//------------------------------// // I - Double Shock // Story: The Conversion Bureau: El Único. // by Hilord17 //------------------------------// "Bright!" "We're here!" Two ponies were trotting as fast as they could to reach the area where her friend was. The communication orb they have contains a locator function that can be used if a unicorn pours a little of his magic in it. It will link all the orbs used, and depending on the magic's quality, the signal will reach wider distances. "Are you alright?" asked Mike. "You said it was urgent." "Yeah. Maybe you saw a-" Nick stopped talking. They focused so much on Bright Lapis that it took a few seconds for both stallions to finally notice the bugbear on the ground. "Holy shit!" "A fucking bugbear!" "My, oh, my..." The friend duo heard a male voice that neither knew. A few seconds later, Crimson Starlit literally appeared right next to Bright Lapis. "What a surprise! So other ponies can curse, after all." "What the-" "Who are you?" Both stallions were wary of the newcomer, especially because he had a floating sword at his side. It had a weird pattern, but a few sparks arose from the blade. It was obviously a magic weapon. "Just a little invisibility spell, folks. Besides, I mean no harm. Your friend here politely offered to guide us to a town." said Crimson. "Bright? What's going on here?" asked Mike. "Wait. 'Us'?" added Nick. "Yes. There's someone else with me. Bright Lapis told us that it would be a very... shocking revelation to see him, so..." Crimson looked at the mare. "Do you mind giving them one final warning? Seriously, if they scream I'll literally mute them with magic." With a simple nod as an answer, the mare looked at her friends. "Alright guys. This is not a joke. This will shock you, but nonetheless, it's real." "Wow. You are not one to get easily surprised by something..." said Mike. "As if the Bugbear on the ground is not enough..." added Nick. "Oh colt, do I have a surprise for you." said Crimson, who activated his magic again. There was a quick red flash behind the two friends. "¡Hola!" Diego was waving with his left hand, with a friendly smile and positive energy. The two stallions, however... "..." "..." Several seconds passed, but neither of them was reacting at all. They were just looking at the human, with only a sligtly surprised expression. Crimson teleported right next to Diego. "Well, at least they are not screaming." said the unicorn. "Creo que fue demasiado para ellos." added Diego. "Guys?" Bright Lapis approached her friends. "You two ok?" "Sabía que se sorprenderían, pero..." Diego looked at his friend a little worried. "I know, right? I mean that creature on the ground is way scarier than you." added Crimson, looking at the unconscious bugbear for a moment. "i don't see what's the big deal." "What the fuck is going on..." said Nick. Barely. Almost like a whisper. "How does this shit even happen!?" exclaimed Mike. "It's a human! A fucking human! Breathing! Alive!" "¿Escuchaste? Estos dos tambien me quieren muerto." said Diego nonchalantly. At that moment, a paper flying in the wind collided with the left side of his face. Naturally, he took it of, and decided to look at it. In just a few seconds, his expression changed. "¿Buró de Conversión? Este papel se ve muy viejo." His words took the attention of all the ponies around. "Let me see that." said Crimson, who took the paper with his magic and started to look at it. "Conversion Bureau? Ponification? What the hell is this?" The words of Crimson Starlit made the other ponies react. "Ok this weirdo is not making any sense." said Mike. "¡Hey!" exclaimed Diego, with a serious face. "This 'weirdo' can stab you with this sword or even struck you with lightning. Easily." added Crimson. "None of you look suited for combat." "Mike... watch your mouth." said Bright Lapid. Who then looked at the other stallion. "And you Nick... Have I ever lied to you?" "Well... no." was his answer. "Espera un segundo. ¿Porqué ellos dos tienen nombres de humanos? Eso no suena para nada como los nombres de ponis." "That... is a great question." said Crimson, focusing on the two other stallions. "Why do you have human names?" "Have you guys been... living under a rock or something?" asked Mike. "You know, it would be for the benefit of everyone here if you just answer the question instead of being outright rude." "It's because we were humans before." The answer came from Nick. "¿Puedes repetir eso?" asked Diego, getting serious again. "Are you saying that you were humans before but now you are ponies?" asked Crimson, not really believing them yet. "Yes!" this time it was Mike who answered, and he was a bit angry now, judging by his face. "For the same reason that in the end every human had to ponify!" He then used one of his front hooves to point at Diego. "And for the same reason he should be dead right now!" "Solo van unas horas y ya estan deseando mucho mi muerte el dia de hoy..." said Diego, obviously not happy with the words of the pegasus who claims to be a former human. "Ya me estoy preguntando si esto al final fue una buena idea." "Ok. Let's say I believe you." said Crimson. Although he is still not buying it. "Tell me: Why should my pal be dead?" "(Why are they asking such obvious questions?)" thought Bright Lapis. "(Nothing about them makes sense... especially Diego!)" "The magic! Equestria's magic! You know? The thing that started to kill the humans? That thing!" "¿Que disparates esta diciendo este tipo?" asked Diego while looking at his friend. "He estado con ustedes por casi diez años y no me ha pasado nada. Bueno, está lo que pasó cuando apenas llegué pero..." "You are right." said Crimson, who then looked at the other ponies. "You know why I don't believe you? Diego has been in Equestria for years." "That's impossible! Equestria arrived to the Earth ten years ago! There's no way a human was in Equestria before that!" countered Nick. "¿Qué?