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by Super Trampoline

This chapter is kinda weird even by the standards of this story, but also one of the few chapters that doesn't include an increasingly dumb joke about making out.

"It occurs to me," Super Trampoline said, "that--"

"I thought this story was in first-person or first-pony perspective or whatever," Twilight said.

Super smiled. "It is! But as a sendup of bad fanfiction, wouldn't it in fact be highly appropriate for it to switch tenses and perspectives sometimes? If I feel really saucy, I can also switch aspect and mood. Not that I've every actually been able to explain how all those verb conjugations work, which as someone who prefers understanding concepts to memorizing stuff, I find very frustrating."

"Nerd!" Gilda said. She does not appear further in this chapter, but I figure Twilight calling me a nerd would be kind of... ironic?

Anyway, if we want to get extra spicy, we could try second-person!:

You are Super Trampoline. You're a loser who lives in Ponyville, or at least pretends to because he's a manchild who holds onto My Little Pony as a security blanket that comforts him as he constantly falls short of his goals, expectations, and potentials in life, doomed to forever--"

"Hey Super?" Pinkie interupted.

"Yes," you reply, morosely.

"Please for the love of Faust, hurry up and get a therapist instead of dealing with your problems through numerous maladaptive coping mechanisms."

"Dang Pinkie, you didn't have to go so hard. You do realize you're the pony I most relate to, right?"

"No duh, but I also have my [yay] together far more than you do. Also, I'm not real."

You, still Super Trampoline, decide that maybe you should switch back to first person or at least third person perspective. This is getting a bit too real. Although to be fair, your first second-person story (

EFeeling That Way
You're drenched in sweat and ennui. She's fighting the enemy, and you're fighting depression. Stuck forever in a nowhere town, you try to rise above inertia, but you only end up feeling useless. You're always feeling that way.
Super Trampoline · 1k words  ·  63  6 · 1.2k views

) is also super depressing and the one that made it into the Royal Canterlot Library, though they censored some of your interview answers because you were being an edgy commie and some of your comments could have been with a very liberal interpretation seen as avocating for violence against those in power like cops and landlords. Boy was that a doozy.

Anyway, to circle back around to the first line of this chapter, it seems to me I can kind of just have random conversations with ponies and it should be fine.

"So, Pinkie," I said, finally in the "correct" perspective again, although that presumes a prescriptivist rather than descriptivist role to language as as long as you, the reader (Not you, the depressed batpony named Super Trampoline), understand who is doing what, as perspective should be about providing clarity, not carving unassailable rules into stone. Shout out to e.e. cummings for being a real G in that department. Anyway, the point is, I can change tenses as much as I want as (wait I keep saying tenses when I mean perspectives, though the same line of thinking can be applied to tenses as well) long as it remains unambiguous who is saying what, unless your goal is ambiguity--looking at you post modernists and James Joyce. Haha remember that time darf parodied James Joyce? I should actually read that one of these days:

Twilight wakes up early and journeys across town for morning coffee.
darf · 5.3k words  ·  201  50 · 4.5k views

Anyway, yeah, I'm going to have a lot more conversations with ponies in the near future. Oh heck just remembered one of my deep cuts was called conversations with ponies or something like that

EPinkie Pie Talks to Ponies
Believe it or not, sometimes Ponyville has normal days. On those days, Pinkie talks to ponies. Because while she might know everypony in Ponyville, does she really know them on a personal level? No? That won't do. So she talks to ponies.
Super Trampoline · 1.9k words  ·  15  1 · 935 views

, but THE MAN aka knighty said that I was over using colored text so all the text is one color now. Gay.

Not as gay as your mom though oooooo gottem! aye ROTFLMFAO