//------------------------------// // Happily Ever After // Story: A Tale of Two Mares // by CharmingChaos //------------------------------// Hurray! More cheesy happiness! Anyways, this may be the end, maybe I will add one more chapter before taking a short break. Then, of course, comes the sequel. (Squee) Also, a few of you are bucking idiots. I kinda thought you guys knew I wasn't psychic. If you want me to use your OC next time, you'll have to either 1) Tell me how he/she looks or 2) send me a picture. If you don't even give me a name, then how in Equestria can I use him/her in the story?! Blah, blah, blah, rant, rant, rant. Aside from your utter derpiness, I bucking love you guys. Because you're awesome, and survived like THREE WHOLE MONTHS of this story (most of you, anyways.) Now, on to the story! Oh, yeah. And, the link to the next one is this. The first chapter is up, by the way. Just thought I'd let you know. An hour after the ceremony, Octavia and Vinyl stood side by side next to an enormous blue and white cake (They would like to thank Applejack and Pinkie Pie, who baked it in a team effort, and not thank Rainbow Dash, who burnt the first three tries by simply walking into the kitchen.). Vinyl grasped the knife in her magic, preparing to cut the first slice, but a grey, bracelet-ed hoof severed the telekinetic grip and neatly caught the blade, making Vinyl gasp in concern. "Octy! That's dangerous!" Octavia smirked at her. "Better get used to it, Vin'. But, I just wanted to remind you that we're supposed to do this together." She smiled sweetly. "It's tradition, you know." "Blegh. I keep forgetting you're not a unicorn. All the weddings I've been to, they just both levitate it together." "Well, we're going to have to do this by hoof, because, in case you hadn't noticed, there are no weird, magical stumps bulging out of my forehead." "That's not very nice." Vinyl rubbed her horn. Octavia elbowed her playfully, before leaning over to nuzzle her mane. "I don't have to be nice any more. But I will, anyways, because I love you that much." "Enough sweet-talk, Lovebirds! Just get on with it and cut the cake!" Somepony in the crowd of wedding attendees shouted out. "Alright, alright, hold your horseshoes, we're getting there." Vinyl held up her hooves in an attempt to placate them. She glanced at Octavia before grabbing the extra long hilt of the kitchen knife in her mouth and offering her new wife the other end. Octavia took it with a gentle smile, and they lifted it to make the first cut. Ponies cheered, and Vinyl slid her eyes to look at Octavia, one eyebrow raised quizzically. "Wha?" Octavia spat out the hilt before answering. "I told you before, it's called a tradition. It means that it's something everypony does at weddings. I don't know, it's just a part of the celebration." Vinyl levitated the knife again, and winked at Octavia. "I'll take it from here." "I think Applejack was going to do tha - " Octavia started, but Vinyl had already diced the huge tower of pastry and distributed it onto a pile of plastic plates, now spread over the table. A'ight, everypony. Come and get it!" Vinyl shouted enthusiastically. Octavia rolled her eyes, earning a quizzical look. "What? they're supposed to eat it, right? Or is it tradition to let this delicious-looking thing rot?" "Of course not. But the servers will bring it to the tables. You don't have to yell like that." "Oh. Well, you could have told me that. Hey, where's the Tamby-Cat?" "With Rustle and her coltfriend, Cream of Wheat, or something. They're sitting over there. But I think Rustle is gonna take her to bed soon." "Aw, she's gonna miss the cake. Can we save her some?" "Of course. Did you think we wouldn't? Seriously, Vinyl, that's just mean." "My thoughts exactly. But shouldn't we tell Rarity? She's gonna be the one taking care of her." oOo "Hello-o! Is this thing on yet? Bright Lights, how do I turn on the - Oh, nevermind. It's already on. Nevermind!" Pinkie Pie's voice crackled over the speakers. "Anyways, it's the time you've all been waiting for. Pretty soon you can all shake your flanks along with them, but now it's time for the bride and groo - oops! I'm such a silly filly, bride and bride. Vinyl isn't a colt, at least I don't think so. Now, wouldn't that be funny? I thi - oh, no, I'm getting all muddledy-mixty-upty now. But what I meant to say is that it's time for our favourite musical newlyweds to start of the dance party! Come on, girls, get out here where we can see you!" Vinyl dragged Octavia to the middle of the floor, clamping her mouth