Child of Two Worlds

by Silent Wing

16 Bird of fire x2

"What do you mean that this one is out of reach and now you want us to borrow Dumbledore's Phoenix to do the job," the house-elf asked the owls that just came back from what should be a routine job.
Why the owls couldn't reach that child is beyond him, but he knows better than to question them. Too well-known are the tales of what happened to the last house-elf who made this mistake.
Hoping that the former headmaster is in a better mood than the last few days, he makes his way to the old man's office.

"Philo, I am not in the mood for your usual games, go bother somepony else," the alicorn foal shouts out, annoyed by the fact that the ocursed bird interrupted yet another of his games.
When the bird doesn't stop following the annoyed colt, it almost gets hit by a bolt of magic shot in its direction. He manages to dodge three more spells, all of them being launched faster than the one before. However, try as he might, the fourth tickle curse hits him right into the chest.
Having never experienced something like this before, said bird loses control of his flight, dropping to the ground. Just as he is about to hit the ground, he feels a pair of hooves catching him, being settled on the ground only moments later.
"That's what you get for not heeding my warning and continuing being a pain in my flank." The bird only looks confused at the creature, never having seen it's kind before, desperately hoping that it shows mercy and ends the curse soon.
Still, as much as this creature is making him upset, he could make out something important. Something that may bring his search to an end. That creature knows another of his kind, even a female if he understood it right.
Finally, after five more minutes, the curse comes to an end and he is finally able to control his body again. He is quick to get up again and stand in front of the one that cursed him, stretching out his leg so that it can remove the letter.
"Is that for me," Passion asks after spotting the letter, to which the phoenix nods in reply. "Follow me, Mom definitely wants to have a look at it before I do so much as touch it."
Not having expected this, Phawks simply jumps on the creature's back, unwilling to fly along. Besides that is the easiest way to get back at it for cursing him earlier. "I am sure you want to know why I want to give this letter to my mother first," it asks him before continuing. "Let's just say somepony didn't take it well when I refused to accept the marriage contract that would have basically made me the slave of her three daughters."
It takes them only five minutes to reach his mother's study, where Princess Celestia is currently buried in a stack of forms she has to approve. Spitfire, who caught up with them, is the one to draw her attention away from her work by using one of her feathers to tickle her at the ear. Which is a very sensitive spot of everypony. "Gaaaah," the princess screams in shock, accidently toppling over the stack before turning around, spotting her attacker immediately.
Not getting rid of the evidence soon enough, Spitfire is quickly tackled to the ground. Holding the filly in place, she raises her wings threateningly before going to work.
Both Phawks and his ride watch the unfolding events in amusement, trying and failing not to laugh at what's happening right in front of them. Once Princess Celestia has stopped her attack, she allows the filly to get up before addressing the two foals. "Now, what brings you two troublemakers to me?"
This causes Phawks to fly forwards, stretching out the leg with the letter attached to it, desperate to get this over with. "Phillomena is in my room, just down the hallway. I am certain she would like it, if you put in a visit," she explains while removing the letter, remembering that her phoenix didn't look all too happy recently.
"Hm, it doesn't look like the letter is enchanted in any way," the solar alicorn explains after a thorough examination of it before hoofing it over to her son.

Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall


Dear Prince Passionate Heart,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, please find an enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September, we await your owl no later than 31 July.
Yours Sincerely,
Severus Snape
Deputy Headmaster

