//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Something Off // Story: The Rainbow and The Tiger // by PantheraMan //------------------------------// Two days had passed. The sky was clear, and the group was walking across the savanna. A giraffe was feeding on a nearby acacia tree, wrapping his tongue around the thorny branches. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie walked behind Baagh Raaja. Suddenly Pinkie Pie placed her hand on her stomach. “Uh girls, something’s happening.” she said. Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned around. “What do you mean Pinkie?” Applejack asked. Baagh Raaja twitched his ear and turned his head. He raised one of his eyebrows but kept walking. Pinkie Pie looked down. “I feel something...warm inside.” she said, putting her other hand on her stomach. Baagh Raaja took his head back a little.  Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Eh?”  “Like-” Pinkie paused seconds before shooting fire out of her mouth. Baagh Raaja leaped out of the way, Konda and Partak ducked. The others ahead leapt out of the way. One tigress snarled, and a sabertooth growled.  “WHOA!!” Sulu yelled while looking back. His ears were folded and he lowered his body.  “WHAT THE!?” Night Sky yelled before leaping and pushing Sulu out of the way. The groups turned around and looked at Pinkie Pie. Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood motionless while Pinkie slightly blushed and smiled, giving small chuckles. Baagh Raaja walked up to Pinkie Pie somewhat slowly. Pinkie Pie held her hands behind her back and moved her foot from side to side.  Baagh Raaja stared at Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie, how did you-” he said before Talamba trotted right in front of him and got right up in Pinkie Pie’s face. He growled with his teeth bared, and unsheathed his claws.  “ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?” he screamed, echoing across the savanna and scaring off a herd of nearby wildebeests. Pinkie Pie froze.  “Uh no,” she said, slightly looking away from him. Talamba growled again. “YOU NEARLY ROASTED ME!!” he yelled before Baagh Raaja stepped on his tail, making him turn around and growl. Baagh Raaja stared into his eyes. Talamba folded his ears back and lowered his head. Partak walked up to them and turned his head to Talamba.  “Calm down Talamba, it was an accident,” he said in a calm tone that put Pinkie Pie more at ease. Partak walked closer to her. Night Sky, Sulu, and Konda walked to the scene while Baagh Raaja lifted his paw off Talamba’s tail.  Partak then looked at Pinkie. “But how the heck did you shoot fire from your mouth?” he asked. Pinkie looked down at her stomach and put her hand back on it. “I just felt something warm and then it just came out,” she replied. The group spoke amongst themselves and Night Sky raised an eyebrow, while Konda just blinked. Baagh Raaja blinked repeatedly before shaking his head “What? Are you trying to say you’re really warm?” he asked, sitting down. Pinkie Pie shook her head. “No that’s not it. It felt as though something’s wrong.” Everyone just stood in silence for a moment, as if they were the most confused crowd in all of history. Baagh Raaja turned around.  “...Okay River Sand, I think you have your next patient,” he said, making River Sand’s ears prick up.  “Coming!” she said before running up to Pinkie Pie.  Pinkie waved her hands in front of her. “No no I'm fine, something’s just wrong,” she said. River Sand just paused before closing her eyes and slightly shaking her head. “Pinkie, that makes no sense.” she said.  Applejack placed her hand on River Sand’s shoulder. “That’s Pinkie for ya,” she replied with a wink. Pinkie Pie shook her head rapidly, to the point where it looked as though it would fall off. When she grabbed her head she began to speak.  “No! There’s something wrong around here, or rather, something wrong with someone else!” she said.  “What?” Baagh Raaja asked.  “She speaks nonsense,” a powerful feminine voice said. The group turned their heads around to see Amber Eye walking through the group. Lionesses moved out of her way as she made her way towards Pinkie Pie. “The only one here with something wrong is her,” she said, giving Pinkie Pie a piercing gaze. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other, then back at Amer Eye who was standing as tall as possible.  Rainbow Dash stepped forward. “Well the thing is, when Pinkie gets this kind of stuff, there’s always something going on.”       Amber Eye only rolled her eyes and looked away from Rainbow Dash. “Rubbish.” she scoffed.  Pinkie Pie grinned and placed a finger on her cheek. “Well, I can tell you that you were born during the wet season in the jungle.” she said. Amber Eye’s eyes widened. She turned around to Pinkie Pie and froze. “H-How do you-” she said before Applejack and Rainbow Dash cut her off.  “Don’t question it, I know better,” both said, pointing their fingers up in the air. Amber Eye lowered her brows and growled. Pinkie Pie looked at her and suddenly, something deep down was telling her something. Then her eyes widened. “Wait, it’s you!” she said, pointing at Amber Eye. “You’re what’s wrong here!” Amber Eye snarled at Pinkie. Baagh Raaja, Konda, Talamba, and Partak looked at Amber Eye.  Night Sky walked in front of Pinkie Pie. “Oh come now Pinkie, there’s no way she could be causing your issue.”  “Yes she is!” she shouted, flapping her arms rapidly like a bird. She paused for a moment, then her eyes narrowed and she started intensely at Amber Eye. “In fact, Bladed Claw didn’t kill Wildfire, she did!” she finally said, pointing at Amber Eye. The entire group looked at Amber Eye, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood with their eyes wide and their jaws slightly dropped.  Amber Eye stood taller than before. “No I didn’t.” she growled “Bladed Claw did.”  Applejack crossed her arms and lowered her brows. “Then how did he kill her?” she asked.  Amber Eye started at Applejack, claws unsheathed and pupils narrowing. “Why would you think I killed her?”  “And why can’t you answer the question?” Applejack asked in a louder tone. Amber Eye rolled her eyes. “I do not need to answer a question about something I didn’t commit.” she said before turning around.  “But you were there when it happened. Answer the question.” Applejack said, raising her voice.  “I don’t need this,” Amber Eye said, walking away, but she didn’t get far before Baagh Raaja blocked her path.  His eyes pierced through hers, his claws were unsheathed, and he made a deep growl that went through the cat-girl. “Answer her. Now,” he snarled. Amber Eye simply lowered herself and folded her ears.  Applejack took a few steps forward. “And another thing, why do you act submissively to Baagh Raaja?” she asked, pointing her finger “Yeah, you don’t do that with anyone else.”  Pinkie Pie simply frowned and crossed her arms. “Because she fears him.” The big cats looked at Pinkie Pie, some moved towards her a little while others simply raised their brows.  “But why?” Rainbow Dash asked.  Pinkie Pie never looked at Rainbow Dash, rather she kept her focus on Amber Eye. “Because she’s the little birdie who told Bladed Claw about him and his brother a long time ago.” Rainbow Dash froze. Baagh Raaja looked at Pinkie Pie. He felt cold for a moment, but soon the ice inside him began to thaw. Amber Eye looked at him and took a few steps back. Rainbow Dash stepped forward, in front of Pinkie Pie.  “Baagh Raaja told me about his past, he did have a twin brother, and an adopted sister.” she said, now the big cats started to growl. Some got their claws out, Baagh Raaja moved his shoulders as if he were about to pounce.  Pinkie Pie saw the group’s reaction, but did not react. “And she took Wildfire away from everyone to lure her to Bladed Claw and the others, that’s when she killed her. Bladed Claw gave her the wounds to make it look like she was attacked and they left their scent all over the place so we would blame him instead of her.”   Amber Eye looked around her, the growls got deeper, and one tiger even roared.  She stared once more at Pinkie Pie. “Shut up you little-” The fire inside Baagh Raaja burst, and he lunged at Amber Eye. The cat-girl froze in place, but Partak pinned Baagh Raaja with his front limbs.  Baagh Raaja tried striking at Amber Eye, then looked at Partak as if he wanted to kill him. “Let go of me, Partak!” he roared. Partak looked down at Baagh Raaja. “Let Night Sky handle this.”  Baagh Raaja’s inner fire grew, and now he could feel his whole body heat up. “I WENT THROUGH HELL BECAUSE OF HER! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO DEAL WITH HER MYSELF!!” he yelled, yet Partak didn’t even flinch. The rest of the group however, took a few steps back.  Except for Konda who walked up to him. “Baagh Raaja, just let her deal with it. Besides, it's not like you can break free,” he said, tilting his head to Partak’s paws. Baagh Raaja simply growled. The rest of the group began to form a ring around Amber Eye, fangs were bared, and each one looked like they’d attack at any moment. “Traitor.” Sulu hissed. Amber Eye looked around frantically, but to no avail as she was trapped.  Night Sky entered the ring and approached her sister. “Sister. How...how could you!?” she growled.  A pair of male smilodons pinned Amber Eye to the ground. “Get off me!” she snarled. Partak lowered his brows and growled. “My sons will do no such thing. They do not tolerate traitors,” he said, his sons nodding in agreement.  Amber Eye looked up at her sister, whose teeth were bared and she was creating a deep growl.  However, she stopped, and looked away from Amber Eye, then focused her attention back to her. “I refuse to stoop down to your level. But you are to leave and never come back.” The smilodons got off of Amber Eye, and an opening formed in the ring. She took one last look and growled before sprinting off into the savanna.  Night Sky took a deep breath, then exhaled. “Well, what are you all standing around for? We’ve wasted enough time with this,” she said before walking to the front. The rest of the group followed her lead and Sulu ran up to Night Sky. Partak got off of Baagh Raaja. He looked out in the direction Amber Eye ran in, then looked at Pinkie Pie who was walking ahead of him with the other girls.  He ran up to the girls. “Pinkie Pie.”  Pinkie turned around and saw him coming to them. “What do I owe the pleasure?” she asked, bowing somewhat to him.  Baagh Raaja smiled. “Thank you. For revealing the truth.”  Pinkie Pie looked up at him and smiled back. “Aw it was nothing!” she said.  “Nothing? Pinkie, you just revealed a traitor. And...growing up, I believed Bladed Claw was my real enemy. But now, I know who my real biggest enemy is.” he said, looking out onto the savanna.  Applejack looked at Baagh Raaja, then at Rainbow Dash and grinned. “Speaking of which, you telling RD about your past? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say y’all are getting’ close.” Rainbow Dash blushed, and Baagh Raaja frowned.  “Oh shut up Applejack,” Rainbow Dash mumbled.  Amber Eye ran across the savanna, passing by a herd of elands and a troop of Olive baboons. One of them gave out an alarm and the whole troop fled into the trees. She stopped and breathed heavily. Looking back she still felt her body temperature rise. She looked down at her paws, then sniffed the air. She lifted her head up with a smile and ran off. It wasn’t long before she saw the danger beasts walking “-There they are!” she sprinted to them. Bladed Claw was walking in the front with Bloody Knife, behind them, Spike, Twilight, and Fluttershy were in their cages being carried by men holding large branches sticking through the cages.  “Bladed Claw!” Bladed Claw twitched his ear then turned his head. He saw Amber Eye running towards them. He stopped, the whole group stopped as well. Twilight dropped her jaw at the sight of a girl-large cat hybrid and Spike shook his head before taking another look.    Amber Eye stopped in front of Bladed Claw and was again breathing heavily. “Amber Eye, what are you doing here?” he asked.  Amber Eye finally caught her breath. “I...I was found out.” Bladed Claw narrowed his pupils. “How?” he asked with venom in his voice.  Amber Eye once again stood tall.  “The pink girl with the puffy hair had some feeling something was wrong. She revealed me.” she answered.  Bladed Claw unsheathed his claws and scratched the ground. “I see.”  Amber Eye stood there with a lifted brow. “You believe me?”  Bladed Claw nodded “That same girl drilled through the cage and into the ground to escape us.” he said, with his eyes on the ground.  Amber Eye was unfazed at his comment. “Oh...so-”  “You have failed me. And now you will pay the price.” Bladed Claw said, unsheathing the rest of his claws and baring his teeth.  Amber Eye stood there with her eyes widened. “But-but you...you said I’d get the power of the Mookarina Stone! A long time ago! You said I could use it to get revenge on my sisters!” She raised her voice.  Bladed Claw gave a deep growl. “After having that pathetic Baagh Raaja and his brother, I no longer tolerate those who fail me.” he replied, moving his shoulders up and down.  Amber Eye snarled and unsheathed her claws. Her own pupils narrowed. “If you think you can kill me easily, you’re in for a surprise.”  Bladed Claw lunged at her, but Amber Eye dodged the attack and struck his face. Both reared on their hind legs and swatted at one another. Their claws dug into each other’s shoulders.  Amber Eye delivered a swipe to Bladed Claw’s face, giving him three wounds on the side of his face. She then rammed Bladed Claw to the ground, only to get rolled over by him and on her back. With her legs she threw him off and he landed on his side.  Both quickly got back up. Bladed Claw lifted his paw for a strike, but a sharp pain entered the back of his neck, then on his shoulder and side. Looking over, Bladed Claw growled, Bloody Knife had leaped onto him and was now biting his neck and clawing him in the side and shoulder.  Twilight and Spike gasped. Bladed Claw thrashed around. “GET OFF ME!” he yelled, and threw Bloody Knife off.  Bloody Knife landed on his feet. Both looked at each other for a moment, then Bladed Claw snarled. “You...you traitorous-” However, before he could strike, the other men began transforming into their feline forms. They all gave him piercing glares and growled and snarled. The group started to approach him, making him take a few steps back.  Amber Eye smiled. “Like I said, you were in for a surprise.” Bladed Claw looked at her, then at his gang. “How could you? All of you!?” he asked.  Bloody Knife began walking to Amber Eye. “You see, Bladed Claw, we decided we liked her better on the night she came to us in the jungle. She convinced us to do this if you tried betraying her. With her in charge, we can get around this land better and find tons of animals to make money from once we get the stone’s power. But you’re simply in the way.” he answered before sitting down next to Amber Eye. Spike widened his eyes and looked over at Bloody Knife.  “Is this really happening!?” he asked, raising his voice.  Amber Eye glared at him. “Yes little dog, it is.” she answered. One of the danger beasts roared and began moving closer to Bladed Claw, followed by the rest of the group. Bladed Claw folded his ears and turned around and began running. His gang started to give chase, and it wasn’t long before the first danger beast leapt onto his back. Bladed Claw struck at him with his paw, but another one attacked him from behind. He swirled around to pin him, but soon two more leapt onto him and pinned him down. Each danger beast sank their fangs into his flesh and clawed into him.  Twilight looked over at Spike. “Don’t look Spike.” she said to him calmly. The little puppy then covered his eyes and shook. Meanwhile, the sound of a bone breaking echoed in the air. Twilight looked at the scene, and Bladed Claw screamed to the point where he was heard across the savanna. More breaking sounds came from the scene.  Finally, the group walked away from the scene, and Bladed Claw himself was still breathing, yet most of his skin was ripped off. Some of his ribs were broken, his abdomen was torn open, and his throat was ripped out. Blood was running out of him, and the light in his eyes began to fade, and finally, he stopped breathing altogether.  The danger beasts gathered around Amber Eye and Bloody Knife. The second in command looked at the cat-girl. “So what now boss?” he asked.  Amber Eye looked at him with a grin. “We keep moving.”