around Octavia's curled mane in her hurry. "Well, there they are, finally. Here's a song hoofpicked by Octy her very own self. Let's roll it!" Octavia and Vinyl assumed an upright position as the first notes began playing, leaning on each other for support. From that moment forward, everypony else disappeared, at least in their eyes. Octavia closed her eyes and rested her head on Vinyl's shoulder, losing herself to swaying to the slow beat of the song. It felt like an eternity before the other ponies joined. As the song ended, Octavia swept Vinyl into a passionate kiss before letting her go. The white mare gave her an odd look. "How the hay do you manage to stand up like that all through your concerts? My legs hurt already." Octavia grinned at her. "I told you I was tougher." "You're mean." "You're my wife. So you have to deal. Ha." Octavia gave her another quick kiss before stepping away slightly. "I have to catch up with a few old friends. Why don't you mingle. You have way more guests then I do." "Okay, but Octy?" "What?" "I love you." Octavia was about to reply, but Vinyl wasn't finished. "Can I go up with Pinkie and DJ? I feel weird just standing here with somepony else controlling the music." "No, you have to let Pinkie do that tonight. There's Byte and Blinding Lights over there, go talk to them. I have to catch up with Harpo and Concerto. Oh, and Cantata. Celestia, I haven't seen her in an age. Anyways, I'm going to go be social. You can come with me, or talk to your un musty-old-classical friends. But if I catch you in the DJ's, whatever-it-is, I'll go up there and whip your flank, okay?" Vinyl grinned lopsidedly. "That would be hot. But okay, I won't, be home ten o'clock, blah, blah, blah. You're acting like my mom. I'm gonna hit the bar, I think I see Firestar and Cherry Bomb over there." Octavia left her wife with a final grin, and walked over to her old symphony friends, who stood in a tight circle. They were all together, except Concert A, who was nose to nose with a mare Octavia didn't know, probably his marefriend. Vinyl had said everypony was allowed to bring extra guests, after all. The group of musicians cheered slightly as Octavia entered the circle, plucking a glass of champagne from a nearby server. "Well, here's the little bride! Nice to see you, Octopus!" Harpo clapped her on the back in a coltly fashion, as though congratulating the groom. "Be quiet, Plinky. I'll just get my wife to beat you up, now." Octavia shot back playfully, using an old, teasing nickname. "She's tough, at least in her own pretty little head." "Hey, hey, hey, I thought I told you not to call me that!" "Well, we had an agreement. I believe you weren't to call me Octopus in order for that to be valid." "Valid, shmalid. I have every right now - hey, Canty, what was that for?!" Harpo flinched in mock fear as the pink and orange unicorn mare hit his shoulder. "Don't tease the bride, Harps. She does have a big, scary, DJ on her side. We classies are supposed to be scared of the modern stuff, aren't we?" Cantata chided her friend, earning a grateful glance from Octavia. "Aw, you're no fun, Canty. Where's your sense of humour?" Harpo complained. Intermezzo shoved his was into the group, a thoroughly inebriated Fermata leaning on his shoulder. Hello, Octavia. Congratulations on marrying one of the scum of the music world. She seems fantastic, we were just talking to her." Octavia nodded. "She's... something else, I guess you could say." "Hah. Otcavia, good to sssee you agayn. Hehe, I have a old Inglish. 'Nywaysh, conchagrulationsh, of whatever. You're married nows, right?" Fermata hugged Octavia clumsily, bringing a hot blush to her sober coltfriend's cheeks. Intermezzo apologized profusely, but Octavia just laughed it off, gently setting her old friend on her hooves again. "Don't worry, 'Mezzo. She's allowed to have fun. I just hope you'll be taking her home. I doubt she could get there herself." "Oh, we've moved in together, so no worries. She'll be fine," Intermezzo assured her, his dark blue mane swishing in front of his face, reminding Octavia of the colt she had met when she was in her first music class. 