"Mom, I think you want to read this," he replies before hoofing it back to her, surprised by the sheer concept of it. Why in Tartarus should he go to a school he has never heard of before? He already goes to the best school in the world, and to top it all, with his mother, Sunset, and Stormy, he already has the best private tutors possible. 
"You think I could go there too," Spitfire, who read the letter over Passion's shoulder asks curiously, wanting to stay close to her best friend. True, there are a few other ponies, like Soarin, or Fleetfoot for example, but her feelings for them are just not the same.
"Would definitely be cool," is said in reply, both foals agreeing on this point. While they are friends since either of them can remember, the opportunities to have fun together are sparse, with Spitfire being in Cloudsdale far too often. Perhaps this could change that.
While reading this, Princess Celestia realizes that the school's seal resembles something she saw in a vision. With only one way to ensure that her guess is correct, she leads the foals into her statue garden, coming to a halt in front of the statue that was the first in her collection. In fact, she only started to collect statues to hide this specific one. "Drop the act Discord, I know you could have freed yourself two or three decades ago."
They wait for a few minutes, but when nothing happens, Princess Celestia threatens the statue with something she never would pull off. If it's because of her morals, or some other reason is something you don't want to find out. "Maybe it's about time I bring your statue in the null stone room of the Royal Treasury, so you may never get the chance to free yourself."
Slowly, small cracks become visible, growing larger with every passing moment. Soon, small parts of stone are falling to the ground, increasing in size and number rapidly until all the stone is on the ground and a creature like no other stands before them. "You would never have done that to me, right? You aren't that cruel." Discord says after freeing himself, his attention fully focused on the pony he used to be friends with so many moons ago.
"No, but I knew that you wouldn't want to find out the hard way if I am bluffing or not." Celestia replies smiling, glad that he seems to be interested in whatever they came to do down here.
Both stay silent for a moment, letting each other's words sink in before Discord speaks up. "Now Celly, what is it you need from me? It must be something very important. If not, you would have never approached me."
Wordlessly Celestia hoofs the Hogwarts letter over to Discord, who himself has a quick look at it before a burning candle appears over his head. A lone drop of wax lands on his head as he snaps his claws.
With a loud pop, a woman similar in height to Princess Celestia, wearing dark green robs and a pointed head appears. While her left hand is empty, she holds a wooden stick in her right. "Headmistress McGonagall, it's so nice of you to join us," Discord addresses the perplexed creature that just appeared out of nowhere.
"Where am I,'' it asks, her attention focused on Discord and Princess Celestia since the two foals are standing only a short distance behind the professor.
"The statue garden of Canterlot Castle, Capital of Equestria in dimension 274ε," Discord replies instantly, sounding extremely bored doing so.
"Are you trying to convince me that I just traveled between dimensions," the headmistress asks skeptically." When Discord confirms this with a simple nod, she can't stop herself from bursting out. "But that goes against every law of magic."
"Oh, it seems I have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Discord, Lord of Chaos. Getting around such laws is as easy for me as deducting house points from a misbehaving student for you. Does anypony want some chocolate milk?"
"I do," the two foals, unseen by the human headmaster reply in unison before racing past her, eager to enjoy such a treat
Not wasting any time, Discord is quick to summon two large glasses and a pink cloud. When he squeezes the cloud, brown liquid comes out of it, quickly filling the glasses to the brim. Once he gave those to the foals, he turns his focus back to the woman. "Are you sure that you don't want any?"
"I don't think chocolate milk will cut it anymore," she replies, desperately wishing for some Firewhisky.
"One bottle of griffin vodka coming right up," he replies before snapping his claws again and giving her a bottle of said drink. "Be careful, it has quite the kick."
"I will keep that in mind," she replies before using her wand to conjure up a shot glass, doubting that drinking directly from the bottle would be a wise choice. She fills and empties the glass in quick succession before addressing the self-proclaimed Lord of Chaos himself. "Now, do you mind telling me why you brought me here? I was in the middle of a job interview."
"Don't worry, that guy wouldn't have lasted a week," Discord reassures her before giving her an envelope. "This one however should at least last for the year."
"I am sorry for the inconvenience Professor McGonagall, but I have a few questions for you," the solar alicorn apologizes, not having expected Discord to act that quickly. In retrospect, she definitely should have seen that one coming. "But first we should go somewhere more private."
"You mean like this," Discord offers as he snaps his claw once more, making the five of them appear in the middle of Princess Celestia's private quarters.
"Maybe a bit too private," Passion offers after a short glance towards the fireplace.
Following his gaze, everypony gasped in surprise when they realized just what he meant. There, in the middle of the fireplace are two phoenixes, one pressing the other to the ground. It is safe to say that everyone knows what these two creatures had been up to. The fact that they somehow manage to blush only enforces what everyone thinks. Finally, after an entire minute it fell to Professor McGonagall to break the awkward silence. "I better inform Albus that Phawks won't be back for a while."
"Nope, I won't stay here any longer," the young prince adds before trotting off towards the closest door, leading them into his room. While it may be a bit smaller than the one they just left, it is still large enough to fit everyone comfortably in.
After she entered the room, Professor McGonagall takes a quick look around, her gaze not managing to go further than 90° as her eyes come to rest on something interesting. A second door. However it isn't the door that is so interesting to her, but the dart board. Or to be more precise, the person whose image is the center of it. "Why is there an image of Lucius Malfoy on the dart board?"
"Spitfire, Passion, I think it is better if you two let  me talk with Professor McGonagall, and Discord alone. Why don't you two foalnap Cadence and prank some nobles," Princess Celestia interjects, not giving her son the opportunity to answer.
It takes her a bit more to convince him and Spitfire to leave his room, but once this is done, she focuses on the others left. In quick words she explains to them the reason behind this, including how she found him more than eleven years ago. When she comes to the visions and what she assumes, Professor McGonagall simply has to stop her. "Princess Celestia, this can't be true. Draco Malfoy vanished only one and a half years ago."
"Actually, it can easily," Discord interrupts them, not allowing the solar alicorn to answer. "The timeliness of these two dimensions haven't been in sync for quite some time. Luckily, this won't be the case for much longer."
Seeing the worry in the human's face, Discord is quick to stop her from complaining. "Currently your dimension only moves faster by a factor of 1.127. Or to put it simply, in Hogwarts only ten more minutes have passed since I brought you here."
"That's a relief. Having missed a few days wouldn't be a good start in my new position. Especially at this time of the year." Professor McGonagall pauses for a moment, switching focus from the draconequus to Princess Celestia. "Now, since you have answered my questions it's only fair that I answer those questions you brought me here for."
That is exactly what is done for the next two hours. The topics range from the general questions about the school, over housing, security, to a permanent mode of travel between Equestria and Hogwarts. In the end it is agreed that with Discord’s help, a portal from Canterlot to the shrieking shack will be established.
While Professor McGonagall agrees to accept a few additional students from Equestria including a few guards, she vehemently refuses to accept an entire division of Royal Guards to be stationed at Hogwarts as "additional safety measures." In the end, she allows her to send a few younger guards to learn new magic, a few older to teach combat magic, being of the opinion that it's better to allow her this, then risk her smuggling some in.

Princess Celestia was looking over the carnage the three ponies and one draconequus had caused. Freeing Discord and then in his presence sending somepony to prank nobles. How could she not have seen that one coming? At least this explains why Discord seemed so distracted.
It is at that moment that she decides that not only her son, Spitfire, and some other ponies will go to Hogwarts, but Discord as well.