//------------------------------// // Entry 20 - I Don't Wanna Go // Story: A Very Happy and Sunny Life // by Wearin Hat //------------------------------// Dear Mr. Ipsa,     I don’t wanna go.     I don’t wanna leave you.     I don’t wanna go back.     They won’t let me stay though.     I don’t wanna do this, but everypony is telling me that it’s what I have to do.  Ms. Belle, Ms. Sparkle, and Ms. Cheerilee won’t tell Mommy and Daddy to let me stay.  Not even when I begged them! They keep telling me it’s for the best.     I don’t know about that, though.     Living with you has been the greatest!  At first, I was really scared...but that’s not true anymore.  Far from it!     I love you, Mr. Ipsa!     But I guess that doesn’t matter to Mommy and Daddy...     I never told anypony who I am because of what you said to Ms. Sparkle.  Remember when you told her that I needed to be back with my family and that you would take me back when I told you where I came from?  I was so scared. I didn’t wanna go back. Mommy and Daddy are always fighting and I didn’t wanna go back. I wanted to stay with you.     I still wanna stay with you.     You don’t fight with anypony...a whole lot...well...at least it’s not on purpose...mostly.  You’ve been really quiet...kinda...but you really care! I know you haven’t enjoyed me staying with you, but I have!!!     Today, Ms. Sparkle showed up at Ms. Belle’s and told me that Mommy and Daddy were waiting on me back at the library.  I didn’t wanna go with her. I like living with you better. Mommy and Daddy don’t want me going to school. I’ll lose my friends I’ve made if I go with them.     I don’t wanna go.     I want to stay with you, but Ms. Sparkle didn’t pay attention when I wrote her a note saying so.     Mommy and Daddy wanna thank you for looking after me.  They’re really mad at me for running away. They’re happy you saved me, though!     I don’t wanna go.     I like you better than Mommy and Daddy.  Mommy always worries that it’s too dangerous for a filly who can’t talk to run around town and Daddy always agrees with her...unless it’s a fight...then he never agrees with her.  They make me stay at home while some old pony named Mr. Notebook comes to teach me. You let me have friends. You let me go to a real school.     I don’t wanna go home.     I’ve been super-duper sad that I’ve not been able to talk to Mr. Booky until now.  You were always writing in him and I never got to say hi. I’m really glad to finally be able to talk to him, but I’m really sad that I have to say goodbye at the same time.  I don’t know how to say goodbye to Mr. Carty and I’m super-duper sad that I won’t be able to do more than wave.     I don’t wanna go.     Ms. Sparkle let Mommy and Daddy into your house to get my things.  I hope you don’t get mad that they did. Daddy doesn’t like the bowties you bought for me, but I won’t ever take mine off!     I don’t wanna go.     I wanna stay here with you.     I wanna go to school with you.     I wanna ride around in Mr. Carty and eat muffins.     I wanna hear you sing me to sleep every night.     I don’t wanna go.     But I can’t stay.  Mommy and Daddy won’t let me.     I won’t get rid of anything.  I’ll keep the bowties, the saddlebag, and the blanket you gave me.     They want me to go by my real name, but I don’t!  I don’t like the name Shimmer Shade anymore!     I can’t say no to Mommy and Daddy, though.  They won’t call me V. Not even Ms. Sparkle, Ms. Belle, or Ms. Cheerilee will call me V anymore.     You’ll still call me V, right?     I want you to come by and visit me.  I don’t like Mommy and Daddy.     Bring Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Dinky, Mr. Booky, and even Mr. Carty!  We can all have fun together!     Goodbye, Mr. Booky.     Goodbye, Mr. Ipsa     Love,     V