/What?" Both Crimson and Diego spoke at the same time. "¿De que diablos estás hablando? ¡Estamos en Equestria!" "He said something about Equestria, did he?" asked Bright. "Yeah. He said that we are in Equestria, which should be true because we know that the town of Magic Log is near here. We are also not that far from Neighagra Falls." Bright Lapis and her friends looked at each other for a few seconds, before focusing on the human. "I still don't know what the hay is going on, but I can tell you this much: Right now, we are outside Equestrian territory. This is Earth's territory. Well, now the correct term would be Gaia's territory." It was now Crimson and Diego's turn to be speechless. This brief moment of silence was broken by the human. "¿Estamos en la tierra? ¿Estamos en... mi mundo?" "..." Crimson closed his eyes. The three other ponies were a bit confused by this, but Diego knew that he was deep in thought. "Tenemos mucho de que hablar." dijo Diego. "Nada de esto tiene sentido." "Besides, if this is really Diego's world, then we'll have to see it for ourselves." said Crimson, opening his eyes again. "I'm also curious about what you said about our magic killing humans, considering what my pal can do." "What do you mean with that?" Mike's question was left unanswered, but he would get it very soon. "So. In the meantime, we'll follow you guys to your town, and maybe we can exchange more information. We still have to get this bugbear out of here." said Crimson, and then he focused on the human. "Ready to lift that creature?" "¡Por supuesto! Aunque creo que utilizaré el método sólido que he practicado. Será más fácil así." "If you say so..." replied Crimson. "How is he gonna lift that bugbear? It's impossible!" said Mike. "Believe me: He can. The 'how' will probably blow your mind, too." answered Bright Lapis, who had a look that would suggest she was going to have a headache. And that's when Diego's left hand started to glow again in an orange aura. An aura of unicorn magic. And when they saw how the bugbear was being lifted... "WHAT THE FUCK!?" "Is this what your heart and soul desire?" "..." "I see..." "..." "I have seen your nightmares. It must have been very hard for you. Even now, you are hurt." "..." "I cannot guarantee you success. However, I will give it my all to try to make it true." "..." "If this does work, then I hope to see you again. I would love to speak with you in our castle." "..." "Luna?" "Ah. Sister." Princess Luna. Sovereign of the Night in Equestria. The dreams and nightmares are her domain. She also has the power and duty to lower the moon. In Equestria, that is. Now things are a bit different. It's another world after all. The Equestrian territory is almost the same, but the sun and moon are not. This world has its own day-night cycle. At least that's one less duty for her and her sister, Princess Celestia. This world was also inhabited another species: humanity. It has been a rough and challenging decade for every living being in Equestria, but especially tiring for both Princesses. Until today, there is not a single clue about what was responsible for the gigantic teleportation of their land. There were a lot of problems in these years. Both small and big. But the worst one managed to divide humans and ponies for a while. Equestria's magic. The natural energy from Equestria came with them, but for humans... It was harmful. No, that's putting it lightly. It was deadly, and it was slowly spreading to the new world. A fact they learned in the worst way possible, months after Equestria's arrival. This is what originated the iniciative of the conversion bureaus. Both Princesses didn't like this idea so much, but they were running out of time, and the first humans who volunteered for ponification proved that it works, and are currently living in Equestria. Some humans weren't against the idea simply because they didn't want to die. Other were against it. Some humans accepted this peacefully, and some of them didn't want to become ponies, staying as humans until their last days when Equestria's magic was able to reach their homes. And now, Princess Luna was looking through the window of one of the many corridors of her home: The castle of Canterlot. The view was the same as before, but she knew that some of the ponies down there were former humans. "It's very unusual to see you awake at these hours. Did something