King Sombra's Legion Of Doom: Season 1

by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

The plot against Equestria.

The Plot Against Equestria

Description: The series opening follows the assembly of the Legion of Doom and their first unsuccessful attempt to conquer the world.

Episode number: 1

King Sombra was sitting on his throne in his castle when something hit him.

He thought, Why should I rule just the Crystal Empire when I can take over this whole world?

Sombra said at the top of his voice, "Guard 1, come here! I want you to tell General Monoceros, Admiral Aerion and Air Chief Comet to come to my throne room this instant!"

The guard did as he was told and came back with the ponies Sombra had wanted. The trio bowed.

General Monoceros asked in his terrible sounding voice, "King Sombra, may I ask what the trouble is?"

Sombra replied, "I was just sitting on my throne, enjoying being King, when something hit me. I-"

"Something hit you?" gasped Chief Comet in his child-like voice. "Was it lightning?"

Sombra glared at him. "No one can interrupt the King while he is speaking. And as an answer to your question, no, I did not get hit by lightning. When I said I got hit by something, I was using that as a figure of speech to say that I got a wonderful thought." He added, "Of course, only very smart people such as myself know that."

"Ooh," nodded Comet. "A figure of speech..."

The King cleared his throat. "As I was saying before I was interuppted, I got hit by something. And that something was a thought. Why rule just the Crystal Empire when I can take over and rule this entire world? So, the decision has been made. I want to take over the world."

Admiral Aerion swallowed his mouthful of donuts. "What a splendid idea Your Highness."

King Sombra ignored Aerion as usual and continued, "Monoceros, I want you to train the unicorns to cast twenty spells or more within less than five minutes. Aerion, train the naval forces. And lastly, Comet, I want you to train the pegasi to fly fast enough to make storms. Do you understand?"

Monoceros said, "Yes my king."

Aerion nodded, "Yes, my king."

And Air Chief Comet said, "Yes, King Sombra, I understand."

Sombra told them, "Good. Now out! Start your work!"

The trio rushed out to start their work. When King Sombra went to check on them, he found Air Chief Comet sleeping, Admiral Aerion eating doughnuts, and only General Monoceros doing the work he was supposed to.

Sombra yelled, "Comet! Now isn't time for sleeping! Aerion! I'll not let you eat doughnuts for a whole week! Get back to work!"

Air Chief Comet and Admiral Aerion both jumped. Aerion dropped his doughnuts on the floor and was picking them up when Sombra screamed, "No more doughnuts for you Aerion!"

Saying that the King took Aerion's doughnuts away and threw them into the dustbin.

Thinking Sombra had gone for good, the Air Chief continued his nap. Only for King Sombra to return a second later and yell, "That's it Comet! No more naps for you!"

The Air Chief stuttered, "B-but I was tired."

Sombra yelled, "I don't give a fuck if you're tired!"

Comet's excuse was, "If I'm tired, then I won't be able to train the pegasi. It's hard jumping and running to show them what to do. You know, since I'm not a pegasus, I can't fly."

"...Fine, you may continue having naps. But if you nap on the job again, you will be punished."

Sombra started walking away when the Admiral cried, "It's unfair! Comet gets to nap while I don't get to eat my doughnuts!"

Sombra turned to Aerion. "And what is your excuse for eating doughnuts when I told you to work?"

Aerion's excuse was, "If I'm hungry while training the naval forces, then I might eat the ships!"

Sombra sighed, knowing that Aerion was enough of an idiot to do that. "Fine, you can eat your doughnuts."

Sombra levitated the box of doughnuts out of the dustbin and into Aerion's hands. And to the disgust of everyone around him, he began eating the donuts.

The King sighed and teleported back to Castle Sombra.

He had just sat on his throne when he felt hungry. He yelled, "Cooks! Make some food! I'm hungry!"

Sombra's yell was so loud that he could be heard from the kitchen which was deep underground.

The cooks, better known as Sombra's Cooks started making Sombra's food. It was Saturday today, so they made Sand Sandwiches, which were like normal sandwiches except that they were made of sand.

They took it to Sombra and as usual, he destroyed the sandwich and plate just by glaring at it.

He yelled, "Do I look like I like sand sandwiches?! Get me some proper food!"

The cooks hurried back to the kitchen and made some Shrimp Sausages that they knew Sombra hated.

They took it to him, and a minute later they were back in the kitchen. They were thinking of the next thing that Sombra hated to eat.

They were brainless, so they made the same mistakes every day. They decided to make Scones, another thing Sombra hated.

55 dishes that Sombra hated and destroyed later, they made the one thing that Sombra liked. Spaghetti with goat Sausages.

