those eyes in the darkness.