happen?" asked Celestia, more curious than worried. "I assure you that is nothing to worry about, sister." was Luna's answer. "I was only reminiscing good memories of years ago." The Princess of the sun approached her sister, getting right next to her. "The first human?" "Yes. I was thinking about him. The young boy who was hurt. Both physically and emotionally. Yet he had such a resolve to stay alive. After I tried to grant his wish... we lost contact." "The dreams are your domain, Luna. I'm sure that you did a good job." "But his dream... he was so far away, sister." said Luna, getting a little worried. "After the many reunions we had, and after talking to him about our home...." Luna lowered her gaze. "He wanted to come to Equestria. He wanted to see me and talk to me in reality. It's been years... what if he-" "Luna. Never underestimate your powers and authority as Princess of the Night and dreams." said Celestia, interrupting her sister. "Until we are proven wrong, I would like to assume that for some reason, he is not able to reach Canterlot. Besides, you told me that the chances of remembering a dream are very low, and you only remember it clearly if you are dreaming again." "I know sister, but it is frustrating to be in the dark for so long. I want to see him. Talk to him." "Don't lose hope Luna." said her sister, who put a wing on her back like she was hugging her. "I'm sure that one day, he will come here." "So... let me get this straight: We are on my pal Diego's planet, that was previously named 'Earth', but now is named 'Gaia', and the whole land of Equestria just randomly and luckily appeared in the middle of this world's ocean." "And that was ten years ago." The unusual group was walking back to a town called 'New Leaf', at least according to Bright Lapis and her friends. Both Nick and Mike are looking at something that they still can't fully believe yet. The human named Diego, who was walking right next to Crimson Starlit, had the bugbear right next to him, and it was being carried in what looked like a giant orange hand. He was using magic. The kind of magic the unicorns from Equestria use, because the human's left hand had the same magical aura the unicorns show when they use magic. "And then it was discovered that Equestria's magic is lethal to humans..." said Crimson, looking a bit confused. "Well, it's hard for me to believe that. I mean, look at him. He's using it." this last bit was said while looking at his human friend. "Sigo pensando que es un chiste de mal gusto." said Diego, completely serious. "Convertirse en poni o morir..." "And that's why that whole 'Conversion Bureau' thing started?" asked Crimson. "Oh yes. These years have been crazy!" said Mike. "At first it was super weird to see colored ponies. Especially if they could fly or do magic! And now look at us! The whole world is a pony now. Well, at least that's what I thought." "But is not this amazing?" asked Nick. "A human that didn't die! And not only that! He can use their magic!" "But how is this possible?" asked Bright Lapis. "Something like this is bound to be known. This is the sort of news that would shake the whole world!" "And we keep telling you that we live in Equestria." said Crimson. "Where?" asked Bright. "I'm originally from Manehattan." "Si no fuera clasificado y te pagaran lo suficiente." said Diego, as if he was teasing her. "Diego, no one will understand your movie references. Especially if it is in spanish." said Crimson. "As for your question Bright, we live in an area like Cloudsdale." "A city in the sky!" said Nick, getting the attention of his friends. "That must be awesome." "That still doesn't explain why this guy is still alive." said Mike, still looking at Diego. "Seriously, it's like a really bad joke." "Y yo pienso que convertirse en ponis para sobrevivir es ridículo." said Diego. "Well... my pal is a bit of a special case." said Crimson, looking at his friend. "He was already in some sort of pain when we found him." "We?" "Oops." Crimson chuckled a bit. "I said too much. The point is that Diego has been in Equestria for many years since then." "Wait. How did Diego end up in Equestria?" "Now that is a great question." answered Crimson. "And I say that because he always gives the same answer." "Tengo una pregunta." Diego approached the three other ponies, holding the same paper from before. "Aquí dicen cosas sobre un grupo con las siglas 'HLF'. Tambien de uno con las siglas 'PER'. En ambos parecen estar reclutando miembros. ¿Que rayos es todo esto?" Since Bright Lapis and her two friends don't know spanish, they focused their gaze on Crimson Starlit. "Sorry, but I didn't undertand anything of that." said the pegasus mare. "Me neither." added Nick. Mike didn't say anything at all. After all, it was the same answer as his friends. "He's asking about two groups with different acronyms. One is 'HLF' and the other is 'PER'. If they were mentioned in that paper about the ponification, then we can't ignore it." "Oh! The first one was a big deal for a few years." said Mike. "HLF stands for 'Human Liberation Front'." "¿Frente de Liberación Humana? Déjame adivinar: Totalmente en contra de la idea de