A family at heart

by Babycord

Not how she planned.

Gabby stared.

Her informant stared back.

"So let me get this straight" she started. A not so pleased look on her face. "Glenn, an individual I sent to keep an eye on the Harmonies decided to go rogue and try to kill one of them out of revenge ".

He nodded.

"Only to end up failing and getting caught in the process. Upon realizing he was going to die he told them that we were planning to wipe them out,".

He nodded again.

"Upon hearing about his death his cousin Garry managed to gather a few men and is now heading towards the edge of town".

A third nod.

"He plans to avenge his cousin, and while doing so he's essentially proving Glenn right, and declaring all-out war under name of the Golden Griffins. This means that if he fails he not only puts me in endanger but also the life of my newly born son in the process".

"I'm afraid so".

Closing her eyes Gabby breathed in,

And breathed out,

And breathed in again.

Once done she screamed one single word.



Life was funny sometimes.

Like for example, Heart Felt went from waking up in the morning, eating a box of cereal, and deciding to spend the rest of the day playing video games with Derpy.

"Aye yo pass me the shut gun!"

"Do you want regular bullets or armor-piercing rounds?"

"Surprise me".

To arming himself to the teeth because apparently, some gang wanted them all dead.

You wanna know what made it even worse?

It was on a Monday.

"Mmhm...uhuh...okay thanks!"

Walking out of the kitchen Pinkie hung up the phone before looking back at the others. There was a smile on her face however, it was more than a little tense.

"They'll be here any minute".

Nodding AJ pulled back the safety on her AR-15.

"Okay listen, I know things might seem a little uncertain right now due to our current circumstances".

"You mean the situation that Rainbow Dash brought upon us?!" Rarity seethed. By the look on her face, anyone could tell that she wasn't happy in the slightest.


'Enough!" AJ barked. Her expression turned into a glare that was aimed at the two girls. Now wasn't the time to play the blame game. Unfortunately, AJ realized that this issue needed to be addressed and quickly. Not unless she wanted the tension between the two to get in the way of the fight that was coming to them.

"I am only going to say this once, Rainbow what you did is what led us to this situation".

"Don't you think I know that?" The cyan woman growled. She wasn't dumb, as such she didn't need someone like Rarity or AJ to point out the obvious. She had trouble dealing with enough guilt as it is.

However, a look from the orange woman kept Dash from saying anything more.

"Even with that said I know for a fact that a good amount of us would have done the same, even you Rarity".

Said, individual for her part looked as if she wanted to protest.

"The judge".

The look on Rarity's face upon hearing those words said it all.

With the matter settled AJ went ahead and told everyone what they needed to do.

"Dash, Pinkie, and Rarity take point upstairs, Felt and I will handle things down here while Fluttershy goes ahead and guards the back door in case they try to get in that way".

Everyone except Derpy nodded.

Looking over at the grey youth AJ smiled. "Derpy I need you to go in the basement and wait until we tell you that it's safe to come out".


Derpy refusing an order was not a common sight. Hell, it was practically unheard of right up until this very moment. As such her answer alone took everyone off guard.

AJ blinked.


For her part, Derpy stood firm. She was not planning to turn back now. Not after everything her family has done for her in the past. Beforehand Derpy was always skittish when it came to a fight. Especially when it involves guns. She also didn't like the prospect of seriously injuring someone. Let alone the infamous k-word, but at the same time, she hated leaving them behind to do all the work. She had to do this.

"I-i want to help".

They looked at her. Each one has a different expression. However for the most part they all shared a look of shock in some form or another.

Heart was the first one to speak up.

"I don't think that this is a very good idea".

He understood her reasons he did but at the same time, Derpy was a kind soul. As such he didn't want her to become consumed with guilt at what she had done. He also didn't want to risk her getting hurt.

Or worse.

However, before Derpy or the others could say anything Fluttershy stepped forward. Looking the grey youth in the eyes she made a series of hand gestures and expressions that almost no one understood.

The keyword is almost.

When it was all over Derpy nodded with a confident look on her face Heart meanwhile looked speechless.

Upon seeing this Rainbow Dash leaned close to both Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "Do you guys have any idea what she said?"


"Unfortunately not".

Rainbow nodded

"I figured".

The sound of a dog barking brought everyone back to reality. Looking over the trio saw Spike barking his head off. His eyes transfixed at the window. A few moments later they heard what sounded like five vehicles coming towards them.

Looking over at AJ they saw the orange woman crack her neck. The look in her eyes burned with determination. If they wanted a war they'll get a war.

"Let's show these farm animals what we're made of".



That's what Garry wanted more than anything in the world.

At least until they arrived.