Sombra was the only pony who ate meat. When General Monoceros, Admiral Aerion, and Air Chief Comet entered the dining hall, they covered their noses so that they would be unable to smell the meat.

They ate plain Spaghetti, not even putting any ketchup on it. The ketchup, of course, was just pony's blood.

After the quiet dinner, Sombra had his evening bath. He liked to have a bath every hour so that he would smell fresher than anypony else, and that they all would be jealous of him.

The only time that Sombra didn't have a bath was when he slept. When Sombra slept, 200 guards guarded his door.

If anypony disturbed him, or if the guards talked, or if they even sneezed, then Sombra executed them.

10 years ago, five hundred ponies used to be executed for disturbing Sombra. Then, it had gone from five hundred to three hundred, and three hundred to one hundred.

Then from one hundred to fifty, and from fifty to ten. So, every morning ten ponies were killed for annoying the King.

Soon, the guards hoped that nopony would be senseless enough to annoy King Sombra. They hated having to smell blood every morning and also having to move the rotting bodies.

But, it was Sombra's laws. Unlike other ponies, Sombra loved killing others and seeing them in pain.

The only time he would smile was when somepony hurt themselves. Then, he would tell them how stupid they were for getting hurt.

But when he hurt himself, Radiant Hope, the only doctor in the world would have to take care of him for a month.

Even if all he got was a bang on the head. That took a lot of Radiant's time up, but she didn't mind.

Radiant was in love with the King. She loved him so much, but he had no idea of that.

He mistreated her, even though they had known each other since they had been foals.

Radiant believed that Sombra loved her, even though he loved nopony.

Luckily, he never told her that or she would've died of sadness. Such was her love for him.

When the sun rose, King Sombra woke up. His servants arrived to put his armor on him, brush his mane, brush his teeth, bathe him, and do everything for him.

The only things that he did by himself were eating, casting spells, drinking, walking, planning, killing and talking.

After all, he was a King. Why should he have to do things like keeping himself tidy with his hooves?

King Sombra decided to start making his plan. If Comet had trained the pegasi like he was supposed to, then they would be able to pie-face anypony they ran into.

Sombra sent a servant to bring General Monoceros, Admiral Aerion, and Air Chief Comet to his plan room.

The plan room was a room in the castle which was used for making plans.

When the three wanted ponies arrived, King Sombra said, "Listen colts, here's the plan. If you, Comet trained the pegasi like you were supposed to, then this evening they would be able to drop giant pies on everypony.

If you, Monoceros trained the unicorns properly, then as soon as the pies trap ponies, they would be able to chain the ponies.

And lastly, Aerion if you trained the naval forces, then the seas, oceans, and rivers would be ours. Does everyone understand?"

Admiral Aerion and Air Chief Comet began sweating because while General Monoceros had been training his unicorns, they had been eating doughnuts and sleeping.

But they pretended that they did complete their tasks. So they said, "Yes King Sombra, we understand."

Sombra said, "Good. Now you can have some time to rest."

The General, the Admiral, and the Air Chief ran out of the room. General Monoceros ran to get some rest while Admiral Aerion and Air Chief Comet ran because they were worried.

Admiral Aerion asked the Air Chief, "What should we do? While we were eating and sleeping, the King thought we were training. And now, he expects us to be resting."

"We could just relax. We'll worry about other things later," said the Air Chief.

Aerion said, "But I don't want to be in the dungeon with the dungeon dwellers. Those ponies are insane!"

The dungeons dwellers were a group of ponies who had been in the dungeon for so long, that King Sombra had forgotten why he had even put them in there in the first place.

Comet laughed, "Stop worrying so much. I think you're losing your doughnuts."

Admiral Aerion looked at his doughnut bag which he always kept under his wing and saw a hole in the bag.

He ripped the bag, thinking that it would make the hole smaller, but now all his doughnuts were rolling away!

He flew after them in a panic and picked them all up. At least Aerion had his training.

Admiral Aerion, Air Chief Comet, and General Monoceros were woken up by the sound of Sombra saying, "Time to attack!"

They jumped out of their beds and quickly got their armies ready to attack.

King Sombra was standing in front of his castle, waiting for the armies. Admiral Aerion, in a panic, threw all the boats into the water, and his army rowed.

Air Chief Comet, unprepared, told the pegasi to take the pies and throw them on everypony they saw.

And General Monoceros, the only one who had practiced, told his unicorns to chain everypony they saw. Be it flying pegasi, rowing earth ponies, or spell casting unicorns.

What happened next was a disaster. The naval force ponies had been covered in pie, the pie-dropping pegasi were chained and fell to the ground, and the spell casting unicorns had chained each other after being covered with pie.

King Sombra screamed in anger, "You fools! I told you to practice! Now I'll never be able to rule the world!"