'Mezzo was a shy little colt, sitting in the back, and Octavia was officially branded as "the snob," because of her parents' money. Naturally, she had - well, actually she was rather scornful of him at first, but that's another story. "Well, I'm going to go mingle, and then I'll check on my bride. If I know her at all, she's in a similar state to Fermata, and in that DJ's booth-thingie with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. I swore I'd kick her flank if I caught her there." oOo Some time later, after meeting most of the poies she didn't know, and talking to all of her old friends, Octavia shouldered through the ponies around the speakers, onto the stage, where, sure enough, she found three predictably intoxicated ponies in command. Vinyl Scratch lurched erratically over to her, draping herself around Octavia's neck and nibbling on her ear. Octavia flicked said ear, watching in satisfaction as the white mare shook her head in confusion. "Wha' was that fer, Otky? Iss arr wedding day, for sake's Celestia." "Whooo, time to Part-ay, ponies!" Pinkie shrieked into the microphone. Rainbow Dash grabbed it from her in an attempt at dominance, and the two collapsed on the behind the record table with a dull thud. Vinyl looked over at the tussling couple with a gleeful expression. "Ooh, sex! We should totally do that again, Ovtakia." 'Ovtakia' found herself tackled by an alcohol-scented Vinyl, who tried vainly to push her to the floor. The grey mare hauled her wife up from where she had collapsed on the floor, hooves waving aimlessly above her, and dragged her down from the little stage, searching the crowd for Twilight Sparkle. She hurried over to where the purple pony was talking to Rarity and a few of Octavia's old friends, as well as a spiky, green-haired creature who Octavia assumed knew Vinyl. "Hey, Twilight, can you do me a favour?" The unicorn excused herself from the conversation to answer Octavia. "What's wrong? Did you find something wrong with the preparations?" Octavia shook her head and gestured at her companion. "Everything's perfect. But do you have any suggestions for her?" "Well, considering it's your wedding night, I don't think anypony will see if you leave. It's already..." She glanced at a watch concealed in her necklace. "Gosh, it's already two AM. Yeah, most newlywed couples are eager to get to the bedroom after their wedding. I don't think anypony would even notice at this point." "I figured. But she's terribly drunk. Is there anything you can do? I want her to be at least conscious when we get to the hotel." "Fresh air should help a bit," Twilight suggested. "I brought some more of that hangover stuff, too. No offense, but this was pretty predictable. Rarity has it in her purse, I'll get it." A little white packet floated over to Octavia, who caught it neatly and shoved it into the waistband of her dress. "Thanks. We'll take our leave now, I guess. Cover us?" The lavender mare nodded, and Octavia half-carried her mate out into the courtyard, where the white mare sat down heavily, shaking her head. "Di' we miss the recession, Octy?" she asked, souding confused. Octavia shook her head gently, rubbing Vinyl's back with a hoof. She felt the other mare lean into the hoof on her back, not unlike a cat, and she moved closer to nuzzle her mane. "No, it's kind of over. Do you feel alright?" Vinyl thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No. I got a tummy ache," she said pathetically. Octavia shook her head. "How much did you drink, you crazy thing?" "I dunno. A hundred, maybe? A thousan'. Prolly a million," she said remorsefully, holding her stomach. "A million what?" Octavia suspected that the severe intake of alcohol was making Vinyl act foalish, as it usually did. "A million everything," Vinyl said sadly, proving Octavia's suspicions. "That's impossible. Would you like to go back to the hotel now?" "Is it gonna have a bed?" Octavia giggled, making a note to tell Vinyl that she said that the next morning. "Of course it is. It's a big, fancy bed, too, because it's the honeymoon suite." "Do we get any honey for our honeymoon sweet?" Vinyl looked confused. "You've never been this ditzy drunk before," Octavia muttered. "I don't think so. Why would we get honey?" "Because it's a honeymoon, duh." "Oh. Heh. Of course, makes perfect sense." Octavia giggled. "You know what, Vinyl Scratch?" "What?" Vinyl looked up at her from where she had lay down on the ground. "Did you get me some honey?" "No, sorry." Octavia pulled Vinyl up into a hug. "I just really, really, love you. Even if you're as crazy as they get." "Oh. Oh, well." Vinyl licked Octavia's cheek affectionately, and for once the grey mare got the feeling it wasn't because she was trying to be sexy. It was a foalish, but definitely a sincere show of affection, not for anypony else's impression. "I love you too, Octy. Can we go and get some honey and moons from the hotel now?" Octavia nodded. "Of course, Vin'. Let's get those moons!"