Now he stood, using his vehicle as a shield as a wave after wave of bullets barraged him and his men.

His plan before was rather simple.

Arrive, bust in the home, shoot everyone inside and call it a day.

What he didn't expect was for him and his men to be immediately shot at as soon as they arrived. What he also didn't expect was for a grenade to be thrown their way from inside the home. Fast forward to the present and his need for vengeance turned into a need for survival.

Crawling on all fours Garry desperately tries to make it towards the driver's side of his vehicle. Only for the window to explode into several pieces making him second guess his decision. Cursing Garry retreats back to his original position on the other side.

"What do we do boss?" Asked one of his followers. However, before Garry could answer a bullet pierced's the woman's skull. Causing blood as well as brain matter to splash all over his face.

He threw up.

Not the manliest thing to do he knows, but at the same time what he witnessed was something he was not prepared for. He's killed people in the past that munch was true, but at the same time, he was still a human being, and as such he had his limits.

Another explosion, screams of pain and fear, blood. So much blood.

Shaking his head Garry knew that he needed to pull himself together. If he wanted to live then he needed away out. If escape wasn't optional then he needed to think of some other way to survive.

His eyes widen.


He'll call Gabby to explain the situation and have reinforcements arrive faster than he could blink. Not only that but, in the end, revenge for his cousin would be delivered. Yes, he could see it now.

Pulling out his phone Garry began to dial.

It ringed once.



He sighed in relief.

"Boss! I need your help!"

There was silence on the other line.


"You at their home aren't you?"

"Well yes, bu-"

"Witch means that you deliberately went against my ideals".

"I know bu-"


He went silent.

Gabby paused, however, it wasn't long before she spoke again. By the sound of her voice, she was far from pleased.

"I'm on my way".

"Of thank yo-"

She hung up the phone.


Gabby wasn't happy.

In truth, she was more than a little pissed.

Traitors, misunderstandings, and a potential war all appeared after her aunt's death. Truly Gilda was one of a kind.


Gabby did so. Just in time as a bullet broke through the glass.

"Damnit!" She hissed. Feeling shards of glass pierce her skin.

The day was getting better and better.

"What should we do boss? One of her men asked her. A pistol held in his grip. The look in his eyes was one of bloodlust that needed to be satiated.

Unfortunately for him, Gabby had other ideas in mind.



The sound of gunfire ceased.

Taking a deep breath Gabby then proceeded to walk right into the open, hands up.

"What are you doing! Garry shouted. She had to admit the look on his face was priceless.

Too bad laughing could mean her death.

Instead, she merely gestured for him to come towards her. For his part, he hesitated but in the end, he didn't want to aggravate her even further so he did as she wanted.

Once he was close enough Gabby continued.


"What are yo-"

Garry never got to finish his sentence.

Partly due to having a knife lodged within his throat.

There was a gasp, gurgling, the sight of his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

He collapsed.

The life having left his body before he even touch the ground.


Silence was her reply.

Gabby waited.

She knew that there was a possibility of simply being killed where she stood, but even so, nothing says I wanna talk then by standing right in the line of fire. Or maybe she was Just dumb. If that was the case then she hoped that her newborn child had more brain cells than her. Or at least the third generation.

Suddenly the door to the house opens.

Coming out of it were two individuals.

One is an orange-colored woman,

And the other was a yellow female who looked to be a tad younger. She wore an outfit that was a mix between green and blue. Her eyes being pink in color stared at Gabby. The look in the girl's eyes told the gang leader that she wasn't the type to be messed with. Not unless she planned to sleep at night with one eye open.

"I wouldn't move if I were you" the orange one warned. "Not unless you wanna catch led between ya eyes".

Gabby nodded. Knowing full well that it was a now due or die situation.

"I just wanna talk".

"We're listening".

By her posture and the way she spoke, Gabby could tell that the woman in front of her was the leader. Good, this makes explaining the situation so much easier.

"The attack at your home wasn't my idea".

"Oh? You see the way I see it whether it was your idea or not your people were the ones who attacked us".

"True, but to be fair you killed one of our own first".

The woman before Gabby clicked her tongue. As she did Gabby saw the yellow one flash a smirk. To Gabby, it sent one single message.

Fuck your loss.

'You have a point, but at the same time your people attacked my family, and I don't take too kindly to that".

Gabby nods. "Im more than willing to give some green for the trouble".

There was a pause.

"How much green are we talking?"

She smirked.

"How does $100,000 sound?" Oh and a thank you."

The woman blinked, taken aback. "A thank you for what?"

Gabby's smirk was replaced with a genuine smile.

"For killing my aunty of course".