convertirse en ponis." said Diego. "Anti-ponification group, then." added his unicorn friend. "And very violent." said Nick. "They ended up killing so many ponies in the name of their cause..." "Mierda..." said Diego, getting Crimson's attention. "¿Usaron pistolas o escopetas?" "I'm not familiar with those words." said Crimson, a bit worried. Diego focused on Nick. "Did they... use guns or shotguns?" asked the human. "So he can speak english!" said Mike, who was honestly surprised. "Yes, but not too much." said Crimson. "Can you answer his question please?" "Man, it was worse than just guns and shotguns." said the pegasus. "They even had some military stuff. It was a big mess." "Governments from various countries and Equestria itself united together to fight this dangerous threat." said Nick. "And three years ago, the group disbanded. Of course, some individuals are still out there, but they no longer have the resources they previously had." "And what about the other group?" asked Crimson. "To be honest, they are more of a rumor. Their existence was never proven." it was Bright Lapis who answered this time. "PER stands for 'Ponification for Earth's Rebirth." "Ponificación por el Renacimiento de la Tierra... ¿Es en serio?" Diego let out a sigh before looking at the group. "Adivinaré otra vez: A favor de transformarse en ponis." "So... humans that considered ponification a good thing?" said Crimson. "But like, to a religious level." added Mike. "Again, only rumors, but it is said that they stole a large amount of the ponification serum and started to transform humans into ponies left and right." "By Celestia that's horrible..." said Crimson. "Horrible no le hace justicia..." added Diego. "Obligarlos a transformarse solo porque estan obsesionados con una estúpida ideologia..." "Well, no wonder they remain in the dark now. Technically they won." The words that came from Crimson Starlit managed to get Everyone's attention. "Oh. Tienes razón." said Diego, a bit surprised. "Todos los humanos del planeta se convirtieron en ponis. Supongo que al final lograron su cometido. Aún así... me inquieta que no pasen a ser más que un rumor." "Yeah. Me too." added his friend. "If they remained as a rumor, that could mean they are really good at hiding their activities." "It's all in the past now." said Bright. "Equestria's magic spread to the whole planet and every human that didn't convert died." "¿Y que les pasa a los humanos cuando entran en contacto con la magia?" asked Diego. "He is basically asking how our magic harm humans." added Crimson. "Well, there was no way to see it. We only knew that it was slowly expanding across the planet." said Nick. "At a certain distance, it only weakens your body. The closer you get though, the more harmful it is. Humans that were affected by it and managed to survive talked about feeling like there was poison in their bodies. Others describe it as if your body was slowly melting from the inside." "Diego. Do you really feel ok? Nothing hurts? Any kind of weird or unknown sensation?" asked Bright Lapis, focusing on the human. Diego started to look at his body for a few seconds, before looking at the pegasus mare. "Nope. Todo bien y no tengo heridas. ¡De hecho me siento de maravilla!" "(And he's still carrying the bugbear with his 'magic'.)" thought Bright, who almost forgot about it, as if it was natural. "I don't know how everypony is going to react to him." said Mike, a bit worried. "I mean, as far as I know, he is the only human alive." "This situation is far more complex than what I thought." said Crimson, looking at his friend. "What do you want to do Diego?" "Lo primero es dejar a este bugbear donde no pueda atacar a otros ponis." said Diego, who then took a few seconds to think. "Luego de eso, creo que debemos volver a informar de la situación." "Sounds good." said Crimson in approval, and then changed his focus to the other group. "So, we are not in Equestria. Then where are we?" "On a certain island not so far from Australia." was the answer from Nick. "In these years, many things have changed, Diego. You're going to be surprised many times. Starting now, actually! Because this island was not here before." "What, so it just appeared like Equestria?" asked Crimson. "Not exactly. This whole island was previously below in the ocean." continued Nick. "I can't explain in detail, but to sum it up: Equestria's magic has been changing the planet over the years." "¿Y esta isla emergió a la superficie debido a la magia de Equestria?" said Alexander, still trying to process that piece of information. "Que loco." "So, we revealed something big. Now it's your turn." said Mike, focusing on the human. "You say that you were living in Equestria. At this point, I'm inclined to believe you, but... How did you get there?" Diego checked that his magic was grabbing the bugbear properly, then looked at the pony asking the question. "Con un deseo." Nick then looked at the human's friend, waiting for an answer. "His answer was: With a wish." "A wish?" said the trio of friends at the same time. "Told you it was a great question." said Crimson. "Now let's focus on bringing this bugbear to your town."