//------------------------------// // Always trying to find a reason. // Story: A family at heart // by Babycord //------------------------------// "It happened again". Fluttershy paused. Tilting her head she looked over at the mirror to see his reflection. Upon noticing her gaze Heart stared back. The look on his face said it all. "What happened?" Derpy asked. Curiosity oozed from her expression as she glanced up at her brother. Upon noticing this Heart merely smiled before patting her head. He didn't want Derpy to worry about things that were out of thier control. "It's nothing Derpy, just something that occurred a few days ago". Realizing that she was going to be left in the dark the grey youth pouted. "It's not nice to keep secrets you know". "True, but this isn't something that you need to concern yourself with". Derpy opened her mouth to respond, only to close it upon seeing the look Fluttershy was giving her. It was a look that told her that enough was enough. Sighing Derpy lowered her head. Only to immediately brighten when Felt kissed her on the cheek. Giggling like a school girl Derpy leaned in towards her brother as he was busy brushing her hair. Behind him, Fluttershy was doing much the same. This was a tradition that the three regularly took part in whenever an opportunity presented itself. It was a sort of bonding ritual that could only be complete when all three were present. As such Heart who missed an entire year's worth of this activity took great pleasure in doing his sister's hair. "You know Derpy one day I think you and your sister should enter a beauty pageant, you girls are certainly beautiful enough to try". She blushed. Fluttershy on the other hand merely smiled. "Thanks" Muttered Derpy twirling her thumbs around, "but I don't think im very beautiful". In response, Heart gasped. All though such an act was exaggerated. "Surely your jest! Derpy giggled at this. However, it wasn't long before a frown appeared on her face. "I'm not very pretty like big sister Shy or the others, especially Rarity". For a long time now Derpy has been struggling with her self-image. She wasn't ugly that munch she knew, but compared to the rest she might as well be invisible. At least then she wouldn't be forced to look in the mirror. Every time she did so she saw a grey girl with funny-looking eyes. Eyes that caused her nothing but trouble ever since she fell off that swing. It was moments like those that she understood why her family gave her up for adoption. That and the other reason being her severe memory problems and low-level intelligence. Derpy knew that she wasn't stupid per se, but she wasn't exactly the smartest muffin in the batch either. If only she was someone else entirely. At least then that version of her would have been good enough for her family to keep. If only. "You wanna know what I think?" Tilting her head Derpy nodded. Putting the brush down Heart then leaned onto his sister's head. Wrapping his arms around her neck. Looking up at him the teen saw him smile. "I think that you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world". Derpy furrowed her brow. "What about the others?" He chuckled before planting an affectionate kiss on her forehead. "I think the others are beautiful as well, but you wanna know the type of beauty you have that sets you apart from the rest of them?" She nodded. Both curiosity and excitement were present on her face. "Your heart". Derpy blinked more than a little confused. "Your heart" Felt repeated. Staring at his sister with one single eye. When her confusion still lingered he explained. "Derpy, it's no secret that I and the others tend to do bad things for various reasons. Some being more than a little selfish" She frowned. It was like he was saying that he along with the others were bad people. They weren't bad by any means. No, they weren't they were her family, and as a family, they loved and cared for one another. If they were bad then Derpy was sure that they wouldn't take the time to be nice to her. So that meant that they were good people who just did bad things. While Derpy didn't understand why they did bad things she decided long ago that, that didn't matter, "But you're different Derpy, he continued. His smile growing. "Your heart is pure and good which in itself is the most beautiful thing I ever saw". Giggling the grey golden-eyed youth shook her head. "Don't be silly you can't see my heart". Upon hearing her response Felt smirked. "Maybe I can maybe I can't, it's my little secret". Derpy gasped eyes wide. "No way! You have more secrets!? That isn't fair!" "Life isn't fair Derpy" he replied. Booping his sister on the nose. That caused the grey teen to giggle. Not wanting to take such an attack lying down she booped him back. Narrowing his eyes Felt then proceeded to tickle his sister right under her armpits. Derpy proceeded to burst into fits of laughter. "Say, uncle!" "Never!" Felt grinned. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Amusement. That's what Fluttershy felt while watching Derpy and Heart play. Both siblings were busy tickling one another. Derpy having decided to not take such an assault while lying down. Setting the brush down on her bed Fluttershy hummed quietly to herself while watching the tickling battle before her. She missed moments like these. Moments that simply involved her two siblings having fun. Ever since Heart Felt was arrested and taken into a place where they couldn't visit and or send letters times as these disappeared. Whether he knows it or not Heart was a crucial part in keeping this family together. AJ played the role that was similar to a mother figure that the others needed. However, with that said Heart was the one who lifted thier spirits. The one to bring a sense of love and acceptance every time he walked into the room. He didn't judge, not like the ones before him. Not like the supposed caretakers at the orphanage. He was different. Different in a way that Fluttershy had trouble comprehending at first, but over the years she came to truly love and accept him in turn. After all, he was one out of two people that we're able to understand her. Fluttershy was born mute. Unable to interact with the world around her unlike her parents and older sibling. Her old family. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a smile tug at the corners of her lips, But it wasn't a pleasant one. Sky Range and Yellow Cloud. Two parents loved and cared for her just as any parent should. They were gentle, kind, compassionate, and able to see the beauty of things even if that beauty was practically nonexistent. Rain Drop her sister was someone that Fluttershy cherished more than anything. Rain Drop unlike thier parents understood Fluttershy in ways that she alone couldn't fathom. She was someone whose views were a bit different, but she never once hesitated when it came to helping someone in need. Of course, she wasn't perfect. Neither were her parents. More often than not Rain could be a very stubborn child when it came to how she wanted to do certain things. Her parents on the other hand weren't exactly the most capable of people to rely on. Regardless even with those flaws, they were still the best family she could have asked for. At least until she killed them. Her memory of the event we're a tad bit fuzzy, but she cherished what she did remember. The sensation of the blade held in her grip. The feeling of anticipation mixed with fear and excitement as she quietly made her way into her parent's bedroom. The sound of metal piercing through flesh combined with the feeling of blood splashing against her skin. The look of betrayal on her sister's face as she dragged the blade across her neck. Fluttershy doesn't remember much after that. The only thing she could recall was laying on some type of bed. Her eyes were closed, but she heard various voices all around her. She felt cold, wet as if she took a shower that she no longer remembered. While she laid there she heard one of the voices, male by the sound of it suggesting something about a break-in. What happened after that Fluttershy hasn't a clue. Regardless the yellow-colored women woke up in some type of orphanage. Once there she spent countless sleepless nights thinking about what happened. Nearly every time she did so she felt a burning sensation within her core. One that she was more than willing to extinguish. If people knew the truth of what had occurred on that fateful night they would ask one question and one question only. Why? Her response? Why not? People often seek the answers to things that they didn't understand. Unwilling to accept the fact that sometimes there aren't any real answers to be found. Her actions were simply a buy product of that constantly denied truth. There is no logical conclusion, no justification for her actions, no deeper meaning to be found. She did what she did for no reason at all, And she would gladly do it again. Not because of some sick pleasure or anything of the sort, but because if she hadn't she would have never met Heart and the others. Especially Derpy. The grey youth reminded her of Rain Drop. That in itself was like connecting to her sister from beyond the grave. Even with that said, Fluttershy did not only think fondly of her because of her past sibling. While that played a significant part, it was also because Derpy was someone who she learned to admire. Yes, Derpy had memory problems, and yes she aslo wasn't as smart as everyone else, but what she did have was determination. Derpy herself knew that she wasn't normal but that didn't stop her from giving it her all in life. If you give her a task she'll try her very best to complete it. Even if it was something that she could barely comprehend. To that end, Fluttershy couldn't help but admire said determination. Even if it proves to be utterly useless in the end. Smiling to herself Fluttershy soundlessly giggled upon seeing Heart get a pillow thrown into his face. Only to duck as she too became a target. "I almost had ya! Derpy giggled. The teen had two pillows held in her grip. "This time though I won't miss!" Fluttershy rolled her eyes. She figured that it was time once again to show the pair why she currently held the title of pillow queen. However with this in mind, as she looked over at Derpy only for an image of Rain Drop suddenly appeared before her. However, it disappeared as soon as the woman blinked. She then received a pillow to the face. Shaking her head Fluttershy grinned. It seemed as if the connection she shared with her sister did indeed go beyond the grave. Or perhaps she simply went mad. Oh well, sanity was overrated. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''"""""""'''''"""''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''""""""""""""""""""""""" "I'm sorry" the doctor muttered. His gaze aimed down at the floor. They tried everything they could truly they did, but in the and end it just wasn't enough. "It's fine, I understand". The doctor nodded. "Mind if I get some time alone with my aunt?' "Of course". She watched as the doctor made his way out of the room. Once he was gone she stared unblinkingly at Gilda's unmoving corpse. Briefly, she wondered if her aunt was currently having one of those out-of-body experiences she heard so much about. Or maybe since she was dead her soul just went straight to the afterlife. Suddenly her phone ringed. Pulling it out of her pocket she answers. "Hello?" A male voice spoke. "We found them". She breathed a sigh. 'Where?" "Near the edge of town, from what we gathered their not the type to get law enforcement involved". "I figured". "Orders?" She paused. For a moment she stared long and hard at Gilda. As she did so memories of the past flooded her mind. Sighing once more she spoke. "Wait for me to arrive, it's time we pay the ponies that killed my dear aunty a visit". "Yes, ma'am." Gabby hung up.